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WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


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The set up: Your character is relaxing and having a drink at Rick's, a popular watering hole in Campaign City. This fine establishment is run by a fellow who was once a powered-armor using supervillain in the 1970s (he has since served his time and has been content with running the bar; showing no interrest in becoming an active supervillain, or hero, again). A non-functional replica of his old suit is in a glass display case next to the back storeroom door and a test-your-strength machine (there has been one instance in the past when some drunken moron stole the replica, thinking it was the real thing, and tried to go on a crime-spree). The whereabouts of the real suit is something Rick is very tight lipped about, all he's ever said on the subject is:


"It's somewhere safe, just incase I ever have a damn good reason to bring it out of mothballs."


The senerio: A handful of Rick's old buddies show up, trying to talk him into one more hiest, "for old-time's sake."


Rick tells them flat out, "Look fellows, I ain't in the racket no more, And I ain't interrested in getting back in. Now I'll let you have your drinks on the house, seeing how we're old pals and everything, but after that I think it's best that you show yourselves out."


And that's when one of them jumps over the bar, and throws the first punch.



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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


The set up: Your character is relaxing and having a drink at Rick's, a popular watering hole in Campaign City. This fine establishment is run by a fellow who was once a powered-armor using supervillain in the 1970s (he has since served his time and has been content with running the bar; showing no interrest in becoming an active supervillain, or hero, again). A non-functional replica of his old suit is in a glass display case next to the back storeroom door and a test-your-strength machine (there has been one instance in the past when some drunken moron stole the replica, thinking it was the real thing, and tried to go on a crime-spree). The whereabouts of the real suit is something Rick is very tight lipped about, all he's ever said on the subject is:


"It's somewhere safe, just incase I ever have a damn good reason to bring it out of mothballs."


The senerio: A handful of Rick's old buddies show up, trying to talk him into one more hiest, "for old-time's sake."


Rick tells them flat out, "Look fellows, I ain't in the racket no more, And I ain't interrested in getting back in. Now I'll let you have your drinks on the house, seeing how we're old pals and everything, but after that I think it's best that you show yourselves out."


And that's when one of them jumps over the bar, and throws the first punch.



Millennium: Puts a TK grab on the first guy, holds him in mid air, and takes a sip of his virgin Piña Colada. "Our host invited you to a drink and to show yourselves out. I suggest you skip the drink. I also suggest you skip your hiest. I'm a telepath as well as a telekinetic."

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


My character sure seems to be hanging around a lot of rough bars lately. Does she have a drinking problem I don't know about? :nonp:


(I'm always the last to know!) :weep:


Well, those poor schlubs trying to force Rick into something he doesn't want are in for trouble.


He's got this huge super team doing an intervention over here!

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Well, assuming I can come up with a reason for a robot to be at a bar, War Wolf would bypass diplomacy (it's a bit late for that once fists start flying) would simply wade into the fight, hitting the guy with the heaviest Stun-Only attack he can muster barring knowledge of invulnerability.


Quantum Kitsune is too young to be in a bar, and too young for a fake ID to be a viable course of action, so must sit this one out.

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Terminus would walk over, pull the guy who threw the first punch off Rick, and throw him through the door, saying "The man said No." Maxed presence attack on the goons.


If it didn't work...well, Terminus is pretty tough and hard to beat in a fight.

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Having overheard the exchange thus far, Jack Diamond is over the bar and standing between Rick and his old buddy when the first punch is thrown. Diamond blocks it, then turns the block into a painful arm-twisted-behind-the-back hold. At this point he whirls the poor schmuck around so that he's face to face with his old teammate and says, "Go ahead, Rick. Deck him. For old-time's sake."

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Microman II: "Excuse me, but my name is Microman, and I am a member of the Sentinels. In case you did not realize, I overheard you committing Conspiracy to Commit a Felony. . ." *notices the punch* ". . .contacting Sentinels. Sorry about your bar, Rick." *starts blasting*


Hermes: Heh, it'd actually be vaguely possible to do an analogue in his home time, with a Heraclidan tech genius who got sick of the war, and set up shop in Mithras' city. . . though this bar fight would probably start looking more like a minor war. . .


Agent Spencer: *assuming another dimensional shift* "Everyone, it is clear on the surface that this will lead to a conflict, why not exclude the unnecessary middle and get to business." *starts participating in the bar brawl with his various weapons and skills* Internal monologue: Damn, not only does this dimension look like a comic book, but it seems to include genre conventions as metaphysical laws. . .

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Assault is in his element. He grabs the guy (60 STR), drags him out from behind the bar, smiles at his friends in a "you wanna try anything?" kind of way (30 PRE), and suggests to Rick that he call the cops to come and arrest the guy.


If the jerks try anything, and aren't superhuman, they will be efficiently slapped down.


Unfortunately, it will be necessary to put a watch on Rick's and the thugs for at least a while afterwards. The thugs seem to have had a hiest in mind, which it would be necessary to stop. This would also provide an opportunity to put them away, so they won't bother Rick.


Failing that, night time "I know where you live" visits to the thugs might be appropriate. (Both Superman and Batman have used this technique. If it works for them, it will work for Assault.) Dangling people off tall buildings tends to get their attention.

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Bearcat: Grab the jerk that interputed he's drinking, toss him into the mist of the other jerks, pop claws, smile. "The man said no.....what part of no don't you understand?" Then look at the biggest, baddest of the jerks; BC is all of 5'3", but weighs 350#, and he doesn't look that heavy, and swing: loosing the claws as he hits the guy with a pulled MA-Punch of 15d6.

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Tammy: Throw a force wall between the combattants. "Please, just let it go." If they persist, she'd try to subdue them with as little property damage to the bar as possible and let Rick make the call about whether to involve the cops. Any gang dumb enough to have loud fight about their crime spree plans in a bar known to be frequented by superheroes are either too dumb to be a threat to the city, or are letting the booze do the talking.

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Jack "Crash" Parker: First, he presses the button on his PDA that automatically calls the cops and tells them where Jack is and that a crime is in progress. Then, he wades into the fight and yells "I call the brick!" to any other supertypes who look like they want to save the day.



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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Since this seems like a fairly normal bar, Soulbarb will not be in hero ID this time; instead she'll be here listening for hints about whatever she's currently investigating. Rather than intervene directly, she'll pull out her cellphone and look down the bar toward Rick's buddies. "You know, creeps like you are why I have the cops on speed dial. Stop this now or the boys in blue will be here before you can blink twice."


Hopefully that will get things back down to the level of angry glares, rather than fisticuffs. If so, this might buy enough time for her to trail the goons when they leave, to somewhere where Soulbarb might be able to make a discreet appearance and question them further about their plans. Otherwise, she'll have to make good on her threat and call the cops. And if one of the 'buddies' takes offense at her sticking her nose in their business, she'll just have to show them that she's no slouch at taking care of herself in her secret ID, either.


Sylph -- wonders again what posessed her to come into a bar after that time with the lizards in Dimension X. She'd start by entangling the 'buddies' with a latticework of vines from her garland, then lecture them politely about proper manners. Lizards in an alien bar scare her, but not these mooks.

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Marksman (assumed Civilian ID): Call for Backup (Police), say "Break it up, This is the police", draw service revolver, start with the Find Weakness rolls (all ranged attacks) :). if they do so, ask Rick if he wants me to bring them in, or let them go. Honor his wishes. If they INSIST on a fight, well I have a dex 29, Speed 6, a 2d6 RKA, & Combat Luck. If the fight goes bad (they may be Meta's) I call for the other group of Backup (My character is the liason between the cops and the Supers in his Secret ID). I then try to slip out to costume up, leading into


Marksman (In Costume): Start with the standard Entangles, flashes, & Darknesses, while Find Weakness, putting everything into DCV. If that does not work move on to my more damaging attacks (The character has a lot of exotic attacks like NND's & AVLD's while few damaging attacks)


After that, keep a stealthy eye on rick and the goons, hopefully the goons will still try to go through with it and I can get them tossed in jail while keeping Rick on the clean.

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Re: WWYCD: Brawl At Rick's (Another Bar Fight)


Sinew would start with diplomacy. A five foot tall mouse has to start somewhere... "Guys! There's no point to trying to change his mind by trying to kick his ass." If that fails, Sinew would dial up the local authorities, and then would jump over the bar and interpose herself, hoping her high resistance to damage and regenerative powers keep her from getting seriously injured, while fending off the assailants by whatever means she can. She would not use her claws against normal people, since they're sharper then surgical steel. Though, it's entirely possible that the bar has a baseball bat under the ledge and hold off until the authorities arrived.


After the fight, Sinew would mend any serious injuries (bottle cuts, etc.) via her ability to spontaneously generate template-less stem cells.


On the other hand, Sable would start with "Leave my bartender alone or you're going to regret it..." He'd wait to see if folks want to test the word of a six foot tall ferret. With a single motion, Sable would cut open the throat of one of the goons on his side of the bar, then Presence attack the one active assailant, "Pick this piece of shit up and never come back here, otherwise you'll be looking to fill in two slots for this piece of shit caper of your's..."

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