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The team that everyone forgot.


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Following up on the Uber dudes, how about teams made up from characters that you think should have had a bigger impact in the comics world, and yet, still manage to hang out on the sidelines? Some of them may have been bigger at some point, but they've never hit that top pantheon level of the Holy Trinities (Bat/Supes/WW or Cap/Iron Man/Thor). Generally earth bound, mid level powered dudes please.


Pick 5-7 members, both universes, any time frame, mix and match or keep them seperate, or do both!!




Marvel: 6 chosen

Nighthawk (Flight, Super-strength, Blasters)

Nova (Cus he's NOVA darn it all! No other reason required!!! Strength, flight, durability)

Hellstorm: The Son of Satan (It takes a real man to make a cape and no shirt work)

Photon (Monica: Blaster, flight, lightspeed and light form)

Namorita (Bikinis and superstrength are just hot.)

Iron Fist (Capri pants FTW!!! Seriously, this guy should be soooo much bigger)


DC: 6 chosen

Atom Smasher: A growing guy is just cool.

Artemis: Cuz Amazons are always a good thing.

Richard Dragon: See Iron Fist for most comments.

Brainwave Jr.: I seem to like Infinity Inc.....

Arn "Iron" Munro: Superman lite and a rogue hair style FTW!!!

Aztek: Cuz he's the Ultimate man!


Mixed: 7 chosen

Artemis (DC)

Nova (Marvel. And like there was any doubt I'd choose him?)

Iron Fist (Marvel)

Hellstorm (Marvel)

Aztek (DC)

Arn "Iron" Munro (DC)

Namorita (Marvel: Imagine poor Rich with her and Artemis on the same team....)


So, what teams do you have?

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


I'm going to stick with Marvel.


DEVIL DINOSAUR and MOON-BOY! I loved them as a kid.


Ghost Rider. He rocked.


Might be overkill given the presence of a dinosaur on the team, but I always liked Ka-Zar.


Wolvesbane. My favorite New Mutant, a pitifully weak power set but a nice character.


And Rom, Space-Knight.


'Twould be a motley group indeed...

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


Doc Samson IMHO should have made a much larger impact in the Marvel Universe.

- He is a strong as the Hulk (when calm)

- a top tier brain (he cured the Hulk during his origin issue, while Banner has been unable to since),

- and is a very skilled combatant (incorporating acrobatics and gymnastics into his combat style).

Aside from his John Byrne run (Hulk 314-319) he is now used almost as comedy relief. He came close to having his day in the sun when he was offered leadership of his own Avengers team (Avengers 252) but since then he has rarely been utilized outside of minor Hulk plotlines.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


You know, I could probably pluck out three of the original new warriors and make half the marvel team right there.

Justice was, at one time, Captain America's most likely inheritor. Firestar was so popular a cartoon character she won her way into the comic books. Nova may have ripped a bit from Hal Jordan, but Kyle Rayner ripped from him, so it's only fair :) Alas, Firestar and Justice are splits, and Nova is caught up saving whole planets while the older heroes are goofing off in Civil war. So I'll have to consider my list.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


After his last comic series I'd have to think really hard before letting Daimon Hellstrom on any superhero team I was choosting Proditor. Maybe if it was still the 70's but now a days he's pretty much a straight up villain. That said, being ruler of one of the myriad dimensions that Marvel refers to as Hell should make him a big player on the villain side. If Dr. Strange has a comic again [i heard he has but is it an ongoing or just a mini?] Hellstrom and his sister Satana would make excellent villains for him.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


After his last comic series I'd have to think really hard before letting Daimon Hellstrom on any superhero team I was choosting Proditor. Maybe if it was still the 70's but now a days he's pretty much a straight up villain. That said' date=' being ruler of one of the myriad dimensions that Marvel refers to as Hell should make him a big player on the villain side. If Dr. Strange has a comic again [i heard he has but is it an ongoing or just a mini?'] Hellstrom and his sister Satana would make excellent villains for him.


Hellstorm just got a new title, he's on the stopping dear old dad trip again. But yes, I'm specifically taking no shirt, big cape, SoS from yesteryear.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


Hellstorm just got a new title' date=' he's on the stopping dear old dad trip again. But yes, I'm specifically taking no shirt, big cape, SoS from yesteryear.[/quote']


Fair enough. Personally I can't see him as a superhero anymore, especially after he allowed Patsy to commit suicide in his last comic [sure she got better but that's SO not the point] but to each thier own. Except for a brief period I was never fond of the guy much anyway.


Some characters I'd like to see get used more in Marvel are Jennifer Kale, Topaz, Magik and the various Alpha Flight characters from before they were turned into bwahahahaha types.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


For a very long time I would have put Jamie Madrox down, but because of the almost-divine intervention of Peter David, Jamie's not forgotten anymore. Thanks PD.


I'm going to submit an eight-member team because when I was reading comics a lot that was the number of X-Men. I've always thought of 8 as being a good number. And it's usually 4 male and 4 female. Don't know why.





1 Iceman: Haven't read X-Men for a while but I assume Iceman has received poor treatment, and he's probably de-powered or dead or something. I think he would do well if he left the X-Men, although he did have disastrous PR with the Champions of LA (probably still can't live that down). I'd picture Iceman as leader, in a Jamie-Madrox kind of way. I'd have him at 30-32 years old.


2 Dazzler: Alison Blaire would be co-leader. I'm ignoring the fact that she's currently in Excalibur, which I haven't read. She was poorly written for a long time in Uncanny - being styled as a bimbo on the arm of even-more-bimbo Longshot. I'd cut her frm Longshot definitely and give her back her own life. She was shown as a veteran in her early X-Men appearances and would be a competent leader, to Iceman's irreverent manner. I'd have her at the same age as Iceman, 30-32.


3 Skids: Sally Blevins has a powerful force field and the experience to actually use it in a variety of ways. Suffered from being associated with the Morlocks, X-Terminators, then the New Mutants and then the MLF. I'm surprised she hasn't been killed in a permanent way yet. Maybe she has, but I haven't heard about it. I'd have Skids at 22-24 years old, a college graduate.


4 Jubilee: I think Marvel have de-aged her every few years so she's kind of getting younger every time I see her. I'd picture her as 19-20ish in this team. She'd have the confidence and cool from her association and training with Wolverine.


5 Sunspot: He could be the team Brick. I know I'm favouring mutants, but that's because they have so many characters and a lot of them get swept under the carpet, or worse... He'd have his money too, which would assist the team. I could see him having a relationship with either Jubilee or Skids. Sunspot makes a good hero because he has an obvious flaw (needing solar power to energize). Sunspot would be aged 26-28 I think.


6 Tarot: Ange-Marie Colbert would be the pseudo-mentalist of the group, relying more on 'bad feelings' and tarot spreads to assist the team. I'm not sure of her current status. She was killed by Trevor Fitzroy, got better and appeared in X-Force I think and then... don't know. Same age as Sunspot, 26-28.


7 Jack Power: The Power Pack kids should have grown up by now. I'd pick Alex Power for the team because I liked his leadership potential, but he joined New Warriors so I'd like to give Jack a turn. Just like Jubilee, the Power Pack kids haven't been allowed to grow up. I'd have Jack Power at about 17 years old, still in school.


8 Cloak: Dagger got a chance to run around as a solo-hero for a while, so it'd be Cloak's turn. He's moody. That'd be good. If we couldn't pull him away from Tandy, then I'd substitute Cloak for Skin (although I known he's been killed... pointless.) Skin was a little cynical and dark, so that'd be good to add. I'd age him at 24ish.


There are heaps more, I know.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


Actually Julie Power was shown to be about age 16 when she showed up in Runaways, thus it can naturally be assumed that the rest of the Pack grew up as well. This would make Alex 19, Jack 15 and Katie 12 if I recall thier ages correctly from the original comicbook.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


Actually Julie Power was shown to be about age 16 when she showed up in Runaways' date=' thus it can naturally be assumed that the rest of the Pack grew up as well. This would make Alex 19, Jack 15 and Katie 12 if I recall thier ages correctly from the original comicbook.[/quote']


That's good to know. I remember reading a 'Days of Future Past' kind of thing where Katie Power was grown up, but those futures are a long way off.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


I'd hve to choose the following:


1. Nova (see Proditor for any questions)

2. Shroud (So much potential)

3. Iron Fist (Umm ... "Fist of Iron" .. hello?!)

4. Black Widow (Cause spies are cooool)

5. Magik (Oh if only Marvel would call me .. I could easily bring her back into the MU)

6. Longshot (Written properly)



1. Donna Troy ('cause she's like .. you know ... WONDERful ;))

2. Dr. Occult/Rose (One of THE best characters ever!) ;)

3. Tempest (More powerful than Aquaman wishes he could be ;))

4. Flamebird (Wasted Potential for some great stories there)

5. Blue Beetle (Ted Kord, not the poser)

6. Zatanna (The superheroine Zatanna ... not the heroic perfomer)


Honorable Mention

- Mass Master (Jack Power) (Man the Power Kids should be coming into their own by now)

- Ant-Man (Scott Lang) (Yeah, he's dead ... like that stopped anyone)

- Thunderstrike (Bring 'im back!)

- Black Knight

- Ambush Bug (No .. seriously ... check out Elseworld's Finest)

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


Cool idea:



Nova (Richard Rider: Cool powers, cool attitude, and experience.)

Doc Samson (Brains and Brawn in one green-haired package. Plus unlimited


Iron Fist (Marvel's greatest martial artist)

Ms. Marvel (I think she's using that name again. She'd make a great tag-team

with Nova.)

Namorita (Nearly all the power of Namor, much better attitude, and a total


Justice (Should probably be team leader. TK, Captain America-influenced

mentality, and a walking encyclopedia of super-humans.)


Wow, looks like half my Marvel choices are former New Warriors. I loved that series. The original, not the re-boot. Oh, and since I haven't read Civil War, who was on the badly-written, out of character Warriors team that got destroyed? The only one I've seen named was Night Thrasher, and he would never lead the team into the situation I read about on the boards.


DC team to be named in a later post.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.




Guardian (Could be the Captain America of the DCU. Team Leader, great

fighter, and tons of experience.)

Jade (Green Lantern powers, cool personality.)

Captain Atom (One of the most powerful heroes in the DCU. But has often

been portrayed as a jerk, a joke, or both. Time to change


Jesse Quick (Only female member of the "Flash Family," and the most under-

used. And she and Jade can get the whole Flash/GL dynamic

going, with an estrogen twist.)

The Eradicator (Superman-level power and all the knowledge of Krypton.

Whatever happened to this guy?)

Geo-Force (Cool powers, interesting background, and a solid team-player.)


This is shaping up to be a pretty powerful, cool group. Somebody should write this.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


Sketchpad' date=' Magik already is in the Marvel Universe. Well the second one anyway, the Soulsword of Illyana Rasputin was given to Amanda Sefton, she's Magik now.[/quote']

Bah ... Daytripper is no sub for Magik IMHO ;)

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.



Machine Man and Jocasta

Nomad (post-90's reboot)

Luke Cage


Sleepwalker (anyone remember that guy?)

Ghost Rider (Hamilton Slade, the cowboy-themed one)




Hourman (what a nut)

Star Man (Jack Knight, not his dad)

The Red Bee (who, btw defeated real gun-toting thugs using only trained bees- that's ballsy and amazing)

Elastic Girl

Phantom Girl... (MA plus STR with the Affects Real World +2 Advantage is neat)



Honorable Mention

Random (Marvel)

Crossbones (Marvel; only because he's a bad guy)

Martian Manhunter (technically too popular and powerful to be considered a forgotten hero)

The Recorder (dude, what were Ditko and Kirby smoking)



You know, there are a ton more villains I would have liked to list. A lot of Iron Man villains, a lot of Cap and Spidey villains.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


After his last comic series I'd have to think really hard before letting Daimon Hellstrom on any superhero team I was choosting Proditor. Maybe if it was still the 70's but now a days he's pretty much a straight up villain. That said' date=' being ruler of one of the myriad dimensions that Marvel refers to as Hell should make him a big player on the villain side. If Dr. Strange has a comic again [i heard he has but is it an ongoing or just a mini?'] Hellstrom and his sister Satana would make excellent villains for him.


Hellstorm just got a new title' date=' he's on the stopping dear old dad trip again. But yes, I'm specifically taking no shirt, big cape, SoS from yesteryear.[/quote']


OT, but have either of you seen the new Marvel Essentials Marvel Horror which basically covers both Daimon Hellstrom and his sister Satana? I loved DH when I was growing up (though I only ever read one issue!), and would have loved Satana if I'd been able to find her*. :doi:


EDIT * -- Er, loved the story, not the character. Her being a soul-sucking succubus kinda makes her hands-off.

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.



Thunderbolt (speedster who died because his powers artificially aged him)

Giant Man Bill Foster (or Goliath, whatever he called himself before he died)

Photon (Monica Rambeau)



Black Panther

War Machine



This would be the Wakandian version of the Avengers...?

It's as if an african American character can't get any love from Marvel :) I keed.


How bout this team:

1) Thundra

2) Goliath (Foster)

3) Tigra

4) Dac Samson

5) Photon (Rambeau)

6) Prowler (that guy with the spawn like appearance that I think was the basis for Spawn's Look; a throwaway character created by MacFarlane(?) who was the brother of Abe Brown, one of the Sons of the Tiger...IIRC)



1) Blue Beetle

2) Big Barda (Powergirl used to be here, but she's been pretty prominant lately)

3) Mr. Miracle

4) The Ray

5) Jessie Quick (assuming she has her powers)

6) Flamebird

7) Valor

(sorry, any DC group must have someone with the Kryptionian/Daxamite/Marvel Powerset or it gets rejected)

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Re: The team that everyone forgot.


Panda and Raccoon :)
They were such a cute couple. You are so repped!


I also liked Thunder and Lightning. I liked them so much, that back in 4E a managed to create a character with both of their powers called Stormfront. Mum and Dad were really embarassing. I suppose I would have to change his name for 5ER.

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