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Pregnancy and combat


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Re: Pregnancy and combat


This thread makes me think of the time when Saturn Girl (of Legion of Superheroes fame) went into labor while fighting the fourth incarnation of the Legion of Supervillains. She was all but outright incapacitated by the pain. One of the villains, I think Tyr (don't hold me to that), was about to kill her. I think it was one of her teammates that saved her bacon.

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


Guys, come on, touchy subject, strong opinions, hopefully no harm actually meant, let's kiss and make up, eh? :cheers: (oops - shouldn't be drinking beer when pregnant: what WAS I thinking?)


FWIW I reckon you could play the character straight or you could play the character with penalties. I would not take the decision to model reality - unless the PCs had fought the character when not pregnant they'd have no idea what her abilities are then anyway - but in terms of the game: do I want Ms Edwards to beat them, and if not, how much of a struggle do I want her to be able to put up? Then I'd model the character and call her pregnant. :)

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


My wife is 7 months pregnant. I don't see what the hassle is with having someone who is in game to be honest, a pretty normal state of affairs as far as I can see...I've not had it come up in game yet but it might, it just might.


We have violence, drugs, death, handicapped heroes & wheelchair detectives come up regularly in game... hell I've even ran a cannibal scenario for a fantasy campaign, why not a pregnancy?

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


My wife is 7 months pregnant. I don't see what the hassle is with having someone who is in game to be honest, a pretty normal state of affairs as far as I can see...I've not had it come up in game yet but it might, it just might.


We have violence, drugs, death, handicapped heroes & wheelchair detectives come up regularly in game... hell I've even ran a cannibal scenario for a fantasy campaign, why not a pregnancy?


Society is far more afraid of sex than violence: look at the ratings on any movie! :)

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


Actually, I was offended that anyone would feel the need to make such adjustments in a game. I actually couldn't believe I was reading a request for it on the gaming boards. Rules for pregnancy (?!?) are petty and inappropriate for a game. Any game.


But I suppose I can give you the benefit of the doubt and perhaps it is all in innocence. Let me remind you that what you are asking for is about as ridiculous as making rules for eating, using the bathroom and having sex. It is unimportant/unnecessary for a game. That was my point. I am glad that my post caught your attention... I don't know your age or gaming experience but I hope you realize there are people who come to these boards and what they see shapes their views and opinions of the Hero system in general. It is up to us regular posters to make the game system fun, interesting and clean. I hope you understand what I'm saying. Pregnancy rules? What a turn off.


Finally, if you start a thread, expect some opposing views now and then. It is an open forum.


Holy over-reaction, Batman. :rolleyes:


(just my opposing view)

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Re: Pregnancy and combat




It's hard to believe that with games involving death, dismemberment and disfigurement, topics currently involving instantly killing your opponent, snapping the necks of unsuspecting victims and so on, that something as pure and natural as pregnancy could rile up anyone.


That being said... I think WhammeWhamme has made the best suggestion so far. Just tack on the Disad (worth 0 point if acquired during play, goes away automatically at the appropriate time) and have the character make whatever Characteristic Roll you deem necessary for any given task, and automatically slow them down when appropriate (like when getting out of a chair). If the character is someone who is physically exceptional, have them do things that are physically exception, for a pregnant woman. Maybe no back flips and sommersaults, but a sudden sprint across the room or even an unexpected legsweep wouldn't be out of the question.

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


Being the mother of a 9 1/2 month old...


Standing up from sitting on the floor was not a fun thing to do. I didn't sit on the floor a lot as a result. Sometimes even walking was difficult. You tend to lose some of the strength in your stomach muscles since you have difficulty using them, especially in the third trimester.


I already had back problems. This was made slightly worse from the pregnancy.


Your center of gravity shifts, and this is very hard to adjust for, and that affects your balance. Sharp changes in direction can make you wobbly.


Size of the unborn child is also something to take into account. Mine was born 5 1/2 weeks early and weighed in at 5 pounds, 14 ounces and 19 inches long. He was also very active in the womb (and that hasn't stopped). A kick from baby in the middle of the fight can cause a little jumpiness.


FWIW: I don't mind the thread at all and think it has great bearing on combat, especially since, being a pregnant mom-to-be, she will fight like a hellcat to save her baby. This, too, should be taken into consideration. If anyone dared to try and attack me while I was preggy, I would have tried to drop a car on them. :bmk:

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


As the father of a 3 month old I can say without reservation that being pregnant adds the following to a character:


Power: Shapechange- retain water like a sponge.

Psy Lim- Very common, Strong- shreik at husband for no reason.

Dependence: Air conditioner on High or above psy lim becomes Total instead of strong.

New movement power: Waddle, 3-4 inches on average.

Physical Limitation: Must pee every minute and a half, on average.

Social Limitation: Complete strangers give parenting advice and want to touch your stomach.

Enraged: Set off by pretty much anything the husband does.


Any disadvantages to combat values would be offset by the new Power: Gaze of Doom, where the pregnant mom stares with withering despite at her loving husband, more or less affecting him with all the mental attack powers at once.


Then the baby arrives, and you trade in the above for physical limitation: Never sleep again, but that is another story.


But, I will say, the baby is about as cute as cute gets.


The Hyborian


As a father of a 4 year old I agree 100%, I drove from SE Arizona to Central California with a 7-8 month pregnant wife and a 3 mo old puppy, it was not possible to pass a rest stop without stopping to pee (if it wasn't her it was the puppy, usually both). In my case the shriek at husband for no reason was replaced with get feelings hurt for no apparent reason.


I can't believe somebody was offended by any of this and I wonder if Mag has ever been pregnant or around somebody who was, the last month or two my wife was definately impacted by her condition, on the other hand it didn't keep her from climbing trees, in fact she fell out of a tree the day she went into labor (which probably also explains alot about my son :) )

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


I like the encumberance option, myself, though to account for the balance issue, you might double the penalty from the table.


You might allow a Croft-esque character to run full speed, but add a turn mode. Sudden changes of direction are hard with any unbalanced load. Threw my back out walking up the stairs last year with a dresser on my shoulder b/c the weight shifted. (If the kid's as heavy as a dresser, she has serious problems, though.)




Oh, it's probably obvious but you definately shouldn't be rolling for miscarriages or going into labor. That should all happen when/if it's dramatically appropriate.

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


What sort of Dex and CV modifiers would you suggest for a healthy' date=' athletic woman in late term pregancy (7-9th month, normal sized child)?[/quote']

Hmm...I would probably treat it as a form of Encumbrance if the situation ever came up -- using the extra weight above the woman's normal non-pregnant state to determine how encumbered she would be. This would also give a fair idea of LTE loss.

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


a religious cult that's decided her unborn child is "The Chosen One".



"a-ah-ah-a-ah-ah-ah-I want the kniiiife..."



This moment of inanity brought to you by Ulryk® maker of the Dina Meyer Boob thread. Low-browing threads one post at a time™

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


... touchy subject....


See, that's the part that I find both weird and disturbing. Pregnancy, in and of itself, isn't a touchy subject. At all.


The whole situation reminds me of a friend of mine who has a near-psychotic reaction to the presence of marshmallow peeps in that something normal and innocent and perfectly appropriate gets howled at without demonstrable reason.


-- Ehreval

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


What sort of Dex and CV modifiers would you suggest for a healthy' date=' athletic woman in late term pregancy (7-9th month, normal sized child)?[/quote']


EDIT: OMFG!!! Ok since it does apparently need to be stated specifically... this was a humorous post, or at least an attempt at one!!! I honestly had not thought anyone could take this post seriously and the best hop i had was to get further expansions on pregnancy write ups, as hatherine did.. i was clearly mistaken.


Well before we answer that we ned to know more about the baby, so we can accurately point out the pregnancy power...


Summon baby (cp?? depends on whether its going to be a super baby or not)


add advantages for:

1. friendly to summoner

2. remains around after summoning is done.


add limitations for:

1. gestures required to activate (intercourse)

2. extra time requires to activate (at least 1 minute, more if she was lucky.)

3. concentration, distracted during summoning, somewhat distracted 1/2 dcv (she hopes) or even fully distracted 0 dcv (again, if she's lucky)

3. gradual effect 9 months (or possibly a variation on the the "creature has to travel to the location")

4. side effects on summoner (SFX rules so the se occur during the delayed effect and that they go from the low pt se to the larger ones as the GE plays out.)


since side effects are in part based off the ap if the base power, whether the kid is an infant clark kent, wolvie or jimmy olsen will affect the severity of the side effects.

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


Summon baby?!




I can only assume he was joking. Taken in that light its a pretty funny post. "Lets see I'll also need Transform:Food into Biological replacement materials" It should also act as a long term Healing to my Endurance Reservce (side effect it is gets too full, I gain weight). Mr. GM, can I get a Dependence:Food to offset the cost of this power?"


I'd like to thank everyone for there helpful information, particularly Whammawhamme. Where could I find the Master List of Disadvantages? Sounds useful.

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


Summon baby?!




Do you have a way you prefer more to point out the pregnancy power?


I thought of duplication but that really looked to be way more work for the effect?


I did consider follower but i tend to look for power solutions first since the follower rules are prone to abuse and we all know abusing an infant is a big no-no.

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Re: Pregnancy and combat


Mr. GM, can I get a Dependence:Food to offset the cost of this power?"


I have allowed a phsy lim for "increased consumption of food" before, for those who wanted to reflect the "metabolic" issues of their powers, so it seems fine. basically, "eating for two" as a phys lim is fine.


Also of course, depending on how the side effects ap runs, you might be able to take some psychological disads such as "mood swings" and the like and once the summon goes off you could swap those for ones appropriate for post-natal psychologies and perhaps a DNPC.


But, remember, while i am a softie GM, others might not be, so don't count on all this disad flexibility until you consult with your GM.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Pregnancy and combat


I can only assume he was joking. Taken in that light its a pretty funny post. "Lets see I'll also need Transform:Food into Biological replacement materials" It should also act as a long term Healing to my Endurance Reservce (side effect it is gets too full, I gain weight). Mr. GM, can I get a Dependence:Food to offset the cost of this power?"


I'd like to thank everyone for there helpful information, particularly Whammawhamme. Where could I find the Master List of Disadvantages? Sounds useful.


You're welcome!


And it's on the Global Guardians site, under 'various other stuff' (there's also a link in the House Rules page). www.globalguardians.com

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