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MancerBear's Art Den


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G'day there Guys n Gals,


I thought it was about time that I started up an art thread here on the Hero Games message board. I used to play Champions years ago, until I was lured away by Mutant's & Mastermind, but the Champions Universe still holds a polace in my heart.


I'll start off with a few new commisions for you. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do the thumbnail thing, so you'll have to bear with me.


First we have a commission for AslanC. He provided me alot of reference for this character, so with no further ado, here's Lady America




Next we have a commission for Novac, who has bought a few commissions from me now. Here's his character Edge.




Lastly, so I don't hog too much bandwidth, is this is a piece for DangerMaus, his teen hero Lockdown. I really enjoyed doing this piece.




I'm available for commissions currently, and you can see more of my work in Digital Hero, products by Protocol Zero Productions, and a few others.



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Re: MancerBear's Art Den


Welcome to the place, Mancer.


*moves the clutter and pats the dust off of a chair*


It will be nice to see your stuff here. That way I don't have go over there to stea... I mean borrow your pics. There are plenty of other folks here who would also appreciate your work.

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Re: MancerBear's Art Den




Thanks very much for the comments :) I really appreciate them.


Now, I'll post a few images of the characters from my game; the New Watch,


First off we have my Wonder Woman homage, Andromeda, who hails from the hidden island of Phaeacia. She arrived in the outside world in WWII and has remained ever since.




Next we have Aquanaut who designed and built his own power suit. A Tritonean environmental activist and self proclaimed Protector of the 7 Seas, he is obviously an Aquaman homage.




Kid Rush is the inheritor of the Rush Legacy, a family of heroes that have bore the title of Rush or Kid Rush since WWII. Unusually, he is a short man with a very developed muscualr frame, unlike other speedsters that tend to be tall and lithe. He is a Flash homage.




Mindblaze is the teams mentalist, and tends to hold himself a little aloof form the others. With his telepathy and telekineses, he is a bit of a Martian Manhunter homage.




Next is the Titanium Wonder, Outsider, an alien who has been on earth for millions of years, he suffers a form of amnesia that only allows him to remember the last 15 years of his life. He is slowly discovering his origin in the game. He is a Superman homage.




Sentry is the teams gadgeteer and over all tech guy. His body in infused with nanites, allowing him to form all sorts of technical wonders out of his body. He fears, and perhaps rightfully so, that he is no longer human. He is an Iron Man homage.




The teams leader and all round partiotic good guy, is Sovereign. Recipient of the Paragon Serum, he was Australia's "first" officially recognised superhero in WWII. The serum has not only given him superhuman strength and resilience, but it has also increased his lifespan by an unkown amount. he is obviously a Captain America Homage




And lastly we have Talabar, who is possessed of a Tasmanian Devel spirit from the Dreamtime. Comical and a little slow, he is a Beast homage.




These guys form my world's premier superhero team, though there are other teams out there. They are very much in the JLA style of things, which is alot of fun to play.

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Re: MancerBear's Art Den


I was just wondering Mancer' date=' do you have write-ups for the New Watch anywhere? The game system doesn't really matter, I'm just interested in powers, backgrounds, etc. Just asking.[/quote']


Hi aylwin13,


Yep, the New Watch all have stats, but I need to keep those a bit quiet as the New Watch sourcebook is due to be released later this year/early next. I will though give you a very brief rundown.



Super strong and fast, she is extremely long lived and practically immune to disease. Her equipment gives her the ability to fly, generate a shield, and allows her access to her powers when in the "Outside World".



A submarine human who invented and built the power suit he wears which allows him to swim at incredable speeds, fly, communicate with marine life and generate a water blast. Like all Tritoneans he suffers from dehydration and will eventually die if isolated from the water long enough.


Kid Rush

Your basic smart mouth speedster. Super speed and a number of speed tricks; mach-one punch, sonic snap, wall run, water run, desolid, invisibility. An avid bodybuilder, the short and stocky fireplug is a litte sensitive about his height.



A very competant mentalist, he has can read minds, use a psycic assault, move things with his mind, form a forcefield, and create a concussve blast.



Easily the singlemost powerful member of the Watch. Super-strong, invulnerable, immortal, with the abitlity to manipulate cosmic energy that allows flight, matter manipulation, and energy blasts. He was a fatal vulnerability to a rare minerial that stirps him of his powers and will kill him within minutes.



Genius businessman who invented the nanites that now completely infuse his body, making him both more and less than human. Can generate armour, energy blasts, flight, and computer communication.



The leader and moral lynchpin of the team, Sovereign was a WWII hero and now leads the current Watch. Super strong and resilient to injury, he can also move very fast and has exceptional leadership and tactical abilites.



A scientist that somehow become host to the Dreamtime spirit of a Tasmanian Devil. With 2 personalities, the Talabar one seems to be dominant. Unfortunately, Talabar is also immature, playful, aggressive, and slow on the uptake. He is 8-feet tall, super strong, resistant to injury, can leap great distances, has claws, and a devasting sonic scream.


There ya go, I hope that gives you an idea of what the characters can do.


My next post will be some b&w illustrations that have appeared in Digital Hero (in case someone hasn't seen them) :)



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Re: MancerBear's Art Den


Thanks for the rundown' date=' Mancer. I guess I'll have to wait for the sourcebook for the [b']full[/b] skinny.


Another question: what system(s) is the sourcebook for?


No problems aylwin13.


The source book will be for the Mutants & Masterminds system under the M&M Superlink program at the moment. I would like it to be dual statted for Champions as well, but I'm not quite sure how that will go about (primarily cause I'm not sure how Hero Games deals with other companies using thier IP). It's not something I've looked too deeply into, admittedly, but what I might do is release conversions for Champions on my website once the sourcebook is out.



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Re: MancerBear's Art Den




Here we have some Digital hero images I promised. These ones come from issue 41, which is the first issue I worked on (I should be inking some illustrations for the issue 43. but it's Good Friday and I'm taking a break :D )


Okay, we'll start of with the cover. A touch of an explanation. The hero on this issue is based off the original Crusader. I figured he was a bit batmanish, so why not have a Crusader Girl? She was easy to draw, the costumed was pretty much designed, and I used the costume worn by Yvonne Craig in the 1960s Batman series as a colour base. The dude she's knocking the stuffing out of is Pulsar :)




The next four images are form the magazine itself. I won't go into any detail regarding them as they are really well described in the issue.






Hope you like them. If you do, and you haven't picked up issue 41 of Digital Hero, go ahead and grab it, it's worth the read.


Next post will include the illustrations I did for issue 42, and after that a preview of the illustrations for issue 43.



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Re: MancerBear's Art Den


Glad you like the images OzMike


As promised, here are a few more images from Digital Hero, these ones from Issue 42.



First off we have a martial artist called Le Vert.




Next, we have the nasty piece of work known as Dr Sven Schartten.




And lastly here's Pyre, a rather tragic individual.




All of these characters can be found in Digital Hero 42, and well worth the read.


Now, I need to go back and finish work on the illustrations for the latest issue of Digital Hero... one of the villains is giving me a hard time getting down on paper... About what I'd expect for a villain too. Probably doesn't want his image captures ;)



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Re: MancerBear's Art Den


This lucky gentleman has gotten the artwork nod for Foxbat For President.


Wish him luck, true believers...


And a big responsiblilty it is too. I certainly hope I do the infamous Foxbat the justice he deserves!


I've just finished penciling the last villain for Digital Hero 43, and as I stated in an earlier post, he was a hard one to come down for some reason. I'll have him inked up early tomorrow morning and off to Dave by lunchtime.



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Re: MancerBear's Art Den


I gotta say, mancerbear - that dinosaur warrior rocks.


Seriously - it's easy to see that you either have an excellent understanding of theropod skulls, or really did your research/had a great reference that you paid attention to for that drawing. All the fenestrae look pretty much just like a real carnosaur's. Might you be able to satisfy my curiousity and divulge whether or not he was based on any particular species? I've got a couple of guesses, but I'd like to hear from you...


I like the rest too, but that one is just - POW! Not just because of my love of all things cold-blooded, but the extra little details, like the texture of his skin and tunic, really add a lot.





I look forward to seeing your take on Foxbat, too...


(I'd rep you if I could. It's been too soon since the last time, apparently.)

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Re: MancerBear's Art Den




I didn't really base the lizardman on anyone carnosaur, but took inspiration from several different ones, namely the t-rex and Dionunchys (sp?).


As promised, here we are again with some more illustrations for Digital Hero, this time, Issue 43 which should be released fairly soon.

First we have the Cat


Next is probably my favorite pic of this lot, Ice Breaker


This next character Slingshot proved to be a real bugger to draw. I had to do 4 drafts to get him right, but I think I finally got it.


Lastly we have 3 minor NPCs


Digital Hero can be picked up HERE


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