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HERO: Future Generations


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After the Superman Vs. Hulk got to a point where folks were talking about the obviously hot daughters of Hulk/Supergirl or Superman/She-Hulk. I got to thinking.


Give me an idea of interesting decendants that Champions, Marvel or DC HEROES and Villains could have. Throw up a write up if you like. Speculate about some of the Children of these various Universes and where they might go and why.


I look forward to seeing folks thoughts on this one.





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Re: HERO: Future Generations


I'm running a game where the assumption is that time passed normally in the Marvel Universe; the heroes got older and had kids, some of whom took up the mantle of their parents.


My New Avengers game has:

Arachne, the daughter of Peter Parker and Maryjane Watson-Parker

Banner, the son of Captain America and Diamondback

Cinnabar, daughter of the Scarlet Witch and Vision

Hornet, son of Hank and Janet Pym

Black Knight, daughter of Dane Whitman (Black Knight II) and Sersi

Iron Girl, daughter of Tony Stark

Ms. Marvel, daughter of Carol Danvers



And Supreme Serpent, who is running a Thunderbolts game in the same universe, has:

Georgette Batroc, daughter of Batroc the Leaper

Lady Doom, daughter of Dr. Doom

Journeyman, son of Bulldozer

Electron, daughter of Electro

Stilt-Girl, daughter of Stilt-Man

Hazard, daughter of Spiral

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Re: HERO: Future Generations


I'm running a game where the assumption is that time passed normally in the Marvel Universe; the heroes got older and had kids, some of whom took up the mantle of their parents.


My New Avengers game has:

Arachne, the daughter of Peter Parker and Maryjane Watson-Parker

Banner, the son of Captain America and Diamondback

Cinnabar, daughter of the Scarlet Witch and Vision

Hornet, son of Hank and Janet Pym

Black Knight, daughter of Dane Whitman (Black Knight II) and Sersi

Iron Girl, daughter of Tony Stark

Ms. Marvel, daughter of Carol Danvers



And Supreme Serpent, who is running a Thunderbolts game in the same universe, has:

Georgette Batroc, daughter of Batroc the Leaper

Lady Doom, daughter of Dr. Doom

Journeyman, son of Bulldozer

Electron, daughter of Electro

Stilt-Girl, daughter of Stilt-Man

Hazard, daughter of Spiral

Got a pretty good hate on for sons there. Any reason why you're going 10 to 4 daughters to sons?



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Re: HERO: Future Generations


I've never really gone into much detail with this, but I have thought about it a little...


Basically, I added the Earth-2 Huntress to the "Supersons" setting.


In theory Infinity Inc probably existed too.


The main thing stange thing I did was to declare that Batman Jnr was the son of Bruce Snr and Batwoman (Kathy Kane), while the Huntress was his (Bruce Snr's) illegimate daughter by Selina Kyle. Needless to say there was a bit of stuff going on relating to that.


The main reason why I never developed it further was that I got stuck when I came to filing off the serial numbers. I've never really been able to develop a Batman-like character concept that I was really happy with.

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Re: HERO: Future Generations


My New Avengers game has:

Arachne, the daughter of Peter Parker and Maryjane Watson-Parker

Banner, the son of Captain America and Diamondback

Cinnabar, daughter of the Scarlet Witch and Vision

Hornet, son of Hank and Janet Pym

Black Knight, daughter of Dane Whitman (Black Knight II) and Sersi

Iron Girl, daughter of Tony Stark

Ms. Marvel, daughter of Carol Danvers



And Supreme Serpent, who is running a Thunderbolts game in the same universe, has:

Georgette Batroc, daughter of Batroc the Leaper

Lady Doom, daughter of Dr. Doom

Journeyman, son of Bulldozer

Electron, daughter of Electro

Stilt-Girl, daughter of Stilt-Man

Hazard, daughter of Spiral


Got a pretty good hate on for sons there. Any reason why you're going 10 to 4 daughters to sons?


Not sure, actually. Though Serpent and I are running the games, we didn't pick the characters -- the original GM for the game flaked on us, so he and I ended up taking over.


I'm playing Arachne and Batroc (both chixx0rz), but those were my secondary character concepts. The original characters that I submitted were Wolf, the son of Werewolf-by-Night, and Magni, the son of Thor. Those both got rejected, but the girls got accepted (which is funny, because I only submitted Batroc as a joke). :D

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Re: HERO: Future Generations


Not sure, actually. Though Serpent and I are running the games, we didn't pick the characters -- the original GM for the game flaked on us, so he and I ended up taking over.


I'm playing Arachne and Batroc (both chixx0rz), but those were my secondary character concepts. The original characters that I submitted were Wolf, the son of Werewolf-by-Night, and Magni, the son of Thor. Those both got rejected, but the girls got accepted (which is funny, because I only submitted Batroc as a joke). :D

She's still a joke, Bill. ;)

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Re: HERO: Future Generations


As for CU characters, there are two pairings right now (as of CU:NotW) that could easly produce members of the next generation of supers (ignoring "the magic goes away in 2020"):



Black Paladin-Talisman


Can you say "built-in rivalry"?


Likewise, if the on-again-off-again relationship ever "bears fruit", we have the potential child of Gravitar and Holocaust. (Yikes!) Plus, what if Teleios ever found the perfect (and agreeable) woman - and she happened to be Viperia? (Or worse, Istvatha V'Han!) Or, for you non-human fans, Mechanon and the Engineer?


Now, as to what kind of powers, etc. I'm stumped. :)

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Re: HERO: Future Generations


Got a pretty good hate on for sons there. Any reason why you're going 10 to 4 daughters to sons?




High stress increases the chance of having daughters. Superheroing is a stressful profession. Add in the constant exposure to radiation, dimensional rift energies and worth, and most Superheroes are shooting blanks.


If it weren't for the constant abuse of booze and happy pills, Reed & Sue would never have managed Franklin.


Character proposal for next campaign: Doc Virile, Super Sex Therapist.

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Re: HERO: Future Generations


*coughs politely*


Well, there is always Hellhound....


As for DC... don't know enough of the characters.


As for the CU....


In Remnants of Hope, Eurostar of 2070-ish is run by Bella D'Montressart, the daughter (via supertech) of Gravitar and Mentalla. Seriously off the wall coupling, granted, but as a political marriage of convenience it worked for both of them, particularly since the alternative was Fiacho or Durak. :help: At least Mentalla was a fellow noble!

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Re: HERO: Future Generations


As for the female-heavy crew, it just sort of turned out that way. The original Thunderbolts group also included a son of Nefaria and also the son of the Absorbing Man and Titania. The Avengers campaign included a son of Thor (if Kolbrandar was actually that), a male descendant of Kang, and had a son of Black Panther as well. The male characters have just been likelier to drop off than the females.


As for my characters (I play Electron in the T-bolts and just started Ms. Marvel in the Avengers), Electron wound up a chick because I wrote the character as a bit of an emotional wounded bird, and that just seemed to fit the daughter better than a son. In the Avengers, I started to write up the son of Hawkeye so the group would have an obnoxious, pain-in-the-butt joker, but decided it'd be more fun to do it with someone invulnerable, so Ms. Marvel popped up as an idea. The concept of the ludicrously invulnerable jokester seemed more fun with a chick, so went for that.


I think what Teflon Billy is calling for here is some kind of superhuman affirmative action program. From his NGD posts, that sounds RIGHT up his political alley. :D

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Re: HERO: Future Generations


As for the female-heavy crew' date=' it just sort of turned out that way. The original Thunderbolts group also included a son of Nefaria and also the son of the Absorbing Man and Titania. The Avengers campaign included a son of Thor (if Kolbrandar was actually that), [/quote']


Son of Baldar the Brave and the Norn Queen, actually. :)


a male descendant of Kang, and had a son of Black Panther as well. The male characters have just been likelier to drop off than the females.


Yup. :thumbup:

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