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Indispensable Books

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Re: Indispensable Books


if that were the case' date=' you'd think they would re-print the UMA. But, alas, they do not have a new print run for UMA on the schedule. See this thread
I've read that thread. You'd also, since you've read it yourself, note that the UMA is still in stock. So there isn't a reason to reprint it at this time anyways.



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Re: Indispensable Books


hmm.. I guess I don't run enough martial artists.


UMA's sales have, as Darren and Steve have noted on several occasions, dragged. It wasn't great right out of the gate and it has lagged behind other books... and both have also pointed out that pretty much everyone who wants/needs/find it indespensable already owns a copy.


If sales are as slow as they seem for UMA, and they only found a few boxes by all accounts ealier this year, then a reprint would be foolish i'd think.


i certainly don't need another copy of a book I rarely use. About the only thing truly useful in it are the MA Creation rules, and i've yet a need to make a Martial Maneuver from scratch.

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Re: Indispensable Books


Hey, can I claim www.herogames.com/forums as indispensible? ;)


I am, so my only indespensable "books" would be 5ER and the Hero Games website (including the Discussion Boards, Free Stuff page, FAQ, etc).


Books most often referenced (per month owned): UMA, Bestiary, TUV and Mystic World. Bestiary actually suprised me when I looked back and though about how many times I had referenced it since I bought it last year. And that's without playing a fantasy game or have a super with animal shape shifting. Just looking up the occasional monster or animal to adapt for some adventure here and there, or base an animal-like power.


Books I wouldn't dream of not owning (not including the above): Ultimate Mentalist (impatiently expecting 5th edition version), Star Hero, Champions, VIPER and DEMON.

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Re: Indispensable Books


UMA's sales have, as Darren and Steve have noted on several occasions, dragged. It wasn't great right out of the gate and it has lagged behind other books...


Funny, I thought UMA was in its second (third?) printing? I'll go looking for some threads but it was my understanding that this book was only outsold by the corebook.


Anybody with specifics should feel free to jump in.


[EDIT] I found one link - Darren Watts on Sales

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Re: Indispensable Books


To be clear: sales of UMA did not "drag." It sold quite well early on. It was only toward the end of the print run, when most people who wanted one had one, that sales slowed down -- which is exactly what you'd expect. Since they've reached that slow level, reprinting the book simply isn't warranted; even the smallest print run we could reasonably get would last probably for a decade or more, tying up money better used elsewhere.


If we ever did decide to reprint UMA, we'd probably revise it, reformatting and tweaking it to bring it in line stylistically with other Ultimates like Brick, Metamorph, Speedster, and eventually Mentalist. But that's not a high priority because again, most people who want one have one. They're not going to buy the book all over again just because we re-arrange the book and add, say, 10-15% new or semi-new material.

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Re: Indispensable Books


Possibly' date=' unlike for the other books, that is a key selling point for people to buy the UMA, so they wan't to keep it in there so as to not canibalize sales.[/quote']


I'd buy this logic were it not for the fact that UMA had already been announced as having sales at the point where the book was not worth reprinting, though it will be made available as a .pdf in perpetuity.


I think a more reasonable answer would be that the Combat Handbook is about combat, where construction of maneuvers is about character-building mechanics. There's only so many pages in a book, and the MA creation rules may have been too large to squeeze in, especially given their tenuous relation to the topic of the book itself.


Maybe if we get a Character Building Handbook...

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Re: Indispensable Books


To be clear: sales of UMA did not "drag." It sold quite well early on. It was only toward the end of the print run' date=' when most people who wanted one had one, that sales slowed down -- which is exactly what you'd expect. Since they've reached that slow level, reprinting the book simply isn't warranted; even the smallest print run we could reasonably get would last probably for a decade or more, tying up money better used elsewhere.[/quote']

my misunderstanding... that's what I get for relying on my memory alone :P


I figured it had to be along those lines though.

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Re: Indispensable Books


For me (as a player) the essentials are 5ER and UMA along with the Resource Kit. If I was running a game I'd add the Bestiary, and possibly TUV to that list. Fortunately most of my gaming books from the last 5 years are in PDF format so almost all the books I use are nearly always available to me during a game.

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Re: Indispensable Books


To be clear: sales of UMA did not "drag." It sold quite well early on. It was only toward the end of the print run, when most people who wanted one had one, that sales slowed down -- which is exactly what you'd expect. Since they've reached that slow level, reprinting the book simply isn't warranted; even the smallest print run we could reasonably get would last probably for a decade or more, tying up money better used elsewhere.


If we ever did decide to reprint UMA, we'd probably revise it, reformatting and tweaking it to bring it in line stylistically with other Ultimates like Brick, Metamorph, Speedster, and eventually Mentalist. But that's not a high priority because again, most people who want one have one. They're not going to buy the book all over again just because we re-arrange the book and add, say, 10-15% new or semi-new material.


Did you at least put the martial manuever creation rules into FRED jr.?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary checks the time and reminds me - I have a game tonight!

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Re: Indispensable Books


What the hell is FRED jr.?



Either Sidekick or 5ER... not sure which.


Either way... the answer to Lucius' question is; No.


The Martial Maneuver Creation Rules currently only exist in the UMA which is still in stock in the store and the PDF will never go out of print (barring more bad jokes about 1s and 0s).

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Re: Indispensable Books


The Martial Maneuver Creation Rules currently only exist in the UMA which is still in stock in the store and the PDF will never go out of print (barring more bad jokes about 1s and 0s).


The thing about binary jokes is, there are really only 10 types of people who get them: those who can read binary numbers, and those who can't.

















::dives for cover::

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Fred Jr.


Sorry, I keep forgetting Sidekick exists.


I guess it would make sense to call Sidekick FRED Jr.

And the Revised Edition FRED II.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary suggests Frederick II. Or FRED MK II.

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Re: Indispensable Books


not that this is really adding much to the thread... but...

I run a champions campaign, and my most commonly used books are:




followed by, in no particular order:


USPD (I only have #1)


Ultimate Brick (esp the materials charts)


Combat Handbook



I have many of the rest (am actually surprised by how many HERO books I now own... my collection of 5E books far exceeds any of the other editions, put together!)

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Re: Indispensable Books


The Resource Kit


Speaking of which, how many people out there actually use the GM screen that came with the resource kit? Personally, I don't. I've always found it far to large to actually use as a screen. At most I've only used it as a handy cheet sheet of handy charts to keep nearby, and that was only rarely.

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Re: Indispensable Books


Speaking of which' date=' how many people out there actually use the GM screen that came with the resource kit? Personally, I don't. I've always found it far to large to actually use as a screen. At most I've only used it as a handy cheet sheet of handy charts to keep nearby, and that was only rarely.[/quote']

Our Neon Labyrinth GM does. And it makes a handy set of charts for the whole table.

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Re: Indispensable Books


Main Rulebook and the UMA are the only "indispensible" books IMO.


However I find all of the following books to be very useful when I need them:


Fantasy HERO

Dark Champions

TUV and HSVS (I find that I rarely use them seperately but together they are very powerful)


Ive also been getting a lot of mileage out of the HERO System Combat Guide; I don't take the main rule book to games any more and just use the player's that hosts the sessions book on the rare occassion I need to look up something on a power build or other area of the game. I don't like to stop play to look things up unless its important, so the Combat Guide usually has all the info I need to run a game.


And though I don't use it for myself, I consider Sidekick to be indispensable for what should be obvious reasons.



Books I don't find useful are books like USPD, the Grimoires, Gadget and Gear, etc. I just don't need that sort of supplement, and practically never use them unless Im in a hurry.


Since with the exception of supers I make my own settings I dont get much use out of the published settings either.

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