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How much XP per 'level'


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Re: How much XP per 'level'


The way I do it is 7 points, and I restrict it heavily. 2 points for characteristics, 5 points for skills and abilities but there's a cap on how high they can raise any skill or CV. Then I usually will give them a freebie skill based on what they've done, like survival for an area, or a KS, or a point in a language. That tends to add up to around 10 points total, maximum.


I've found this will tend to control advancement while giving a sense of growth for each character. It means you have things to look forward to but are forced to be more diverse instead of loading up the one uber skill you want.

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Re: How much XP per 'level'


I don't think it's an easy conversion. First, D&D character progress isn't linear, it's more of a bumby upward curve. Second, a lot depends on how things like your magic system are set up -- giving a 6th-level mage access to the same spells he has in his D&D form could cost about the same as converting over a warrior, or it might cost a lot more.

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Re: How much XP per 'level'


It doesn't work perfectly, but a crude ballpark seems to be 15 points of experience equals a level.


Killer Shrike's site seems to have done alot of research on this and his two pages (one for 2nd edition, and one for 3rd).





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Re: How much XP per 'level'




le lets not be to hasty here guys


I need the info cause we are converting to HERO system. I convinced my game group to give it a shot after one of the players complained about the constrictiveness of DnD


so please don't give me the chair or grab the rope


"Hangin's too good for him! Burnin's too good for him! He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!" :lol:


and you! youre just sick!


P.S. thanks for the advice guys

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Re: How much XP per 'level'


If you want to leave behind the constrictiveness of DnD I suggest you actually stop thinking in terms of "Levels" and instead focus on Hero's aspects.


Active Points, Combat Levels (OCV/DCV), Skills, and how you want to work out magic items and what spell system you think will work best for the group.

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Re: How much XP per 'level'


A straight conversion will be tough unless you want to keep the D&D magic system. If you do, I'd be off to KS' website for both a D&D spell levels mechanic and spell translations. Thia Halmades has a series of spell conversion threads which may also be useful.


Assuming you want that approach, you'll want some objective standard for the power level of the spells in existence, as suggested above. I would then translate each character independently without worrying about points. The characters should also add their disadvantages (many of which may only have been role playing parameters in the past).


Once you have this, you can asses the extent, if any, of any point disparity. You could then:


- set the game points at some defined location (lowest character's points, average, highest character's points). The others need to shave down or can build up, to that level.


- leave them where they are, but only the lowest point character gets xp until he catches up with the next lowest, then the two lowest get xp. When all characters have reached the same xp, award normally. A variant would be to award xp normally, with a bonus to characters still catching up.


- accept the disparity and proceed. There will likely be some gradual equalization, as challenges more powerful than the low point characters will be as, or less, powerful than the high point characters, justifying extra xp to the weaker characters.

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Re: How much XP per 'level'


Check out the D&D 3e Conversion on my site:


D&D 3e to HERO System Conversion


Follow the links around and you'll find a lot of conversion resources for both players and DM/GM's.


As far as "points per level", I settled on 15 per level after a good deal of experimentation. This also maps very closely to the "number of equal encounters per level" idea behind D&D's level scheme, if you want to get esoteric. Here's a chart: Level to Points Chart

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Re: How much XP per 'level'


hmm... if 10 to 20 pts equals a level' date=' then even a low powered HERO character (75/75) is starting out somewhere up near 7th level or higher...[/quote']


If you click the link and look at the chart you'll see that, my version at least, is 15 points on top of a base of 50+75

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Re: How much XP per 'level'


If its any help it is only a few months since I FINALLY convinced my group to switch. It started out VERY d&dish and it was the only way I could get them to even try it. But the flexibilty got to them... now D&D is out the window. Only one is still whining but 7 converts i take is a clear win!


So go ahead and use levels. I used KS's conversions and it worked just fine.


Let me know how it went.

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Re: How much XP per 'level'


To make 1st level really work, you need to define 0th level (i.e. peasants, kobolds, etc.) as being even weaker.


So, here's to lowering the bar.


0th level Peasant or Servant

Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
8/13	STR	-2	11-	Lift 150 kg; 1 1/2d6 HTH Damage [1]
8	DEX	-6	11-	OCV:  3/DCV:  3
8	CON	-4	11-
8	BODY	-4	11-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 11-
8	EGO	-4	11-	ECV:  3
8	PRE	-2	11-	PRE Attack:  1 1/2d6
8	COM	-1

2	PD	0		Total:  2 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total:  2 ED (0 rED)
2	SPD	2		Phases:  6, 12
6	REC	4
16	END	0
16	STUN	0	Total Characteristics Cost:  -19

Cost	Powers & Skills
3	+5 STR, Only to Lift/Carry, No Figured Characterstics
2	KS: Peasant 11-
2	PS: Peasant Farmer 11-

100+	Disadvantages
0	"Curse of being Nameless" - x2 BODY from taking 6 BODY
(or more) in one attack (before defenses).
15	Social Limitation: Peasant (Minority)

Kobolds and other 1/2 HD creatures.

Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
0/8	STR	-10	9-	Lift 75 kg; 1 1/2d6 HTH Damage [1]
8	DEX	-6	11-	OCV:  3/DCV:  3
5	CON	-10	10-
5	BODY	-10	10-
7	INT	-3	10-	PER Roll 19-
5	EGO	-10	10-	ECV:  2
5	PRE	-5	10-	PRE Attack:  1d6
10	COM	0

1	PD	0		Total:  1 PD (0 rPD)
1	ED	0		Total:  1 ED (0 rED)
2	SPD	2		Phases:  6, 12
6	REC	4
10	END	0
8	STUN	0	Total Characteristics Cost:  -48

Cost	Powers & Skills
6	+8 STR, No Figured Characteristics
-4	Short Legs: -2" Running
-1	Swimming: -1" Swimming
10	Small: +2 DCV
4	Small: +2 to Stealth

100+	Disadvantages
0	"Curse of being 1/2 hit dice" - x2 BODY from taking 3 BODY
(or more) in one attack (before defenses).
15	Physical Limitation: Short

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