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ideas/name for my character?


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Hello everyone, this is one of my first posts although I have been lurking for years. My name is Tanner I am a player/GM in GoldenAge's Epic City campaign. I am working on a speedster with some ideas taken from "Always". He is a aeronautics engineer working for a company called Peregrine, in Epic City. Recently he has been staying late at the job working on a side project, a device that can agitate two atoms trapped inside of a molecule so intensely that it can create a sonic boom (mach2) without moving the molecule. One night while aligning the machines for his project there was a surge of electricity throughout the city (this was caused by one of our player, Flux, diving into a crystal from the dark realm, the city went dark for a few moments). You can guess what happened to Kyle Walker when the machine was used on him. He has some basic speedster powers a few martial arts and a flash attack cause by creating a sonic boom without moving. This is a very four color game, he wears red and silver spandex :) with a partial face mask.


Any help/ideas would be great! I will upload the character later, off to work now.

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Re: ideas/name for my character?


I PM'd you this earlier:

How about Acceleron, Wind Rip, Speed, Sprint, Express, Charge, Streak, Mach, Dervish (though I already have a villain by this name), Overdrive, Captn' Reflex, Warp (drive), Shockwave, Inertia, Trajectory, Blaze, Diesel, Nitrous (inside joke), Roadburn... Roadrunner?:drink:

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Re: ideas/name for my character?





Kyle Walker (Hyperdon)


Player: Tanner


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

35 DEX 75

20 CON 20

13 BODY 6

16 INT 6

10 EGO 0

10 PRE 0

15 COM 3


5/20 PD 2

4/19 ED 0

6 SPD 15

14 REC 14

41 END 1

37 STUN 6


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

3" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 152


Cost Power

39 Flight 25", Position Shift, combat acceleration/deceleration (+1/4) (69 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Visible contrail (-1/4)

27 Night Stick: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

1u 1) Night stick +8d6 (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

1u 2) Night stick +3 1/2d6, Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1 1/4) (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

1u 3) Night stick +3d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Area Of Effect (16" Line; +1 1/4), x2 Length (+0) (37 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

1u 4) Night stick +4 1/2d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

1u 5) Saw it before you started!: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); OAF (-1), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

14 Aid END 4d6 (40 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Only Restores to Starting Values (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)

Powers Cost: 85


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

5 Flying Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove

5 Passing Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Disarm, 25 STR to Disarm roll; FMove

5 Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +v/5; FMove

5 Passing Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +v/5; Target Falls; FMove

4 Million Hands: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +2 DC Strike

Martial Arts Cost: 24


Cost Skill

10 +2 with HTH Combat

3 Acrobatics 16-

3 Breakfall 16-

3 Tactics 12-

3 Teamwork 16-



2 Systems Operation (Communications Systems) 12-

3 Tracking 12-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Electronics 12-

0 Language (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)

3 Language (fluent conversation; literate)



3 Scientist

2 1) SS: Aeronautics 12- (3 Active Points)

1 2) SS: Electrotechnology - the study of electronics within engineering. 11- (2 Active Points)

2 3) SS: Mathematics 12- (3 Active Points)

1 4) SS: Statics and DynamStatics and Dynamicsics - the study of movement, forces, moments in mechanical systems. 11- (2 Active Points)

1 5) SS: Aerostat - lighter than air, craft. 11- (2 Active Points)

Skills Cost: 46



Cost Talent

30 Combat Luck (15 PD/15 ED)

3 Bump Of Direction

Talents Cost: 33


Total Character Cost: 340


Pts. Disadvantage

20 Enraged: Confronted with a known member of the new reich (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 8-

10 Psychological Limitation: Impulsive (Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Friends (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing (Uncommon, Total)

10 Psychological Limitation: Introverted And Lonely (Common, Moderate)

15 Physical Limitation: Red Eyes (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)

15 Psychological Limitation: Overly Enthusiastic As A Superhero (Common, Strong)

Disadvantage Points: 100

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 40

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: ideas/name for my character?


Just some feedback on your character write-up...


I like him conceptually, and can see him being a lot of fun to play. However, there are a few problems that jump out at me.


First impression is that you are going to have a massive END usage problem. Let's say you go flat tack and hit as hard as you can from Phase 12:


Your movement will cost you 7 END per phase

Your Nightstick will cost you 4 END per phase

Your STR will cost you 1 END per phase


Total END per phase: 12 END


Phase 12: moot point - post-12 REC takes care of it.

Phase 2: 29 END

Phase 4: 17 END

Phase 6: 5 END

Phase 8: 0 END and take 3D6 NND Stun Damage for burning END (let's say 10 on average). So 0 END, 27 STUN

Phase 10: 0 END so take 6D6 Stun (18 for average). 0 END, 9 STUN

Phase 12: 0 END, -9 STUN


See my point? And that's without being hit once. And yes I know he has an END Aid, but to use it he would drop to 6 DCV for his phase and remain that way until his next phase. To use it in the middle of a big fight would be tantamount to suicide


Also I'd have issues with your damage. You would be doing 16D6 per hit using the above example (STR + 5D6 for velocity + 8D6 for Nightstick). That would smoosh most folks (including this character) into paste. You have a Code vs Killing.


I'll have a muck about with the character, trying to keep it true to form, and see what I come up with. Don't take it as saying that the character is rubbish though - I just like playing around with characters :)

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Re: ideas/name for my character?


Ok, sweet thanks for the comments, lets see what I can do. First off, I didn't mean to leave the red eye thing in there, the initial write up there was something more to his eyes but I pulled it, will pull it form the dis add list.


I know I have a prob with END I was crunching some numbers on it last night too. I'm thinking maybe a end battery, but have to come up with a way where it makes sense.


I am new to martial arts (my other character uses EB as his only attack) but I though if I use a martial arts (passing strike) I get the weapon OR my str not both?

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Re: ideas/name for my character?


Taking a Focus Limitation and Only In Hero Id is usually a no-no also. If it's obvious and revealing it means that everyone who sees it says "that's a superhero's nightstick" which means no secret id or leaving it at home if he wants to be inconspicuous.


Your END problems start and end with your movement. Buy some Reduced END on it or Partially Limit it so that, say, 25" is 0 END (I can maintain this pace forever!) and only the last 10" costs END.


Your max damage is a little high for most campaigns but if your game allows 80-90 STR bricks he would be fine.


The Introverted-Enthusiastic Psych Lim combo is a little manic-depressive, but could be roleplayed in a fun way. Hard to get moving but once he does, he's a blur.


So, more names:





Momentum Man

Speed Demon

Hurricane Kid



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Re: ideas/name for my character?


Ok, I've done some fiddling and here's my take on the character:

[b]Hyperdon - Kyle Walker[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
15    STR     5   15      12-       HTH Damage 3d6  END [1]
35    DEX     75   35      16-       OCV 12 DCV 12
23    CON     26   23      14-
15    BODY    10   15      12-
18    INT     8   18      13-       PER Roll 13-
10    EGO     0   10      11-       ECV: 3
15    PRE     5   15      12-       PRE Attack: 3d6
14    COM     2   14      12-
8    PD      5   8/23             8/23 PD (0/15 rPD)
8    ED      3   8/23             8/23 ED (0/15 rED)
6    SPD     15   6                 Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
8    REC     0   8
46    END     0   46
35    STUN    0   35
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
3    LEAP     0   3"                3" forward, 1 1/2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 154[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
30     [b][i]Super Speed[/i][/b]: Elemental Control, 74-point powers,  (37 Active Points); all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) - END=
22     1)  [b][i]Super Speed Punches[/i][/b]: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Variable Advantage (+1 1/4 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages; Super Speed Effects Only; +2 1/4) (75 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) - END=0
30     2)  [b][i]Super Movement[/i][/b]: Flight 25", Position Shift, Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; +1/2) (82 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) - END=8
      - END=
7     [b][i]Speed Adapted Body[/i][/b]: Life Support  (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) - END=0
2     [b][i]Nightstick[/i][/b]: +1 with HTH Combat (5 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=

[b]POWERS Cost: 91[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]MARTIAL ARTS[/u][/b]
     Speedster Arts
1      Weapon Element:  Barehanded, Clubs
5      Flying Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
5      Passing Disarm:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Disarm, 25 STR to Disarm; FMove
5      Passing Strike:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 3d6 +v/5; FMove
5      Passing Throw:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 3d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove
4      Million Hands:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 5d6 Strike

[b]MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 25[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
0      AK: Epic City 8-
3      Acrobatics 16-
0      Acting 8-
3      Breakfall 16-
0      Climbing 8-
0      Concealment 8-
0      Conversation 8-
0      Deduction 8-
3      Electronics 13-
3      Language (fluent conversation; literate)
0      Native Language (idiomatic; Literate) (4 Active Points)
0      PS: Aeronautics Engineer (Everyman Skill) 11-
0      Paramedics 8-
0      Persuasion 8-
3      Scientist
2      1)  SS:  Aeronautics 13- (3 Active Points)
1      2)  SS:  Aerostat - lighter than air, craft 11- (2 Active Points)
1      3)  SS:  Electrotechnology - the study of electronics within engineering 11- (2 Active Points)
2      4)  SS:  Mathematics 13- (3 Active Points)
2      5)  SS:  Statics and DynamStatics and Dynamicsics - the study of movement, forces, moments in mechanical systems 13- (3 Active Points)
3      Security Systems 13-
0      Shadowing 8-
0      Stealth 8-
2      Systems Operation (Communications Systems) 13-
0      TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles 
3      Tactics 13-
3      Teamwork 16-
3      Tracking 13-

[b]SKILLS Cost: 37[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
9      Contact (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity), Organization Contact (x3) (9 Active Points) 11-
1      Money:  Well Off

[b]PERKS Cost: 10[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]TALENTS[/u][/b]
3      Bump Of Direction
30      Combat Luck (15 PD/15 ED)

[b]TALENTS Cost: 33[/b]
[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
10     Distinctive Features:  Red Eyes (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
5     Distinctive Features:  Superfast Movements (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
15     Hunted:  Local Crimelord 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
20     Hunted:  Large technological villain organisation that wants secret of creating superspeed 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
10     Hunted:  Major Superhero - has an eye on a potential 'major player' 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Code vs Killing - will not personally kill EVER but will work with people who do kill  (Uncommon, Total)
20     Psychological Limitation:  Impulsive and easily bored - must always be 'doing' something (Very Common, Strong)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Doesn't say much - Quiet, Introverted and Lonely (Common, Moderate)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Protective of friends and innocents (Common, Strong)
15     Social Limitation:  Secret ID (Frequently, Major)
5     Vulnerability:  1 1/2 x STUN Poisons and Gases (Uncommon)
5     Vulnerability:  1 1/2 x BODY Poisons and Gases (Uncommon)
5     Vulnerability:  1 1/2 x Effect Poisons and Gases (Uncommon)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 150[/b]

Base Pts: 200
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 350


Now to explain a few design choices...



Firstly his characteristics are pretty much the same. I dropped some spending on his figureds and bumped up his CON and BOD. I also bumped up his INT (he sounded REALLY smart) and gave him some PRE because he looked like he was slightly experienced in the heroing game by now. I also bumped his PD and ED up a touch. Otherwise, not that many changes.



I did some major re-working here. I ditched the Nightstick as it was and the END Aid because they didn't seem to fit the concept. To give him some flexibility I gave him a variable advantage on both his HTH attack and Movement and then threw them both in an EC.


I figured his body would have adapted physically and gave him some life supports to cover that and that the nightstick would give him a slight edge in combat, but wouldn't really effect the damage.


I kept the martial arts, giving him a weapon element to cover his use of the nightstick. He now does 9D6 with the Million Palms attack, but still does 12D6 with his movement based attacks which can now have lots of advantages on them (!!!). Maybe he should lose the Martial Arts altogether and increase his Super Speed Punches by about 2 to 3D6 (21 or 32 point increase to do that, with 25 points spent on martial arts that either gives you 4 points or means you have to find 7... which is the cost of the life supports).


EDIT: Forgot that increasing the Punches slot would allow the base pool to be raised on the EC, therefore if you ditch the Martial Arts you could raise the punch slot to +7D6 and only lose some of the Life Supports (keep High Pressure and Heat to stay with concept).



I gave him a company contact with Peregrine for his Secret ID, and figured he must be pretty well paid so gave him a point of wealth.






A few minor changes. Dropped the combat skill levels (he doesn't need them, seeing as he can make his punches Super Accurate now and has a base of 12 OCV and DCV anyhow), added in everyman skills and bumped up a science or two by a point.



Tried to go with the concept and what was there. Just saw you dropped the red eyes - I kept it in and figured he just wore dark glasses all the time in his Secret ID - which I also added. I dropped the Enraged because I could see no reason for it, and threw in a couple of generic hunteds and a watched by a 'bigger fish' for some flavour instead. Due to his metabloism he is vulnerable to Poisons and Gasses (poop - spelling mistake in the character there!) and tried to get a balance between the Introverted and Active aspects, deciding to make him quiet yet easily bored and always actively doing things (like the experiment that gave him his powers in the first place).


Whew. How's that? :)

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Re: ideas/name for my character?


And the full character:



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

35 DEX 75 16- OCV: 12/DCV: 12

23 CON 26 14-

15 BODY 10 12-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

14 COM 2 12-


8/23 PD 5 Total: 8/23 PD (0/15 rPD)

8/23 ED 3 Total: 8/23 ED (0/15 rED)

6 SPD 15 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

8 REC 0

46 END 0

35 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 154


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 25"/50"

Leaping: 3"/6"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

30 Super Speed: Elemental Control, 74-point powers, (37 Active Points); all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

22 1) Super Speed Punches: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Variable Advantage (+1 1/4 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages; Super Speed Effects Only; +2 1/4) (75 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

30 2) Super Movement: Flight 25", Position Shift, Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; +1/2) (82 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 8


7 Speed Adapted Body: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum)

2 Nightstick: +1 with HTH Combat (5 Active Points); OAF (-1)

1 Weapon Element: Barehanded, Clubs

4 A Million Hands +2 +0 5d6 Strike

5 Flying Dodge -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove

5 Passing Disarm -1 -1 Disarm, 25 STR to Disarm; FMove

5 Passing Strike +1 +0 3d6 +v/5; FMove

5 Passing Throw +0 +0 3d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove



9 Peregrine (Company): Contact (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity), Organization Contact (x3) (9 Active Points) 11-

1 Money: Well Off



3 Bump Of Direction

30 Quick Dodging: Combat Luck (15 PD/15 ED)



0 AK: Epic City 8-

3 Acrobatics 16-

0 Acting 8-

3 Breakfall 16-

0 Climbing 8-

0 Concealment 8-

0 Conversation 8-

0 Deduction 8-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Language (fluent conversation; literate)

0 Native Language (idiomatic; Literate) (4 Active Points)

0 PS: Aeronautics Engineer (Everyman Skill) 11-

0 Paramedics 8-

0 Persuasion 8-

3 Scientist

2 1) SS: Aeronautics 13- (3 Active Points)

1 2) SS: Aerostat - lighter than air, craft 11- (2 Active Points)

1 3) SS: Electrotechnology - the study of electronics within engineering 11- (2 Active Points)

2 4) SS: Mathematics 13- (3 Active Points)

2 5) SS: Statics and DynamStatics and Dynamicsics - the study of movement, forces, moments in mechanical systems 13- (3 Active Points)

3 Security Systems 13-

0 Shadowing 8-

0 Stealth 8-

2 Systems Operation (Communications Systems) 13-

0 TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

3 Tactics 13-

3 Teamwork 16-

3 Tracking 13-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 196

Total Cost: 350


200+ Disadvantages

10 Distinctive Features: Red Eyes (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

5 Distinctive Features: Superfast Movements (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Hunted: Crimelord 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: Large technological villain organisation that wants secret of creating superspeed 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)

10 Hunted: Major Superhero - has an eye on a potential 'major player' 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

15 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing - will not personally kill EVER but will work with people who do kill (Uncommon, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Impulsive and easily bored - must always be 'doing' something (Very Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Doesn't say much - Quiet, Introverted and Lonely (Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of friends and innocents (Common, Strong)

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)

5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Poisons and Gasses (Uncommon)

5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x BODY Poisons and Gasses (Uncommon)

5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x Effect Poisons and Gasses (Uncommon)


Total Disadvantage Points: 150


Background/History: He is a aeronautics engineer working for a company called Peregrine, in Epic City. Recently he has been staying late at the job working on a side project, a device that can agitate two atoms trapped inside of a molecule so intensely that it can create a sonic boom (mach2) without moving the molecule. One night while aligning the machines for his project there was a surge of electricity throughout the city (this was caused by one of our player, Flux, diving into a crystal from the dark realm, the city went dark for a few moments). You can guess what happened to Kyle Walker when the machine was used on him.






Powers/Tactics: He has some basic speedster powers a few martial arts and a flash attack cause by creating a sonic boom without moving.


Campaign Use:


Appearance: He wears red and silver spandex with a partial face mask.

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