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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I find it fascinating that someone considers anything I say about his attitude a blatant attack' date=' especially when I cut back on the vitrol and actually expressed sympathy.[/quote']


Give it a rest, Doug. Your "sympathy" was so friggin' back-handed even I winced and I don't even like the guy. Just let it go.


But hey, some people feel the need to play wounded victim 24/7.


You mean like this?

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Give it a rest, Doug. Your "sympathy" was so friggin' back-handed even I winced and I don't even like the guy. Just let it go.




You mean like this?

Yeah. Kettle black mode for me.


I own it.


Don't want it... but I own it.


I hate seeing people make the same mistakes I do, though.


Hypocrisy killer is an apt title for you, man.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The behavior of certain people on the boards were getting me angry to the point that my blood pressure had increased dramatically, so I took some time off. I needed the break, so I took it.


At this time, I'm cool with pretty much everything, except for the fact that one certain person is still badmouthing me whenever and wherever he sees the opportunity, and all anyone else has ever said or done about it is waggle their fingers and say "That's not nice."


Me, I get lectured. Him? He gets an knowing wink.


Said person had to leave the boards more than once after going over the top with that behavior.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I respect Halle again...


Razz-Berry: Every year, the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation hosts an anti-award show a night before the Oscars, where trophies for the year's worst performances are handed out. In a feat of incredible humility, Halle Berry actually showed up Saturday to accept her Worst Actress Award for Catwoman, and delighted the crowd by reprising her tearful 2002 acceptance speech for her winning role in Monster's Ball (she brought that Oscar with her to the Razzies). Berry ended by earnestly thanking Warner Bros "for casting me in this piece of [expletive]." Ms. Berry, TP salutes you!


I do indeed respect her for accepting the award. Like Tom Green. :D


Bonus points for the pic.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I do indeed respect her for accepting the award. Like Tom Green. :D


Bonus points for the pic.



I respect her for accepting the award. I still do not respect her as an actor, but it did take a lot of guts to accept a Razzie and even join in with some self-mocking.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Today I became an eBay seller. Methinks I see no small amount of space opening up in my closets.


Congrats Dave. Send me an e-mail if you need any help with anything eBay related. Did you also get a Paypal account to go with it?



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Congrats Dave. Send me an e-mail if you need any help with anything eBay related. Did you also get a Paypal account to go with it?



I've had a PayPal account for a while now. I just never sat down to try and hammer out descriptions, shipping costs, etc. I only put five items up, but we'll see how I do. If that goes well I think I could get rid of bunches o' things.


I appreciate the offer, too.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Said person had to leave the boards more than once after going over the top with that behavior.



I own up to it.


I'm not proud of being an asshat.


I just know I am.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


One of life's dreadful little ironies is that the person who could have defused the situation never existed and as a result rammed a stake through the hearts of both posters.


In the words of Metallica. Sad but True.


Then again the odd thing is that after Doppler upset Worldmaker and then posted something else as a thread which Worldmaker would usually have tackled, it was Mentor and Trebaucher who had a go at him. Fate makes strange bedfellows.

Fate makes

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I've had a PayPal account for a while now. I just never sat down to try and hammer out descriptions, shipping costs, etc. I only put five items up, but we'll see how I do. If that goes well I think I could get rid of bunches o' things.


I appreciate the offer, too.

Take advantage of the USPS free boxes. You can order a set from them.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That is what I have been saying all along...


Hale Berry is a top-notch actor; she just needs to be pickier in which roles she will act.


She's top notch in the roles that she cares about (like Monsters' Ball, and the Dorothy Daindridge bio, which she produced). In most of her Hollywood roles she's just 'there.'



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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Between the eye-catching design on my sweater and flattering undergarments, I'm having a hard time making and maintaining eye contact with the guys at work.


I should probably be less amused about how easily distracted they are. ^ v ^


Oh, you tease. I have to buy you a webcam, Alice. :love:

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


One of life's dreadful little ironies is that the person who could have defused the situation never existed and as a result rammed a stake through the hearts of both posters.


In the words of Metallica. Sad but True.


Then again the odd thing is that after Doppler upset Worldmaker and then posted something else as a thread which Worldmaker would usually have tackled, it was Mentor and Trebaucher who had a go at him. Fate makes strange bedfellows.

Fate makes

Yes. Thank you, Fred.


Luckily, while Rachel's bat was only figurative, the bat I have for you, phony lesbo, is going to be all too real, and inserted into your kidney through your urethra.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


What makes you think I'd use it? ^ v ^


Other than to turn on at random intervals to give a brief tease, anyway . . .

Because you love to tease us.




And your rep would surpass Zornwil's. ;)

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