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Is there any originality left in comics?


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I mean look at us! We always want to come up with something new and some of us plainly dream of owning our own comic book company. Ever since the 70's, ideas have been taken by DC and Marvel. I want to create an original hero or heroine but I can't because my mind tells me to inspire other ideas!


In the meantime, who here has ever wanted to own a comic book store?

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?




In the meantime, who here has ever wanted to own a comic book store?


Not actually into comics, but seeing the success of "Comic Book Store Guy" from the Simpons both with the chicks and career wise, I would think owning a comic book store would be too much for me the handle:help:

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


I mean look at us! We always want to come up with something new and some of us plainly dream of owning our own comic book company. Ever since the 70's, ideas have been taken by DC and Marvel. I want to create an original hero or heroine but I can't because my mind tells me to inspire other ideas!


In the meantime, who here has ever wanted to own a comic book store?


Take a look at my webcomic (its in my Sig line). Tell me if its not orginal enough.

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


Any genre can be repetitive, and it's very hard to make up anything new sometimes without risking drifting from the genre entirely (Not that that is always a bad thing, sometimes the great writers redefine the genre)


That said, I'd love to write for either DC or Marvel (or my own independent) but I don't have the guts, the resume, or the contacts. While I don't think I'd be legend, I think I could do as well or better than some folks already in said jobs.

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


Followed the link and read the books.


Issue #4 will only load the first two pages; period. I was met with a 404 each time I retried. I did not try the rest, as I did not want to read them 'out of order,' thus retconning my entire psyche....... :D



Thats a first. Hmmmm. Did the pics show up in the windows to the right? What web browser are you using? Did you hit refresh? Can you see this? http://globaldefenseforce.com/comic4/PG3.jpg Its a link to the Pic directly.

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


Followed the link and read the books.


Issue #4 will only load the first two pages; period. I was met with a 404 each time I retried. I did not try the rest, as I did not want to read them 'out of order,' thus retconning my entire psyche....... :D

I went to Manmachine's sig link and was able to view all of the pages. Though, I did notice you used the word "your" instead of "you're" such as "your hot". "You're" means "you are" which is what you're wanting here. "Your" shows possession, such as "Your comic is entertainingly funny. Are these your own pics & story line, or do you create the story according to what happens in 'City of Heroes'?" :D


But to answer the thread's question: No. There's potential for it, but it's not happening. (Though Astro City may be the exception.) Even DC's about face/current suckage isn't original, as Marvel has done this type of idiotic thing before. :whip::snicker:

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


I went to Manmachine's sig link and was able to view all of the pages. Though, I did notice you used the word "your" instead of "you're" such as "your hot". "You're" means "you are" which is what you're wanting here. "Your" shows possession, such as "Your comic is entertainingly funny. Are these your own pics & story line, or do you create the story according to what happens in 'City of Heroes'?" :D



Yeah my Editor isnt perfect. I am not the greatest at figuring out all those different Your, you're, there, their, and they're out. You can easily tell the difference from my first issue writing to my last issue. It has gotten better over time. Just the flow of the story seems better in Issue 4 and what I have done in Issue 5.


My comic does not follow City of Heroes Story. I just use the engine and some of the characters for my Pics. This is my own world I even use it in the Hero Campaign. There is no DC/Marvel (those are comics) characters. I have my own orginal characters. All my characters (except Seige) have been around for 10+ years from when I use to play Marvel RPG (Classic Version). Animal Teen was my very first character I made up in January of 1984. (I got the game for my B-Day on Dec 28th 1983). Sonic Soldier and White Knight was a friend of mines Character that was made up at the same time. (Their powers and background have changed since then.) Within the Year although Manchine was born.

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


Considering that both Marvel and DC have thousands of different characters in their stables it become fairly difficult to come up with original character ideas. Most of the time an original character is original because of his personality and personal life rather than his powers. Inspire to create interesting characters. The powers are unimportant. Spider-man is not the most powerful person in the Marvel Universe, yet he is the most popular. It's because his personality is interesting [most of the time :)].


I think most of us who enjoyed comics as children wanted to own a comic shop/game shop at one time or another, but as you get older you start to realize other dreams and asperations. People go through a lot of life-ideas between 14 and 22. :)

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


I am not the greatest at figuring out all those different Your' date=' you're, there, their, and they're out.[/quote']

Heh, to help you out on the latter: "there" is a location away from you, as "here" is a location by you. Notice the similar spellings: t/here. "Their" is plural possesion that does not include you, such as "that is their house." And finally, "they're" is a contraction for "they are," in a sentence like "Are they real? Yes, they're real." :D

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


Duke's American Dictionary


Death of the English Language: n; conceptual phrase. 1) a loss of sentence structure, spelling and usage laws governing word definitions and grammar structures that has been steadily accelerating for several years as society as a whole moves away from the concept 'proper' and embraces casual or even vulgar discourse as acceptable for all use. See also: Internet



But I wasn't going to call anyone out on it.....

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


Oh, and the problem is still there, at least for me.


Issue for works fine on the first set of ten, and the first two of the second set of ten. Everything after that seems to have taken a dude ranch vacation to the Red X Ranch, though. And when I click them anyway (because I'm determined like that, you know) I get a big 'ol 404.....


For what it's worth, I've done it with Mozilla and with plain ol' slower than a cat at the back door M$ IE......

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


Duke's American Dictionary


Death of the English Language: n; conceptual phrase. 1) a loss of sentence structure, spelling and usage laws governing word definitions and grammar structures that has been steadily accelerating for several years as society as a whole moves away from the concept 'proper' and embraces casual or even vulgar discourse as acceptable for all use. See also: Internet



But I wasn't going to call anyone out on it.....


I actually have a really good excuse for not being able to spell. 7 Years ago (come January) I was involved in a Bad Car accident. I rolled my car several times on the express way. Needless to say when I awoke from a 3 day coma. I had no memory. It took about 2 months before I remembered anything. The doctors said I would probable never remember all my experiences in life. I have about 60% (I think) back in my memory.


The funny thing was 9 1/2 months after my car accident. I Married my wife. Most of what I remembered is I knew I loved her. I only had about 25% of my memory there.

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


Oh, and the problem is still there, at least for me.


Issue for works fine on the first set of ten, and the first two of the second set of ten. Everything after that seems to have taken a dude ranch vacation to the Red X Ranch, though. And when I click them anyway (because I'm determined like that, you know) I get a big 'ol 404.....


For what it's worth, I've done it with Mozilla and with plain ol' slower than a cat at the back door M$ IE......


So you were able to see the pic with the direct link to the Pic?


Its weird because I use both Mozilla and MS IE.

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


So you were able to see the pic with the direct link to the Pic?


Yes; thanks.


Its weird because I use both Mozilla and MS IE.


It could well be something in my box, or in my modem; I don't know. I'm techno-illitterate (All the Time, slightly) so I can't say. No biggie (though I;m going to eventually slip up and call you 'Munchie' eventually. You know that, right? :rolleyes:)


And I can dig the car-wreck. Back when I was still racing scrambles, I took an ariel header into a tree-- blown pupils, the whole nine yards. Since then, I 've had a difficult time fixing eactly 'how long ago' something was (and am now a furious note taker!) and I've been told by everyone in my family that I'm a much nicer version of the person I was before the wreck. Go figure. And always wear your helmet! ;)


I wasn't knocking your spelling or anything else with that post; I was lamenting the loss of a different time......


Now, about the rest of that comic...... :D

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


So you were able to see the pic with the direct link to the Pic?


Yes; thanks.




It could well be something in my box, or in my modem; I don't know. I'm techno-illitterate (All the Time, slightly) so I can't say. No biggie (though I;m going to eventually slip up and call you 'Munchie' eventually. You know that, right? :rolleyes:)


And I can dig the car-wreck. Back when I was still racing scrambles, I took an ariel header into a tree-- blown pupils, the whole nine yards. Since then, I 've had a difficult time fixing eactly 'how long ago' something was (and am now a furious note taker!) and I've been told by everyone in my family that I'm a much nicer version of the person I was before the wreck. Go figure. And always wear your helmet! ;)


I wasn't knocking your spelling or anything else with that post; I was lamenting the loss of a different time......


Now, about the rest of that comic...... :D



People on other sites and on City of Heroes call me Munchie. So I am actually use to it. :D :D


As for the Rest of the Pics http://globaldefenseforce.com/comic4/PG3.jpg just change the PG3.jpg to PG4, etc. It goes up to 20. When you switch to comic 5 just put comic5/PG1.jpg.

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?


Well considering 90% of the comic titles start with:


'Guy, with powers, puts on colorful suit and battles evil'


and works from there, it's tough.

8% starts with "girl"

1% starts with "automaton"

1% starts with "automaton" but doesn't include the suit. :doi:

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Re: Is there any originality left in comics?




If I can get back to your (?you're? heh) original question...


Comic book creation, whether it be the art or the writing, is like any other creative endeavor. Those suffering from the melancholy of everyday life or the self-proclaimed sophisticates that live in a world defined by their own constipated paradigms will always herald such beliefs. Perhaps, at the very core of creativity it has all been done before…




Each attempt to at originality has the potential to push our sphere of understanding beyond existing limitations. If we allow ourselves to subscribe to the “its all been done” paradigm we might as well stay home and become the ultimate couch potatoes. Count me out! The key is not whether or not something’s been done before… but rather the validity of your current endeavor.


So, how do you achieve validity? Good question. To some validity is subjective and warrants little thought and less discussion. However, I would say those individuals are destined to struggle, hoping for luck (or “happy accidents”) to elevate their work beyond mediocrity.


My advice: Learn all you can about the history of your craft. Find a mentor (living or otherwise) and learn what he went through to produce his craft. This way you can be certain that the work you do is built on a foundation of knowledge and understanding. Then envelop yourself in the work of your contemporaries. Seek out the large and small players and surround yourself with others who have embraced the creative process. Through collaboration and insightful discussion you’ll find that your ideas expand and your limits fall away. Working in a vacuum is truly the best way to reproduce something that’s already been done.


Educate your mind, emancipate your creativity and elevate your art.


Sounds simple… But doing anything right is hard work.

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