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Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:

Guest Suleyman Rashid

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Guest Suleyman Rashid

Being the GM of a Golden Age campaign, I'm stealing the idea for this thread from the similar thread started by Nexus.



Lots of Nazis. Most especially a heartless, inhumane Nazi mad scientist and an "honorable" Nazi (a soldier, natch) whose more loyal to Germany as a whole than Hitler as an individual.


Entire hordes of screaming Japanese soldiers.


"Supervillains" who are basically gangsters with a gimmick.


"Superheroes" who are basically street-brawlers in tights.


Every other hero a millionaire playboy.


Heroes with aliterative names (Donald Davis, Tim Tomlinson, Ben Bradford)


Heroes with punnish names (Justin Thyme, Justin Case, Rick O'Shay, Bill O'Wrights)


Kid sidekicks.


Campaign cities that just don't exist in the real world.




Any others?

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Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


Every team must have one, and only one, distaff member. Sooner or later they will go up against a female villian who will taunt, "All of you are too gentlemanly to hit a girl!"


Which is where the distaff member steps up, flattens her, and says "That's why I'm here."

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Guest Suleyman Rashid

Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


If in the stereotypical whitewashed retro Golden Age (Comics Code fully enforced)...


But of course it is...

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Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


Every Golden Age Supers campaign needs...


Authority figures who are themselves heroic, or at the very least fully cooperative with the heroes. "Corrupt" figures in goverment or the police are few and far between, and soon revealed as Nazi spies

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Guest Suleyman Rashid

Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


Could you provide an example from the source material?


Hans Odin from X-Venture comics. Cold, hard, merciless, perfectly willing to kill a foe... but only if the foe is armed and actually expecting combat. Will kill soldiers in cold blood, but refuses to kill innocent refugees and won't undertake schemes to kill the hero that needlessly endangers those not involved in the "private war".


Its not much of a code of honor, but it is what it is, and he sticks to it.


In any case, I happen to like villains who are admittedly evil yet still will keep their word if their word is actually given. Relentlessly evil, treacherous villains get boring after a while.

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Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


If in the stereotypical whitewashed retro Golden Age (Comics Code fully enforced) then the heroes will exclaim such things as "Blue Blazes!" "Great Steve!" and "Imperious Rex!"


Hate to be a stickler, because your point about exclamations is accurate, but the Comics Code didn't go into effect until the Fifties. It's much more a Silver Age thing than a Golden Age thing.



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Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


Villains who's names start with Doc, Dr, or Professor (Dr. Nefarious).


Fanatical Nazi henchmen. "Der Aryan" or "General _ fill in the blank" and he's got to have a monocle.


Female NPCs who are more of a plot device than anything else.


Evil Asian crime lords (Dr. Woo)


A vast criminal conspiracy that's infiltrated the government.


Some "super science" (Johnny Thunder and his fantastic "Rocket Plane") or "Tick Tock: The Clock Works Man" and his robotic army of "Tin Men")


Official hero fan clubs complete with "secret decoder rings.

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Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


Hate to be a stickler, because your point about exclamations is accurate, but the Comics Code didn't go into effect until the Fifties. It's much more a Silver Age thing than a Golden Age thing.




Read the post.. that's why I said the white washed RETRO golden age....how the golden age was often portrayed in later years

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Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


Hans Odin from X-Venture comics.


In any case, I happen to like villains who are admittedly evil yet still will keep their word if their word is actually given. Relentlessly evil, treacherous villains get boring after a while.


Fair enough.


I didn't doubt you could come up with one, but I didn't think he would be quite that obscure! :)


The honourable villain is a good thing in a game, of course, but I don't think they were all that common in the source material. Particularly during the war, when the enemy were the enemy, period.

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Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


Baron someone complete with monacle & sword scar.


a low ranking buffon who's smarter then he looks to go "I know nothing...NOTHING..."


death traps...lots and lots of death traps. True a staple of Retro-Golden Age (aka The Invaders, Golden Age heroes written by Silver Age folk)


Someone looking for the Spear of Destiny


Hot looking Valkyrie (so your All-American maidentm will haveve someone to catfight)

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Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


A team with one (and only one) Hero from each of the Allied nations.


A reason why Supers might stay at home and fight on the Home Front, instead of going into battle. (In my GA game, the Nazis had a metahuman whose power was that he shut off ALL superpowers in a ten mile radius. The ALlies found out about him the hard way, and lost two VERY prominent British heroes. FDR decided that, for morale reasons, no SUper could go inot battle on the front lines, as the loss of an American hero would demoralize the troops too much).


At least three American heroes who are ignoring FDR's decree...and doing REALLY well!

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Re: Every Good Golden Age Supers Campaign Needs:


Guy in DC's Golden Age was like that, publicly stating that it was Hitler using the Spear of Destiny as the excuse.


A team with one (and only one) Hero from each of the Allied nations.


A reason why Supers might stay at home and fight on the Home Front, instead of going into battle. (In my GA game, the Nazis had a metahuman whose power was that he shut off ALL superpowers in a ten mile radius. The ALlies found out about him the hard way, and lost two VERY prominent British heroes. FDR decided that, for morale reasons, no SUper could go inot battle on the front lines, as the loss of an American hero would demoralize the troops too much).


At least three American heroes who are ignoring FDR's decree...and doing REALLY well!

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