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Does your character keep a journal?


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This is my first thread I've started here.....sorry if it's not in the right place; I figured it was either here or general roleplaying, and I play champions, sooo....


Okay, does anyone keep a journal for their character? I find it helps me with characterisation....I've got one I've started for Icestar - we've only started the game recently, so there are only two entries so far, but I'm finding it quite fun; is here if anyone wants to check it out.


Does anyone else do this? Would be interested to see any! :)

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Re: Does your character keep a journal?


Initially many of my Characters kept Journals, but since I was the only one reading them I kinda let them fall to the way side. Recently I started some of them up again.



GURPS Fantasy: The Chronicles of Yrth -- Errandis's Journals





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Re: Does your character keep a journal?


Scan keeps a journal.


Here. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=59916


It's only been a week or so. I'm thinking it may be a bit much to keep going, considering it was never intended to be a player character, but I'm finding the exercise helps me see more dimension in the character, and has changed my minds about some things I do when building characters.

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Re: Does your character keep a journal?


I did keep records of the games for my Star Wars games - but I enivitably got lazy, kept notes with the intent of fleshing them out later. That of course was four years ago now - and I still mean to get around to it someday soon.


Yeah, that'll happen.


In game, however - my character maintains a blog and podcast, keeps a pretty extensive web presence (and even got her hero domain name, shockingly enough) and even has a forum where she'll post from time to time. No record keeping on the player's part, tho. :)

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Re: Does your character keep a journal?


Most of mine do. Genevieve (aka Singirl) writes to her parents. I include the one she writes to both parents (because her dad doesn't know about her altenate ID) to show the divide she experiences as a consequence of hiding who she really is, and also to touch upon the actual events of the game. The second letter is written to her mother, from whom she inherited the demonhood. That's mostly an angst-fest/what-do-I-DO plea.


They're in the log for the Chester School for Teens, which is around here somewhere. I'm on the phone with tech support, so navigating several browsers to track it down is out of the question, right now. Sorry.

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Re: Does your character keep a journal?


Some of mine do; it depends on the campaign and the character. We have a couple campaigns going where there's a minor XP bonus for keeping written, publicly-available journal. Those journals get leaned on heavily as we correlate events from the past in a number of our campaigns.

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  • 9 months later...

Re: Does your character keep a journal?



I've done it once, with Vigil. Even took to tape-recording the sessions so I could get everyone's dialogue straight.


It started as more of a 'keep track of the plots' thing (our GM likes to keep five plots hanging over our heads beyond the one we're actually working on), but somewhere it turned into a full-blown exploration of the character and his mentility. In the end, I think I played the character a lot better for it.

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Re: Does your character keep a journal?


None of my characters do. Volt plain doesn't. Olorin can remember just about anything he wants (Eiditic memory) with little effort - which is scary considering he is 747 years old. (He used to, and might again later, but not now.) Black Tiger is not the contemplative type and would worry about it being found if he did. Futurian is way too scattered to do so.

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Re: Does your character keep a journal?


This is my first thread I've started here.....sorry if it's not in the right place; I figured it was either here or general roleplaying, and I play champions, sooo....


Okay, does anyone keep a journal for their character? I find it helps me with characterisation....I've got one I've started for Icestar - we've only started the game recently, so there are only two entries so far, but I'm finding it quite fun; is here if anyone wants to check it out.


Does anyone else do this? Would be interested to see any! :)


Several of my characters do. Iron Maiden and Hell's Angel, of course. But then, they're essentially the same woman in different campaigns with different powers. But also Kate Sutherland/Raven, with each personality (Kate transforms into Raven, a very different person) replying to the other.


All of these characters, however, are played online in forums where most of the game is fiction--not a lot of role-playing. So writing journal entries isn't much of a stretch.

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Re: Does your character keep a journal?


I don't have the time to keep a "journal" but I do keep notes on the campaigns I'm in. My g.m. runs very in depth campaigns. I find it's easier to keep track of plot lines & my characters' reactions to situations. Let alone locations & personalities I've run into.

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