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New Avengers


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Massive Freakin' Spoilers for NA #16






putting some space in....






after all, it hasn't been out long...




honestly, go out and read it first before checking this thread...




A being from space arrives in Alaska, wiping out a small town. SHIELD learns of this, and that it doesn't match the energy signature of any previous alien contact. The woman who's in charge of SHIELD while Fury's away decides not to call the Avengers because Iron Man's just been rude to her (for good reason, admittedly.)


The alien wipes out a SHIELD unit, then heads into Canada, where it meets Alpha Flight. They are wiped out between panels.


The SHIELD head continues to search for any other heroes that could confront the alien, but at the end is forced to call on the Avengers.

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Re: New Avengers


Just finished reading the issue. Well some bits of dialogue I liked quite a bit and some bits I did not. The Shaman is not a person that I thought would ever utter 'Yeah, right.'


As for Alpha Flight buying it? Well, I have not read Alpha Flight in a while (since the good old bad days with Bryne) and I can not stand Scott Lobdell's writing so I did not read this new incarnation. Truth be told it seems like the guy just took apart a bunch of second tier heroes. The verdict is still out whether he killed them all or not. If it is official then ok but from looking at the panels I am not certain.


I am not going to joke about threatening the man's life though. I find that crass. I remember someone telling me that Ron Marz had his life and the lives of his children threatened because of a storyline he wrote about the Green Lantern wigging out. Uncool then uncool now.

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Re: New Avengers


Just finished reading the issue. Well some bits of dialogue I liked quite a bit and some bits I did not. The Shaman is not a person that I thought would ever utter 'Yeah, right.'


As for Alpha Flight buying it? Well, I have not read Alpha Flight in a while (since the good old bad days with Bryne) and I can not stand Scott Lobdell's writing so I did not read this new incarnation. Truth be told it seems like the guy just took apart a bunch of second tier heroes. The verdict is still out whether he killed them all or not. If it is official then ok but from looking at the panels I am not certain.


I am not going to joke about threatening the man's life though. I find that crass. I remember someone telling me that Ron Marz had his life and the lives of his children threatened because of a storyline he wrote about the Green Lantern wigging out. Uncool then uncool now.


The issue is being billed as the "final battle of Alpha Flight". Draw your own conclusions.


And certainly threatening people's lives or body parts isn't cool. I won't hesitate, however, to call a spade a spade. He's the Brannon Braga of comics.

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Re: New Avengers


The issue is being billed as the "final battle of Alpha Flight". Draw your own conclusions.


And certainly threatening people's lives or body parts isn't cool. I won't hesitate, however, to call a spade a spade. He's the Brannon Braga of comics.

Well, I actually liked a lot of 'Threshold' the television series although it was slow at times.


I never cared that much for Star Trek beyond the first crew. I was a Babylon 5 geek. So I did not pay any notice when my friends told me how horrible 'Enterprise' or 'Voyager' was. However, I did note that they continued to watch those shows.


Oh, well. I will tell everyone here the same thing I told my friends. If you do not like what they are selling, stop buying it. Enough people do that, then they are forced to reevaluate their product.


Personally I like the New Avengers. The book has me reading an Avengers title again after about 15 years of giving it a pass. I understand why others might not like it.


And for the record Avengers Disassembled was really the worst piece of Garbage that I ever laid eyes on.

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Re: New Avengers


Unlike others, I think Brannon can be a pretty good writer.


However, based on interviews and his treatment of Ron Moore when Ron was on the Voyager staff, he's obnoxious, dismissive, contemptuous of fans, and he's not as good as he thinks he is.


I work in television and I think that you just described half the professionals that I know.:)

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Re: New Avengers


I will gladly point out that I am a crumudgeon.

When I complain that comics have lost me as a fan it's because I have an image of each character in my head, if the writer casually discards what I consider a major aspect of a character (or in this case, an entire character or team) I take my money elsewhere.

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Re: New Avengers


I will gladly point out that I am a crumudgeon.

When I complain that comics have lost me as a fan it's because I have an image of each character in my head, if the writer casually discards what I consider a major aspect of a character (or in this case, an entire character or team) I take my money elsewhere.


You are preaching to the choir my friend. I do not buy things I know I am going to dislike.


However about you being a curmudgeon, in your posts I have found you to be even-tempered and very funny. Often injecting humor into situations that could become volatile. I have seen nothing that would lead me to believe that you are full of resentment. (Aside from this last issue of The Avengers, of course :D )

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Re: New Avengers


I will gladly point out that I am a crumudgeon.

When I complain that comics have lost me as a fan it's because I have an image of each character in my head, if the writer casually discards what I consider a major aspect of a character (or in this case, an entire character or team) I take my money elsewhere.


After years of being a fan, there were three Marvel comics that I'd decided I love to write: Thor, because I love Norse mythology and the Simonson run, Captain America, because of his heroism, his contrast with the modern world, and the interesting issues of nationalism/patriotism that you could work with him, and Alpha Flight because it'd be great to write about Canadian heroes. Two of those potential books have been wiped out in about as ignominious a manner as they come. Yeah Thor will be back someday, and Alpha Flight could be brought back, but still...


So yeah, I'm bitter and crumudgeonly too. Next thing you know, I'll be sitting on a balcony heckling muppets.

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Re: New Avengers


And people were wondering why I had basically given up on Marvel.


They need to replace Bendis with someone who knows how to write comics, and give him a job rounding down the tips of pencils that were over-sharpened.


If his name's on it it's not worth reading. That's about all I can say.

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Re: New Avengers


Now, I'm gonna be straight, here. I've never been an Alpha Flight fan. I'm not gonna pretend to be one, all of a sudden. I was aware of them due to some X-Men crossovers, I enjoyed what I read of them, but I certainly never went out of my way to buy news ones. I don't have any sort of vested interest in the Alpha Flight legacy, or whatever. And, no, I'm not from Canada.


But that was crap.


Just, plain and simple. Crap. That's no way to treat a super-team, even if it's a "second string" group like Alpha Flight's always been (IE, they're no X Men, Avengers, JLA, whatever). Regardless of their overall popularity and/or importance to the Marvel pocketbook, there are people, somewhere, that collected that series monthly, followed and enjoyed the characters, etc, etc.


And Marvel just spit in their collective faces, without even letting them see their heroes put up a fight.



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Re: New Avengers


Actually, the thing I really hate about this new arc is that, with the possible exception of the Sentry and maybe Iron Man, Alpha Flight is arguably a more powerful team...


Doesn't matter though. I'm guessing the New Avengers are gonna get their collective asses handed to them too and then be saved by Ms. Marvel...

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Re: New Avengers


Did I miss the thread where everyone ranted about DC killing off the Freedom Fighters?


While I don't like the ideal of killing of Alpha Flight, they are Marvel's IP, and Marvel can do what they want with them. How many series have they had, and how many lasted any length of time? No one wants to buy the books, but everyone wants the characters to last forever??


Frankly, I'd rather see them dead than see them subjected to more of the BwaHaHa style of their last series outing. It might have been better to kill them off before that series. It's like cancelling a TV show while it's still good instead of dragging it out long after all the plots have been used and the major characters are gone.


I suspect this will ultimately be one of those "they were beaten but not killed" moments if and when someone wants to use the Alphans in future, regardless of whether this was billed as their "final battle". How many characters actually stay dead anyway? Hopefully, their next outing will be more reminiscent of their first series than their most recent failures.

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Re: New Avengers


I'm not actully complaing about the "death" of Alpha Flight, but I would like to point out that we saw the Freedom Fighters go down, and they went down fighting. Fans might not like that they are dead, but at least they saw how it happened.


By contrast, Alpha Flight was Worfed off panel.


World of defference.

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Re: New Avengers


I like the book. I like the line-up (even Wolverine). I like the stories (mostly). Unfortunately' date=' in the grand scheme of things I'm getting tired of Marvel and their "epic events". So, while I might enjoy the book as a specific title, I'm jaded on most things Marvel these days ('Ultimate' books not included, cuz I love those).[/quote']



This just in..


Research has shown that by October 15, 2006 Wolverine will be a member of every superhero team in the Marvel, Dc, and Wildstorm universes.... AT THE SAME TIME!:eek:

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