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Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


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"But if the listing for each world is going to just change anyway, what's the point?" Apprentice sighed as they walked about in the Chronicler's Outerdimensional Lair. Once, he was sure, he had owned another name besides Apprentice, but he could not recall it anymore. He wasn't sure whether the fact that bothered him not at all should be a comfort, or all the more disturbing. For now, his studies and the passions he felt for them (fascination, frustration, inspiration, and exultation) felt far more important.


The being he'd come to know as Chronicler smiled, "All this time in the Hole, and you still don't understand that 'we' are not the deciding factor in so many things. We're observers, and, of course, chroniclers, though sometimes merely indexers of those worlds and their lynch pin definitives. Other factors handle the priorities of which world or worlds have precedence. Now, name the factors."


Apprentice closed his eyes, as if visualizing the targets, despite the fact that in many cases, that was impossible, even from the Hole in the Wall (A less than grandiose name for a no place that existed just outside all true universes, but when he'd asked Chronicler about that, his mentor had merely stated that it "keeps me humble") and then spoke them aloud,

"The Controllers, the Creators, the Believers, and the Discoverers."


"Yes," Chronicler nodded, "Each of these influences which world gains precedence in the hierarchy, if I may use such a clumsy word. The Controllers direct most immediately, but without the Creators they have nothing to control, and the without the Believers, the creations have no true energy to fuel them. Only the Discoverers are directly in our own observation, even here. We're hardly the only ones that exist outside of the 18 primary dimensions."


"Why don't we just call the Discoverers the created or controlled, that is what they are, isn't it?" Apprentice asked, raising an eyebrow in emulation of his tutor. Alas, he lacked the proper gravitas in the gesture it seemed for his master's response wasn't what he expected.


"Because it's rude," Chronicler chided,"And they DID discover the other worlds, on their own I might add. Credit where credit is due, Apprentice."


Apprentice sighed inwardly, doing it outwardly would hardly make his teacher any easier to put up with, "Fine, then why 18 Primary worlds?"


"Each world has, in itself, an infinite stream of variances, but those variances are still based on some original. There maybe core worlds outside of the 18, but if so, they are of a different medium almost entirely. Besides, for some reason, our own Medium seems to operate on multiples of six. Perhaps that's the will of the Creators, perhaps the Controllers, but I'm not about to challenge it. You DO remember the first rule of interaction?" Chronicler arched a brow as if to show the younger being how it was done.


Apprentice knew a non-optional question when he heard one, and replied dutifully, "Interaction is a risk, when one attempts to put anything under its influence, one is in turn, opened to its influence."


"Precisely," Chronicler gave a soft smile.


"However," Apprentice challenged,"I still don't think that applies all the time. The Discovers very existences could be at stake, yes? Where as the others don't seem to be in any danger."


Chronicler chuckled, "Oh, I imagine the Creators, Believers, and even Controllers all have a great deal of their energies tied and invested in this. If nothing else, I suspect an...emotional attachment. Break that, and even the once staunchest Believer may never be the same for example."


"Oh," Apprentice replied unsure how else TO reply, then switched back to an earlier subject, "So, somehow, the influence of the others will cause the Discoverers to subconsciously name their realities in concordance with even other Discoverers in other Realities."


"Perhaps they're merely aware, on some level, of the amount of energy their world receives on the spiral," Chronicler suggested, "I've never been totally sure."


"Ah, but why the Greek Alphabet as the default, when there are 18 primary realities, but 24 letters?" Apprentice fought a smile, feeling he'd stumbled onto something crucial, mostly because it might let him challenge his tutor just a bit.


"I am glad you noticed that. There is a reason for this," the tone in his master's voice almost made Apprentice sure this next would be crucial. Chronicler meet his eyes, and spoke, "Because it's cool."


Apprentice opened his mouth, already ready for a reply, then paused, nonplused for a good thirty seconds (if you could count on temporal measurements in here) before stating "That's a ridiculous reason."


The chuckle in response wasn't very heartening,"Much in ANY reality is done for 'ridiculous' reasons, learn to appreciate that, even if you never fully embrace it, and you'll be a much happier being. Now, onto the list of worlds," Chronicler prodded.


Apprentice sighed, "Well, seeing as Earth Alpha is forming up....and Earth Beta may not even know for sure it's Earth Beta yet, I can't help but think waiting might be..."


"Ahem," another raised brow.


Apprentice dutifully listed them.


World Alpha- Sometimes called "World Cryptic" though the reasons for that may seem rather mysterious to some who didn't know about the upcoming setting from Cryptic Studios direction. Very similar to (The now or soon to be) World Beta, with the Champions having minor changes like Defender having a public ID for example.


World Beta- A world on the wane perhaps, but not by much. The 5th Edition default Champions setting. With many similarities to the one that came before, but new additions (such as the Star*Guard, and Empyreans) as well. It is worth noting that this world came into being after a long dark lull in energies, that should be enough to make it worthy of praise.


World Gamma- The fourth edition Champions setting, a hodge podge that somehow worked. Seeker , an Australian Ninja, can be found here for example. The vibe is more 80s, but that is not always a bad thing.


World Delta- Backworld, Evil Earth, often under flux itself because its identity is based chiefly on which ever world it mirrors. Professor Protector/Preserver (A good Dr. Destroyer) is often seen as its greatest hero.


World Epsilon- Also referred to as World Algernon, a world that may coexist in another spiral entirely. Rumors have it the chief controller (or is it Creator?) answers to the name of "Dave".


World Zeta- World Gestalt, new and forceful world, yet years in the making. A strong foundation with a consistent core concept to fuel it. It's chief sub creator may have made it nigh impossible (but never say never) for other worlds to interact with it, a side effect of the integrity of its carefully crafted design.


World Eta- A New Millennium time period theme dominates this world. Most Believers snubbed it, leaving it floating into a void until a few returned and decided that some remnants might be salvageable under different mechanisms.


World Theta- Predates all other worlds here, but exists at an extreme orbit of the spiral due to being torn by other forces long ago. Figures like the Marskman, Flare, and others maybe found here...some being mysteriously transgendered for unknown reasons. A barrier seems to separate it from many, one resembling red tape and legal paperwork.


World Iota- Fueled by mostly a few fervent Believers and Creators, this world is also known as "DH World" as everything ever produced for Champions in the now defunct Digital Hero articles can be found here.


World Kappa -- Strike Force Earth, which includes the Blood and maybe the Circle and M.E.T.E. Highly respected by those Believers that know of it.


World Lambda - a world strong in magic, dominated by an ancient conflict between demonic proponents of the corrupting magic of Chaos, The Keepers of the Broken Circle, and the order of Earthly sorcerors called the Thaumaturgia who protect the world from the influence of the Keepers, and maintain the mighty Kandris Seal which bars the demons from physically entering Earth's dimension. Other races in the galaxy are also part of the wider conflict over the influence of Chaos, such as the alien races the Bedwyr and the Maylor. World Lambda shares many similarities with the other worlds, but its cosmology and physical laws are distinctive in some ways.


World Mu - a world of greater clarity between Good and Evil than most other worlds, with heroes and villains who are colorful and larger than life. The greatest superhuman activity is centered on the Atlantic island nation of Metazon, source of the superpower-inducing material Omlevex. World Mu is unusual in that chronicles of its heroes' exploits are claimed to have long been spread among other worlds, but through some quirk of the space-time continuum the original chronicles cannot be found.

World Sigma- A world that has been adopted by many of the spiral as having a place in the Champions Multiverse even if that wasn't its origin. The chief villain there is Kreuzritter, its greatest hero probably the man known as Sentinel. High point (From perspectives of Champions Believers) was probably its nearly being destroyed along with now Earth Beta. Ironically enough, the conversion matrix that united the two for this incident and made interaction possible remains and allows for use of this world to this day.


World Nu- Ironically enough, in this world where New York City has only one superteam to protect it, there are no Champions, but there is 'Justice Force Omega'. Members include Templar, Charisma, The Bullet, Shooting Star and Adamantine. They thwart the evil villainy of Hecate, the Pharaoh, and many others. It is a world of soap operatic superheroics, and apparently is strong enough to have influenced script writers in World Beta.


World Omega- Also simply called "Homebrew" too varied (thousands of Controllers and Creators) to ever be on top, but too believed to ever go away or be destroyed, Homebrew is often a mix, sometimes a homage, and at times just plain strange.



There, longest post EVAR....

well, not really


As you can see, the worlds start out in order, but quickly gap... so any other suggestions for the other remaining Primary worlds? I'm looking for Champions related stuff (conversion versions of worlds possible), and maybe just wanted to blather on. :)

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


World Kappa -- Strike Force Earth' date=' which includes the Blood and maybe the Circle and M.E.T.E.[/quote']


Alas, I never got my hands on that holy grail of many Champs gamers, so it slipped my mind. Thank you, I will add that one immediately via edit.

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


Interesting approach. :) Might I also suggest:


World Lambda - a world strong in magic, dominated by an ancient conflict between demonic proponents of the corrupting magic of Chaos, The Keepers of the Broken Circle, and the order of Earthly sorcerors called the Thaumaturgia who protect the world from the influence of the Keepers, and maintain the mighty Kandris Seal which bars the demons from physically entering Earth's dimension. Other races in the galaxy are also part of the wider conflict over the influence of Chaos, such as the alien races the Bedwyr and the Maylor. World Lambda shares many similarities with the other worlds, but its cosmology and physical laws are distinctive in some ways.


World Mu - a world of greater clarity between Good and Evil than most other worlds, with heroes and villains who are colorful and larger than life. The greatest superhuman activity is centered on the Atlantic island nation of Metazon, source of the superpower-inducing material Omlevex. World Mu is unusual in that chronicles of its heroes' exploits are claimed to have long been spread among other worlds, but through some quirk of the space-time continuum the original chronicles cannot be found.

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


Interesting approach. :) Might I also suggest:


World Lambda - a world strong in magic, dominated by an ancient conflict between demonic proponents of the corrupting magic of Chaos, The Keepers of the Broken Circle, and the order of Earthly sorcerors called the Thaumaturgia who protect the world from the influence of the Keepers, and maintain the mighty Kandris Seal which bars the demons from physically entering Earth's dimension. Other races in the galaxy are also part of the wider conflict over the influence of Chaos, such as the alien races the Bedwyr and the Maylor. World Lambda shares many similarities with the other worlds, but its cosmology and physical laws are distinctive in some ways.


World Mu - a world of greater clarity between Good and Evil than most other worlds, with heroes and villains who are colorful and larger than life. The greatest superhuman activity is centered on the Atlantic island nation of Metazon, source of the superpower-inducing material Omlevex. World Mu is unusual in that chronicles of its heroes' exploits are claimed to have long been spread among other worlds, but through some quirk of the space-time continuum the original chronicles cannot be found.


Well, there goes my Mu=Furry/Funny Animals pun, but okay ;)

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


It occurs to me, after using LL's additions, the summaries for the other worlds now look a bit skimpy in comparison. If anyone has a fuller sum up for any of them already listed (but still not to big) they want to donate, feel free ;)

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


Heheh... :)


Some of these worlds have established (but not developed) alternates themselves - the place the Blood came from, V'han's empire, all the mystic places. Do they have a place in the Spiral, or does the fact that The Controllers, Creators, and Believers have such minimal knowledge of them keep these realms off on 'branches' or something?


Also, the High Creator of World Zeta/Gestalt has stated definitively that it connects to no parallel worlds (unless you count the Gestalt Dimension, which is more of a state of being than a place). Of course the belief of the Believers could change that reality...

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


Heheh... :)


Some of these worlds have established (but not developed) alternates themselves - the place the Blood came from, V'han's empire, all the mystic places. Do they have a place in the Spiral, or does the fact that The Controllers, Creators, and Believers have such minimal knowledge of them keep these realms off on 'branches' or something?

They exist, as much as any of these worlds exist, but it seems, it is these prime worlds they are connected to that are the lynchpins. If they should fall, then those existences you mentioned might fall as well. Perhaps that's why these many Earths are so highly prized despite often seeming insignificant in their respective universes at first glance.



Also, the High Creator of World Zeta/Gestalt has stated definitively that it connects to no parallel worlds (unless you count the Gestalt Dimension, which is more of a state of being than a place). Of course the belief of the Believers could change that reality...


Self contained, and perhaps impenetrable by the will of the chief Creator, got it ;)

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


How about some of the worlds from other systems that we convert? ;)


Probably count as a variant of World Omega. I really don't want to clutter up the remainder with Marvel CHampions, Dc. Mayfair Champions, V&V Champions, etc. There's only so many spaces for one thing.


Though I suppose I could add World Xi and simply say that the world is an echo of a world from another spiral, but based in the mechanisms and grounding of this one.

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


Thank ye ;)


Thinking of making "World Mu" the place the furry/funny animal superheroes dominate...or would that be World Moo?


Keep it 'Mu'. For several years one of the biggest and best publishers in furry fandom was called MU Press. Admittedly, very few people would get the joke, but it's not like you need to get it on every level to appreciate it.

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


Chronicler and Apprentice are aware' date=' are they not, of quantum mechanics? That by the act of observing they may be changing outcomes?[/quote']


Comic book mechanics say that tall guys with huge bald heads don't change a thing as long as they just "Watch", it's when they hand out the maps to Universal Nullifers like they were candy we get trouble ;)


That, and there maybe unique properties to the 'Hole' that might change the equation of their influence. Chronicler can only do so much to minimize his effects before it impedes his ability to -be- Chronicler.


Gamewise: That isn't to say a savy PC or NPC with the right senses, tech, or mysticism might not stumble onto a way into the Hole, and from there access a myriad of worlds if it suited a GM's story. In that regard, it might end up in a similar situation to what occurred in Reality Storm

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


Self contained' date=' and perhaps impenetrable by the will of the chief Creator, got it ;)[/quote']


Technically, I'd say, chief sub-creator. If it was good enough for Tolkien, it's good enough for me. :)


Nifty post Hermit. Quick, to the Rep Button, there's not a moment to lose!

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Re: Inspired by 52 "18 Worlds" (warning, long post)


Technically, I'd say, chief sub-creator. If it was good enough for Tolkien, it's good enough for me. :)

You'd lower yourself to that hack Tolkien's level?

Jk ;)

I'll edit the listing.

Nifty post Hermit. Quick, to the Rep Button, there's not a moment to lose!


Thank ye :)

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