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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A few quotes from the new Steampunk Western campaign begun last night (we've had a game cycle turnover here)




Billy, the Alchemist, throws a couple of vials at some bandits guarding a pass. The vials break, the chemicals mingle, and a gas knocks the bandits out.


Sophie: I wish I could sleep like that...




Wei Mei Yu: *Runs thru a group of bandits, dropping 6 of them in one fluid motion*


Dollie: Wow!


Wei Mei Yu (OOC): My character is full of Wuxia :D




Dollie (the cutest flesh golem evar) grabs a bandit and holds him over her head, preparing to throw him at a couple of his friends


Bandit 1: They grabbed Frank!


Bandit 2: Frank owes me $10! I dont like him, anyway *Shoots, misses Dollie, and hits Frank*


Dollie: Did you hear that, Frank?


Frank: *Dies*


Dollie: Frank?...Frank?...YOU KILLED FRANK!


Dell Hanson: You bastards!




Dell (OOC): I criticaled my Seduction roll. What does that get me?


Sophie (OOC): Syphillis ;P




Dollie (OOC): Yaaay! My plan worked! Im...gonna be....torn apart by frankenwolves... @.@

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A few sessions ago in the Wardens Chronicles...



The Knight - "We need to get our house in order"

Prime - "Our house is in order, I don’t see any aliens invading."



Prime mentions his 'Space Prime: Secrets of the Galaxy Role Playing Game' where 'All aliens are based on actual alien races that have enslaved or exterminated humanity in nearby alternate dimensions.'

The Knight - "We need to talk about that"

Prime - "How else are they going to learn about the possible alien threats to Earth."



Prime talking about a toy utility belt he has built for a boy the Wardens are helping.

Prime - "Mined from the finest toys from over thirty different dimensions"

The Knight - "Have the toys been tested?"

Prime - "I have thoroughly tested them."

The Knight - "You saying that you have tested them thoroughly, makes me paranoid."



Prime mentions that he has turned over some designs to the military that way the President and Joint Chiefs can decide what to do with them.

Prime - "They are the most knowledgeable and ethical men I know, that is why they have their positions."



The FSS and a police detective come to meet with the Wardens.

Amethyst - "What did you do now Prime?"

Prime - "I didn’t do anything, I'm not the one that made the Mayor mad." Prime


The police detective asks about Johan Doyle.

Prime - "Me or the alien shapeshifter"

SFPD Detective - "The alien shapeshifter?"

Amethyst - "The one that works at the college?"

Prime - "Yes, that's him."


Amethyst - "Maybe Johan has dimensional abilities"

SFPD Detective - "Johan is not a paranormal"

Prime - "Yes, he is."


Prime - "They're the police we are supposed to be open and honest with them. They are the guardians of order."



Prime tells Amethyst that the Knight is receiving extra-dimensional message and does not know he is under their influence.

Amethyst - "How come the Knight doesn't know this?"

Prime - "He is not familiar with modern technology. He uses chainmail instead of high tech polymers and attacks his enemies with a sharpened metal stick."



At the hospital visiting Tommy, the boy the Wardens are helping.

Amethyst - "Why is Prime adamant about Tommy being a protégé or sidekick, we don’t need a sidekick. We have Prime, he is our sidekick doesn't he know that?"


Amethyst and Prime are about to go into Tommy's room. Prime keeps question Amethyst about going in.

Amethyst - "You are not trying to get rid of me, are you?"

Prime - "No just wanted to make sure you had permission."


The Knight talking to Janelle, Tommy's mother.

The Knight - "What does he want to do?"

Janelle - "He wants to be a superhero, like the comic books."

The Knight - "How do you feel about that?"

Janelle - "If the Lord chooses to bless him, then it is the Lord's will."

The Knight - "It is good to follow God's will."


The Knight talking to Tommy.

Tommy - "Taking the high road"


The Knight asks Tommy what he wants to be when he grows up.

Tommy - "If I get paranormal abilities I want to be one of the good guys. If not, I want to study science so I can help the good guys."


Prime talks to Janelle about Tommy and studying science. He says Tommy can visit his lab.

Amethyst - "Prime your lab is off limits to the public."

Prime - "It is completely safe when it is not in use."

Amethyst - "We will see."



Amethyst - "Weren't you a ten year old once, oh you still are."

Prime - "No, I am 25, thank you."



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I played in a game of "Demon Hunter" yesterday. We had a couple of memorable quote.


One character was a robot who was a coward.


Him: "Danger is my middle name."

Me: "And Avoid is your first."


"How many plot points does it take to summon the Purple Ninja?"

i needed a chuckle like this today thanks tim

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


FNG (ooc): Lemme guess, you're the sensible chick?

Everyone else, in stereo: NO!!




Josh: It's the suffering that makes the cloth so soft.




StretchyGirl (I never can remember her name): PANCAKE JUSTICE!




FNG (I know he has a character name someplace): The only time you don't thrust is when you're doing it Michael Flattley!




Josh: Give up! I have you surrounded!




Josh (ooc): Stop robbing Javier's dignity!




For the record, I'm awful with names. Always am. Heck, I can't even remember my character's name half the time. Of course, it's changed a time or two in the past few weeks. You know how it is, when you are just getting settled into a character, sometimes it takes a while to find that perfect fit!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From my Teen Champions campaign.



While searching for the Idiot King.


Raphael: "It could be a coincidence."


Otter: "Coincidence has been suspended until further notice."



Raphael has been using his powers to keep Otter invisible.


Raphael: I take out my PDA and send Otter a message.


GM (to Otter): Your PDA buzzes.


Otter: I take my PDA out of my pocket and look at it.


GM: Yep. It's invisible.


Otter (sighing): Okay. I get up, walk to gangplank, and head up onto the deck.


GM: As you leave Raphael's line of sight, you become visible.


Otter: I look at my PDA. What does it say?


Raphael: "It would be nice if you would leave this room so I can drop your invisibility."



Otter's sister, Liza, comes into his room.


Liza: "Otter, why is your girlfriend in my closet?"


Otter: "How should I know? It's your closet."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Only one quote from this weeks TNG game:



T'shani (OOC): I know that Latal feels bad about losing her boyfriend. And I know that I should feel some sympathy for her. But I dont. And I dont know if thats because Im being a Vulcan, or being a b*tch.


Sinclair (OOC): Why cant it be both? :)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Purrdence's Smut Field ( Transform, AoE, any sentence into double entendre at the very least ) was obviously in full swing, judging by most of the conversations yesterday. It even corrupted the
The Game of Life
. We *started* with a gay couple, a lesbian couple who promptly had female twins ( and rode it what became known as the Purple Estrogen-Mobile), and Barbara who couldn't decide between them and had a
menagé a trois

Barbara's trio reaches one of the more lucrative squares. "We celebrate!" Her blue person-peg falls out of the car.

: "You celebrate so hard your husband can't stand up.:D"

At another square -

: "'Choose the Path of Life, or the Risky Path of Life'"

:"You're in an illegal
menagé a trois
and driving backwards down a mountain road - why break the habits of a lifetime now?"

We play another round, this time inventing the Redneck Rules. Must be heterosexual, no college degrees, and as many kids as humanly possible.

: "I'm buying the ranch house - I need the room for my guns and stuffed animals."

: "Taxidermied?"

: "No, just stuffed. "

: "Damn cops, arresting innocent speedsters one minute, stuffing animals in private...":sneaky:

Barbara's cop loses her job and switches careers - to Entertainer. Or 'Entertainer' as we keep referring to it.

: "Must have been that topless calender"


: "She went from Vice... to vice."


: "There's no salary cap on this one - I could earn a 100k a year!"

: "That would be quite a...

My sportsman, who has been pulled over by Barbara's cop, repeatedly, screams past her *again* immediately after she lost her job.

: "**** you!!!!!"

Barbara loses THAT job too.

: "There's only so far silicone can take you."

And changes for a *fifth* time to Doctor

: "I can deliver my own kids - 'Hold still...'"


In a total violation of the Heterosexual rule, Weldun had a male driver to start off with - and a career as hairstylist. He played that one to the hilt.

: "Is it just me or am I getting more and more effeminate as this goes on?"

Despite five lottery wins in a row, he repeatedly sues the ex-sportsman.

as I fork over yet more cash
. : "This is shut-up money, isn't it?"

: "Yup!"

We also come up with the Back To The Future rules - play till you get children then go backwards and screw up your own timeline.

Dammit - I wanna play now! *pouts*

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I love it when a plan comes together (or apart' date=' whichever....) :drink:[/quote']


Well, Dollie was trying to distract the Frankenwolves away from her team mates, who were much less resilient than she is (seeing as how she is a Flesh Golem herself). And it worked.


But it hurt.


That encounter made Dollie appreciate her creator a LOT more. Especially his attention to detail. The creatures we were fighting were badly constructed, half rotted, and didnt fit together at all well. They has mismatched parts, and were covered in large stitches, staples, and bolts.


Dollie has a scar running up her spine, and another around her throat. Other than that she looks like a very attractive, living Human girl. Her creator paid a lot of attention to detail, and so she is, by comparison, a work of art :)

He was still crazy, tho

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


You know... personally' date=' I've always... wondered... about those creators who took special care to make their flesh golems attractive.... :help:[/quote']


"You were made as well as we could make you. "

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


You know... personally' date=' I've always... wondered... about those creators who took special care to make their flesh golems attractive.... :help:[/quote']


That's one of the reasons I never became a furry. There were too many elements wishing someone could make a chimera to their specifications. Apparently, some of them decided that if there was enough "animal DNA" in their otherwise human "property", that owning one would somehow be okay. :angst::whip:


Some of them could not wrap their heads around the possibility that a sapient creature without the (legal, or in some provided examples, genetic) ability to own itself is a slave.


Not my cup of tea. I still vie for catgirls, but only the willing ones. ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


You know... personally' date=' I've always... wondered... about those creators who took special care to make their flesh golems attractive.... :help:[/quote']


"I didn't make him for you!... He carries the Charles Atlas seal of approval. "


"So come up to the lab and see what's on the slab. I see you shiver with antici... pation."


I could go on, but I'll stop there... :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


You know... personally' date=' I've always... wondered... about those creators who took special care to make their flesh golems attractive.... :help:[/quote']


I've played in a game where one of the PCs was a cat girl who had been created by a wizard. He had created her as a bodyguard and ... ahem 'bodyservant'. The worrying thing was that the GM insisted that her regeneration power was due to her duties as a courtesan rather than her role as a fighter/assassin.


Bismark if you are reading this, she was a cool character but man was she disturbing. :nonp:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


You know, it's a sorry state of affairs when someone comes with a set of

"Reassembly Instructions" in case of involuntary dismemberment...




Major Tom :eg:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


"You were made as well as we could make you. "



For all the good it did Mr. Tyrell...


(Note to self: never create anything that can either turn on you or

otherwise hunt you down.)



Major Tom :dyn

"Fiery the angels fell...burning in the fires of Orc."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


You know, it's a sorry state of affairs when someone comes with a set of

"Reassembly Instructions" in case of involuntary dismemberment...


Major Tom :eg:


This would seem to raise the worrying possibility that the character may at some point undergo voluntary dismemberment.


The only scenario I can come up with at the moment involves a money saving scheme based on not having to pay for the character in question's airline ticket. Having been dismantled the character is then packed in someone's luggage. Swift reassembly at the other end is vital of course. How they'd get the body through customs is another matter.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This would seem to raise the worrying possibility that the character may at some point undergo voluntary dismemberment.


The only scenario I can come up with at the moment involves a money saving scheme based on not having to pay for the character in question's airline ticket. Having been dismantled the character is then packed in someone's luggage. Swift reassembly at the other end is vital of course. How they'd get the body through customs is another matter.


life insurance fraud.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A few days late, but better late than never! Unless of course, you don't like children.


James (ooc): "Only with a fat main in a red suit on your back!"




Linette (Lynette) [i finally recall her name, but have no idea how she spells it]: "I will attack with my cool, stretchy, fisty thing!"




Spork (he's a foreigner and I don't remember his name, actually he's finnish, and for whatever reason Spork sounds finnish to me...really he's finnish, you ask? NO, he's just getting started! HA! You would think that would get old....) (ooc): "So what you're saying is that the only effect [of his attack] was to give her a 'buckwheat?'"




Lynette (If I spell each one differently I've a 50/50 chance of being right): "BOOBIE-WRATH!"




Josh: "Too...many...cupcakes." (that was in a rather Shatner-esque delivery)

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Originally posted by Rapier:


Lynette (If I spell each one differently I've a 50/50 chance of being right): "BOOBIE-WRATH!"



Finally...a battle cry for people like Morganna (I think that's how her name's





Major Tom :sneaky:

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Re: Quote of the Week from Marvel Galaxies


People kept mispronouncing the "Gravity Effects Radar"

making it sound like a way to find food at IHOP.

you know, Gravy Ladle Whatever....


not much good in Marvel Galaxies this week.

I think everyone had too much to eat.

We'll blame it on the magic haitian booze and shrooms from last week.

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