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New JLU Tonight


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It starts in about an hour and fifteen minutes. The TiVO is set. The only question is whether I'll manage to stay conscious to watch it while it airs (am running a fever).


As I understand it, this season kicks off with Lex escaping custody on his way to Belle Rive and finding The Legion of Doom's headquarters rising out of a Louisiana swamp.

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Re: New JLU Tonight


I liked how they didn't use the term "Legion of Doom" and how its existance wasn't reveiled to the JLU at the end. They aren't rushing things with grandiose, over the top, plans to conquer the world. It looks like at first the only clue to their existance will be heroes saying, "You know, those two never worked together before." As they slowly figure out the JLU has an evil counterpart.

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Re: New JLU Tonight


About the second or third time the Legion poses some major dilemma for the League, it'll be time for Bats to sigh and reach for the dice on another mega-high end Deduction roll (or Clairsentience 'only to know what the JLU needs to know to save the day').


I mean c'mon... it's his schtick, after all.


I like the new Legion of Doom. Nice array of nasty bad guys. Swamp high-tech base. Secrecy. Hints of major infighting to come between Lex & Grodd.


All the hallmarks of a really good superhero/supervillain throwdown later this season!

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Re: New JLU Tonight


(Warning: Spoilers ahead!)


I also like how they brought the Blackhawks and their old super-tech in. Say, are there any historians around here who know just what those things were that the Flash, Fire, and Hawkgirl faced? I recognized a War-Wheel (as well as a pic of Vandal Savage in his SS uniform on the bunker's walls), but what about the flying cyborg hammerheads and the rest?


And how about the new hero in the second episode? I'm eager to see just what happens with him.

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Re: New JLU Tonight


Would've been nice if CN had actually advertisted the fact they were gonna be showing new eps... I found out about it from the Atomic Think Tank (M&M boards), and the guy posting it had found out about it from tv.com. 'Course, this isn't the first time CN's premiered something and not bothered to tell anyone....



Hawkman was in the second ep. Sorta.


In the JLU, Hawkman's Carter Hall, an archaeologist who found the Absorbatron (or something with a name like that), a 'black box' of a Thanagarian ship that crashed in Egypt 6000 years ago. The two Thanagarians inside raised up the locals level of tech (they built/got them to build the pyramids, and presumably inspired the myth of Horus the falcon-god). They eventually died. Carter Hall, when he touched the Absorbatron, had the entire ship's log (and the two Thanagarian's personal logs) telepathically donwloaded into his brain, so he now believes he's the reincarnation of the Hawkman that was on Earth so long ago. And he believes Hawkgirl is the reincarnation of the Hawkgirl that was there 'with him' 6000 years ago.


Which is about as clear a backstory one could hope for a JLU Hawkman, given how horribly convoluted Hawkman's (and Hawkgirl's) backgrounds in the comics are.



Oh, you don't know the full story? Here, let me tell you.


Hawkman History 201:

Hawkman originally was Carter Hall, a reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian Prince Khufu, who had in the modern day discovered that the mysterious "Nth Metal" ("nth" rhymes with "plinth") could negate the effects of gravity and allow him to fly. He donned a costume with large wings to allow him to control his flight and became the crimefighter, Hawkman. An archaeologist by trade, Hall used ancient weapons from the museum of which he was curator in his efforts. Hawkman was a charter member of the Justice Society of America, and became the JSA's chairman, a position he would hold until the end of the JSA's run in All Star Comics. He romanced Shiera Saunders, his reincarnated bride Princess Chay-Ara , who also became the crimefighter Hawkgirl. Along with most other superheroes, Hawkman's Golden Age adventures came to an end when the industry turned away from the genre in the early 1950s. His last appearance was in All Star Comics #57.

Later in the decade, DC Comics, under editor Julius Schwartz, decided to revive a number of heroes in new incarnations, but with the same names and powers. Following the success of The Flash, Hawkman was revived, this time as an alien policeman from the planet Thanagar, though his powers were largely the same. Created by Gardner Fox and Joe Kubert, this Hawkman, Katar Hol, came to Earth with his wife Shayera - Hawkgirl (later Hawkwoman) - in pursuit of the criminal Byth Rok (a shapeshifter), and remained to fight crime on Earth. They adopted the named Carter and Shiera Hall and became curators of a museum. This Hawkman became a member of the Justice League of America, where he often verbally sparred with the iconoclastic liberal hero Green Arrow. In the 1960s it was revealed that the original Hawkman (as well as all the JSA members and Golden Age characters) lived on the parallel world Earth-Two, and that Katar Hol lived on Earth-One (with al the other JLA and Silver Age characterss). The JLA and JSA had an annual meeting throughout the 1960s and 1970s during which the two heroes often met.

The landmark 1985 series Crisis on Infinite Earths resulted in a massive revision of much DC continuity and led to many characters being substantially rewritten. Hawkman was to suffer some of the greatest confusion as successive writers sought to explain his various appearances. In the revised timeline, there was a single Earth which had witnessed the JSA in the 1940s and the JLA decades later. Successive revisions sought to establish exactly who had been Hawkman and Hawkwoman at different stages. For the first few years the pre-Crisis incarnations were still used, during which time they were prominent across the DC Universe and joined the latest incarnation of the Justice League. Then DC decided to reboot Hawkman, in a pair of series entitled Hawkworld. In this series, Thanagar was a class society which conquered other worlds to enrich itself. Katar Hol was the son of a prominent official who rebelled against the status quo. He and his partner Shayera were sent to Earth and remained there for some years until Hol was apparently killed. This created a host of continuity errors, though, as the new Katar Hol was established as having only just arrived on Earth, raising the question as to who had been around previously. As an attempt to resolve the problem, it was established through retcons that the Golden Age Hawkman and Hawkwoman had also operated during the 1940s, and that Nth Metal came from Thanagar. They had remained active and then joined the original incarnation of the JLA. Moreover, yet another Hawkman - Fel Andar, a Thanagarian agent - had been the one who joined the Justice League during the 1980s, pretending to be a hero but secretly seeking to infiltrate the JLA.

The mini-series Zero Hour (which sought to untangle some of the continuity knots inadvertantly created by Crisis) muddied the waters further by merging the different Hawkmen into a "hawk god", who had his own series briefly during the mid-1990s, and who had a small role in the alternate-future series Kingdom Come.

In the later 1990s, the series JSA untangled Hawkman's continuity, establishing him as Carter Hall, a man who - along with Shiera - had been reincarnated dozens of times since his life in ancient Egypt b/c they had been exposed to the Nth Metal drive of a crashed Thanagarian ship, and the Nth Metal somehow strengthened their souls so they would be perpetually reincarnated, rather than pass on when they died. The Katar Hol of Hawkworld had also come to Earth during the 1990s, as established. The 1980s imposter spy went back to Thanagar. The status of the hawk god is unclear.


Hawgirl/Hawkwoman History 201:

The Golden Age Hawkgirl was Shiera Sanders (or Saunders), the reincarnation of the Egyptian princess Chay-Ara, and partner of Carter Hall, the Golden Age Hawkman. The Hawks were members of the All-Star Squadron, and while Hawkman was also a member of the Justice Society of America, Hawkgirl was not, only assisting the group on occasion (although recent retcons seem to point to Hawkgirl being formally inducted into the JSA at some time). Eventually, Carter and Shiera married and had one son, Hector Hall, who is the current Doctor Fate.

Through retcon, Carter and Shiera joined the Justice League of America in the early 1980s.

Shiera died when she was merged with Carter and Katar Hol to form a new Hawkman version, a "hawk god" creature, during the events of Zero Hour.

The Silver Age Hawkwoman was Shayera Hol, a law enforcement officer from the planet Thanagar and wife of Katar Hol, the Silver Age Hawkman. She was a member of the Justice League. When Shayera and Katar Hol came to Earth in pursuit of the shapeshifter Byth Rok, they were befriended by Midway City police commissioner George Emmett, who established cover identities for them as Carter and Shiera Hall. After capturing Byth and bringing him back to their planet, Katar and Shayera chose to return to study Earth's crimefighting methods, and they fought against evil as the superheroes Hawkman and Hawkwoman. As Hawkwoman, Shayera eventually joined her husband as a member of the Justice League. As Shiera, she first worked as Carter's secretary, but later became co-director of the Midway City Museum. Recently, Thanagar had established itself as a military dictatorship bent on conquering other planets. Hawkman and Hawkwoman thwarted Thanagarian plans to invade Earth, destroying their own starship in the process. Hawkman and Hawkwoman remain on Earth, regarded as traitors by everyone on Thanagar.

Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Shayera Hol was wiped out of DC Comics continuity.

Late in the 1980s, a Thanagarian spy called Fel Andar arrived in Earth to infiltrate the Justice League as Hawkman II. Then he took on an unwitting earthwoman, Sharon "Hall", as his Hawkwoman. This impostor, intending to gain his teammates confidence, claimed to be Carter and Shiera Hall's son Carter Hall, Jr. He was actually working for the future alien-alliance Invasion. When Sharon learnt about the masquerade she exposed the truth to J'onn J'onzz and Maxwell Lord. Confronted by both, Hawkman II escaped back to Thanagar but not before murdering Sharon for her betrayal. Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Fel Andar was wiped out of DC Comics continuity.

In the early 1990's, Thanagarian policemen partners Katar Hol and Shayera Thal arrived on Earth with the mission to capture the Thanagarian shape-shifting criminal Byth. They were part of a force which used the hawk as their symbol, and also had a winged, gravity-defying harness. Together they fought crime on Earth for some time until their tempestuous working relationship led them to break up their partnership.

Then came the events of Zero Hour where Katar was merged with Carter and Shiera Hall in a new Hawkman version, which briefly created the "hawk god" creature. This Hawkman adventured for a brief time before going insane and being banished into limbo.

Shortly after that, Kendra Saunders became the new Hawkgirl, and Carter Hall, the original Hawkman, was ressurected. Shayera met them on her final battle against Byth when the three Hawks, aided by the Animal Man, defeated the Thanagarian criminal for good.

Shayera's mission on Earth was ended and she went back to Thanagar.

The current Hawkgirl is Kendra Saunders, a young woman who committed suicide. When Kendra's soul left her body, the soul of her grandaunt, Shiera Hall, the Golden Age Hawkgirl, entered it. She currently has all of Kendra's memories, but almost none of Shiera's. She is a member of the Justice Society.



Future JLU eps are to be:


Chaos at the Earth’s Core

First aired: 9/24/2005, 10:00pm EST

Green Lantern leads Stargirl and Supergirl to Skartaris, a fanastic world where they meet a new hero, The Warlord.


To Another Shore

First aired: 9/24/2005, 10:30pm EST

Wonder Woman learns of a plot to steal the powers of the 3,000 year-old corpse of The Viking Prince.


Flash and Substance

First aired: 1/1/2006, time unknown

The Flash must handle an onslaught of super-villains during the opening of a museum in his honor.


Dead Reckoning

First aired: 1/1/2006, time unknown

The League comes to the aid of Boston "Deadman" Brand, the ghost of a deceased circus acrobat, who needs their help in recovering the souls of members of a monastic order.


Patriot Act

First aired: 1/1/2006, time unknown

Green Arrow must lead a team of non-powered superheroes against a berserk super-soldier attacking Metropolis.


The Great Brain Robbery

First aired: 1/1/2006, time unknown

A mystic artifact causes Lex Luthor and the Flash to switch bodies.

(Fitting, since Michael Rossenbaum, who does the voice of the Flash in JLU, plays Lex Luthor in SMALLVILLE ;) )

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Re: New JLU Tonight


I always watch the JLU. I haven't seen all the episodes, and I like to try to catch them when they are on. I didn't know this was a new episode, so I'm glad now that I caught it.


BTW, new teen titans are on this saturday at 8 (and I think it repeats sunday at 10). It looks like the doom patrol is going to be joining the teen titans, at least for an episode. Beast Boy, if you don't already know, is an ex-doom patrol member. He was adopted by two DP members, who have since died (kia, I believe).


I'm not a huge DP dork, I just read their entry on wikipedia. Check it out, it's darn interesting, especially the parts about dadaism and cut-up-technique.



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Re: New JLU Tonight


is this a cartoon or live action?? here in quebec unless u got a dish u dont get these shows..:( is there a link to a web site where i could get some info on JLU?


It's a cartoon. Very stylized, but very cool. Check out the shows index on cartoon network. Click on the J button, then scroll down to Justice League. You could also try a google search for JLU.


Cartoon Network Link:



Edit: Here's a somewhat better cartoon network link. Ignore the java games and head for the bio's and the episode guide link.


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Re: New JLU Tonight


is this a cartoon or live action?? here in quebec unless u got a dish u dont get these shows..:( is there a link to a web site where i could get some info on JLU?


You don't need a dish. Cable is just fine, if you have YTV.


I've watched every JLU episode. :) It's just that we get it up to 6 months after the States.:(



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Re: New JLU Tonight


Would've been nice if CN had actually advertisted the fact they were gonna be showing new eps... I found out about it from the Atomic Think Tank (M&M boards)' date=' and the guy posting it had found out about it from tv.com. 'Course, this isn't the first time CN's premiered something and not bothered to tell anyone....[/quote']

Yeah, CN dropped the ball, but it was advertised here in NGD. CN seems to completely lack the ability to advertse any show that does not have 'Ed' somewhere in the title (preferably repeated three times for clarity).


In the Hawkman monthly they brought back Goldenwing (or GoldenHawk), Hawkman's sidekick from way back. And it seems they are going to re-add some complexity to the story as he is claiming to be the son of the 'true' hawkman, not that poser Cater Hall.


While the history of Hawkman is confusing, the writers have seemed to embrace the confusion and complexity and use it for good (if sometimes roound-about) stories. They have given up on trying to sort everything out and make it lay flat, and instead will just throw it in a pot and use it to further complicate Carter's existence.

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Re: New JLU Tonight


Would've been nice if CN had actually advertisted the fact they were gonna be showing new eps...
I caught the tail end of the Hawkman episode while I was channel surfing and I'll admit that I'm not a happy camper. Would it be so difficult to get a heads up? I mean I was recording Cowboy Bebops (until they recently pulled the plug on the early AM Tu-F) so it wasn't like I was avoiding the channel or anything.
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Re: New JLU Tonight


Just a friendly reminder - two more new eps tomight (Sat, Sep 24). Tonights features:


"Heart of Stone" Episode #29.

Supergirl, Star Girl and Green Lantern try to free Skataris from the rule of a brutal dictator.


"Elegy" Episode #30.

Wonder Woman uncovers a plot to steal powers from the frozen remains of a legendary hero.


Anymore know who the "legendary hero" is in Elegy?

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Re: New JLU Tonight


Those new episodes were kickin'!


Elegy was a lot of fun and probably my favorite of the two. 'Devil Ray' though? Looked like Black Manta to me. Superhero team vs. Supervillain team in the arctic seas was a nice one.


Clearly Diana isn't as familiar with the saga of Prince Jon as you'd think. Sending him into the sun? Isn't he immune to fire per the legend Gorilla Grodd kicked out at the beginning? I'm just saying...

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Re: New JLU Tonight


Those new episodes were kickin'!


Elegy was a lot of fun and probably my favorite of the two. 'Devil Ray' though? Looked like Black Manta to me. Superhero team vs. Supervillain team in the arctic seas was a nice one.


Clearly Diana isn't as familiar with the saga of Prince Jon as you'd think. Sending him into the sun? Isn't he immune to fire per the legend Gorilla Grodd kicked out at the beginning? I'm just saying...


Well, I think Diana was feeling a little stuck there. The traditional Viking funeral (at least in popular perception) is setting the deceased a drift in a boat and setting said boat on fire. Jon would have the same problem with that funeral, but with the added problem of the corpse laying at the bottom of the sea for fairly easy retrieval. At least in the sun, there are only what 6 or 7 villains that could go in and get the body?

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