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Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


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Excited about Lucha Libre Hero, I've started coming up with some possible adventure hooks. I'll post more as I come up with them.



1) A mad scientist decides to build a monster. However, in order to build the perfect monster, he has gone through several failed attempts. He decides he needs someone with a perfect body in order for his monster to be the best. Our Luchadors are stalked by the monsters in order to bring them to the doctor, to build the perfect monster!


2) The Narcos have turned a little border town into a deadly gang war. Ordinary people cannot live their lives without the fear of the Narcos. Our heroes, prepared to defend the championship title in this town are approached by the townsfolk, for their town is in need of masked heroes!


3) The luchadors are hired to go on an expidition into the jungles of Mexico to find The Mask of Truth, which is said to be located in an ancient Aztec pyramid. However, what happens when the heroes also find the mask's evil counterpart, The Mask of Deception?


4) A Satanic Mad Scientist is using his cabal of Evil Midget Cultists to kidnap Mexico's hottest Soap Opera stars. He plans to sacrifice them to his Dark Lord in exchange for immortality. Our Masked marvels are called in to investigate.

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Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


5) A group of Japanese wrestlers have joined the promotion. However a rash of crime his swept Mexico, perpetrated by NINJAS! Are the newcomers responsible? Or have their ninja nemesises followed them to Mexico?


6) Los Luchadores vs. El Chupacabra. After mysterious animal mutilations, the luchadores are called in to investigate, but what happens when they come face to face with EL CHUPACABRA?


7) A Scientist builds a robot, who is possesed by the Aztec god Tlaloc, a bloodthristy diety, who, um.... thirsts for blood! Can our masked heroes stop THE VAMPIRE ROBOT?

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Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


Hear is one. A mad scientist builds a time machien, and brings from the past the most vile villians ever and unleashes them agenst the pore Mexican people. It is up to the luchadories (our heros) to stop them in a series of impromptu wrestling matches, earn the secret location of the mad scientist's time machien, earn the use of the machien, and send all the rudos brought to our time back in time.


Or, alturnity, a mad scientist sends our techanoe heros into the past as a way to clear the way for his own crime spree. Can the heros survive and get back home? And will thay bring home a new masked luchador named El Cavehombre ("The Cave Man")?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


My favorite is this (I ran this at a convention last year, it was hit):

Teen Champions group has a mentor whose back story could include a relationship with the Mexican Wrestlers. The teenagers visit Mexico City and are given a training session in wrestling. This as very funny as the one of the characters did not really want to wrestle (against her personality) and she did everything possible to avoid it; very funny role playing. Then later at dinner they are to tag along with with the wrestlers to help fight werewolves in a small poor village. Then they could beat up on the werewolves. Good action and allowed for good roleplaying.

I played the wrestlers as involved in a secret war vs. evil in Mexico and the TV wrestling is "day job"/cover story. The Church is involved in the fight also, so a hint at evil vs good; and a hidden war made it interesting to me and my players.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


My favorite is this (I ran this at a convention last year, it was hit):

Teen Champions group has a mentor whose back story could include a relationship with the Mexican Wrestlers. The teenagers visit Mexico City and are given a training session in wrestling. This as very funny as the one of the characters did not really want to wrestle (against her personality) and she did everything possible to avoid it; very funny role playing. Then later at dinner they are to tag along with with the wrestlers to help fight werewolves in a small poor village. Then they could beat up on the werewolves. Good action and allowed for good roleplaying.

I played the wrestlers as involved in a secret war vs. evil in Mexico and the TV wrestling is "day job"/cover story. The Church is involved in the fight also, so a hint at evil vs good; and a hidden war made it interesting to me and my players.

the character notwanting to wrestle wouldn't be CANTRIP would it?
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Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


excuse me barton but was the silver avenger in the vibora bay sourcebook ' date='barton stanonamed in your honor or was it a coincedence?[/quote']

I donated (see the Hero Game store for the item) the Comic Book Legal Defense fund. Darren Watts will add your name, or company name into his upcoming books.

It is a hoot and it the $ go to good cause.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


Unfortunately, as I understand it, the guys who manage El Santo's estate are extremely cautious about licensing due to some bad experiences early on, and if anything, Blue Demon's representatives are even moreso.


For mine, I'd like to see a good range of luchadors and menaces across a wide variety of power levels and genres, but I'd also like to see a legacy of masked justice, skill and honour as well.

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Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


Unfortunately, as I understand it, the guys who manage El Santo's estate are extremely cautious about licensing due to some bad experiences early on, and if anything, Blue Demon's representatives are even moreso.


For mine, I'd like to see a good range of luchadors and menaces across a wide variety of power levels and genres, but I'd also like to see a legacy of masked justice, skill and honour as well.

yeah you might only be able to refer to them in the section covering the history of real world luche libre

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Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


yeah you might only be able to refer to them in the section covering the history of real world luche libre


Certainly, that'd be fair use, you couldn't do something on Lucha Libre and not mention those guys... not to mention guys like Mil Mascaras, Doctor Wagner and Hurracan Ramirez, but writing them up as characters and using their likenesses and so forth might prove problematic.


But yes, I'd like to see a fine array of Mad Scientists and their horrible Creations, Alien Invaders, Old-school movie monsters, Aztec Mummies, Nefarious Gangsters, Vampire Women, Evil Luchadors (hsss!) and Satanic Cults.

I'd like to see a reflection of the fact that there are different types of Lucha movies, much like Ninja Hero differentiated between different types of Martial Arts movies.

Essentially, Lucha movies have married the concept of the masked wrestling hero to so many different types of movies, from gangster-pummelling cliffhanger serials, through Universal-style monster films, to 50's Atomic Horror and Alien Invasion science fiction, Hammer Horror-style grand guignol, and 60's psychotropic variations on all of the above.


One of the wonderful things about the Luchador Hero is that, because he is so very much out of place everywhere, he fits in almost anywhere.

Luchadors work well in horror stories, in pulp adventure, two-fisted crime dramas, in science fiction, in superhero stuff, film noir detective, high camp comedy, kung-fu chop socky, way-out cartoon shenanigans, even social commentary.


On a side note, I'm playing a superpowered luchador in a game at the moment, would anyone object to me posting a few pictures here? Or is there somewhere specially dedicated to art where I should be posting work like that?

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Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


Certainly, that'd be fair use, you couldn't do something on Lucha Libre and not mention those guys... not to mention guys like Mil Mascaras, Doctor Wagner and Hurracan Ramirez, but writing them up as characters and using their likenesses and so forth might prove problematic.


But yes, I'd like to see a fine array of Mad Scientists and their horrible Creations, Alien Invaders, Old-school movie monsters, Aztec Mummies, Nefarious Gangsters, Vampire Women, Evil Luchadors (hsss!) and Satanic Cults.

I'd like to see a reflection of the fact that there are different types of Lucha movies, much like Ninja Hero differentiated between different types of Martial Arts movies.

Essentially, Lucha movies have married the concept of the masked wrestling hero to so many different types of movies, from gangster-pummelling cliffhanger serials, through Universal-style monster films, to 50's Atomic Horror and Alien Invasion science fiction, Hammer Horror-style grand guignol, and 60's psychotropic variations on all of the above.


One of the wonderful things about the Luchador Hero is that, because he is so very much out of place everywhere, he fits in almost anywhere.

Luchadors work well in horror stories, in pulp adventure, two-fisted crime dramas, in science fiction, in superhero stuff, film noir detective, high camp comedy, kung-fu chop socky, way-out cartoon shenanigans, even social commentary.


On a side note, I'm playing a superpowered luchador in a game at the moment, would anyone object to me posting a few pictures here? Or is there somewhere specially dedicated to art where I should be posting work like that?

Dude! There is always room for art!

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Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads


Dude! There is always room for art!

Well, in that case, allow me to introduce my current character, El Aguila Azul. He's a lucha libre hero in a four colour superhero campaign. He's a low-powered brick/martial artist combo.

He's a second generation luchador/hero, and he's inherited his mentor's arch-nemesis, the diabolical El Brujo!


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