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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quotes of the Week from my gaming group...


A couple sessions ago in the Wardens Chronicles...



Eon/Lazarus in his latest incarnation has metallic blue hair... he is greeted as he arrives at a training session...


Randy (Delta-Vee) - "Hello Smurfette."



After being told Prime is doing biology experiments...


The Knight - "First he was a superior intellect then he was a superior being and now he is trying to create a superior fungus?"



Eon/Lazarus visits Prime in the lab...


Prime - "This is not about the alien space ship."

Eon/Lazarus - "No, it is about the hair sample I gave you."

Prime - "It is very useful, I will be able to study and try to figure out how to re-energize your powers."

Eon/Lazarus - "No other experiments just analyze."

Prime - "You can trust me."

Eon/Lazarus - "No other experiments with the genetic sample"


more discussion...


Eon/Lazarus - "No blue haired poodles."

Prime - "That would be weird"

Eon/Lazarus - "No experiments"

Prime - "Maybe we can start small with a kitten."

Eon/Lazarus - "I don’t need a kitten."

Prime - "Besides there is no need to clone you, you keep coming back anyway. It's like you have a warranty."


start discussing apocalyptic visions and dreams...


Prime - "The Grand Empire is a danger they have the technology to destroy the world as they have the cosmic crystals. I could have done so too when I had the cosmic crystals but I am ethical."


back to the hair sample...


Eon/Lazarus - "No experiments just analyze, then return the sample. How long will it take?"

Prime - "About a month."

Eon/Lazarus - "But you are Prime."

Prime - "And I am very busy, I will get to it as time allows."



Discussing ramifications of losing their Radley-Gold charter...


Prime - "I would be fine."

Amethyst - "Why, Prime?"

Prime - "I will just join the military."


when told the team would have a full time FSS liaison at the base...


Eon/Lazarus - "Can you cook?"



Delta-Vee - "Dimensional ship, what Dimensional ship?"

Prime - "The one near the ballpark"

Delta-Vee - "You mean the dimensional energy door that you detected."


Delta-Vee - "So how long did it take you to build that little dimensional fold."

Prime - "I didn’t build it, but it was a good idea."

Delta-Vee - "How do you know you didn’t, you done things before that you don’t remember."



Prime - "The Knight was the one that did not report things to the FSS. It is his fault, so I understand how you feel."



Prime - "I have been perfectly honest and ethical in my dealings with the duly elected government."

Delta-Vee - "How come your blackouts were not reported?"

Prime - "They were reported to the military, I revealed all I know about the crystals and the energy being in them. They are now classified."



Prime - "Sounds like you have trust issues."

Delta-Vee - "We have already discussed this Prime. I trust you about as far as I can throw this island."


Trust is a two-way street... Delta-Vee mentions looking for his boyfriend for last year and Prime not helping...


Eon/Lazarus - "Prime you don’t need to help me look for my boyfriend."



Prime - "Only the best and brightest get elected."



Prime - "I do not care how much you advocate this, I will not support the Wardens bid to take over the US government. I am shocked that you are doing this."

Delta-Vee - "So am I."



Prime - "I will not help the Wardens by building mind control devices to control the government."

Delta-Vee - "No, I wanted you to give it to the President."

Prime - "Didn’t you what me to mind control the President?"

Delta-Vee - "No I wanted you to give it to him, who would be better to decide what is best that the President."

Prime - "I wholeheartedly agree."



Prime packs up his stuff to leave the base, The Knight returning meets him at the Wardens vehicle hangar...


Prime - "I can no longer trust the Wardens and their desire to provide mind control technology to the President and annex other countries."

The Knight - "You spoke English, it was grammatically correct but it makes no sense."


The Knight - "Can someone explain to me why I am being confronted by a small primate with suitcases trying to leave."



Laz asks about his hair, checks the lab. It is not there Laz returns ask Prime for his hair. Prime 'finds' it in his suitcase


"How can you question others' morals and ethics? You lying little orange furred snake!!!" Eon



Prime blasts anomaly a couple of time then disappears...


Delta-Vee - "Can I say it now?"



Discussing where Prime went and who got him...


Delta-Vee - "They can send him back in about 20 minutes."

Eon/Lazarus - "Or they can make him a deity depending on how twisted the dimension."

Delta-Vee - "Oh god... please... don't... let... them... have... wings."



Knight talks to Pierce and asks for his observations...


FSS Special Agent Pierce - "I have read Prime's file... it was a good thing that he was placed with people who could watch him."



The FSS arrives and the Wardens return to base...


Delta-Vee - "Now that Pierce is gone, can I say it?"

The Knight nods...

Delta-Vee - "I told you so!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Some quotes from tonights New Titans campaign




Feline Fury is confronted by someone that turns out to be a Vampire. They commence to fightin', and Feline Fury wants her team to know.


Feline Fury *Over her commlink*: Im fighting a Vampire!


Neutron: Where are you, exactly?


Feline Fury *busy fighting*: GPS me, b*tch!!




Neutron: What do we know about Vampires?


Fusion: They suck? *ba-dum-bump!*




Neutron: Im getting wood!


Feline Fury *over radio*: You must really like Vampires!




Feline Fury: *Clocks the Vampire -hard-*


Vampire *in cheesy, over-done Hungarian accent*: You leetle beetch! Im going to drop your skank @$$ into next week!




Canadienne: You can tell how important someone is by how menial the tasks are that he has someone else do for him. This guy had someone else accept a business card! He must be REALLY important!




Canadienne: Hey, did you know that you can put chocolate syrup on popcorn?


Inertia: Im sure I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that you could... :idjit:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The cast:

A Necromancer, me, wizardish Theurge thing with the power to put people's souls back in their skulls, planning world domination.

Sir Kalmeran, my skeleton minion, a paladin that was my first kill. Has a nasty habit of committing suicide whenever I let him control his body.

A Beguiler who is working to become a haste monkey speedster thing.

A run of the mill Wizard, who has fun with color sprays.

A Druid with a completely normal house cat pet. Normal rules wise, that is. Kill count: 17.

In addition we were joined by Naomi, an elven horseback archer, a dwarven Crusader, and a skill monkey.


The Beguiler meets one of our new players:

Beguiler: Hello.

Naomi: you smell bad.

Beguiler: I cast color spray.

(she resisted all three)


Talks of Death:

Beguiler: when i die he'll rez me as his servant.

Necromancer: he'll be my man servant.

Skill Monkey: The term is manhore.

Necromancer: he'd be just bones, so there's not much "hore".

Naomi: Skeletons are all eunuchs, I'd never thought about that before…


We get attacked by some undead creatures (my field of specialty)

Beguiler: Kale, do they have vision?

Necromancer: DM, do they vision?

DM: you don't know, no one has tested whether they react differently to different colors or anything.

Necromancer: Test whether they react differently to colors.

Beguiler: COLOR SPRAY!


Joys of being dead:

DM: everyone within ten feet of the undead roll fortitude.

Sir Kalmeran (OOC): Na-na-bubu.

DM: everyone whether they pass or fail takes 4 non-lethal damage

Sir Kalmeran: Na-na-bubu.


A giant worm survives a coup de grace from the cat:

Druid: What?!

Necromancer: Something survived the cats bite?!

Wiz: I think you did something wrong… nothing survives the cat.

DM: OK, fine, it dies

(kill #23)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...



Talks of Death:

Beguiler: when i die he'll rez me as his servant.

Necromancer: he'll be my man servant.

Skill Monkey: The term is manhore.

Necromancer: he'd be just bones, so there's not much "hore".

Naomi: Skeletons are all eunuchs, I'd never thought about that before…



I am reminded of my characters first comment to a skeletal champion of Khorne we ran into.


"You must
miss m*****bating."

The GM spent the next 3 minutes bouncing off the walls and staring at me incredulously, before managing to gasp out the skeleton's reply



(But then, our group had a deserved reputation for breaking GMs at Sydney's RPG conventions...)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I'm running a Shadowrun 4th edition campaign. Currently, we are going through the Emergence campaign book. The cast of characters are:


Strange: Male Elven Hacker


Mac: Male Orc Ex-Special Ops


Sr. Rico: Male Dwarven Aztlan Shaman


Tinuvial (Tina): Female Elven Rigger


Bender: Male Troll Street Samurai




The characters are trying to find a kidnap victim and have traced his whereabouts to a safe house in the Barrons. The exterior of the house has been thoroughly scouted by the Rigger's Roto-drones, which she named Huginn and Muninn.


Bender: Goes around to the back of the house to the back door


Mac: Follows Bender to give him support with a Mossberg


Bender: Punches the back door with intent to destroy it


GM (me): The door explodes off the hinges and clatters in pieces to the floor inside the house.


Mac: Grins with approval Heh ... cool :eg:




GM: There are two heavily cybered thugs in the room and a hot Elven woman who seems to have been interrogating your principal. He seems to be in either pain or ecstasy.


Mac (OOC): What!? He's enjoying being interrogated?


GM: Well, you know the Elf is a magic user, she has two diametrically opposed spells: Orgasm and Agony. Mechanically, they are the same, except for ... well ...


Mac (OOC): That's kinda creepy ... I gotta get her phone number.


GM: :nonp:




Tina (OOC): I order Huginn to shoot anyone that's not on the "white list"


GM: "White list?"


Tina (OOC): Anyone who is not part of our team or our principal.


Huginn's initiative comes around and the only adversary left is the hot Elven Mage. Huginn proceeds to pull an ED-209* on her.


GM: Dude, you just Swiss cheesed the hot Elf chick!


Tina (OOC): So?


GM: She was hawt!


Tina (OOC): All the more reason. :sneaky:




* ED-209 is the robot in the original Robocop movie that malfunctioned in the board room. If you don't know what I'm talking about, see the movie.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From a friend's Star Wars Saga Edition game :


Eric (OOC) : .. and now I've got a long-range communicator with full encryption capability.


Sarah (OOC) : Who ya gonna call?




Worth mentioning because I never again thought I would hear someone unironically ask that question.. ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


"He's not really a Rules Lawyer, but more of a Rules Paralegal." :P



And from last night's D&D4 session, after the player got roughed up by a spider and was griping about it:


"Would you like to take a minor action and whine some more this round?"

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I'm running a Shadowrun 4th edition campaign. Currently, we are going through the Emergence campaign book. The cast of characters are:


Strange: Male Elven Hacker


Mac: Male Orc Ex-Special Ops


Sr. Rico: Male Dwarven Aztlan Shaman


Tinuvial (Tina): Female Elven Rigger


Bender: Male Troll Street Samurai




The characters are trying to find a kidnap victim and have traced his whereabouts to a safe house in the Barrons. The exterior of the house has been thoroughly scouted by the Rigger's Roto-drones, which she named Huginn and Muninn.


Bender: Goes around to the back of the house to the back door


Mac: Follows Bender to give him support with a Mossberg


Bender: Punches the back door with intent to destroy it


GM (me): The door explodes off the hinges and clatters in pieces to the floor inside the house.


Mac: Grins with approval Heh ... cool :eg:




GM: There are two heavily cybered thugs in the room and a hot Elven woman who seems to have been interrogating your principal. He seems to be in either pain or ecstasy.


Mac (OCC): What!? He's enjoying being interrogated?


GM: Well, you know the Elf is a magic user, she has two diametrically opposed spells: Orgasm and Agony. Mechanically, they are the same, except for ... well ...


Mac (OCC): That's kinda creepy ... I gotta get her phone number.


GM: :nonp:




Tina (OCC): I order Huginn to shoot anyone that's not on the "white list"


GM: "White list?"


Tina (OCC): Anyone who is not part of our team or our principal.


Huginn's initiative comes around and the only adversary left is the hot Elven Mage. Huginn proceeds to pull an ED-209* on her.


GM: Dude, you just Swiss cheesed the hot Elf chick!


Tina (OCC): So?


GM: She was hawt!


Tina (OCC): All the more reason. :sneaky:




* ED-209 is the robot in the original Robocop movie that malfunctioned in the board room. If you don't know what I'm talking about, see the movie.




Just how big were these Roto-drones, anyway?!



Major Tom :nonp:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I am reminded of my characters first comment to a skeletal champion of Khorne we ran into.


"You must
miss m*****bating."

The GM spent the next 3 minutes bouncing off the walls and staring at me incredulously, before managing to gasp out the skeleton's reply



(But then, our group had a deserved reputation for breaking GMs at Sydney's RPG conventions...)




:snicker::lol::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Oh, wow...I can just see Vitus saying that to some poor, unsuspecting undead

abomination just to see its jaw drop.


And then hiding said dropped jaw just to get some giggles from watching

the PUUA go apesquat trying to find it.




Major Tom :eg:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Just how big were these Roto-drones, anyway?!



Major Tom :nonp:


They are medium sized drones, so about as tall as a man if you stand one on its tail. Huginn was firing from outside the building, through the shattered security door, through the room, and through the open door out of the room into the hallway. Unfortunately, the hot Elf was standing in the doorway leading out to the hall. The roto-drone was armed with an HK-227x submachine gun. Not as big or powerful as the ED-209, but the effect was the same.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Totally OOC from one of our more recent Conan games. One of the players was upset that his character nearly died from Party (albeit mind controlled party) Fire. And spent the most of the next two sessions griping about it.


Player: But, I'm not going to bitch anymore.

Player2: You could bitch MORE?


He was...rather upset about the whole thing.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


In one of the games I play in, there's actually a running gag where an irritating undead character routinely suffers from other people grabbing his jaw and popping it off, refusing to give it back to him until he promises to behave.


He's gotten reasonably creative with rude hand gestures as a result.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


[sblock=waste of time]

In one of the games I play in, there's actually a running gag where an irritating undead character routinely suffers from other people grabbing his jaw and popping it off, refusing to give it back to him until he promises to behave.


He's gotten reasonably creative with rude hand gestures as a result.


How does he promise to behave without a jaw?


Depending on the undead and game, that might not work. Since lacking lungs/vocal cords doesn't prevent speech or, in the case of the deadite musicians in Army of Darkness, flute playing, the jaw doesn't seem like a big stretch. Of course, Evil Ash had problems with his jaw locking. Of course this is meaningless bable for this or any other discussion. Ha ha I took a minute of your time which you'll never get back. Cthulhu for President! Why choose the lesser evil? No more years! No more years! No more years!


It would be funny to have an undead that continues to complain without a jaw. Or one that knows sign language. Or one with Hawking's computer.



Now some quotes (heavily paraphrased, it was a while ago, and I didn't record them) from our party trickster, Grey Ghost. GG looks like a skeleton wraped in ooze and has super regen, entangle, full life support, some desolid-based ooze through power, crazy speed/dex/movement, tenticle-like pseudo-pods w/ stretching, and a pre/-com that makes him scare seasoned reporters by his mere presence.


Catch phrases:

GG: "I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with penticle tape." :sneaky:


GG: "Boot to the face!" :eg: *called shot to the head, with dice that seem to love him*


GG: "Fear me!" :D *~8d6 pre attack, mostly 5s and 6s*


GG (Russian? accent): "Was it good for you?" ;)


Fox news reporter exchanges: (same girl each time)

GM: After the battle, the press and police start to come. The police point their guns at GG, but don't fire because he's extinguishing fires.

GG ooc: Are any of the reporter's approaching me? :sneaky:

GM: *rolls a few dice* The female channel 4 reporter (which we later find out is Fox) runs away, but her camera man stays.

GG (to camera man/camera): :rolleyes: "So unprofessional."


GG ooc: "Is channel 4 girl here?"

GM: "Yes."

GG: :eg:... *jumps down behind her* "HI!"


GM: Battle's over, press arrive.

GG ooc: Is channel 4 here?

GM: The channel 4 van just drives past the scene.

GG: :lol:


(This time, after the battle the channel 4 repporter motions to a lawyer when GG approaches.)

Lawyer: "My client has placed a restraining order on you, Mr. Ghost." *hands GG an official document, without flinching*

GG: *eats document* "Ok, then she has to leave. A restraining order has to be upheld by both parties and since I was here first, as your client well knows, she can't be here. Police arrest her." :sneaky:

Police: *clearly dumbstruck by the ghost's knowledge of law* "uh... miss you really have to leave."

GG ooc: this means she really can't do her job.

Me ooc: interesting how much you know about restraining orders.



GG: "I have an entire super villian team dedicated to hunting me. This is a sign that I've really made it as a super hero." :cool: *Not coincidentally, every member was a female villian/(ex-Fox news reporter with power armor) that he had at one point humiliated*

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...



GG: "I have an entire super villian team dedicated to hunting me. This is a sign that I've really made it as a super hero." *Not coincidentally, every member was a female villian/(ex-Fox news reporter with power armor) that he had at one point humiliated*




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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This was a bit regarding why someone was going to miss a game where his presense was required (we use our LiveJournal to keep folks updated and such):


Ragnarok has been postponed due to hayride.


The response back from the player was this: Hmmm... if we can delay Ragnarok with a hayride, maybe we can prevent Dr. Destroyer from decimating humanity with an apple-bobbing contest. Heck, we could stop those pesky asteroids with some clever pumpkin carving.


Evildoers have no chance against us if we keep using fall-related family entertainment events.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Manic Typist: What word are you talking about (being lower-cased)?


Vulcan: You expect quite correctly.




Major Tom :rolleyes:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From our dimension-wandering D&D campaign, currently in the Middle Kingdom (Asian-inspired fantasy world):


OOC: "Because that's the name of this campaign, three hot chicks and Kan Shui."


(All our front-line fighters are women.)


We find out the Emperor is a 14-year-old boy. He's taken a shine to Xan, our Elven princess (and one of the fighters). We're imagining what's going on in his head:


"Wow, a hot alien chick! I need to totally do her!"

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From our dimension-wandering D&D campaign, currently in the Middle Kingdom (Asian-inspired fantasy world):


OOC: "Because that's the name of this campaign, three hot chicks and Kan Shui."


(All our front-line fighters are women.)


We find out the Emperor is a 14-year-old boy. He's taken a shine to Xan, our Elven princess (and one of the fighters). We're imagining what's going on in his head:


"Wow, a hot alien chick! I need to totally do her!"



Heh. All of a sudden, I'm reminded of Red Sonja, and the bit with the

Ernie Reyes, Jr. character.




Major Tom :D

18 more to go...

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Manic Typist: It's in reference to post #6539 on the previous page, where you

posted the following:


Edit: Stop lowercasing my word! It's MINE AND I LIKE IT THAT WAY!




Major Tom :cool:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Player: But, I'm not going to bitch anymore.

Player2: You could bitch MORE?


He was...rather upset about the whole thing.


Wow. I could SO see that being said at our table.


However, I don't think any of us would actually get upset about it.


It's a bit of a tough room and we're kind of used to it.

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