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Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"

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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


Except those that have already been made? ;)



Robyn tried to ask about the catgirls.



I'm open to suggestions as to options for dancing girls, and as to how to build such options.


As for the catgirls, we're currently out of stock. Some terrorists calling themselves PUTAA (People for the Unethical Treatment of Anthropomorphic Animals) broke in and made off with them all.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Enterprises regrets the inconvenience.

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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


Well, we can start off simply enough. This power is a Super-Skill ...


Seduction of the Innocent: Mind Control 6d6 (Human class of minds), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Cumulative (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Limited Power Power useless versus those with no interest in Sex or the Sex of the Seducer (-1), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Variable Limitations (requires -1/2 worth of Limitations; -1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4).


Cumulative so that during the course of the evening the character may make several linked advances, gently nudging the fly into his/her web. Those with the weakest EGO will be most eager to do as the Seducer asks. Variable Limitations sometimes Eye Contact (Eyes of Desire) , Gestures (Provacative Dancing), and/or Incantations (Words of Passion). This lures the person closer for the next stage...


Spinning the Web/ Poison Kisses: Drain EGO 1d6+1, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 6 Hours; +1 1/4), Invisible Power Effects, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +2) (55 Active Points); Limited Power Power useless versus those with no interest in Sex or the Sex of the Seducer (-1), Variable Limitations (requires -1/2 worth of Limitations; -1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (Variable RSR; -1/4)


This represents the little sweet nothings whsipered in the ear (Incanations), the soft caress (gestures), or longing looks (eye Contact) that lowers a persons defenses. Combined with the Power above, simple suggestions such as "Please stay a little while longer, won't you?" becomes more and more reasonable and desirable to the character slowly loosing their will to resist. The variable Skill roll could be Seduction but also Sensual massage or a Provacative Dance rubbing up against the target but it does require contact, of course.


And finally, when the target has surrendered his or her will and is compliant to undergoing a more intimate interaction...


Enthrallment: Major Transform 1d6 (Normal Person into one with a Psy Lim:In Love with X or Psy Lim:Slave-like Devotion to X, Intensive Psychotherapy), Works Against EGO, Not BODY (+1/4), Partial Transform (+1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1), Invisible Power Effects, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +2) (71 Active Points); Extra Time (20 Minutes, -2 1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Requires A Skill Roll: Love-Making (-1/2)


After a few throws in the hay with this Lothario/Jezebel....the character has surrendered their very soul to them and will likely come back for more.


Combine this with an Ego Transfer or a PRE Transfer linked to the Enthrallment Power and instead of a Super-Skill, you have a psychic Vampire....or just someone who gets a boost out of using people and tossing them aside.


Kinda scary, huh?


Well, whaddya think?


Interesting, but you forgot to throw in:


Bodice Ripping: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); Only Versus Clothing (-2)



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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


When we were about 14 we came up with a system of comparison based on the DnD system. It wasn't worth it.


If it is important, I'd simply go with the Seduction skill, backed up by an appropriate Analyse, perhaps, so that you can work out/take a hint about your partner's preferences, and if you are really keen, a reputaion (in the positive sesne).


You can use 9+COM/5 as a complimentary roll if you like, but, by and large (there's an Emo Phillips joke in there somewhere) that is more important for getting someone to check out your sexual prowess in the first place. It might be more important for some people than others though.


However, I truly believe that the greatest single factor in sexual prowess is psychological in any event, and Hero rightly leaves that area alone. Like I said if you are good at seducing people and have a reputation for being good in bed, chances are that is about right.

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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


It might be worth pointing out that actually "delivering the goods" is one skill set; getting the CHANCE to show what you can do is another.


It's like the difference between PS: Politician, and PS: Statesman. The former helps you win an election, or otherwise come into a position of authority, the latter helps you actually accomplish something worthwhile once you're in power.


Lucius Alexander


Writing up the Everypalindromedary skills...

Interresting choice of analogy, it brings to mind what an old friend of mine once observed: "Politics and sex both invariably involve somebody getting f***ed."


I'd say more but I should probably save it for the NGD.

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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


I would almost universally accept this to be covered under the umbrella of Seduction.


And also, maybe some good Reputation: Like a Horse!


Seduction is the equivalent to PS: Politician. It is the skill that gets you the opportunity.


Lovemaking, or whatever we choose to call it, would be the equivalent to PS: Statecraft. It is the skill that lets you make the most of the opportunity once you are *ahem* in a position to exploit it.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary, being contrary, argues that for game purposes it is quite reasonable to conflate the two....

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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


This thread reminds me of the episode of Shin Chan's show-within-a-show, Action Bastard, with the villain called "The Deflowerer" (he was the one in the purple costume that Shin's mom became so smitten with that she went out frantically searching for his trading card). It might be fun to write him up just for laughs. Anyone what to take a crack at it?

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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


The problem with writing up sexual prowess is much like the problem with any other social interaction skills. It’s incredibly varied and personal topic; pretty much everyone is going to be biased by their own experiences, preferences and beliefs and simulating all that mechanically would be immensely, probably unplayablely complicated. Not to mention sex is a topic that almost everyone gets weird about to some degree.


So my opinion is that it should be handled with same degree of abstraction as any other ability in Hero. That is, whatever level works for the game in question. I imagine in most games a PS is fine with various skills that might be complimentary. If the game requires more detail, than develop as necessary; maybe even use Super Skill type powers if needed. And to be honest, I can’t get on a high horse about doing things like that.

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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


Sexual (and non-sexual) attraction can be modelled like this:


Two people meet. They each roll 3d6. If they get the same number they like each other well enough to possibly form a relationship. The lower the number, the stronger/more positive the relationship. If they both roll 3, they are utterly and blissfully in love.


If the number is high, they are in a codependent, destructive relationship, but they are still in love, or would claim they are. If they both roll an 18, there is going to be bloodshed and tears, but they consider they have found their soul mate, nonetheless, and it is definitely 'until death do us part'.


If the number is middling,t hen they like each other and, in time might even form a deeper relationship, love, marriage, friendship, but it is a solid relationship rather than fireworks and ecstacy.


If they roll different numbers they have no 'special attraction', unless one rolls an 18 or a 3. If someone rolls a three, the other becomes hopelessly infatuated with them, in a positive way. if one rolls an 18 then they beome hopelessly infatuated witht eh other, but destructively; can anyone say 'stalker'?


Relationships are almost independent of the attributes of teh individuals, so the roll is rarely if ever modified.


If you are cynical enough to think that the good looking are more likely to end up together, modify each roll by COM/5 or PRE/5, whichever is better, to see if they are compatable, but use the actual rolled numbers to determine the nature of the relationship. If you are really cynical the party with the higher wealth or status rating can use that instead of COM (orPRE)/5.


You might be able to delelop a skill that makes someone think you are the one: seduction, for instance, might allow you to modify your 'relationship roll' by one point for each point you succeed by, but the effect is only temporary. Mental illusions could be used to make the other person think you are their ideal match.


You can do something similar with actual sex, but where your head is is more important than...actually that could be taken two ways. Come to think of it THAT is a double entendre...oh dear...

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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


As a sort of "reaction roll" to determine what modifiers that might be to other Interaction skills, that's not too bad. I do think things like Comeliness, Presence as well as role playing considerations would modify the roll, like any other social situation but for totally random determination of how two character "feel" about each other it has potential.


I think the threads drifted quite a bit from the original question though.

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Re: Modeling, er, "sexual prowess"


As a sort of "reaction roll" to determine what modifiers that might be to other Interaction skills, that's not too bad. I do think things like Comeliness, Presence as well as role playing considerations would modify the roll, like any other social situation but for totally random determination of how two character "feel" about each other it has potential.


I think the threads drifted quite a bit from the original question though.


Oh it's drifted, alright.


The 'relationship roll' is not really meant as a way to set up random modifiers for a social interaction - as you say a COM or PRE opposed roll does that just fine. it is meant to model something deeper, a real attraction between two people that defies definition and may well not manifest as any kind of social interaction bonus or penalty: often that spark of genuine attraction will manifest in odd ways. The original social interaction might become secondary or even forgotten: just because you went over to speak to her to get information on the Crime Boss and she saw you coming and was planning to find out who you worked for doesn't mean that the only possible outcomes are 'you win', 'she wins' or 'no-score draw'. This introduces the unnecessarily romantic notion that forces greater than both of you might intervene :).


I've suggested that the roll always have a positive outcome (at least at some level) but you amy wish to model the possibility of hatred and emnity at first sight too. Make the relationship roll, then roll a 1d6. Even the relationship is 'love', odd, it is 'hate'.

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