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Your father is WHO?!


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This thread was originally inspired by my reading through Arcane Adversaries, specifically the write-up for Adrian Vandaleur. Now, knowing he has an eye for the ladies, I was wondering what sort of child would be produced with him getting together with another immortal, such as Cateran from CKC. After all, she's been around for over 350 years, so perhaps they bumped into each other somewhere in the world.


However, I started to think about other possible parentages out there. For example, does Dr. Destroyer have any children? The man's been around for decades, and he's likely had a few mistresses in that time. Would he want to kill any children of his, so they could never threaten him? Use them as pawns in his plans? If they showed great talent, would he treat them as his heir apparent?


Or Menton. He picks up and discards beautiful women like they were kleenex. So he probably has more than one child out there in the world.


So what sort of surprising father (or mother) figures have been used in other campaigns?

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


My first impression is that Dr. D is "beyond the need" for mere physical intimacy. Older, wiser, smarter, women's wiles would hold little interest for him and would only distract him from his ultimate goal. On the other hand, he is a power monger with the desperate need to exert that power, and sexual dominance is one of the classic power plays. That being said, he would never be so casual as to allow a mere woman to bear his child. If his kids aren't created in a lab, then the woman has been chosen specifically from a long list of possible candidates and informed that she would have "the honor" of carrying his progeny...or else. (The laboratory thing helps the campaign idea, though, because some of his donation could have been smuggled out, I suppose...)

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


I had a player once who's character was the love child of Shamrock and Scorpia (back in 4th Ed). The guy was a brick/mentalist mutant named Dominator.


We have had several characters who were the children of characters from previous campaigns throughout the years. In the course of our earliest (3rd - 4th Editions) and longest running campaign one character named Pulsar died of radiation poisoning (from the accident that had given him his powers in the first place) and his twin mutant sons became superhuman rivals Flashburn and Betastar. Many of the other heroes on Flashburn's team had babysat he and his brother as adolescents. It made Betastar a particularly difficult Villain for those who had helped raise him.


In that same campaign, several heroes turned villain (a common practice of that campaign's GM when a player tired of a character for no good reason) but none more memorably than the team gadgeteer Porcupine (think Beast with Quills instead of blue fur). He betrayed the whole team by delivering them into a Dr. Destroyer trap and exposed years of secrets and agendas that still effect characters in the campaign world ten (real) years and 2 Editions of Champions later).

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Re: Your father is WHO?!



Well, the pairing of Firewing and Viperia was certainly an interesting notion. It's kind of funny to think of the arrogant Firewing as Viperia's boytoy, since she could pretty much bounce him around the planet with one hand tied behind her back. :)

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


I've designed and played multiple Legacy characters, and my players have run ome, but not normally from the Champs universe (with one exception). My favorite magician character (Style) is the son of the WWII era Doc Emerald, a hero driven mad by the power of the Emerald Crown (think WWII Green Lantern meets Doctor Fate).


My wife has played the daughter of one of the Sylvestris and an Edomite Horror, and I've been trying to get her to play the daughter of Superman and Wonder Woman (A-ko). ;)

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


Any legacies in my game are legacies of campaign specific characters, not ones out of the official books.


Only exception I can recall is that the characters in my first campaign somehow accidentally overdid it and killed Annihilator (who I think was from the Great Supervillain Contest? Can't recall actually). So I made a legacy villain; His daughter, who showed up with his gear looking for revenge.

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


Well' date=' the pairing of Firewing and Viperia was certainly an interesting notion. It's kind of funny to think of the arrogant Firewing as Viperia's boytoy, since she could pretty much bounce him around the planet with one hand tied behind her back. :)[/quote']


Hmm. You sure about that? Sure she can absorb heat attacks but it doesn't affect the stun loss from that shot and a 20d EB is pretty painful when you have 32 ED and he's got a great OCV too. Her Fire dispel isn't strong enough to turn off his powers either. I'd say he's got a great chance to KO her.

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


Ah, you know how it is. First Mom knocks Dad through the building, then he incinerates her Quilting Club, then she "turned" his poker buddies... Standard domestic dispute escalation.



Figure any kid of their's needs super-hefty defenses? Probably Desolid...

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


Not exactly a supervillain, but my character Warp's father is Franklin Stone, CEO and President of ACI, and from what I've heard the Champions Universe's analog to Lex Luthor* (I have not looked at his GM's vault info so I have no idea just how close he comes).




*Post Crisis, Pre-Superman/Batman Lex Luthor. Jeff, I beg you, whatever your plans please do not have him go insane, inject Kelverite into his veins, and don power armor to go fight Horus-Re! :fear:

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


My wife has played the daughter of one of the Sylvestris and an Edomite Horror' date=' and I've been trying to get her to play the daughter of Superman and Wonder Woman (A-ko). ;)[/quote']


She going to be hunted by the daughter of Lex Luthor? Y'know, the one who wears the black suit of power armor with a nigh-infinite supply of micro-missiles? :snicker:

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


If you're refering to who I think you are' date=' I've heard she's actually the daughter of Tony Stark.[/quote']


Come to think of it... Dad (as seen in the second movie) does look a lot like Tony Stark.... :stupid:


Funny thing, I ended updoing this in my old Champs game. One of the PCs was the daughter of another PC. She was fast, strong, tough, and so on. So I had the resident mad scientist clone himself and end up with a daughter. She wore the black power armor and had the missile launcher. Somewhere along the line, we blew up the CompUSA where I worked.


Great fun.

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Re: Your father is WHO?!


Technically, there are 6.


Project A-ko

Project A-ko 2: Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group

Project A-ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody

Project A-ko 4: Final


and the unrelated series of:

Project A-ko Versus Battle 1: Grey Side

Project A-ko Versus Battle 2: Blue Side


Stick with Project: A-ko. It's the best by far.

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