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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


Dues Ex Machina Man! With the power to stop evil in it's tracks by having something totally unlikely happen!


Uh, that's all of them.


NT: More subtle signs that you're Superman and don't know it.


You don't understand why people get so uptight about public nudity. It's not like their clothes are really concealing anything anyway....


New Topic: Bumper stickers on the cars of superheroes in their Secret ID. (Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Clark Kent, etc.)

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


New Topic: Bumper stickers on the cars of superheroes in their Secret ID. (Bruce Wayne' date=' Tony Stark, Clark Kent, etc.)[/quote']


Barry Allen: "My car doesn't drive as fast as I can run."


NT: Embarrassing things that cause superhero/supervillain deaths. Sort of an example from yesterday's Science: They have a fossil that suggests the (indirect) cause of death for a fossil pliosaur was arthritis in its left jaw hinge.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Embarrassing things that cause superhero/supervillain deaths. Sort of an example from yesterday's Science: They have a fossil that suggests the (indirect) cause of death for a fossil pliosaur was arthritis in its left jaw hinge.
Forgetfulness. "Oh, crap, I forgot I can't fly!"
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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Embarrassing things that cause superhero/supervillain deaths.


"And in hero news, the Blue Flash, known as the Fastest Man in the Tri-State Area, died today. According to the county coroner, Blue Flash did not have his mouth closed while he was running at approximately 60 mph down I-492, and he accidentally choked on a wasp that got sucked into BF's mouth and down his throat."


NT: Really stupid or poorly thought-out superhero/supervillain catch phrases.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


"And in hero news, the Blue Flash, known as the Fastest Man in the Tri-State Area, died today. According to the county coroner, Blue Flash did not have his mouth closed while he was running at approximately 60 mph down I-492, and he accidentally choked on a wasp that got sucked into BF's mouth and down his throat."


NT: Really stupid or poorly thought-out superhero/supervillain catch phrases.

"Somebody stool my pencil in ninth grade! And now YOU'LL ALL PAY!"

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: What Mom will do to you when she finds out you've become a supervillain.


"Oh, you can take over the world and exterminate your enemies, but can you call your mother once a week? Oh, no, your mother isn't important enough to be told anything about your life. And you never come visit! We'd really like to see our son at least once a month. How are you doing finding a nice young woman, by the way? My friend Sylvia's daughter is charming and bright, perhaps you'd like to meet her? I'm sure she'll make time in her busy schedule for you..."

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Reasons I should give my Parents for abstaining from voting indefinitely:


"You realize they're tracking how people vote now, right? And the Republicans will flatline your credit rating if you don't vote for them, and the Democrats will initiate an investigation for civil rights violations if you don't vote for them, and the Libertarians will put your name and address on all the gay porn spam lists whether you vote for them or not. So just don't vote at all; it's the only way to be safe."


NT: Really, really really bad concepts for genetically modified food plants.

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Really' date=' really [i']really[/i] bad concepts for genetically modified food plants.


"These genetically-modified soybeans produce Olestra spontaneously! Everyone loves Olestra, right?"


New Topic: Roses are red, violets are blue....

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Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


NT: Subtle signs you're taking your talk to your kid about "the birds and the bees" a little bit too literally.


"It seems that bees came along late in evolutionary history, evolving from wasps and appearing in the early Cretaceous, while birds came earlier, diverging from dinosaurs in the Jurassic. That is not to say, of course, that bees came from birds, oh no, that would be a logical fallacy. Rather, the bees seem to have evolved with the flowering plants in the Cretaceous, and while their ancestors the wasps were predators, the bees specialized as nectar and pollen eaters, and became important pollinators among some types of flowering plants...."


NT: Bad times to lapse into lecture mode about one of your favorite subjects.

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