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Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


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Which edition of Champions/Hero System worked the best and was the funnest in running your Champions campaign?


Since the majority of my players weren't comic book readers to begin with, I'd have to go with 3rd Edition. It kept things simple enough so that my players didn't feel burdened by rules details and allowed special effects to dominate over rules correctness.


Of course, we were unable to simulate every power possible, but my players ran fairly basic hero types. So perfect simulations of their powers was really unnecessary.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


Whichever edition was in print and had support materials.


My longest running game was under 4th (over 10 years)

The longest running game I played in was under 1st/2nd//3rd,

Three current games I run/play are in 5th.


All are wonderful, but it's hard to judge the system, because my abilities as a roleplayer have grown, and my best time as a GM and roleplayer are recent so I tend to like 5th. I also generally prefer the ruleset for 5th.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


I have to go with 4th as well. 5th edition has too many issues with needing to balance everything with points. I basically play 4E with some clarification and additional rules from 5E, and a few throwback rules from 2E and 3E.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


4th for a few reasons.

1) upped the the complexity to just the right level IMO

2) the cover of the hardback ROCKED. DD looked great, Seeker about to be KO'd til next week, just the whole "Last stand" look of the thing, and Perezdid it.

Sorry geeked out there for a minute.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


I have to go with 4th as well. 5th edition has too many issues with needing to balance everything with points. I basically play 4E with some clarification and additional rules from 5E' date=' and a few throwback rules from 2E and 3E.[/quote']


Ditto... though I had a great run under 3rd as well... I just really clicked as a GM with both rules and stories under 4th. 5th edition comes along and simply over complicates at a point in time where I'd been simplifying my play style and the density of the system, and lack of inspiring game material really left me cold.


I run what I call 4.5 w/House Rules.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


In all honesty, I have played in 3rd Edition rules and I started running a game in the 4th/Fuzion Edition.


At the time R. Talsorian Games had the license to do Champions in Fuzion format. I liked the rules and found them less number intensive than the previous edition.


I still still run an occassional game with Fuzion.


Converting the characters is easy and so there is little push for me to switch over.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


In all honesty, I have played in 3rd Edition rules and I started running a game in the 4th/Fuzion Edition.


At the time R. Talsorian Games had the license to do Champions in Fuzion format. I liked the rules and found them less number intensive than the previous edition.


I still still run an occassional game with Fuzion.


Converting the characters is easy and so there is little push for me to switch over.

We must kill him quickly before he infects us all. :)

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


4th worked fine for me. It's only lack was the loss of piercing from Champions III.


Only the need for more copies of the rules in the hands of the players caused me to move to 5th.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?




5th has some cool things I like, but it also has some wonkiness I don't care for, and some powers experienced unecessary point creep (LS), or became overly complex (REG).

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?



At the time R. Talsorian Games had the license to do Champions in Fuzion format. I liked the rules and found them less number intensive than the previous edition.


I hated fuzion, but there were some very cool ideas in it that ported over to 4th with ease: it had a better way of handling super-sonic flight than 5ER, for instance.


And yes, my apologies, but you must be killed.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


Well I’ve been playing on and off since 1st or 2nd ed not really sure, monochrome cover I think. I also tried some fuzion, but while I liked it well enough, most the my players did not.

I haven’t actually played the 5th edition yet but I’ve making characters in preparations for a new campaign I’m kicking off in a couple of months. So far I’m very happy with the changes, cleanest application of the rules thus far, and the changes have almost all been for the better and the few things I’m not so sure about are easy enough to ignore. Of course, I can’t truly say until I actually play some but I strongly suspect that 5th ed will be favorite edition.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


No question, 5th.

Yeah, it's not perfect, but it does lots of things well. I have a lot of players that like to have characters that do strange things. I think 5th is the most consistant and flexible to date.

Don't get me wrong, it took me a while to warm up to the new rules. Familiarity with the old sometimes makes us old timers resistant to change. When I figured out better ways to do things because of 5th, however, it became clear top me just how much I like the new system.



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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


2) the cover of the hardback ROCKED. DD looked great' date=' Seeker about to be KO'd til next week, just the whole "Last stand" look of the thing, and Perez did it.[/quote']


Too right! The BBB hardcover rocked over all other covers (tho' the Classic Enemies was a close second IMO).


Also just let me add that I've never "run" 5th or the Fuzion version. I've "read" and dabbled a little with those versions, but never ran any games of mention with them.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


4th. The stuff that was added in 5th was pretty good (Change Environment), but the stuff that was changed was pretty bad (Damage Shield). It was pretty obvious to me at the time, and has become moreso as time has passed, that Steve Long's vision and interpretation of the rules differed a lot from my own.


Basically, we also play a 4.5 version.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


I hated fuzion, but there were some very cool ideas in it that ported over to 4th with ease: it had a better way of handling super-sonic flight than 5ER, for instance.


And yes, my apologies, but you must be killed.

Fuzion has its moments. Bubblegum Crisis for example, also VOTOMS and Usagi Yojimbo RPG. Add in the Atomik Fuzion PDF's and you have an incredibly viable system.(I managed to get them all, before they lost their free status)


As to myself:

Anyone who can get away with running an Avalon Hill Powers & Perils campaign for a year can get away with enjoying or disliking any system. ;)


Moving on, the longest I've played in a Champions RPG is tied between 4th ed(BBB) and 3rd.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


I know that this is going to be a dumb question but here goes. What does BBB stand for? I know that it is the 4th ed hardback but what do the letters stand for?

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


I know that this is going to be a dumb question but here goes. What does BBB stand for? I know that it is the 4th ed hardback but what do the letters stand for?


This question really takes me back...it stands for Big Blue Book. ;)

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


Hmm ... In play a modified version of 5th these days, though my longest runs were both in 3rd & 4th (as a player, then a GM respectfully). Oddly enough ... I enjoyed the 3rd and 4th ed CUs more than 5th ... Kinda wish that the 5th ed CU was built on what came before ...

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


Class '83 here...


I ran my longest campaign with 4th. I played a lot of third, but I was a crap GM in High School. I had a quote from every game session written on the inside covers of the BBB and was heartbroken when the binding finally went. I think I went through 3 copies of the BBB.


I have been running the 5th since April of 03 and am very happy with it. We use 5th rules for character generation and an unintentional mix of 4th and 5th rules. Our newbies occasionally point out that we're doing something wrong and we look it up. As a GM, I haven't opened the book in months. Last Xmas, the group gave me the new BBPB (Big Bullet-Proof Book) and I still haven't read it.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


It was very nice of you all to send me those nice packages. I think they are clocks since most of them are ticking.


Oh.. and the post office asked that you put a return address on them next time.


Sorry to disillusion you that I still play Fuzion. The issue I face is that the group I play with do not have the available funds to buy all new books for the game. I play D&D and that siphons a lot of my funds as well as playing minatures games.... WARMACHINE rocks!!!.


Oh yeah and I have a 19 m/o son. Actually, I'm surprised I can do anything.


I like Fuzion b/c it took a system that seemed rather number heavy and streamlined it without losing a lot of the flavor. I also liked the setting update. The Proprietor War was a neat idea that I incorporated into my campaign.

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Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign?


Even though I owned 3rd, I never got anyone to run it for me. At the time, the system intimidated the crap out of me, so I refused to run it myself...


I didn't actully play until my brother in law bought FRED a few years back.

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