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Opinion: EuroStar


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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


Gotcha! She does so have the disad of Megalomania' date=' I know this because I LOOKED AT HER WRITE-UP NOT MORE THEN FIVE MINUTES AGO![/quote']


Oh really?


I beg the indulgence of the moderators to allow the attached page scan, despite it being of their own copyrighted material, to stay up -- at least, to stay up long enough to prove conclusively that Twilight has just told a direct lie.


Behold, page 22 of "Conquerors, Killers, and Crooks", upon which you will all note that Gravitar's list of Disdavantages has 'Megalomania' nowhere among her Psych Lims.


(Attached as PDF)


You mean to say Chuck' date=' that my arguement will never hold up because you will keep altering the facts to suit you?[/quote']


... uh-huh.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


I think Psych Lim: Bent On World Domination (Very Common' date=' Total) qualifies as megalomania. :)[/quote']


No, it doesn't.


'Megalomania' is the state of mind of thinking that you *can* conquer the world -- that there ain't no flies on you, you are the tops, you are teh uber, you are undefeatable, etc, etc. Megalomaniacs do tend to be sloppy, as we have noted.


'Bent On World Domination' means that you *want* to conquer the world -- it is your goal, the ideal that you work towards, your life's eventual objective. It mandates nothing about how rationally and/or irrationally you are working towards it.


The one is a state of mind indicating a severe loss of the ability to objectively evaluate your odds of success or failure. The other is a set of objectives that has nothing to do with your smarts or lack thereof. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same. Can you tell which one is not like the other, before I finish my game.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


No, it doesn't.


'Megalomania' is the state of mind of thinking that you *can* conquer the world -- that there ain't no flies on you, you are the tops, you are teh uber, you are undefeatable, etc, etc. Megalomaniacs do tend to be sloppy, as we have noted.


'Bent On World Domination' means that you *want* to conquer the world -- it is your goal, the ideal that you work towards, your life's eventual objective. It mandates nothing about how rationally and/or irrationally you are working towards it.


The one is a state of mind indicating a severe loss of the ability to objectively evaluate your odds of success or failure. The other is a set of objectives that has nothing to do with your smarts or lack thereof. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same. Can you tell which one is not like the other, before I finish my game.

By your enterpretation, not mine. :)

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


So Mentalla has a 54% chance to go first' date=' a 75% chance to hit, a 58% chance to roll the needed amount, but only a 29% chance to succeed. Strange. :)[/quote']




You *really* need to brush up on probability math.


In case you need it spelled out...


(0.54) * (0.75) * (0.58) = 0.2349, or 23.4% overall.


(add) Or, if we go with the other chance of hitting, as the man said...


(0.586) * (0.546) * (.907) = .2902, or 29%


If you have several separate things that must all happen in order for a given course of action to succeed, then the overall likelihood of success is the *product* of each of the individual percentages involved.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


So Mentalla has a 54% chance to go first' date=' a 75% chance to hit, a 58% chance to roll the needed amount, but only a 29% chance to succeed. Strange. :)[/quote']


To paraphrase the math provided by others, odds are that some things will go mentalla's way, but not all of them. It doesn't help her if she gets to go first and rolls the dice to get the Ego +30 result she needs if she rolls a 15+ to hit and, as a result, misses, does it?

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


To paraphrase the math provided by others' date=' odds are that some things will go mentalla's way, but not all of them. It doesn't help her if she gets to go first and rolls the dice to get the Ego +30 result she needs if she rolls a 15+ to hit and, as a result, misses, does it?[/quote']

No, but when every odd is in your favor it seems strange to have less then a 1 in 3 chance of succeeding. :)

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


There is a MAJOR flaw in the pro-Mentalla camp argument here.


Gravitar gets a breakout roll before the mental power takes effect. If Mentalla gets 30+, then Gravitar need only make a 14- Ego roll to escape.


Mental powers take effect on the subject's next phase. If you tell Gravitar to "drop her force field", then Gravitar will wait until she can act before she does so, at which time she gets a breakout roll. As someone said earlier, with a 14- chance, the odds are pretty good.


Mentalla must #1: Beat (or at least tie) Gravitar in a roll-off to see if she goes first. Going from earlier numbers, that's a 54.6% chance. #2: Hit. That's a 91% chance. #3: Roll 55 or more on her pushed effect. That's a 58.6% chance. #4: Have Gravitar roll 15+ on her breakout roll (which she gets before she suffers any effect). That's a 9% chance.


.546 * .91 * .586 * .09 = .026204


Mentalla has a 2.6% chance of one-shot mind controlling Gravitar. If she fails, Gravitar wins. This is, of course, assuming that Gravitar does not use the Hipshot maneuver, which increases her Dex by one for purposes of initiative, while reducing her OCV by one. Given that she has an OCV of 14, and Mentalla has a 7 DCV, Gravitar needs an 18 to hit. Since she misses on an 18 anyway, she loses nothing by going for the Hipshot. This would make her Dex 26 for initiative, meaning she goes first. I didn't see a "Mental Hipshot" in the combat maneuvers.


Solution? Eurostar HAS to attack Gravitar from ambush, otherwise they lose.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


Maybe I'm missing something, but I see a few flaws with this scenario:

"Once she gets to act, she can use 50 STR TK, area 11". That will pin most of Eurostar in place. Period. Most of them are out of the fight.. they will never get to take an action in this battle at all, unless they are lucky enough to be close enough to the edge of the TK AoE to dive out of it. She can maintain that pretty much indefinitely given her level of END and REC... long enough for this fight, anyhow.


While doing the initial TK attack, she can do one of her other attacks."


Initially, I don't see why we're assuming that Eurostar is within 11" of Gravitar. (Which is stacking the deck in Gravitar's favor.) However, given that Gravitar has 30" of flight, we can forget distances and play the "Eurostar is within 11 hexes, instead of surrounding her from a farther distance." So, let's start with combat:


To begin with, neither Gravitar nor Mentalla go first. Scorpia does. She has 24 DEX Lightning Reflexes: +4 DEX to act first letting her act on DEX 28. Now, I would surmise that since they've fought before, Scorpia would use her Curare-Tipped Darts (4d6 RKA NND, does BODY). Gravitar has a 10 DCV, while Scorpia has a 15 OCV, she'll hit on a 16 or less.


Next go Gravitar and Mentalla. Instead of arguing who should go first because you're stacking the deck against the other (and since it's the first phase of combat) they both go simultaneously. Gravitar uses her 11" AoE TK and Mentall uses her Mind Control. For clarification, both Durak and now der Westgote can break free of it and go on their DEX. What does Gravitar do with her TK? The ONLY two things she can do is either pin people down, or hold them in the air; that's it. Mentalla uses her Mind Control, since she's probably aware her Ego Attack isn't as effective against Gravitar. While they both have the same ECV, Mentalla has +3 and will hit on a 14-. What command does she give? Something akin to "Kill Ultrasonique first. You've beaten Eurostar before and you can do it again, but make them pay slowly." Mentalla will roll on average 49, which is 24 over Gravitar's Ego, and Gravitar (who has 15 pt Overconfidence) would succumb, since EGO +20 is "Target will perform actions [she] is normally against doing." She's not violently opposed to killing off a member, or one at a time. And with Mentalla's "Conversation, 13-" she *might* get a 5 point bonus "Order is worded in an exceptionally convincing manner."


NEXT: Durak and der Westgote definitely get to go. Fiacho might if he can use his 60 STR martial art "Escape". If he cannot, then his turn is forfeit IF Gravitar pinned people down; if she merely held them in the air (my guess, unlikely) then ranged attacks could be used against her. So, Durak and der Westgote go. Der Westgote would probably use either his Tackle maneuver (only 5d6 due to TK, or 8d6 if MA Escape allowed) to knock her down. However, if he decided to half-move leap (and he does have the STR for it), he could land next to her and either do a 16d6 Bearhug, or 6d6HKA "Rending and Tearing." Durak has two choices: either go against Gravitar also, or most likelypick up a teammate (probably Fiacho) and move him/her out of the TK AoE. With a 13 INT, he's not stupid. Fiacho now gets to go.


FIACHO is targetting a 1/2 DCV Gravitar (Now 5 DCV). He'd probably fire his 1d6 RKA Armor Piercing + Penetrating + 3 Shot Autofire. Gravitar's down probably 3 Body from this + 14 Body from Scorpia's nasty attack. Recovery time.


PHASE 2: Gravitar. Gravitar either attacks Ultrasonique (or really any other individual Mentalla designated) or she makes a breakout roll. If a breakout roll, Gravitar will either continue to fight (losing 17 BODY, she's now at -2). My guess is that Gravitar turns off her TK and uses a half-move to get up and flies 60 hexes away (half her full NCM). Those that didn't get to attack in Seg 12 now get a half-move to get up (if Acrobatics or Breakfall doesn't help them) and take a parting shot at her.


IF Gravitar remains, she must either concentrate on one person or continue her AoE TK (which will slowly get her killed by Fiacho, with Durak removing Eurostar one at a time from the field). Der Westgote will slowly keep knocking her down, and should she remain, he may continuously do a 16d6 crush to her. IF Gravitar opts to drop her TK, she's doomed. Except for Ultrasonique and der Westgote, Eurostar has Teamwork on either 13- or 14-. A coordinated attack is imminent on phase 3 or 5. Gravitar's DCV will be too low against so many attackers.


PHASE 3: In the likely action that Gravitar flees, Durak, who has 96" leaping, would probably attempt a full-move Grab By or Move By in attempt to prevent Gravitar from fleeing, while Mentalla would try Mind Control again, suggesting Gravitar either "stop to bandage" herself, or to "finish them off."


ARGUMENT: "While doing the initial TK attack, she can do one of her other attacks." I believe this is a false assumption. FREd states under Multiple-Power Attacks (pgs 234-5) "First, he hust be able to pay the END for all of the Powers." If this means the power must cost END, the AoE TK is at 0 END and does not. Even if this is allowed "Third, he can only make one Attack Roll...." so Gravitar would have to refocus the center of AoE TK (which may allow some members to free themselves). "Fourth, he must use all of the Attack Powers on the same target," brings up the possibility of a miss. If this happens, well, Eurostar gets a phase or two of revenge. It should not be assumed that Gravitar will simply continue to conveniently pin her opponents while she picks them off one at a time.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


> Initially, I don't see why we're assuming that Eurostar is within 11" of

> Gravitar.


They don't have to be within 11" of Gravitar, merely within 11" of each other. (Actually, since that's *radius*, they have to be within 22 hexes of each other.) Her Area Effect TK is *not* No Range.


> To begin with, neither Gravitar nor Mentalla go first. Scorpia does.


Scorpia is entirely irrelevant. She has no attack capable of even *tickling* Gravitar*. (Yes, even that NND fails -- it's a curare dart whose NND defense is 'Must Target Unarmored Hit Locations', and Gravitar has a Force Field.)


The reason that the discussion has focused solely on whether or not Mentalla gets initiative is because Mentalla is the only one who has any even faint hope of putting down Gravitar, as the rest of them are going up against 54 PD/ED (30 PD/ED resistant), which means that their attacks against her will range from "nudge" to "boink".


Not to mention that Gravitar *flies*, and most of Eurostar *doesn't*, meaning all of their melee fighters -- including Scorpia -- are entirely out of this to begin with.


As for 'they both should go simutlaneously -- simultaneous actions are the single rarest thing in Champions initiative and should happen only after every other possible determing factor has repeatedly tied against the odds, so defaulting to it as the first option is, IMO, ludicrous. Furhtermore, as pointed out, Gravitar can Hipshoot or Hurry -- Mentalla can't. So again, no point.


Edit -- unless, of course, you start Gravitar a) on the ground B) within a half move of Eurostar's melee fighters (Scorpia first) and c) with all her defenses down, but if you're going to call that anything but the most blatant of Eurostar-favoring deck stacks, well, hollow laughter, you, towards.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


Mommy! Daddy! Stop fighting! Can't you see you're tearing this family apart! *sniffle*




Anyway, two quick things: One, what exactly does intelligence represent? Because to me a 25 INT character can still do STUPID things because they have bad judgement. They could just coincidentally write a book on quantum physics while doing it.


Two: back ON TOPIC- I have a proposal: a British villain, but instead of Morgan Le Fay..... how about her SON??? He doesn't seem smart enough to pose a threat to whoever this Fitachio guy is.


OR>......... How about an AI? Yes, an AI as a villain? It could drive the super-tank getaway vehicle, manage their base and communications, download itself into combat robots........ and pose even more insidious threats........


Tell me Mr. Hero........ how do you stop a virus? (You can of course, but the PCs faces would be priceless)


Of course some sort of failsafe on it would be needed, but otherwise I think that would be quite neat.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


...How about an AI? Yes, an AI as a villain? It could drive the super-tank getaway vehicle, manage their base and communications, download itself into combat robots........ and pose even more insidious threats........


Tell me Mr. Hero........ how do you stop a virus? (You can of course, but the PCs faces would be priceless)


Of course some sort of failsafe on it would be needed, but otherwise I think that would be quite neat.


I think this is the next logical step for Mechanon. A completely disembodied AI that can inhabit multiple robotic devices simultaneously. Not that Mechanon has anything to do with Eurostar, but then again this thread seems to be degenerating by the minute anyway.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


Come on guys' date=' this is lame. Let's talk about anything else.[/quote']


Well, I suppose we COULD talk about the original topic of the thread, but this is the Internet, aren't there rules against that?


In any case, if I were going to 'beef up' Eurostar, I wouldn't add more villains (beyond Der Westgote, since that's been proposed in canon). Instead, I'd go the other route: I'd turn them into an actual Organization. I mean, really, Fiacho's goal is to unite Europe and conquer the world, right? With the resources allotted to them in CKC, they just don't compete on the same level as true world-beaters like Dr. Destroyer, or even the Warlord. No single additional supervillain is likely to materially improve their chances of victory, short of Gravitar or Dr. D. Even adding a dozen supers won't do much to help them achieve their goals, and would probably result in a group so fractious that Fiacho couldn't hold them together. So, I think he should break down and go to Teleios or Mercs 'r' Us and hire a bunch of goons, outfit them with armor and blasters, and try to make a real showing of it.


As an aside: Am I the only one who finds the concept of a Eurostar-VIPER war somewhat ludicrous? The only reason individual hero groups are a threat to VIPER is because VIPER is so spread out. The same applies to Eurostar. If VIPER really set out to 'fight a war' with Eurostar, either six villains with impressive but not overwhelming power would get overrun in an open fight, or both groups would spend a lot of time sneaking around Europe looking for each other, with Eurostar maybe picking off a few unlucky VIPER squads. This would continue until everyone got bored and gave up.


Ultimately, I think Fiacho's smart enough to realize that he's going to have to get his act together and hire an army, or at least an actual espionage organization, to get anywhere.


Edited for spelling

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


Scorpia is entirely irrelevant. She has no attack capable of even *tickling* Gravitar*. (Yes' date=' even that NND fails -- it's a curare dart whose NND defense is 'Must Target Unarmored Hit Locations', and Gravitar has a Force Field.)[/quote']

Incorrect. The NND has "defense is Life Support [immunity: Curare]." Scorpia must target Unarmored Hit Locations. Force Field is not Armor, though FREd states "the Force Field functions identically to protective clothing," one could feasibly argue that "protective clothing" is not the same as "Armor." (A parka is protective clothing.)


Not to mention that Gravitar *flies*' date=' and most of Eurostar *doesn't*, meaning all of their melee fighters -- including Scorpia -- are entirely out of this to begin with.[/quote']

IF you're stacking the deck in Gravitar's favor. Unless this attack is happening on an open plane, Eurostar has buildings to be on, not to mention ranged attacks or enough strength and leaping to get to her.


As for 'they both should go simutlaneously -- simultaneous actions are the single rarest thing in Champions initiative and should happen only after every other possible determing factor has repeatedly tied against the odds' date=' so defaulting to it as the first option is, IMO, ludicrous.[/quote']

"The single rarest thing"? I don't concede to that. I've had several instances of going at the same time as an opponent, even after a roll-off. Not only have I succeeded by the same, but I've had times where we both missed. It's not as unheard of as you imply it to be.


Furhtermore' date=' as pointed out, Gravitar can Hipshoot or Hurry -- Mentalla can't.[/quote']

With two pages being put up in the time I typed my post, I may have missed this, but I don't see why Gravitar gets to 'hip shoot' when Mentall (who just needs to look at you) does not.


Edit -- unless' date=' of course, you start Gravitar a) on the ground B) within a half move of Eurostar's melee fighters (Scorpia first) and c) with all her defenses down, but if you're going to call that anything but the most blatant of Eurostar-favoring deck stacks, well, [b']hollow laughter, you, towards[/b].

How very rude of you. You have accused others of stacking the deck if Eurostar gets an advantage, without realizing (or admitting) the hypocrisy of doing it yourself. To you its unfair if Eurostar plans ahead of time (despite more than one member having Tactics), if Gravitar isn't the initiator of the attack, and if Gravitar isn't in a favorable position. Why is that unfair, but forcing Eurostar to be within 22" of each other? Why is Eurostar not allowed to be 15" away from Gravitar's hex, surrounding her in a circle? (Thus 31 hexes from the person opposite them.)


Now, if you will respond cordially, I'll continue this with you; however, if you insist on being rude, then do not bother.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


Gravitar can use the Hipshot maneuver because it's a standard combat maneuver. It's like blocking or haymakering. Mentalla can also, but because using the Hipshot maneuver only increases your Dex by 1 (and doesn't increase your Ego for initiative purposes), it doesn't benefit her.


Gravitar hipshots and goes to a 26 Dex, 13 OCV. Mentalla hipshots and goes to a 25 Ego, 21 Dex, and loses a point of OCV.


If I were the gamemaster, I would say that a poisoned dart wouldn't affect someone with a force field protecting them. Perhaps I am unusual, though.


And again, Gravitar still gets her breakout roll before she obeys any of Mentalla's commands.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


> Incorrect. The NND has "defense is Life Support [immunity: Curare]."

> Scorpia must target Unarmored Hit Locations.


Of which there *are* none -- unarmored hit locations -- on Gravitar's Force Field, as her FF doesn't have the Partial Coverage limitation.


It don't work.


> Force Field is not Armor, though FREd states "the Force Field functions

> identically to protective clothing," one could feasibly argue that

> "protective clothing" is not the same as "Armor." (A parka is

> protective clothing.)


A parka is not 30 rPD/30rED.


You are 'feasibly arguing' that a woman with a 30 rPD/rED skintight energy barrier around her can have a poison dart thrown through it by hand? :rolleyes:


Her Force Field is tougher than Questonite plating. It's tougher than main battle tanks. It's tougher than bank vaults. But no, Scorpia's going to throw a dart through it. Please.


> IF you're stacking the deck in Gravitar's favor. Unless this attack is

> happening on an open plane, Eurostar has buildings to be on, not to

> mention ranged attacks or enough strength and leaping to get to her.


Her main attacks vs. Eurostar are Area Effect, so she can afford to take a whole lotta Range Penalty and still have sufficient odds of hitting. She has 30" of Flight, vs. Durak's 24" Superleap.


She never has to come close enough to the ground that they have any real chance of hitting her, and will still be able to hit them. And none of them can hope to catch her if she chooses to fall back and open up the range.


And even if they *do* hit her, none of them (save Mentalla, who is attacking vs. Mental Defense that Gravitar doesn't have) do enough DCs to do more than nick her!


The woman has 54 PD and ED, 30 Resistant. Look at the DCs of attack that Eurostar have. None of them can even hope to CON Stun her through that. Durak's Pushed Haymaker has damn slim odds of CON Stunning her through that. And if they don't put her down *fast*, she will *smash* them. After first effortlessly opening up the range to her optimum fighting distance... i.e., too far up for Eurostar to touch.


Your hipshooting objection has already been answered.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


Gravitar can use the Hipshot maneuver because it's a standard combat maneuver. It's like blocking or haymakering. Mentalla can also, but because using the Hipshot maneuver only increases your Dex by 1 (and doesn't increase your Ego for initiative purposes), it doesn't benefit her.


Gravitar hipshots and goes to a 26 Dex, 13 OCV. Mentalla hipshots and goes to a 25 Ego, 21 Dex, and loses a point of OCV.


If I were the gamemaster, I would say that a poisoned dart wouldn't affect someone with a force field protecting them. Perhaps I am unusual, though.


And again, Gravitar still gets her breakout roll before she obeys any of Mentalla's commands.


No, according to the rules she gets her breakout roll the first phase after the Mind Control is established. She also remains under the influence of the Mind Control untill she does make her breakout roll. So if Gravitar were acting normally and Mentalla succeeded in mind controlling her to keep acting normally [for the sake of example, let's say she's shopping] the Gravitar would act normally [in this case shopping] untill the Breakout roll is made. The breakout roll does not prevent her from following the command, at least not as the power is worded in the rulebook.


As for the poisoned dart, in the scenario I postulated Eurostar was trying to set up a situation wherein Scorpia could throw the dart from surprise before Gravitar realised she was under attack. If it was successful, the poisoned dart would've hit an unprotected Gravitar and thus effected her. I realise it wouldn't have gotten through her forcefield otherwise.

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


As for the poisoned dart' date=' in the scenario I postulated Eurostar was trying to set up a situation wherein Scorpia could throw the dart from surprise before Gravitar realised she was under attack.[/quote']


Which means that you want to start the fight with Eurostar ambushing Gravitar with all her defenses down, which brings us back to the deck-stacking.


Why not start the fight off with Gravitar asleep in her bed and Eurostar in a stolen B-52 bomber orbiting above her villa with a 2000-lb JDAM locked in on her bedroom, while we're at it?

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Re: Opinion: EuroStar


Right Chuck, don't listen to anything I'm actually saying. Eurostar's not allowed to act competently because ChuckG sayeth so, they may not use any of thier considerable tactical skill because ChuckG sayeth so, they might not fight in an intelligent manner because ChuckG sayeth so. Only characters ChuckG likes are permitted to have any sort of advantage in a fight or try to gain an advantage.


Feel free to ignore the point I was trying to make, which is that there are myriad ways Eurostar could get around the power advantage that Gravitar has in order to defeat her. :rolleyes:

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