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WWYCD: You the Jury


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This WWYCD is for those characters with a Secret ID.


You have spent several weeks tracking down, fighting, and finally capturing a Supervillian. His day in court has come up. In your Superhero ID, you have been called as a witness. In your secret Id, you have been called as a juror.


What would your character do?




Side Note: you are not required to reveal your secret id on the stand. Your superhero ID is recognized as a valid alias under the law as long as you registered it with the government. You are not required to reveal your secret ID to register. However, you are required to give an unique way to prove your ID to the police.

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Wooo, potential flare-up there...


As Queen of Spades, I'd defintly be there, witnessing. In my secret ID, Alenia Walthiel, she'll have to spin some story about a poor relative that's just fallen ill and might not make it--and make it stick to the juror officer, since you can't beat a good amount of PRE from a model. :D

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


So, how do feel about contempt of court as a sequestered juror?


Vanishing from the hotel is probably going to be a problem in the beginning. Which, of course, leads to the question... You have been called for a long trial (months) with a sequestered jury. What do you do?

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Fill out the jury questionnarie in such a way no lawyer in his/her right mind would keep you in the pool.


1. Do you know the defendant?

A. Yes, he once killed my dog in an attempt to take over the city.


2. Do you have any particular bias against super-powered individuals?

A. Yes, they are freaks of nature that must be purged from society.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Firedrake: Immune, he is not a citizen, or human for that matter. His secret ID is an impersonation of a retired super's secret ID...

Ion:Would answer the jury selection questions in a way guaranteed to eliminate himself from the pool.

Quantum Cat: Being a juror would place undue strain on my company.

The PC: Public ID

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Ironically enough, the only character of mine with a secret ID is Baron von Darien, of all people.


(Well, his ID is effectively Public in the Mystic World, but as far as the legal system knows, he's using somebody else's birth certificate entirely. Little circumlocutions like this are necessary when one is an 1100+ year old vampire.)


At any rate, the Baron would simply forge a note from his doctor saying that he was medically unable to attend, so sorry.

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Cheeta, only character with a Secret ID that usually answers these questions for me, would show up for jury selection, point out to the judge that as a pro athlete his presence on the jury would turn this trial into even more of a media circus, then disqualify himself, saying he has a previous relationship with the defendant. Any further questioning on the subject of the defendant will be answered by reading from a card "On the advice of my lawyer, I respectfully invoke my rights under the fifth amendment, and refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me."


Mor challenging would be if both ID's had been supoenaed as witnesses.

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Any character I have ever played would get out of jury duty in this scenario. It's not that hard. Just raise your hand every time they ask if there's some reason why you would be biased in the case. You'll be telling the truth, and you can easily come up with half a dozen justifications without revealing your SID.

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Actually, Dr. Anomaly has been in a somewhat similar situation (having to be two places at once) though it was not law-related. At one point he found himself in the position of being a keynote presenter at a robotics conference in his secret ID as Dr. Solomon Kinkaid, and a day or so before the conference the team being called on to provide security for the conference (and several important guests and devices) because of information that had come to light indicating an imfamous merc team might be setting up a grab for some of that tech.


So, in this situation, he'd do what he did for the conference: create a homunculus that was an exact copy of him except for having no magic or gadgeteering powers whatsoever -- just his intellect, memories, attitudes, etc. Fortunately, his magic pool is just large enough to carry this out. :)


Needless to say, the homunculus would be the one doing jury duty. ;)

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Dr Benedict would do all he could to avoid serving as a juror. I am sure he could get a medical excuse if Capt. Mysterion was needed on the stand.


Lillith avoided having to testify in Donna Windham's murder trial when Capt. Mysterion punched the Finn Mark II robo-golum through the prisoner transport van and knocked the evil Ms Windham -200 Stun. By the time she got out of the coma, her secret accomplice had been elected president and pardoned her. Lillith doesn't have a secret ID, so she would tell a jury screener that she had been shot by Windham. In a different case, she might try the "I was shot by the defendant" ploy anyway.


Miko is a minor and not required to serve jury duty. Also, she's not a US citizen and knows little of these earth laws.


As a convicted felon, Mad Angus is out of the jury pool. Lucky Angus.

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Soulbarb, alas, is a minor in her secret ID and would not be called for jury duty. However, even getting her on the witness stand in her heroic ID would be quite the trick, considering she is largely a mystery figure outside Mystic circles, an unknown to the public -- in fact, not much more than a rumor. And she tries very hard to keep it that way.


Cerulean, alas, has a Public ID, and not only is not a citizen, he's also not from this plane of existence. Getting him through all the red tape necessary to be able to sit on a jury would be an interesting exercise. On the other hand, he would be much more inclined than Soulbarb to act as a witness.

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury




I only have 2 characters who have Secret IDs... One has Duplication, so he wouldnt have a problem, and the other isnt a citizen, so he wouldnt be called for jury duty.


If it was a case of both identities being called as witnesses, then the non-citizen would have some trouble. Getting out of testifying in the secret ID wouldnt be impossible (arrange a single vehicle car accident for yourself...) but that would be a problem if the secret ID's testimony was really needed to convict.

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Having been called for Jury Duty every time I've been up, there are several easy ways out. Really Munchkiny, just delay your service. At least in New York, you can defer once for up to three months or so. Completely avoid the issue. If you knew a case was coming up for your testimony.


Now, if you're selected, there's about a 5 percent chance you'll be on a Jury. I was a part of a pool that was completely eliminated, including myself. And this was for a very minor crime. We're talking sixty people. Just mention that you're a member of the ACLU and no prosecutor will touch you. Also, if you work anywhere in the justice system, you will never be picked, no matter what. One of the guys next to me in this pool worked for the DOJ and said he's been called half a dozen times or more and never served.


Realistically, you'd know way in advance what trial you were going to be a part of and do these or other little tricks to get out of it.


But a damn clever silver age type dilemma. If possible, I'd get somebody to where the outfit and play me in the stand. For Mr. Cosmic, his images are just good enough, he could do the old hologram trick.

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


This WWYCD is for those characters with a Secret ID.


You have spent several weeks tracking down, fighting, and finally capturing a Supervillian. His day in court has come up. In your Superhero ID, you have been called as a witness. In your secret Id, you have been called as a juror.


What would your character do?




Side Note: you are not required to reveal your secret id on the stand. Your superhero ID is recognized as a valid alias under the law as long as you registered it with the government. You are not required to reveal your secret ID to register. However, you are required to give an unique way to prove your ID to the police.



Under the system you describe there would have to be some recognized official means to be excused from jury duty for a case in which your alternate identity is involved. Some sort of coded response to jury notice or something. Actually, I can't imagine a system of registered superheroes in which keeping your identity secret from the registering body would be at all plausible.

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Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


Under the system you describe there would have to be some recognized official means to be excused from jury duty for a case in which your alternate identity is involved. Some sort of coded response to jury notice or something. Actually' date=' I can't imagine a system of registered superheroes in which keeping your identity secret from the registering body would be at all plausible.[/quote']

I'm pretty sure the registering body would be able to identify you...


"Excuse me, Mr. StellarFire? Could you please tell me your mother's maiden name and the name of your first pet?"


... though I hope to Ghu their methods are better than the ones used online. :angst: Just because the specific department of the Secret Service (or whoever) can pull up the necessary files - heck, even if they make them semi-available - it doesn't mean each and every member of law enforcement, or even every Federal judge, is going to know all the details.


I think it would simply make sense for the registering body to "disqualify" your Secret ID from Jury Duty. Of course, if anyone finds the list of people ineligible for jury duty "by order of department MJ-12", then you're in a whole other pot of hot water.

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Guest HeroPink!

Re: WWYCD: You the Jury


This WWYCD is for those characters with a Secret ID.


You have spent several weeks tracking down, fighting, and finally capturing a Supervillian. His day in court has come up. In your Superhero ID, you have been called as a witness. In your secret Id, you have been called as a juror.


What would your character do?




Side Note: you are not required to reveal your secret id on the stand. Your superhero ID is recognized as a valid alias under the law as long as you registered it with the government. You are not required to reveal your secret ID to register. However, you are required to give an unique way to prove your ID to the police.

Ya know, I don't have a charry with SID. Glarg, Thena, and Lana van Hoorn are all PID, and Panweesio is a "secret identity" only (no "superhero ID").
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