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resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?

Guest steamteck

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Guest steamteck

I was thinking it would make more sense if stun from an ego attack had to exceed your EGO rather than your CON to stun you. Any thoughts? Is it too "special case"? Unbalancing because CON tends to be higher? One of my wife's characters got stunned last night and her question was " even with my EGO " ( CON 20 EGO 26) and got me to thinking.

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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


Don't forget that Ego Attack isn't the only Ego power that can do stun. What about Energy Blast BOECV ? Damage from a Mental Illusion that rolls well enough? What about AVLD or NND attacks ?

I must admit the idea is interesting enough to think about.:rolleyes:

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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


I think not. Pain is pain and shock is shock, regardless of whether it's being delivered through a fiendish mental attack or by stubbing your toe. If you want to avoid being stunned by mental attacks, you need to be investing in Mental DEF.

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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


I was thinking it would make more sense if stun from an ego attack had to exceed your EGO rather than your CON to stun you. Any thoughts? Is it too "special case"? Unbalancing because CON tends to be higher? One of my wife's characters got stunned last night and her question was " even with my EGO " ( CON 20 EGO 26) and got me to thinking.


Make bricks unplayable, why don't you?


Durak, Blackstar, Bulldozer, Grond, Giganto, Ogre - all have 0 points of mental defense and 10 ego or less.


Adopt this rule and they all suck.


Now if you wanted to say you could use either EGO or CON to resist stunning against mental attacks, I could go for that.

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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


Perhaps a generous GM can rule that a character with mental powers or Mental Awareness can choose to use EGO to resist being stunned by an EGO Attack.


After all, in our group, we have a saying... "It sucks to be the mentalist."

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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


PRE attacks use the higher of PRE or EGO to resist and you could certainly rule that you use the higher of CON or EGO, which does not prejudice anyone, but does make EGO more useful. Arguably a strong mind can overcome pain/shock as much as a healthy body, but it is a change in the rules which could have unforseen consequences.


For instance, certain Brick builds may well be more efficient with a high Ego than a high CON (if they are not heavy END users, for example), which could have quite far reaching character concept/design implications. I would not be surprised if your wife's character had mental powers with that kind of Ego, and if everyone (or a significant number of others) step up their Ego, those mental powers will become proportionally less effective. It is a trade off.


I think, steamtech, that your wife was probably unlucky to be hit with a Ego Attack with a 26 Ego, and it must have been reasonably hefty one (6 dice or more, or a lucky roll) to exceed her 20 CON (and that assumes she has no mental defence - a wise investment for the next experience point) - I doubt it is something that will happen a lot.


In fact, this is a great example of an appropriate way to spend XP - the character finds a (percived) flaw and acts to plug the gap. 1 XP will buy her 6 points of mental defence, with the EGO/5 bonus, which would make her ability to resist stun from Ego Attacks (20+6) - coincidentally, the same as her EGO.



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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


Alternately - For the mentalist whose mind is as powerful as their body, buy up con euqal to Ego with No figured characteristics, and give it special effects as "ego." Viola, you have an ego to get over instead of Con. And perhaps some small levels or a GM handwave that a Con roll can be replaced by an Ego roll (so that a mentalist gets levels in Ego roll (if any) applied to con roll).


Same kind of defensive effect, but not to costly (depending on the character), and gives that great mind over body flavor.

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Guest steamteck

Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


Thanks for the input. I like the either/or. It also lets mentalist with low CON withstand each other a little better and doesn't Nerf bricks. If I adopt anything it'll be that.

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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


Don't know if this has been pointed out but about the only thing you'd do with this rule is make Mentalists unStunnable while pretty much pasting just about everyone else.


Not so much. Most published mentalists have less EGO than most published bricks have CON.


Mentalla - 25

Psimon - 29

Hypnos - 23

Lancer - 25

Medusa - 26

Mind Slayer - 20

Torment - 21


Blackstar - 28 CON

Bulldozer - 30 CON

Durak - 40 CON

Grond - 50 CON


This, combined with the fact that most bricks have a lot more def than most mentalists make mentalists easier to stun.


A point of clarification: I see the ability to substitute EGO for CON only against mental attacks. I don't care how strong your will is when your face is being introduced to concrete at over 100 mph. Willpower will not help you to avoid a concussion.

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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


A point of clarification: I see the ability to substitute EGO for CON only against mental attacks. I don't care how strong your will is when your face is being introduced to concrete at over 100 mph. Willpower will not help you to avoid a concussion.



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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


A fair question. I guess the point is that some people want more mileage out of their EGO for no extra cost.


A point of data: the 7 mentalists I listed earlier have a total of 30 points of ego in excess of their con combined.


The only CKC mentalist I found with a 10 point or higher difference between their EGO and CON is Menton, and he has 40 CON, 30 EGO.


Go figure.

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Re: resist being stunned by EGO attack with EGO not CON?


I was thinking it would make more sense if stun from an ego attack had to exceed your EGO rather than your CON to stun you. Any thoughts?


I don't know if it makes more sense, but it's an interesting idea. I can see where EGO could be used for ECV attacks. I think you should be careful though, I'd only allow it with attacks that are only mental ones. If there are any physical effect to the attack then it's CON for stunning.


I never thought about this before, thanks for the idea.

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