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Hindu-themed hero


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Re: Hindu-themed hero


Pretty much. I try and be original when I can, using other write-ups for inspiration only when knowledge fails me. I'm still doing a bit of research in order to ensure I get the proper feel for Hinduism. The powers of the character might not reflect any one deity or aspect, after all, but after delving into all the info the internet can provide I'm more interested in the background and personality of the character at the moment. I think I'm going to let the powers come from that rather than try and force a power structure first.


Again, thanks to all for your input. It's been helpful in narrowing down what I need to know and which directions I should be looking in.


If I may make one more suggestion, probably obvious:


Don't let religion be the only defining trait of the character. "The Futurist" may be a Southern Baptist, but he needs to bring more than that to the table to be memorable. Similarly, Avinashi Chopra may be a pious Hindu woman and the practitioner of a traditional martial art, but to me it's her political side and strugle with the boundaries of her own culture that makes her an interesting villainess.

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Excellent opportunity to mention Death Tribble's latest Storn-commission-bought-for-the-board, who ended up being a Hindu-themed superheroine:




The idea for the character came from here:



(where you'll see why I remembered, but it's a praiseworthy thing Death Tribble's done nonetheless)

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


If I may make one more suggestion, probably obvious:


Don't let religion be the only defining trait of the character. "The Futurist" may be a Southern Baptist, but he needs to bring more than that to the table to be memorable. Similarly, Avinashi Chopra may be a pious Hindu woman and the practitioner of a traditional martial art, but to me it's her political side and strugle with the boundaries of her own culture that makes her an interesting villainess.

I'm more open-minded about where the character will lead to now than when I started. I do want to capture the essence of Hinduism within the character, however, and I'd prefer to have that reflected in powers and abilities. However, ultimately I'm going to let the character define itself. They tend to do that once I get started on 'em anyway.


Thanks for your (and everyone's) input.

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


One that springs to mind immediately would be an Indian speedster-brick called Juggernaut (or Jagganath) who mirrors some of the saviour / protector aspects of Vishnu.


Similarly you could propose another happy-go-lucky smart brick called Ganesha. Appears with 4 arms and perhaps a large nose? :)

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


One that springs to mind immediately would be an Indian speedster-brick called Juggernaut (or Jagganath) who mirrors some of the saviour / protector aspects of Vishnu.

That's actually similar to what I was thinking. Enhanced physical capabilities that would probably be akin to a low-level martial brick (30 STR, 25 DEX, 6-7 SPD...give or take), with some mental defense, awareness and possibly Dispel mental powers kinda thing to represent Shiva's third eye. And maybe a few other minor things as they occur to me. I want the powers to be a natural extension of his learning, though, which is why I was having such a tough time narrowing down the concept until I started learning more about Hinduism in general. Now I just want the proper flavor for the character.

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


Whoa! Superman as a murderous idiot' date=' and yet apparently it's not meant to be Iron Age. :)[/quote']


I don't think they had comics in the Iron Age...I mean, the printing press wasn't even invented until the 15th century, right?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary points out that they could have had comic books reproduced by toiling monk copyists.....

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


I like building most characters I'm going to use myself... that said, sometimes it's hard to take the time to build an appropriate number for a given region (India and China spring to mind). I'm working on a bunch (more) for the Global Guardians PBEM Universe - and the People's Revolutionary Superhuman Collective is a daunting task (and really consists of only 40+ superhumans - a massive team, the largest on the GGU's Earth by at least 20%, but a fraction of the numbers that a population such as China could support).


Well, there's the Global Guardians Universer variant on Uberworld's "Assembly" (I believe the citation that it's derived from Ben Langdon's group is on the GGU webpage, but the builds and backgrounds aren't all the same).


GGU Assembly


Also, you can do homages using cross-cultural concepts, like loyalty to family, power bringing responsibility, etc. Here's "the Mongoose" (a quasi-Spider-Man homage):




I have an entire mythic/Vedic villain team, but am GMing a GGU campaign right now that features them so am not going to post them on the Hero boards. There are eight members of the team ("Rudra's Disciples"), as in the eight spokes of the sacred wheel. The basic concepts are as follows (for the ones that have been mentioned so far, which is five of them):


Lord Rudra: Deity of Storm, Disease, Destruction, Transformation. Ruler over the Indus Valley region circa 3500 BCE who was imprisoned by the Archmage of Earth in that era and recently freed through the intervention of one of his followers. NOT an aspect of Siva as commonly depicted in Vedic belief, but rather a powerful minor deity of the era who was Siva's "hatchet man" back in the day. Devoted to re-creating his ancient empire. To that end he has transformed the city of Delhi into a bronze-age equivalent, complete with a Royal Guard and peasant worshippers. The heroes who entered the region were likewise transformed (unless they had power defense, heh). Shades of Kulan Gath vs. Avengers/X-Men.


Shakti: Not a deity at all, but named after one. One of Lord Rudra's wives, beautiful, jealous, and deadly. Former Bollywood actress.


Tigress: Martial artist with feline motif. Renowned international assassin.


Marut: Massive juggernaut of stone with growth powers.


Rishi: An opulently dressed advisor-type. Mystic.

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


For some reason I've always kicked around the idea of a Multiform character who changed between the three 'aspects' of the Hindu Trimurti of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer. The problem is in coming up with suitable powers for the three forms.

And that's the closest I've seen to what I originally wanted. Except instead of multiforms it would just be a power set related to each.

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


This is an interesting topic. Does anyone know of any website I can go to so I can learn more about the eastern religions? This for academic, not spiritual, reasons. As a whole American society doesn't know much about them. There's some big differences, the nature of divinity, good and evil, afterlife, spiritual growth, cosmology, how they get along with other religions, etc.


I'm also wondering if a Champions player in India ever said to his/her GM, "I'd like to play a character based on the Christian saints."

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


I'm also wondering if a Champions player in India ever said to his/her GM' date=' "I'd like to play a character based on the Christian saints."[/quote']


I don't know about that... but there's lots of characters I've seen on this website and others based on aspects of Judeo-Christian religions (usually angels, sometimes specific angels by name). Islam too.


I think it's because religion is historically such a fertile ground for the telling of mythic tales, feats of legendary status, that sort of thing. And in a superheroic setting such things fit pretty seamlessly imho.

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


This is an interesting topic. Does anyone know of any website I can go to so I can learn more about the eastern religions? This for academic' date=' not spiritual, reasons. As a whole American society doesn't know much about them. There's some big differences, the nature of divinity, good and evil, afterlife, spiritual growth, cosmology, how they get along with other religions, etc.[/quote']

I started with Wikipedia, which has a suprisingly large amount of useful information. From there I used key terms to search out sights devoted to Hinduism and the related topics. I probably have a book's worth of info to sift through, but I'm into it as much for the knowledge as I am the character, now. I didn't realize how intricate the Hindu religion was, or how similar to other religions (Greek, for example, and Egyptian) it really is. It's really quite fascinating.


I don't have the other sites here at work but I'll see if I can find 'em later.

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


I'm also wondering if a Champions player in India ever said to his/her GM, "I'd like to play a character based on the Christian saints."


I once posted a Roman Catholic Captain Marvel tribute who got his powers from Christian Saints.

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


Do you recall the name' date=' so that I might look said character up?[/quote']


He was meant for a Teen Champions game:


Val Char Cost Roll Notes

40/70 STR 0 17- / 23- Lift 6400.0kg/409.6tons; 8d6/14d6 [4/7]

24 DEX 12 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

28 CON 6 15-

20 BODY 0 13-

10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

30 PRE 5 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

10 COM 0 11-


8/29 PD 0 Total: 8/29 PD (0/15 rPD)

6/27 ED 0 Total: 6/27 ED (0/15 rED)

4 SPD 6 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

14 REC 0

56 END 0

55 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 35


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 12"/24"

Leaping: 8"/16"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

14 Psychokinetic Force Field "The Armor Of God": Elemental Control, 36-point powers, (18 Active Points); all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

15 1) Blessing of Saint Erasmus: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (37 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1

14 2) Blessing of Saint Christina: Flight 12", Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; Used for 1/2 END cost or Megascale; +1/2) (36 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4

15 3) Blessing of Saint Reinold: Density Increase (8,800 kg mass, +30 STR, +6 PD/ED, -6" KB), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (37 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1

Blessings of the Saints, all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

24 1) Blessing of Saint Michael: +30 STR (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 3

24 2) Blessing of Saint Sebastian: +10 DEX (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

24 3) Blessing of Saint Sabas: +15 CON (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

16 4) Blessing of Saint Barbara: +10 BODY (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

12 5) Blessing of Saint Vitus: +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

12 6) Blessing of Sain Clare: Mental Defense (18 points total) (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

10 7) Blessing of Saint Ita: Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

2 8) Blessing of Saint Gertrude: Bump Of Direction (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

26 9) Blessing of Saint Roch: Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per 20 Minutes; Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (33 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)



2 KS: Catholic Theology 11-

2 KS: Lives of the Saints 11-

0 Language: Spanish (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)

1 Language: Latin (basic conversation)

2 Language: English (fluent conversation)


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 215

Total Cost: 250


200+ Disadvantages

25 Psychological Limitation: Absolute Faith in God and the Catholic Church (Very Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Devoted to living a Catholic Life, and being an example to others (Very Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Must Spread The Word (Common, Moderate)

5 Physical Limitation: Heroic Form is seven feet tall and weighs 300 pounds, causes some problems (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect PRE attacks from Women and Clergy (Common)

20 Hunted: Supervillain Group 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

25 Hunted: Watched by the Catholic Church 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

15 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders from the Church (Frequently, Major)

15 Distinctive Features: Inhumanly Handsome and Over-Muscled in Heroic Form (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)


Total Disadvantage Points: 250


Background/History: A deeply devout young Catholic newsboy from Santander, Spain, at the age of 13 Eduardo saved his older sister Julia from a brutal attempted rape, driving off her teen attacker with fists and threats. While helping her from the filthy alley where she had been assaulted, Eduardo saw the attacker returning with a group of friends. In terror, Eduardo and Julia fled through back streets, the gang that pursued them gaining with every passing moment. Finally they were cornered, Julia weeping, the gang sneering, and Eduardo knew that he would die, and worse, that Julia would die. Eduardo cried out to God and all the saints, and was answered.

Where the teen Eduardo had stood was now an adult mountain of muscle, glowing with divine light. Eduardo struck one of the attackers, and his fist smashed the boy's head to a pulp. The gang fled, and Eduardo looked down in horror at the body, and in exultation. Eduardo found himself changing back into his human form.


Two days later at confession Eduardo told all. The priest, having heard of the killing of a known local brute, absolved Eduardo of his sins. Thinking Eduardo to be insane with guilt, the priest then asked Eduardo to call on God and the saints again. Eduardo did so, and again transformed.


Since that day, Eduardo has served his faith. Most of the time he is simply a student who hopes one day to be a priest. However, when the need is there, Eduardo calls upon the saints to become a Knight of the Church.


Personality/Motivation: Eduardo has a deep faith in his God and Church, and a temper he struggles to keep in check. He devotes himself to the service of God, and to trying to live by the highest standards of his faith, but mockery brings out his dark side. A lifetime of conditioning (and a lack of real world experience) has left him very vulnerable to manipulation by women and clergy.


Quote: "In the name of God, stop or know pain!"


Powers/Tactics: A classic flying brick.


Campaign Use: The Catholic Captain Marvel.


Appearance: As Eduardo: A moderately tall, athletic, and handsome 15 year old spanish boy with brown eyes and hair.


As The Knight: A huge, impossibly muscular and inhumanly handsome Spaniard.


Copyright Robert Dorf, 2005

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


There's a book I think everyone should read, called "The Ramayana," (pronounced Rom-EYE-an-a I believe) and it's full of great setting content, fascinating and complex characters, and larger than life action. The high morality of divine beings is thick throughout the story, and very unusual and mysterious from a Western perspective. The level of honor and wisdom displayed even by the arch villain, Ravana, only enhances and compliments that of the hero... the living embodiment of perfection in all things.




The main character is Rama, a prince and unknowing avatar of Vishnu. I'd build him as a cosmic trick-arrow Weapons Specialist/Hindu-Super-Patriot.

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


I didn't realize how intricate the Hindu religion was, or how similar to other religions (Greek, for example, and Egyptian) it really is. It's really quite fascinating.


I don't have the other sites here at work but I'll see if I can find 'em later.


As a religion, Hinduism really isn't a religion - it's more of a theological framework for a variety of religions native to the Indus river valley. Before the British showed up, there really wasn't a "Hinduism", per se - it was just the beliefs of the different regions. When the white guys appeared, they said "hey, you all practice the same religon, right?". The priests and philosophers kind of looked at each other and said, "well, yeah, I suppose, compared to you guys we do..."


Over the centuries, the different beliefs kind of melded together as they interacted with each other, until they finally formalized their similarities (a belief in dharma, kharma, and reincarnation) and differences (what is the best way to resolve kharma - acetisism vs. good works vs. meditation vs. exstasy, etc.) into the Hinduism of today. As such, Hindism can cover a LOT of ground, in the "there are many paths to enlightenment, here are a couple we happen to know" sort of way.


At least, that was the impression I got from my "Philosophy of Religion" course I took a couple of years ago...


EDIT - oh, yeah - that's my guess as to why it looks at least vaugely like the religous beliefs of Greece and Egypt, aside from being physically near each other (in an ancient trade route sort of way) - all three started out as multiple religous beliefs of smaller communities, that got 'welded' together under a larger cultural/theological banner. This is compared to Christianity or Islam, which started out as a single religon [Judiasm] and splintered. Sure, the western tradition has elements of other religions in it (catholic Saints as remenants of European Paganism, Islam having heavy persian mythological influences), but from a theological PoV they've remained separate.


Kevin "I don't know what I'm talking about, but at least it SOUNDS intelligent" Schultz

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


This is an interesting topic. Does anyone know of any website I can go to so I can learn more about the eastern religions? This for academic, not spiritual, reasons. As a whole American society doesn't know much about them. There's some big differences, the nature of divinity, good and evil, afterlife, spiritual growth, cosmology, how they get along with other religions, etc.


I'm also wondering if a Champions player in India ever said to his/her GM, "I'd like to play a character based on the Christian saints."


I wouldn't be surprised.


It was probably an interesting character too.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary contemplates miracles.

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Re: Hindu-themed hero


Very cool character idea.


But what does the line above mean when translated from Latin to English?

"Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name."


Very simple, and something I could imagine a Catholic street kid knowing by heart.

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