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[Interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3

Snake Gandhi

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


I realize I'm jumping in a bit late and there probably isn't any space left, but what the hell.


I was considering a "next-gen" USAgent, but built as a mentalist with a focus on spycraft, surveillance and intelligence-gathering. Given the government's focus on information-gathering, it seems plausible that the next generation of "super-soldiers" would include a cadre of chemically-enhanced espionage experts. 575 points buys a lot of Telepathy. ;)




I think super soldier serums, projects, etc are very likely to go many directions if the GM is okay with it, so your idea sounds good to me ;) My own character is turning out to be a fairly combat heavy martial artist.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Hello, fellow impending Avengers! For character creation purposes, I need a Marvel character as a bad influence, and I can't think of anyone appropriate. Can anyone out there help a wannabe second-generation Avenger?


The Marvel character I need can be male or female, powered or not, and of any age (though late teens/early 20s would work best). The character needs to be personally attractive (high PRE, COM or a load of social skills) and affluent. He or she also needs to have a profound sense of entitlement, an expectation that all the good things in life are theirs by right, and everybody else can just fight over whatever's left. In other words, the character is very selfish and spoiled.


The character, whoever it ends up being, should be contemptuous of authority and disrespectful of social rules. Laws are for "little people", and don't apply to him or her. The character will be arrogant and probably reckless as well; he or she knows that he/she's better than everybody else and enjoys demonstrating it in risky activities (sky-diving, BASE-jumping, speeding, minor B&E, gambling, hanging around with dangerous associates).


Does this sound like any Marvel character you know? Whoever-it-is doesn't have to match all the italicized terms, but that's the sort of bad influence I'm looking for.

Johnny Storm has the recklessness but is ethical. Wilton Fisk (aka the Kingpin) has the ethical system you're looking for but it utterly averse to needless risk. Wolverine has no respect for authority, but lives by a code of his own that is in some respects even more rigorous than most elgal or religious systems.


One possibility is that the character was raised by someone who is just the oppsoite -- extarodinarily cautious and ethical -- and is rebelling against that infleunce because he sees the mentor as an "old-fashioned stick-in-the-mud fogey". Maybe Steve Rogers had a young cousin or nephew he took under his wing and trained, but who'd rather look out for himself and have fun than "uphold the good". Of course, he might wind up as a "hero in spite of himself", or join the Avengers for the steady paycheck while occupying himself with other pursuits -- only to find that when the chips are down he juyst can't bring himself to let his teammates take the fall for what he does.


Another is that the character may be a charming con artist who suddenly discovers that he has inherited the powers of a famous hero -- the father or mother he never knew about. (Just imaging a con man with powers like Longshot's luck....)

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Ok, the son of Balder bio while I work on Black Knight stats more:


There was a time, or so it was whispered, when for once, Balder, noblest son of Asgard, might have ever so briefly reciprocated the affections of Karnilla the Norn Queen before ultimately spurning her for a base nature she could never truly overcome. Gripped in spite, the legends say the jilted Queen concealed the child of that ever brief union, to take a twisted comfort in her heart of having something of Balder's for her own, something he could never have and that if he knew of, would want. To ensure that Balder would not even hear of him, she deigned to have him raised and put forth as the child of one of the warriors of her court.


In time her bitterness even festered enough to reveal the boy's heritage to him, as part of an effort to raise him to hate his father, and drive him to slay the God of Light.


But Ragnarok of course, carried with it the end of all schemes, and the only future spread before the youth was a life in bleak and shattered ruins, amidst the bleak and shattered remnants of armies of monsters and undead. The fire of his father and mother alike drove him not to go to his end in such wasted land without struggle. That will and the innate gifts of his birth ensured that struggle turned into survival as the boy grew to become a hardened young man, a canny and furtive presence amidst the blasted planes of Asgard.


Yet though it was a constant war to be waged, survival eventually was maintained, and for one with a legacy of intellect and drive, it was not enough. Learning as he had near the end of his parentage, the young man combed through the ruins of the Norn kingdom, reconstructing what he could of his mother's magics and making them his own. With them his presence was now not simply established, but feared. Spoken of by the surviving and lingering traces of evil as a ghost of Asgard, wreaking vicious slaughter in the name of retribution.


In truth of course, the young man's motivation stemmed from little more than a lack of aught else to do, for growing up amongst monsters and living nearly as an animal cannot help but give a monstrous edge to the soul. And yet, perhaps as a lingering touch of his father, and perhaps that there began to be precious few beasts to vent frustrations upon, such a life was still not enough, and brought him no satisfaction, no sense of peace.


He resolved at that to find what commemoration might be left of his father, perhaps the site where his body fell, perhaps even a sword he had wielded or home in which he had lived. If nothing else, it would pass the time.


He journeyed through the searing fires of Muspelheim and the biting, scouring cold of Jotunheim. His soul was resilient enough to endure the empty despair of the wasted expanse of Nifelheim. Almost pointlessly epic, the youth traveled through mountain and forest, glacier and sea, until he found himself in the shattered heart of fallen Asgard.


There he found a simple stone bier, the air about it almost palpably sacred, and he knew at once that this was where his father's body had rested while all gathered to give tribute unto him for his life and deeds. As he neared, a trembling who's source he could not define taking him over, he saw that Asgard's last defenders had taken to using their moments to carve into it a record of the Brave one's deeds, so that were someone, someday to come by this ruined land, deeds among the worthiest of all might outlive it in legend.


The stories themselves played out vividly in the young man's mind as he read, and the force of their valor, and the gesture itself of last lifesblood spent to ensure their recording left him overwhelmed, and left him shamed. His life had been so petty and small, his deeds so cruel and useless. What merit was there to his survival, in the face of such a man? What worth could there be to his life, measured against such nobility?


And though for different reasons, like his father had before him in empty desert, the youth cried out in despair, in rage, in pain striking at his soul. And like his father before him, he was answered. For as reality endured, so too did destiny, and so too the weaver Norns that sat over it, that had beheld Thor's decision to end the cycles of Ragnarok, and had graced Balder himself with visions to inspire him back to valor. They brought to the youth his father's shade, to complete his training as a warrior, in tactics, in battle, in command, in honour. To counsel him in finding purpose to his soul, and to tell him the full scope of Asgard's final days.


And in such bittersweet reunion was that purpose gained, as the tale was told of Thor granting a final rest to the warriors of Asgard that had been cruelly enslaved to act out Ragnarok as an endless cycling hollow play for those that Lived Above in Shadow. How Thor had gained the strength to obtain that freedom from his time among Midgard, from his life among humanity, from their strength of heart and spirit. From the Earth itself.


There was a debt thusly owed from the gods of Asgard to the mortals of Midgard, one that a worthy champion might devote his life to repaying. One that fate had graced the son of Balder with a chance to enact, and one which before departing once more to his rest, his father's spirit offered to him as a purpose to take up in his name.


Though the journey was no less harrowing than it had been to Asgard's shattered halls, with the strength of noble and powerful legacies, and through his own innate quality, the journey to Midgard was made.


It has been some years since that the young man has spent walking its cities. Fighting the wicked, the monstrous, standing before those that would shatter the world of mortals as the world of immortals had been and battling them back with magic, might, a strong sword arm and an indomitable will.


And in such fashion is spent a hero's life. Yet though he has the preternatual beauty and grace of both his parents, and their regal force of personality, his is a more fiercely edged heroism. For he is still the youth that grew and survived in nightmare, and still the young man that knows how fragile a world can be, and how sudden disaster can come. Though he strives to live up to his father's nobility, it is the firey passion within him that compels him to so strive in the first place. He does not simply repay the mortals, he has come to love them for their vibrant lives and struggles, and takes enjoyment in a world that by comparison to much of his life, is a veritable paradise. And so, as the mortals would say, he fights hard, trains hard, and then parties like a rockstar. Such is the life of the son of Balder.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Yep. I think the Falcon was the first not to have "Black" as a prefix which is why I chose not to name my above idea "Black Raptor" or "Black Falcon" even though it might fit as a scion of Black Panther. I just didn't want that feel to it.


Edit: Falcon in 1969, Power Man debuted in June of 72


Rep your comic-fu!

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


You're right. Sersi just isn't going to be the same on 500, or even 575, points. That "anything into anything else" transformation has to be at least 6 dice, and 180 points on a single power doesn't leave a lot, even at this level.


Humm, who would Moondragon choose as the father of her child?


During Gruenwald's Quasar run, Moondragon was definitely jonesin for a little Wendel there. I'd think the guardian of the universe would be a fine dad.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Hello, fellow impending Avengers! For character creation purposes, I need a Marvel character as a bad influence, and I can't think of anyone appropriate. Can anyone out there help a wannabe second-generation Avenger?


The Marvel character I need can be male or female, powered or not, and of any age (though late teens/early 20s would work best). The character needs to be personally attractive (high PRE, COM or a load of social skills) and affluent. He or she also needs to have a profound sense of entitlement, an expectation that all the good things in life are theirs by right, and everybody else can just fight over whatever's left. In other words, the character is very selfish and spoiled.


The character, whoever it ends up being, should be contemptuous of authority and disrespectful of social rules. Laws are for "little people", and don't apply to him or her. The character will be arrogant and probably reckless as well; he or she knows that he/she's better than everybody else and enjoys demonstrating it in risky activities (sky-diving, BASE-jumping, speeding, minor B&E, gambling, hanging around with dangerous associates).


Does this sound like any Marvel character you know? Whoever-it-is doesn't have to match all the italicized terms, but that's the sort of bad influence I'm looking for.


Nomad's crackhead baby daughter, Bucky.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


I need a Marvel character as a bad influence' date=' and I can't think of anyone appropriate. [/quote']


The Marrs twins (Desmond and Phoebe) from the John Byrne 1990's Namor series could also be good. Des is dead now and I dunno what state Phoebe's in, but they could have influenced before Des died.


Heck, for that matter if you want REALLY bad influences, the kids of Baron von Strucker could work. Andrea and Andreas von Strucker, IIRC? The "bad influence" qualities you describe are actually their GOOD side. ;) The other side is the Nazi terrorist supervillain side. :eek: Some searches for Strucker or Fenris will probably pull up info on them. First appearance I remember them from was fighting the X-men at the trial of Magneto (#200?), but they've popped up since then.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Just make a bet with Pip that he couldn't arrange it, and let him do the rest. :D


Icky thought. What better mate for life-boy Quoi than a child of Thanos, who's been so strongly associated with Death? :ugly:

Humm, even Moondragon doesn't have the hubris to try to take Thanos' DNA without his consent.


So for Thanos to be the father, she would have to go to him and tell the truth.Possibilities include

  1. Thantos woud see sireing a child as a life-affirming act, and reject the idea out of hand.
  2. Thanos would like the idea of placing a serpent in the Celestial Messiah's Eden, and cooperates.
  3. Thantos likes the idea, but realizes these generational plots seldomly go as planned, and passes.


Odds are against Thanos cooperating.


So who's DNA is closest to Thantos'? Starfox, and Mentor.


So Moondragon goes to Alars/Mentor one night, while inducing a passionate dream of Sui-San, and conceives an Eternal-Human hybred she will claim is a virgin birth, but which actually is a half-sister of Thanos and Eros.


Need a name. Moondragon will establis a civilian identity for her daughter, American citizen Rosemary Douglas. Humm, Phoebe, Titaness of the Moon and wise counsel, first patron of the Oracle at Delphi before turning it over to her grandson Apollo, one of the moons of Saturn. Phoebe for now.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Poor kid. Moondragon for a mother, Thanos for a half-brother, Drax the Destroyer as a grandfather. :angst:


"Phoebe" is probably better than "Lunar Lizard". :P

Straight 23 Human Optium characteristics; Eternal Life support, regeneration, and levitation; Kree style martial arts from the Priest of Prama; and a psionics VPP. Have I missed anything?

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Straight 23 Human Optium characteristics; Eternal Life support' date=' regeneration, and levitation; Kree style martial arts from the Priest of Prama; and a psionics VPP. Have I missed anything?[/quote']


I imagine the psionics VPP can handle the various other Eternal cosmic energy/manipulation tricks she may have picked up.


Some sort of cosmic awareness thingy bought outside the VPP? Danger Sense plus whatever else?

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


I imagine the psionics VPP can handle the various other Eternal cosmic energy/manipulation tricks she may have picked up.


Some sort of cosmic awareness thingy bought outside the VPP? Danger Sense plus whatever else?

Good point. May have to cut back somewhere.


Too bad life support can't go into an EC, could save some points on the Eternal powers.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Since I'm curious about it...


My idea is a just graduted daughter of Captian Marvel(Photon). Raised by her mother after her powers were stripped from her, Eliane Rambeau had no idea of her mother's career as a hero, besides the fact her mother got a stipend from the government.


This all changed when some of the Avengers old foes attacked Eliane's high school graduation to kill her mother. And Eliane, being younger and more foolish, got in the way of the beam... and shone with light. Proceeding to just barely hold off the foes, who turned their attention to her, she, her mother and all the other people were rescued by the real Avengers. And Elaine, finding this out... argued to join them. After all, wasn't she a legacy as well. And there is no better group then to learn what to be a hero is like.


So, a Photon has rejoined the ranks of the Avengers, this time determined to surpass her mother's legacy and become one of their shining stars. And with her raw determination to learn all about her powers, from the best she can, there's not much doubt she will... if she doesn't die first.


OOC: Ah yes, a newbie hero with too much power for her own good. But she's nice and bright(pun intended) and should be a good counterpoint for the darker ones. Mainly going to focus on getting knowledges, and learning with her, getting over her star struckness at being a member of the Avengers.

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Too bad life support can't go into an EC' date=' could save some points on the Eternal powers.[/quote']


Ask, you never know. Everything's legal with GM permission. :) If it's part of the "this is how your body works by being an Eternal" package, it might be a great EC (and an easy template for the GM to use for other Eternals to boot). :D

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


Cinnabar, red-skinned daughter of Vision and the Scarlet Witch.


Control of personal density (just like Dad)

Control of density of others (using a Multipower with "density effects" -- TK, Transform)

Dice of Luck; dice of Unluck (because of the Scarlet Witch's probability manipulations that led to her being born in the first place)

Modest EB Multipower (ruby-red eye-beams; again, the Vision had something similar)

Flight (probably through a Focus)

Armor or Damage Resistance (she's a synthezoid hybrid) or maybe...is it Combat Luck that serves as defense?


That's the powers skeleton. Am I missing anything major? I've already got the back-story and personality, and I'll probably have the complete character sheet tonight (with a "little" help from my friend -- take a bow, Doc).

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


About what Damage Class levels are we looking at? It is absolutely scary how high a simple 4d6 HA and 25 add up with an offensive strike +2 Martial Arts DCs. I was thinking of giving Banner Findweakness, now I think it could end up being overkill :eek:

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Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3


About what Damage Class levels are we looking at? It is absolutely scary how high a simple 4d6 HA and 25 add up with an offensive strike +2 Martial Arts DCs. I was thinking of giving Banner Findweakness' date=' now I think it could end up being overkill :eek:[/quote']


From the posted proposed writeups so far looks like 60-75AP for main attacks at the moment.

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