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Weird Dream


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Last night I had a dream about playing Champions (odd, I don't normaly dream about gaming, being a character a couple of times, but not sitting around a table). In the dream my GM gave my character a 100 points of xp, so here is my question, if your character all of a suden received 100 xp what would you spend it on?


I have to think of an answer for mine...

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Re: Weird Dream


That is a unique question. For me it really depends on which character I'm playing. Shadow Hawk would only spend Xp if he's upgrading his defense/weapons becuse of encounter. Like adding mental defense if he fought a mentalist last game (don't you say a word incrdbil :doi:). I guess it really depends on what your playing and what will the GM let you have. With a 100 xp the sky (and you GM) is the limit.

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Re: Weird Dream


The Tornado! Is more or less completed as is at 460. He's got all the powers that I think fit his concept. DEX 40, SPD 9. A 13 OC and a 15 DCV. If he got 100 xp's dropped in his little green-suited lap, I suppose he'd either:

a. Pester Nighthawk into teaching him some martial arts

b. Build a killer suped-up Hot Rod


c. Develop a power that's been aluded to in prior games but never used. We've done some dimensional travelling where we appear as our "true selves" and T! appears to be a being of living energy. With practice, he might learn to manifest his energy form in this plane, maybe as a Multiform w/ a bit higher SPD (10) and some desolid tricks or something like that.


The Templar Possibly some divine/ light-based ranged attacks. Or brush up on more Arcane Lore, particularly related to the Superhuman World so that he'd be better equipped at fighting modern day mystical evils. Aside from that, some more STR, CON or DEF would be good.


Frostbite Pick up a couple more EC slots... maybe change his secondary Ice Blast power to an EB w/ the Variable Advantage for up to +1/2 Advantages. That'd be fun. Ranged CSL's wouldn't hurt him any either, nor would skill levels vs. Range mod. But, as none of those are terribly expensive, he'd probably lock himself in the hangar w/ the D-Jet for a weekend and trick it out. Of course, he'd need Tomorrow Boy in there with him to make sure he didn't screw up TB's warp drive engines that he added for space travel. I'm just guessing that screwing up warp drive engines is probably a little more devastating than leaving the oil cap off.


Huh... just noticed that 2 of my past 3 Champions characters are gear heads. Ironic, because I'm not.... at all. Must be my subconcious trying to overcompensate or something.

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Re: Weird Dream


This is what I have come up with


I need some HtH ability, so would probably get my ex teammate to train me in Kung Fu


I would dedicate a fair chunk to PSL's (my archer has a very high OCV, but he doesn't have many PSL's)


I would also probably upgrade my CSL to overalls.

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Re: Weird Dream


I don't have an answer for Uncle Slam. I've already inflated him so much that I'm not sure what I'd do with those kind of points.


Audra Blue would develop a power suit. She always wanted to be an "actual" superhero. She's agoraphobic, but I'd buy that down a few points and say it doesn't apply when she's wearing the armor because she feels insulated from the outside world. She'd get a simple multipower or EC with technological attacks and defenses. Straight up blasts and armor.


Anthem would develop a few different things. First, a sort of "detect" to find where trouble is happening in the city. She'd just be drawn to trouble like a magnet. Next, since she did read comics and liked both Batman and Captain America (for different reasons), she'd either get a few batman-like restraining gadgets or a cap-like shield. But since she's pretty invulnerable already, I'd lean toward the gadgets.

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Re: Weird Dream


I would pull out my "Ultimate" version of the character (IIRC, weighing in at 650 points) and allocate the new xp between his abilities to get 100 points closer.


Or just dump it all in his VPP and keep the other abilities on their gradual rise, since I think they'll be paid up long before his VPP hits the levels he'll ultimately be at.

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Re: Weird Dream


Astro-Knight: All sorts of new spacefaring abilities based on stellar powers, buy up the multipower he has.. improve his flight skills, and oh... OCV levels. LOTS of OCV levels. His luck with electronic die rollers sucks.


Gaze: In his case, it depends. Did everyone else on the team get exp? In that case, I arrange for Gaze to become an even more powerful mentalist, with a few more powers and much more dice in his multipower. Spare stuff goes to his hand to hand with maybe a few batman like gadgets for flavor. If not, well, a more modest boost to his mental powers, and spend the rest turning one of his DNPCs into a follower and NPC super heroine just for amusement's sake.


Max Thunder: Brick Trick city, and lots of strength. How shallow am I?


Recluse: Grandmother Spider would give him even more abilities, some which would freak him out, like "talking with spiders" (and having them talk back) and being able to summon them to swarm folks. Yes, Recluse would become the Aquaman of the Arachnid set. :D

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Re: Weird Dream


Queen of Spades would beef up her defenses/attacks considerably, perhaps adding more variety to improve her existing gear and/or fill in the rest of her dimensional pockets with fun stuff. I can so totally see a hardened version of her suit for vaccum/aquatic ventures.


The one thing I will never do is improve her deus ex machina--The Forge. That's asking for GM's intereference.

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Re: Weird Dream


Interesting. I have had dreams where I woke up and said "Cool, that would be a good plot for a game" or "a cool villain to add" (something I fought in a dream).



I had one power in a dream I have thought of giving to an NPC or something or other.


In the dream, I had to fight ghosts. So I had a gun that seemed to shoot bullets that while having no affect on the living. Would wound/kill (depending on where ghost got shot, like the living normally would) ghosts. (well technically would send the ghost on to the afterlife if killed, but you have the idea) Anybody, think that might be cool for certain types of games?

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Re: Weird Dream


The Liberator: I learned in the first scenero that I really needed a ranged attack. It also would have avoided the "do I have to pay points if I use my str to toss things on a regular basis, what If I carry things to toss so I don't have to destory the cityscape" discussion.

Surfer Dude: A normal person who got all his powers from aliens like everyone else int he party, none of us players knew the details of out powers, or if we had any extra ones that haven't come out. He could absorb damage and use it to increase strength, but couldn't hit anything. I think he might be tempted to start taking his tai chi as a combat form... or just get a really narly surf board.

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