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Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


There is also a variant of the notorious "Pregannt Ranma Problem" which poses the question of whether a Jusenkyo curse can be passed on through inheritance.

Funny, I'd always heard the "Pregnant Ranma Problem" as, would he have to stay in his female form for all 9 months? Would he be stuck? If not, what would happen to the child when he switched back?


I think the easiest solution to that problem is to just declare that, since he wasn't BORN female, the female half is infertile.

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Funny, I'd always heard the "Pregnant Ranma Problem" as, would he have to stay in his female form for all 9 months? Would he be stuck? If not, what would happen to the child when he switched back?


I think the easiest solution to that problem is to just declare that, since he wasn't BORN female, the female half is infertile.

Rumiko Takahashi (whom Netflix seems to stubbonrly insist is a man) was posed this infamous question and refused to give any hints. "I never think about these things -- and neither should you." was what she said.

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Rumiko Takahashi (whom Netflix seems to stubbonrly insist is a man) was posed this infamous question and refused to give any hints. "I never think about these things -- and neither should you." was what she said.

Yep. Infertile.



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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Actually' date=' I was talking from stand point of a disadvantages and the possible drawbacks of superpowers such as superhuman, uncontrollabe damage sheilds and the like. I really don't think anyone was suggesting buying their character sexual responses as powers (they would be more akin to Disadvantages in Hero terms), but considering some of the possible role playing impact such things might have. The general consensus seems to be if the character doesn't get a disad (like say "Doesn't know own strength") for a brick, its not a problem for them which seems a reasonable answer to me. The ones that have handled haven't talked about buying powers or something to reflect it, so I'm not sure where you got that impression.[/quote']


Actually I did have a character in a New Mutants campaign. She was thirteen when her power manisfested. Her entire body replaced all the molecules in normal human tissue with an array of extremely dense and tough long chain polymers which gave her limited shapeshifting and stretching powers, and enormous strength and toughness. It also left her with tactile sensation deficits, but not toally insensate and it gave her life support vs. aging.

We did not play the campaign long enough, but I had planned, as the years went by for her, to play up her sexual frustrations and possibly have her get involved with either some rough sex practices and/or some unusual sex partners because of her limited responsitivity; which I thought would be fairly amusing for others to discover about this sweet seeming, tiny, fragile-looking woman-child.

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Which brings up the whole question of supers and children. Marvel took the approach that if two altered-huamn supers' date=' two mutants, or any combiantion of the above had children, the children would be supers but their powers might not be at all realted to thsoe of the parents. Franklin Richards has neither stretching, invidibility or force fields, but he is a super.(SNIP)[/quote']



Actually Marvel is (surprise, surprise) real inconsistent in this. The child of an inhuman and mutant might be normal. The child of an android and mutant might be a demon. Any sibling of a mutant is a mutant. Identical twins are usually of opposing genders. If you live in Kansas you can wear anything while driving yur tractor out in the field and nobody will notice 'cause Kansas is so isolated and backwards that whatever happens there doesn't matter . . .hmmn, may have slipped a little off-topic, apologies.

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


If the Kryptonite Hershy squirts don't shatter plumbing and create sonic booms, Supes is good to go.


I dion't recall Clark Kent ever accidentally shattering urinals, and that particular function isn't all that controllable once it starts.

In one of the superman movies he sneezed at a bowling alley and caused the boys ball to shatter the pins. I know its not comics but there is that...



Edit: And doesn't supe's invulnerability preclude him from diseases/sickness?

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Well to continue with the Japanese cartoon genre. On DBZ, Goku and Vegita had children with human normals. Though to be fair, power on DBZ worked differently than the classical super we know in America, but the Saiyans were supposed to the bad@$$es of the universe. Even Raditz, had a 4-digit power level.



Tenchi Muyo. Can Ryoko reproduce? She was essentially an artificial lifeform if memory serves.


And Outlaw Star, I dont even wanna know the possible problems that "gettin' it on" with a android or catwoman could be. :winkgrin:

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Well to continue with the Japanese cartoon genre. On DBZ, Goku and Vegita had children with human normals. Though to be fair, power on DBZ worked differently than the classical super we know in America, but the Saiyans were supposed to the bad@$$es of the universe. Even Raditz, had a 4-digit power level.



Tenchi Muyo. Can Ryoko reproduce? She was essentially an artificial lifeform if memory serves.


And Outlaw Star, I dont even wanna know the possible problems that "gettin' it on" with a android or catwoman could be. :winkgrin:

Can't speak for the android part, but catgirls?


They have claws. Need I say more?

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


This one of those weird Nexus threads' date=' so if such things bother you stop reading now. I was wondering though, for those of you that do touch on issues of romantic relationships and sexuality in your supers games, do the power and related special effects ever become an issue; for example, the possible dangers of someone with superhuman strength injuring their partner during a moment of passion? Or do you just assume such things have been dealt with?[/quote']

I have always thought this line of thinking was deeply flawed, ever since Niven's infamous essay. I'm more than strong enough to injure the Wife Supreme when we are intimate, but it has never happened (keep your S&M comments to yourself at this point, if you don't mind). Tell me this: are the super-strong characters in your campaigns able to keep themselves from break normal doors that they don't know are locked? Are they unable to play with their pets because they'll lose focus for a second and snap little Fluffy's neck? Can they handle eggs without breaking them? More to the point: do they have a physical limitation stating that they are too strong to handle anything delicate without breaking it?

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


I have always thought this line of thinking was deeply flawed' date=' ever since Niven's infamous essay. I'm more than strong enough to injure the Wife Supreme when we are intimate, but it has never happened (keep your S&M comments to yourself at this point, if you don't mind). Tell me this: are the super-strong characters in your campaigns able to keep themselves from break normal doors that they don't know are locked? Are they unable to play with their pets because they'll lose focus for a second and snap little Fluffy's neck? Can they handle eggs without breaking them? More to the point: do they have a physical limitation stating that they are too strong to handle anything delicate without breaking it?[/quote']


Actually, I'm not making any assumptions either way. I'm in the "Its never come up" except as an intellectual excersize camp. I was wondering what other supers gms felt on the matter.


Now, personally, I can see such things happening somtimes, say in a moment of surprise, stress or with a character who's new to their superhuman powers, but unless the character has an actual disad I would bother with it (barring a very gritty "People with powers" style game). I'm not superhumanly strong by any stretch of the imagination and I've accidentally broken things and there are some involuntary muscular reactions that occur.

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Actually, it's been established that homo sapiens and homo kryptonis (yes, I just made it up. Sue me) are fundamentally incompatible as far as reproduction is concerned. Homo kryptonis DNA is twelve-stranded, totally impossible to combine with two-stranded homo sapiens DNA by ordinary means.

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Actually' date=' it's been established that homo sapiens and homo kryptonis (yes, I just made it up. Sue me) are fundamentally incompatible as far as reproduction is concerned. Homo kryptonis DNA is twelve-stranded, totally impossible to combine with two-stranded homo sapiens DNA by ordinary means.[/quote']Is this canon lore? I mean, info straight out of the comics? Superman has 12-strand DNA?
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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Actually' date=' it's been established that homo sapiens and homo kryptonis (yes, I just made it up. Sue me) are fundamentally incompatible as far as reproduction is concerned. Homo kryptonis DNA is twelve-stranded, totally impossible to combine with two-stranded homo sapiens DNA by ordinary means.[/quote']


Which is why he never has a kid with Lois. That happens later with Diana (at least in the Kingdom elseworld lore).

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Is this canon lore? I mean' date=' info straight out of the comics? Superman has 12-strand DNA?[/quote']

My source is the "Death of Superman" novel, but that was adapted directly from the comics, so i'm inclined to think yes, this is canon.

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Roy played a half fire elemental that had problems with his love life due to the fact he was (searing heat). Unfortunately for them he was also so damn hot that most of them couldn't say no (no pun intended). His partners took damage from being with him. But he always took care fo them after they did and never continued past thier tolerance. He also usually healed them before he went on his way.


I think it mainly depends on the gm honestly.


The most interesting thing we had was when our catgirl psychic (benajeserit from dune...don't ask) went into estris. That was interesting. We did have her roleplay mind controlling people, but os of us really didn;t want to go too much into what she did with them....

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Guest darthvegita666

Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Well to continue with the Japanese cartoon genre. On DBZ, Goku and Vegita had children with human normals. Though to be fair, power on DBZ worked differently than the classical super we know in America, but the Saiyans were supposed to the bad@$$es of the universe. Even Raditz, had a 4-digit power level.


saiyans are like so toltally cool theyd like totally kill superman


picollo blew up the moon in dragonball and thats BEFORE dbz started and the other sayians came to earth and he only had a double didgit power level then and now hes in the millions


vegita is so cool hes like my favorite hes even cooler than flash


see sayans can have chidlren with normal humans and they get even more powerful which is NOT what hapepns when kryptonians have kids with humans they get weaker. but saiyans keep getting more powerful and when a saiyan goes supersaiyan before he has kids those kids can atomatically become supersayans which means theyll keep getting more and more powreful with each genertaion and the kryptonians would get weaker and weakr

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Guest darthvegita666

Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


besids when you almost kill a saiyamn they get even more powerful against whatever killed them just like doomsday and we all KNOW how that fight went

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Guest darthvegita666

Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Actually' date=' it's been established that homo sapiens and homo kryptonis (yes, I just made it up. Sue me) are fundamentally incompatible as far as reproduction is concerned. Homo kryptonis DNA is twelve-stranded, totally impossible to combine with two-stranded homo sapiens DNA by ordinary means.[/quote']


no that is not right


superboy is a clone of lex luther and suprman and he has both there dnas

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


I thought most people on this board at least tried to post in English.


This guy seems to forget that, at least originally, the Dragonball universe was a comedy. So naturally things happen in it that are not particularly logical, like having one of the most powerful beings in the Universe be so utterly naive that he gets married in the belief that he's just going to be fed.


So logic and Toriyama don't mix. And if you don't believe me, read Dr. Slump.

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Id been assuming that the "Saiyans would like totally kill Superman" posts were supposed to be humor.


Its like the old arguements over who was stronger, Superman or Mighty Mouse. Theyre from totally incompatible genres! Who cares??

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


Id been assuming that the "Saiyans would like totally kill Superman" posts were supposed to be humor.


Its like the old arguements over who was stronger, Superman or Mighty Mouse. Theyre from totally incompatible genres! Who cares??

Intentionally looking like a fanboy moron is not as funny as it looks.


Getting back on topic, wouldn't Amazon DNA be just as incompatible with Kryptonian DNA as Humans would be? The Amazons aren't alien -- they're human warrior maidens who had their physical prowess enhanced through direct contact with the Gods IIRC. The typical Amaxon will never die naturally, doesn't age, etc. That's how the Amazons can survive as a uni-gender civilization. The origins of Diana/WW are, I understand, even more magical than that -- she might be completely sterile. And if the Amazons have any sexuality at all in their makeup, then they are probably almost universally lesbian.


(Yes, there is a supicious refernce to her in the non-DC Graviton City universe of Project A-ko, but then you can't get more non-canonical than a satiric anime that was originally intended to be lesbian porn).

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


As I understand it, from a friend that is a Wonder Woman fan, the Amazons aren't all automatically lesbians, but given their society many of them do practice homosexuality. Its more cultural and opportunistic than bred in, such as the behavior seen in single sex enviornments. There's no men so sexuality is going to come out in some fashion. Now that men are allowed on the island some of them have changed.

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Re: Person of Steel, Significant Other of Tissue paper


no that is not right


superboy is a clone of lex luther and suprman and he has both there dnas

Superboy is genetically engineered, which isn't what I call "normal means," meaning your basic sprem-and-egg methods (including IVF and the like).

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