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WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


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Stranded or exploring or fleeing, your character ends up on an island without the rest of the party. Presumably, they have either landed nearby or will wash ashore later, but attempts to contact them (whether telepathically or by magic) fail, so perhaps they are dead or simply unconscious. Walking around the island, your character discovers that it is inhabited by a small tribe of people who have a very simple form of government: every person can beat the crap out of anyone younger than them. This right is exercised at will, and seemingly for the sheer pleasure of it, on everyone from the very old to the very young. The tribe is ruled by a woman who is, apparently, everyone's grandmother, and has the right to beat up anyone she wants, whether they do what she tells them to or not.




[This was an actual scenario encountered by one of our PC's, who stumbled across it a lot earlier level-wise than she should have. I'll let a few days go by before I reveal the rest of that encounter.]

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Kick the **** out of the grandmother and enjoy my new island kingdom. How do children live to adolescence in this society?


They must be tough little ****s ;) Going to stick around long enough to find out?

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Lie: - Claim to Be an Elf, or recipient of excellent Plastic Surgery, and oh so much older than you look

Forgery: Create a document claiming a ripe old age.


Start a new Industry selling genuine 'Wrinkle Cream'...... guaranteed to add wrinkles and fine lines. Oil of Troll Ey!


Become The 'Heroic' leader of the Revolution!, At least when The plebs are conned into storming the Winter Palace, the Old fakirs in charge shouldn't be up to a hard fight...


When anyone new to the Island turns up, claim that a powerful necromancer has bewitched this island, and the only way to restore the beautiful young princess to sound mind and youthful appearance is for a brave adventurer to get 'really really close' to her............


Spend all My spare CPs on 'Bald Faced Liar'

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Odd question since it seems that such a society could not exist. One would assume that they are violent and aggressive since they enjoy knocking the snot out of youngin but that would preculed them from being "mastered" by an old lady.


Assuming that such a society did exist ~ there would have to be POWERFUL motivators to keep Guggle Bludax from just whacking granny when she takes a swipe. With that thought in mind, I would take my beating until I could identify what would happen if I did not. Oh yeah, take names.... there is going to be hell to pay. :hush:

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Odd question since it seems that such a society could not exist. One would assume that they are violent and aggressive since they enjoy knocking the snot out of youngin but that would preculed them from being "mastered" by an old lady.


They are raised by the laws of their society, effectively finding it unthinkable that they could raise a hand to anyone older than themselves. (But they can take out their frustration on anyone younger . . . )


Assuming that such a society did exist ~ there would have to be POWERFUL motivators to keep Guggle Bludax from just whacking granny when she takes a swipe.


None of them seem to have identified you as a target yet; they aren't sure quite what to make of you, since they haven't seen you before, but it won't take more than a few days before they begin to accept you as part of the tribe. For now the inclination seems to be a belief that, since you're new here, you are "newly born". Their "godmother" is claiming the credit for your arrival, but she seems to be content to lay waste to the other villagers, for now. She also seems to enjoy tormenting the rest of her people by not telling them what your status is.


Keep in mind that they are a primitive tribal people with no weapons, few tools, little clothing, and no better signs of civilization. They don't have a palace or even a fort, and won't find meaning in any scraps of paper (with or without writing on them).

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Hey werent the Indians of terra de fego (sorry spelling ) at the end of South America described like this by Darwin during the beagle expidetion. He felt they had no (none, nada, zip ect) redeming quialities.


Lord Ghee

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Doran Cortia would wait at their village until his companions showed up. If it was more then a few days and he was excepted as a member of the tribe and somebody tried to beat him. He would take apart whoever was dumb enough to attack him and then he'd work his way through the village until he'd beaten anyone who stood against him. Since Doran isn't particularly bothered by killing anyone he'd probably kill the old woman and take over the village until his companions showed up, then he'd abandon them to their own devices.

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Hmm. Haven't had a Fantasy Hero character before, but trying to think back to some memorable Fantasy characters in general ...


Tek'Til'Chi'Tor (Rokugan Nezumi Shaman/Namespeaker) would realize pretty early on that, due to his racial short lifespan and general lack of combat ability (spellcaster, after all), he could get the crap kicked out of him by damn near anybody on this island mature enough to walk. However, always being ingratiating and accepting of his lower social class, he'd accept it until he figured out a way off the island ... or acquired enough mystical powers that he could use that nifty little 'namestealing' ability to drop the hamma on gramma and make everybody forget they'd ever met her ... and if that didn't work, hope for Teleport.


Salla (D&D Telepath) would avert the violence via Mind Control, Illusions, Cloud Minds (aka turning invisible) or a variety of other pacifistic means, and do a little telepathic reconnaissance to find out what, if anything, may be inducing this particular system of government (whether it be geases, mental coercion, or simply willing compliance). While she probably could kill Gramma, she wouldn't unless she was artificially forcing compliance. Send out a psionic SOS every now and again and wait for help otherwise.


Brawn (Eberron Warforged Fighter) would, also, be legally beat up by anybody old enough to walk, the trick of course would be finding someone capable (or willing) to attack 6'10", 400 pounds of adamantine-plated golem. And, being a soldier, he'd be more than happy to return the favor (though he'd take care not to seriously injure or kill the poor sap, assuming that the attacker was incapable of killing him ... equal force and all that. The post implies bare-knuckled fighting rather than weapons use.). Past that, nothing to do but wait for rescue ... or, if bored enough, walk home on the bottom of the ocean. ;) He'd also wonder how the ancient crone could beat up anybody, but he'd lack the skills or interest to really dig deeper.

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Salla (D&D Telepath) would avert the violence via Mind Control' date=' Illusions, Cloud Minds (aka turning invisible) or a variety of other pacifistic means, and do a little telepathic reconnaissance to find out what, if anything, may be inducing this particular system of government (whether it be geases, mental coercion, or simply willing compliance). While she probably could kill Gramma, she wouldn't unless she was artificially forcing compliance. Send out a psionic SOS every now and again and wait for help otherwise.[/quote']


Gramma, like everyone else, only has memories of being on this island her whole life; it is the only existence she has never known. Gramma is so old that she doesn't remember growing up here, though, and she does remember seeing every other person here born (except for you, which is possibly why she's still making up her mind about what your age/rank is).


Psionic and magical attempts to contact the outside world meet no response, teleportation (such as Tek'Til'Chi'Tor's) only works for travelling from point to point on the island itself. This island has been seriously warded, and the residents know nothing helpful (as promised, I'll post the rest of this encounter in a few days).

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Lord Captain Thia Halmades: A few questions; do I have my plate mail, Holy Blade & Divine Powers easily handy? Just curious. Also, can I assume we share a lingo? "Hail. My name is... by the Five Pillars what are you DOING to that child? Sir... sir! I have to kindly ask you to alter your discipline tactics." *eyes narrow, fingers twitch. It begins to dawn on Thia that, quite possibly, the rules here are fundamentally different. That perhaps while every instinct screams 'Defend the innocent!' that this may be a custom, foible or more that he knows nothing of. Bang! Another massive slap across the face and the child falls into the dirt, tears streaming but offering no resistance.* "Why... why by the Five are you tormenting this child?"


"It is my right as his elder," replies the man, as simple and plain as one could expect. Without further explanation he wanders off, possibly in search of someone new to pummel, perhaps because he's bored. Or hungry. The child glances into Thia's eyes - and Thia sees a burning resentment within them. Not for the aggressor - but himself. "You shouldn't have interfered," the child says, spitting blood from his mouth. "It's within his rights."


"What crime did you commit?"


"No crime. He's my elder. We submit to their will, they know more and hold the power of the tribe." Thia is shocked that the child is articulate, but realizes that since the whole of his philosophy is built on whether one is older or younger, that it isn't as surprising as one would think. The elderly have the power. The youth get the short end of the stick, with the promise of getting older.


Thia sighs inwardly as he realizes what he's about to say. "All right. Take me to your leader."

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Lord Captain Thia Halmades: A few questions; do I have my plate mail' date=' Holy Blade & Divine Powers easily handy? Just curious. Also, can I assume we share a lingo?[/i']


They seem to speak an antiquated dialect, but they're roughly understandable. Use less of the big words and you should be fine :winkgrin:


Holy Blade is there. Divine Powers? Let's assume that the storm and shipwreck which left you on the island either came as a surprise to your god(s), or it's a test. Either way, they're silent and not helping out. (If the sword's power comes directly from the heavens instead of being inherent to the blade, then yes, this means that the power of the blade will also be absent. But I'm assuming that this is why you took it as a Focus - you did take it as a Focus, right?)

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Current characters:


Bazza would beat the sweet holy tar out of anyone he caught beating a child, or anyone unable to fight back. Customs be damned! Anyone who tried to come after him would discover exactly what it's like to go hand-to-hand with a Journeyman of the Finnegan school of bare-knuckles brawling... they'd be lucky if all they lost were a few teeth.


Sun Lo Fah would politely explain that he is a traveler and, though he respects their customs, does not consider himself party to them. He expects them to treat him as a visiting dignitary -- with all due courtesy. He will treat them in the same manner. Should anyone attempt to "discipline" him, he would likely cut their throat, quick as a flash of lightning. Otherwise, he would live and let live.

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Do Paladinic abilities still work?


Any divine power that has been invested in your characters will work. As for direct Divine Intervention? Not a whisper, not a nudge, not a sign of their presence. I'll explain after Thia (and any other paladins/clerics who want to jump in on this one) finish their moves.

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Well, going with a couple of characters that I have running in a BESM d20 game:


Alejandro Esteban de la Vega, displaced 17th-century Spanish swordsman:

He'd observe with slightly detached distaste, but would be disinclined to interfere. If any of the islanders try to beat on HIM, though, they're going to get about one chance to stop before they discover that Alejandro is very, very good with a sword, and that his blade (Espina de la Rosa) bites deep.


Kassandra Tsujimoto, Japanese-American magical girl:

If the Great Kami have withdrawn their power, she's nothing more than a 15-year old girl with a Buddhist monk's staff, and she'll do her best to stay out of the way, helping to treat people's injuries when she can. If anyone starts beating on her, she'll do her best to defend herself or run away.


If she still has her powers, she'll try to persuade the islanders to a more peaceful path. She'd be reluctant to reveal her magical girl mode unless it became necessary, but she'd do it to heal someone who was badly hurt. If they start coming after her, she'll use her force field, which should be more than enough to protect her from these people. If it isn't, and she's forced to match force with force, well, when they face a glowing, white-clad girl with ethereal wings and a blazing sword of light, they'll know what it means that she serves Justice as well as Love.


Then, when the fight is over, she'll cry and try to save as many of the injured as she can.



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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


That gives me:


My Holy Relic/Cold Iron Two-handed sword, enchanted. It's built to slay demons, primarily. My Plate Mail, enchanted to be lighter, and built expressly for me. I generally don't wear a helm, and may or may not have it (it's part of the Plate Mail). The Relic is a Focus, not Independent.


Lay On Hands, Turn Undead, Inspire Others, Smite Evil are all there. I also have a small Divine Spell VPP (45 points/3rd level magic). I'm assuming that I do NOT have access to those.


Thia lives by a code that some consider bizarre - he believes, with all his heart, that the rules exist for a reason. He believes that some rules were meant to be broken, or abolished. He also believes that violence is a last resort, to be contained for the wicked. Anymore than someone would smack a mother smacking a child in a supermarket, Thia isn't going to rush in blade first without determining the nature of the conflict. He may have every living desire to simply annihilate his opponent in single combat - and he has the talent to do it. But that doesn't mean the assault would be justified. And Thia requires justification for his actions, and that justification has to jive with his Psych Lims (Code of Honor (Common, Total), Code Against Killing: Innocents (Uncommon, Total), Loyalty to the Empire (Common, Total), Loyalty to the Church (Common, Total) - the list goes on. Probably beyond the alloted 75 points, but I believe I built him as Superheroic when he began, giving him more points, but also more limitations.


So what happens when I meet Broomhilda?

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


I'm gonna put in my current Living Greyhawk character, and my Eight Sages character in this... I do have several others, but my highest D&D character was dead several years ago in a now defunct Living Campaign, anyways. :D


That being said...


Keyrion Sunderforge, Dwarven Priest of Moradin (Principality of Ulek): Will wish whomever was piloting the blasted ship to the depths of the Dagger Hills... and wonder how, for a non-swiming, non-ship-building dwarf can get home? Explores the island, finds said tribe of savages, and be both amazed and royally cheesed at the way the society is built around on bullying the younger.


Fortuantly, he is nearly 100 years old (and it's safe to assume these are humans here, right?) and can expect some degree of safety... as long as he keeps wearing his armor. Will generally play the bully to keep people from harming the youngsters too much, but quietly attempt to show a different way of life, in hopes of starting the wheels of revolution among the isolated tribe. Basically, show kindness where there is none, and show others that it's not nice to push others around.


He's not that[/i] paranoid, but the fact that he hasn't been able to renew his spells speaks of something more to the island, and will attempt to figure out what the whole point of this place is...


Hami no Zhu, Dragon-kin Chi-Mage (aspects of Fire and Heaven): In this, I'm assuming that the natives are Whale-kin, with some minor difference in their skin coloration as opposed to Empire Whale-kin.


Hami is going to be mildy curious about the tribe and their society, but will leave them alone for the most part and attempt to find a way off. He is capable of divinationary magics (Heaven aspect) as well as fire-based magics, so he'll scry for nearby ships that are close enough to signal for rescue.

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


So what happens when I meet Broomhilda?


I don't know :(


Like I said, this was an actual scenario encountered by a PC who was way out of her depth, level-wise. I wasn't actually there for the session, so I'll need to consult with our GM to ask about what did happen, in more detail. I can also try to contact the player, but I think he may have moved in the intervening years (this occurs with startling frequency, around here), so I'll hope to speak with the GM tonight.

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Re: WWYCD - Gerontocracy with casual physical violence


Well then how by the Five Pillars am I supposed to know what to do?


Just be patient :) [Kids these days, eh? That danged "Now!" generation.] I'll post the next part later tonight, and you can get to it then, or in the morning.

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