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New to Hero

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Re: New to Hero


I made the switch from D&D to Hero to begin a science fiction campaign back in August last year. I haven't looked back since. Hero is so much better than D&D. For a comparison, here's an example:


In D&D, you get attacked by some orc or something. Your only option is to get attacked.


In Hero, you get attacked by some orc or something. You can - Block, Dodge, Dive for Cover, or perform some cool martial maneuver to "get the crap outta the way".


The main difference you'll have to overcome is that it's easy for most characters to get knocked out in one or two attacks. This is much different than a D&D slugfest, but also more realistic and it can make the fights go much quicker, well unless you have smart players who Dodge, Block, etc. ;)

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Re: New to Hero


Herophilia - the psycholgical urge to pick up a Hero system rule book and begin to define mundane items into statistical game data.


Warning Signs - Spends time trying to convert other roleplaying games to the Hero System. Urgent need to check the Hero Games messgage boards to see if they can "help" someone with a build. Lack of motivation to play anything but Hero System.


side effects may include: Extreme happiness and contentment. Proclaiming Hero System as the best system in the world if not the galaxy. The need to beat anyone who disrespects the Hero System.


Method of treatment: None, 19 out of 20 Hero Gamers remain with the system for the rest of thier lives.


Editted for: Sillieness


Herophilia: the psycholgical urge to pick up a Hero system rule book and begin to define mundane items into statistical game data. (Very Common, Total) 25 pts

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Re: New to Hero


Hello all' date='[/quote']


Hello, Wiretwister!


Welcome to the Hero System.


I really have nothing to add, other than to put a "but you don't have to" at then end of every piece of advice already given. Yes, you can stat out anything and everything, but you don't have to. You can play any and every genre, but you don't have too. You can have superheroes pillage the city, but you don't have too.


Anyway, you'll find a lively and helpful, there irreverant, bunch here, so if you have any question about the game before you take the plunge a pick up a book, go ahead and ask. Just keep one thing in mind, specific questions about "how does Hero System do X" are more easily answered by stating how it doesn't do them. It's better to ask such questions after you've read the rules anyway, since the book will usually answer such question better than most of us can, and we'll usually just tell you the page number anway if it's in there (big book, easy to miss things first few times through). And once you have that precious morsel of green and black (or blue and black, if you pick up Sidekick instead) gold in your hands, keep asking questions if you have them.



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I believe pretty much everyone that posts on this board is going to recommend Hero. We are biased, so keep that in mind. I would like to specifically answer your questions from my opinion.


I do not believe Hero is any less expensive than D&D. There are more D20 products that you can buy than Hero so I suppose you could make that argument. In theory, all you need to play D&D is the PHB, DMG and MM. In theory, you could play Hero with reFrED and the Hero System Bestiary. I do own the Hero System Bestiary, but I think I have only every really used it for a character who could shape change into any animal. Not to say it is not useful, I just tend to use human opponents in my campaigns.


Hero is a very large departure from D&D. So far, in fact, that many people have difficulty grasping certain fundamental concepts in Hero.


Hero is very flexible, but with that flexibility is a bit of a learning curve. Again, this is part of the departure from D&D. In D&D everything is very specifically detailed. In Hero, you peel back the layers and look for the end result. The details are left up to the players. This is why Hero is commonly referred to as an effects based game. A sword and a fireball are quite different things, but their ultimate affect is to cause damage.


I hope you will find this forum friendly and helpful. Feel free to ask stupid questions about anything you like...except rep. It's a sore subject.

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Re: New to Hero


Hero Gamer 1: "I would like some ReFred beans, Please."


Hero Gamer 2: "Ok that'll be a 5er."


Hero Gamer 1: "does that come with cheese?"


Hero Gamer 2: "yup."


Brain Eater Lad: "???, ok I'm leaving, theres just no decent places to eat anymore."

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Re: Welcome


I do not believe Hero is any less expensive than D&D. There are more D20 products that you can buy than Hero so I suppose you could make that argument. In theory, all you need to play D&D is the PHB, DMG and MM. In theory, you could play Hero with reFrED and the Hero System Bestiary. I do own the Hero System Bestiary, but I think I have only every really used it for a character who could shape change into any animal. Not to say it is not useful, I just tend to use human opponents in my campaigns.


In theory - and in sober fact - you can play without the Bestiary. I don't have it and have never had it. Frankly, of all the supplements you could have chosen to label "indispensible" I'm surprised you pick the Bestiary.


I would have said, the Ultimate Martial Artist.


But in any case, all you REALLY need is FRED - or FRED jr., or 5ER or whatever you want to call the latest revised edition.


For that matter, you could, in theory, play AD&D with only the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Master's Guide. OR at one time you could. I have no idea what you need now, it's been a long time since I played.


You might even be able to play Hero with only Sidekick - making it a very cheap game indeed. I was surprised at how complete Sidekick looked, but I don't have it and have never actually used it - just looked over someone else's copy.


Lucius Alexander


You are more likely to find a bestiary in a palindromedary, than a palindromedary in a bestiary....

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Re: New to Hero


I would say the Monster Manual is required to play D&D (in addition to the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Master's Guide). The only reason for this is because D&D offers no rules for creating monsters (well, no rules for making non humanish characters). I suppose if you played in a realm that only had humanish type villains and challenges, the MM would not be necessary, but that's not the way most fantasy games are played.


Hero on the other hand uses the same rules for making nonhumanish characters as it does for humans. Only one book is required for play. Of course, suppliments of any kind are great. If nothing else, they save time and effort on the time of both the GM and the players, giving everyone a ready resource, described using the rules of the game, that can be drawn off of for information and inspiration.

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Re: New to Hero


Back when I played, the DM Guide had a kind of summary or breakdown of all the monsters in the first version of the Monster Manual. It was missing the illustrations and "flavor" text, but had the stats.


It would have taken more work and more imagination, but I think you would have been able to get by without a Monster Manual.


However, the Manual was certainly more essential to D&D than the Bestiary is to playing any version of Hero - or such is my opinion.


However, I do regard the Bestiary as so potentially useful, I'm buying it soon along with Fantasy Hero and Star Hero.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary uses its KS: Lucius Alexander skill to recall when Lucius played a character who was part of a superhero group called Second Bestiary....

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Re: New to Hero


As a player from the days that Hero was called Champions, ~1982 or 1983. I know you'll find this a good change. D&D, d20, what ever you call it has things I like but with hero I can do the same character and do it better than you could in d20.

So welcome aboard and always ask if you have questions. You might not always like the answers but you find even the ones you don't can teach you something.

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Re: Welcome


In theory - and in sober fact - you can play without the Bestiary. ..


o but who wants to do ALL that work ?


someone else has statted up the monsters,

if you don't like em, give them XPs


New People from DnD playing Fantasy Hero ?

yeah, buy the bestiary...

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Re: New to Hero


Given that the Bestiary is the first Hero Supplement that I bought (the fact that it was DOJs third book had a bit to do with it....) and is probably the most referenced aside from the main book ... I do recommend it just because it eases up on some of the front work.


But then - that's all the supplements really do, ease up on the work needed to kickstart the game. Which is as it should be.


Actually.. the three most referenced books I own:

Main Rule book, The Ultimate Brick, Hero Bestiary. Though The Hero Combat Handbook is catching up.

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Re: New to Hero


Given that the Bestiary is the first Hero Supplement that I bought (the fact that it was DOJs third book had a bit to do with it....) and is probably the most referenced aside from the main book ... I do recommend it just because it eases up on some of the front work.


But then - that's all the supplements really do, ease up on the work needed to kickstart the game. Which is as it should be.


Actually.. the three most referenced books I own:

Main Rule book, The Ultimate Brick, Hero Bestiary. Though The Hero Combat Handbook is catching up.


You must not own The Ultimate Martial Artist. :)


Then again, the most referenced book in my game, other than 5ER, is probably The Mystic World... but that's just our campaign.

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Re: New to Hero


You must not own The Ultimate Martial Artist. :)


Then again, the most referenced book in my game, other than 5ER, is probably The Mystic World... but that's just our campaign.

I do... I just down play Martial Artists that often. Neither UMA or NH really offer anything for me actually.


I don't play bricks that often either but the expanded Object, STR and Throwing Tables are good stuff.

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Re: New to Hero


I'll chime in right quick.


I would probably start with SideKick as others have suggested. Its a lot smaller and I would say a bit easier to wade through. It's also a darn site cheaper. That would at least get your familiar with some base concepts.


So purchases. If you want to do:

Fantasy - Rule Book/SideKick and Fantasy Hero

Supers - Rule Book/Sidekick and Champions

Punisher Type Heroes - Rule Book/SideKick and Dark Champions

Space - Rule Book/Sidekick and Star Hero


You get the idea? :)


There are a couple of other book for each genre that might be nice or fun to have (Grimoires for FH, Ultimate Vehicle for Spacey Adventures, etc) but you don't really need any of them.


If I was you I would read the rules and create about a dozen characters of various types and then get a group of people together and just pound the snot out of each other. Do that for a couple of weeks until you are happy with your understanding of the system. Then think about everyone creating a character and doing a bunch of serials (same characters, one-off adventures with no overreaching plot). After that segue into a normal campaign.


Hope this helps some...and WELCOME!

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Re: New to Hero


I looked at other generic type RPG's . I literaly spent two days and some hours in the game shop reading over basic concepts in Hero, the GURP and RIFT systems.


I selected Hero, 1. because it looked to be a more mature and supported gaming system.


2. One book versus 2 or 3 books. This kept costs down.


3. Hate the medieval dungeon crawls


4. Hero has a small following in our area, the other games don't.


I've been reading the book and creating a character from scratch as I go. Asking questions in appropriate forum, getting answers (Thanks) asking the obvious newbie question then rereading the book and going DOH!!! it was right in front of me ...


Sunday the group starts a space campaign. The GM has some pregen characters for us. I believe this is the first space game this GM has run.


Basically enjoying learning the system and looking forward to playing this weekend.

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Re: New to Hero


As addendum to my last post, the character I am making now is not for a specific game but just to familiarize myself with the creation process. The concept is a standard heroic type. A human with an above average intelect and profecient archery skills learned as an avid hunter.


So thinking a stalking skill, tracking type skills, good eyesight, deepth perception, Keen senses.


using 75-100 pts to build.


I've always found hands on approch to learning something new helps, and it's fun

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Re: Welcome


Frankly' date=' of all the supplements you could have chosen to label "indispensible" I'm surprised you pick the Bestiary.[/quote']


I only picked it to compare to the three 'core' books for 'The Game Which Shall Not Be Named'. I would agree that it is not necessary.


I wonder if we need a thread of which supliments are most used by people. I would be curious to see what everyone else considers 'indispensible'.

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Re: New to Hero


Equiping this test character: Looking at two weaps, A medium long bow and a hunting knife.


Concerning the bow, it has an inherent +1 range modifier and 10 recoverable shots. Can I increase the number of shots to 20(simulating more arrows in quiver)? Real world bows have some sighting gear, i.e. laser sight, pin sight etc. Is it alowable to add a laser site to the bow using table on pg 484 5th ed. to give another +1 range and OCV?


can I also us this bow as a Ranged Killing Attack?


This is just basic character creation exercise to help learn the process.


as future additons to gear, exploding arrows, grapling arrow, I'm not sure how to incorparate the rules to design this specialty gear. I'm sure as I read more and learn more it will become clear, but at this time any suggestions are appreciated.



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Re: New to Hero


You mentioned you're coming at this from a Heroic Character point of creation.


In which case all that equipment is "free" - as in it costs no points to have, only the requisite Weapon Familiarities to utilize. So anything the GM permits is allowable within the game.


However if you're looking for constructs for the above mentioned goodies:

+1 Penalty Skill Level vs Range Modifier; OIF (laser)

Increase the Charges to 20 Recoverable.


For multiple Arrow types you could build it as a Mutipower Pool, each slot representing a different arrow type. (See the section on Frameworks for how Multipower Pools work).

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Re: New to Hero


What GA said.


If you are going to do a fun construct for something like a super hero campaign (or maybe a space opera game), here's a quick idea:


Multipower reserve, OAF: bow

Missile Deflection

Ranged Effect on Arrows multipower


Multipower reserve, OIF: arrows, x recoverable charges, no range



EB Stun only

EB, + range mod



This fun construct allows you to use your bow for deflecting incomming attacks, OR, to give your arrows a ranged attack. And since your arrows have no range by default, you can still use them in hand-to-hand combat if you've lost your bow.


Just to show you the flexibility of the system. ;)

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Re: New to Hero


I did a quick writeup based on your description. I hope you find it helpful:



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

12 STR 2 11- Lift 132.0kg; 2d6; [2]

12 DEX 6 11- OCV 4 DCV 4

12 CON 4 11-

12 BODY 4 11-

16 INT 6 12- PER Roll 12-/13-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

12 PRE 2 11- PRE Attack: 2d6

10 COM 0 11-

2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)

3 SPD 8 Phases: 4, 8, 12

4 REC 0

26 END 1

24 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 35

Movement: Running: 7" / 14"

Swimming: 2" / 4"

Leaping: 2" / 4"

Cost Powers END

2 Keen eyesight: +1 PER with Sight Group 0


6 +2 with Bows

2 WF: Blades, Bows

5 Tracking 13-

3 Stealth 11-

3 Shadowing 12-

6 Penalty Skill Levels: +2 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks

3 KS: Woodland creatures 12-

3 PS: Hunter 12-

2 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical Forests) 12-

3 PS: Computer Programmer 12-

2 Computer Programming (Personal Computers) 12-

Total Powers & Skill Cost: 40

Total Cost: 75

50+ Disadvantages

10 Psychological Limitation: Lonewolf, likes to be by himself (Uncommon, Strong)

5 Rivalry: Professional (Fellow hunter; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)

10 Physical Limitation: Type 2 Diabetes (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)

0 Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 75

Standard Equipment:

Cost Powers END

Long Bow: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, 4 clips of 20 Charges (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; +1/4) (37 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 10 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) (, ) [20]

Knife: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (2d6 w/STR) (25 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 6 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) (, ) 2

Background/History: During the day he sits in front of a computer writing code for Generacorp. But his real passion lies with hunting. He's never been a fan of guns and always preferred using bows, or if he gets very very close, he'll sometimes use knives.

As for the long bow's charges, it's up to you how you want to define that. I made it 4 "clips" of 20 charges that recover under "limited circumstances" which is going to the car, his house, the store, whatever to get more arrows. If you don't ever want to worry about running out, make the charges recoverable.

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Re: Welcome


I only picked it to compare to the three 'core' books for 'The Game Which Shall Not Be Named'. I would agree that it is not necessary.


I wonder if we need a thread of which supliments are most used by people. I would be curious to see what everyone else considers 'indispensible'.


I get a lot of use out of the Bestiary, UMA, and the Vehicle Sourcebook. But then, I do a lot of conversions and adaptations, and always need examples.

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