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The soul


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Re: The soul


It kinda depends on your application.


If you want to define a soul with out a body, that's basically a ghost. Pick a bunch of the non-physical characteristics, and say the rest are not defined. Good for characters on the Astral Plane or somesuch.


If you want to do things to another person's soul, that's a Transform, Based on EGO CV, maybe with AVLD just to spice things up. (Or that's how I would do it.)


Or maybe a soul is just an SFX or a plot device for the GM. It all depends, really.


What are you looking to do with these souls, dude?

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Re: The soul


Well, it depends on what you want to happen. Does the party have any Affects Desolidification attacks? Or mental abilities? If not, lost souls are gonna be tough for them to handle.


So maybe the lost souls "manifest" (turn solid) so the PCs can hit them and send them to hell or heck or Fresno or where ever.


Or maybe the Lost Souls aren't even Desolid, maybe they're something else entirely, and the PCs have to figure out some sort of mystery to put the lost souls to rest.


Everything depends on what you want to happen....

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Re: The soul


AI computer rules' date=' interesting. BTW, what does inherent advantage mean?[/quote']


It means the Power cannot be Drained or Aided or otherwise denied the character through the use of Powers. It's litterally a part of him, like his arms. You can't Drain someone's arms to make them vanish or Aid them to give him more for example.

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Re: The soul


Is there a difference between Hell & Fresno?


Hai, Inherent means that it's integrated into who they are. There's a rule in 5ER which says that Multiple Limbs aren't necessarily Inherent, although you can buy them that way (as an insect would, as they have extra legs).


I agree with CC, and he took the words right out of my mouth. Being a 'soul' or a 'soulform' is a special effect - you're going backwards. You're asking "How do I make a soul?" which will take a while even if we're all ready to try and grapple that. What you're really asking is "I have this idea and I'm going to slap a label on it, but before I do that, I'd like it to have the traits a, b & c. Any suggestions on how to build those traits efficiently?" Then, once it's built, you can call it a Cadillac for all we care. ;)

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Re: The soul


I'm thinking about my PC's encountering lost souls. Would they have body based on ego and int? Desol of course. Full life support? I'm trying to conceptualize how to write up a soul form.


In what sense are they lost? You need to clearly visualise what the capabilities of your "lost souls" are, what you expect them to do and to be able to do. Generally speaking if they are actually capable of doing stuff rather than just being voices in the void, I'd give them the full slate of characteristics.

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Re: The soul


Is there a difference between Hell & Fresno?


Well, not a lot, I guess.



I agree with others. Based on what you've explained so far, a Lost Soul is the SFX or character concept. You need to reason backwards from effect. Figure out what you want the Lost Souls to do, and give them those powers.


You mentioned you wanted Lost Souls to have a BODY equal to their EGO. Well, if Lost Souls have an EGO of 20 (that's a lot of EGO, btw), then just buy up their BODY to 20. Done! Easy!


Maybe Lost Souls can't be touched by normal weapons. I'd give them Desolidification, Not vs. Magic or Magic Weapons, -1/2 or so. Maybe Lost Souls can be repelled by Holy Objects. That's a Psych Lim, Runs Away from Holy Objects (and maybe a Phys Lim too). Etc.


It's easy. Just decide what you want, then give them those powers. The hard part is sometimes having a clear idea what you want them to do. Once you decide on that, you're home free on the rest.

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Re: The soul


Okay, see I got this idea for a character. I call him Phantasm. He is a collection of souls that were bound together in the destruction of a dimension of psychics. So I'm trying to figure out how to write him up. He absorbs lost souls, and when he takes body, he loses souls. So I'm trying to figure out how to write up a soul or a collection of souls.

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Re: The soul


Okay' date=' see I got this idea for a character. I call him Phantasm. He is a collection of souls that were bound together in the destruction of a dimension of psychics. So I'm trying to figure out how to write him up. He absorbs lost souls, and when he takes body, he loses souls. So I'm trying to figure out how to write up a soul or a collection of souls.[/quote']


Sounds like you may be working backwards from the HERO point of view.


I'd decide exactly what the caracter can do. His origin is just an origin; what in game powers and skills does this guy have? Flight? A ghost-like form (Desolidification)? A blast of psychic fire (Ego Attack)?


Next, I'd decide exactly what happens when he "loses souls". Is it just a cool effect where ghosts boil out of his body? Does he lose a certain amount of power until he can absorb another soul? Does he lose some powers and skills forever?


Once you know what "losing souls" actually does, it can probably be represented as a limit on his powers or as part of his disadvantages.

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Re: The soul


Okay' date=' see I got this idea for a character. I call him Phantasm. He is a collection of souls that were bound together in the destruction of a dimension of psychics. So I'm trying to figure out how to write him up. He absorbs lost souls, and when he takes body, he loses souls. So I'm trying to figure out how to write up a soul or a collection of souls.[/quote']


You might be attempting something very difficult to model correctly. I'd pick an easier character to define. You can be a group of lost souls, and just lump your powers into an EC. Assume losing souls == losing STUN and BODY, that's the easiest way to do that one.




You could try looking at the Focus rules, I believe Foci can lose powers when they take damage. That might give you something to base this on. Personally, I think I'd drop you one level of Focus if your powers can't be taken away, but can be damged. So drop from OIF (-1/2) to IIF (-1/4) and that's what I'd give you for a power than can be taken away (damaged) when you take damage.

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Re: The soul


Okay' date=' see I got this idea for a character. I call him Phantasm. He is a collection of souls that were bound together in the destruction of a dimension of psychics. So I'm trying to figure out how to write him up. He absorbs lost souls, and when he takes body, he loses souls. So I'm trying to figure out how to write up a soul or a collection of souls.[/quote']


The next logical question to ask would be, "what does the characther do with these sould/what do these souls do for the character?"


If it's just a background effect, then it may just be that the character's BODY Characteristic represents how many souls he currently has absorbed instead of how much physical integrety he has. No matter what, BODY represents how hard the character is to kill. If for this guy, how hard he is to kill is represented by how many souls he's absorbed, the game mechanic for that is BODY. As far as absorbing more, it could just be an Aid/Healing Power and the "lost souls" just happen to be everywhere (or it can be limited to certain places where "lost souls" tend to congregate, like tombs or cemetaries), and the effect roll determins how many he was able to absorb.


If the "lost souls" represent individual entities that can interact with the characters in some meaningful way, the "absorbing" could be a Power that makes such souls go away and increase the character's power, such as a Transfer.

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