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Bearing Witness


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If you're a regular reader of Aaron Williams' PS 238, especially issues #31 and #32, then you know what this is about. If you're not a regular reader--well, you should be; it's a great comic.


Thank You, Mr. Williams, for the inspiriation for this thread. :thumbup:



Your character is out on patrol or taking care of whatever business you take care of when your teammates aren't around when you are approached by a person asking for your help. Before you realize it you are transported from your world to a place called The Castle Beyond Space And Time. There, you are informed by the being that borught you here (an entity called "Paradox") that you have been chosen to testify in the matter of whether or not superpowers will continue to show up on Earth. If the answer is "Yes" then people will keep getting superpowers, either by accident, birth or design. If the answer is "No" then those who already have superpowers get to keep them, but no one else will get powers--at least for a couple of centuries or more, at which point the cycle repeats itself. You are also informed that once you testify, you will be returned to the exact place and time from which you left, with little or no memory of your being at The Castle or your testimony. (This also happens if you choose not to testify, or if you attempt some sort of offensive action.)


Should you choose to testify, you are escorted into a large room ringed with columns that support a dome. There, sitting on a small throne, is a blond-haired boy you figure to be about eight years old. Standing beside him is a boy with curly-brown hair you also figure to be about eight. The second boy introduces himself as "Tom" and the blond boy as "Tyler." When you are ready to answer, Tyler asks you the following questions--


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?


--Is there anything else you wish to say?


When you are finished answering, you are thanked for your testimony and returned as promised.


So? What Would Your Character--Say?

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Re: Bearing Witness


I'm just going to answer for Olorin right now. Maybe the rest later.


What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

Fun. A blast. I love it. Yes, I have nearly died more than once, but it's still worth it.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

To work good, have fun and make money. In that order... barely. Fun may come first... sometimes.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?


I'd be dead by now, but I would have been a better than average swordmith.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?



--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?

Some are, some aren't. I'd say most are. Let the powers roll.



--Is there anything else you wish to say?

From my veiwpoint, tech is almost high powers anyway, so do you plan to go primitive if powers are banned? It's always blessings and curses, with the blessing ahead in my opinion.

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Re: Bearing Witness



What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

A bit tiring, but good overall.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

"For evil to triumph, good men must merely do nothing." "To those who have been given much, much will be demanded." It's mainly a resposibility of power thing.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?


I'd be retired and probably in somewhere warm. Probably California; my daughter and son-in-law are there.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?


Sometimes. I'm a little too old for this. However, if given a choice, I'd keep them.



--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?

I think they are. There are pluses and minuses. I think people are bascially good, but flawed.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?

Just who are you to decide this? Where do you get the power? I'm concerned for you as a person; having this responsibility cannot be easy. Can I help besides offering my opinion?

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Re: Bearing Witness


Vitus : "I don't have super-powers. I'm a Samurian conjuror. Are you sure you're asking the right person?"


"I used my magic because my culture needed me too. I use my magic HERE because you humans won't shut up and let me figure out how to leave again"


"If I'd never had the spark I would never have left the Phoenix Oasis. And Aura would have vanished from reality with no hope of return."


"I sometimes think I would have been a lot happier if I'd never been a conjuror - just look at that alternate version I ran into - Enchanter, negotiating refugee parties from an Aura already doomed... *he* seemed disturbingly cheerful"


"And hell no, humans aren't ready for super powers - they make a joke out of the laws of physics and magic"

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Re: Bearing Witness



Just who are you to decide this? Where do you get the power? I'm concerned for you as a person; having this responsibility cannot be easy. Can I help besides offering my opinion?



Tyler shrugs, and sheepishly indicates Tom, standing on his left.


"It was his idea."

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Re: Bearing Witness


Since Vigil is the character I've gotten to know best, I'll do this from his point of view. (His powers are healing, invisibility in darkness, and HA - along with some enhanced senses)


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?


"Well, I suppose I owe my powers my life. I assume that's what's kept the leukemia at bay since I was born. But as far as having them goes? It hasn't exactly been fun.


Let's take when my powers first really manifested. Sure, I was about to get butt kicked by those bullies. But really, did my powers have to manifest so vigorously? I mean, I just wanted them to back off, and I wound up punching through his head! I may have managed not to get into legal trouble over it, but the whole town shunned me and my family from then on. And I can't tell you how mad I was when I found out I could have just vanished into the night and avoided the whole confrontation! Had I only known!


And that leaves out how my father had the rest of my family killed, just so he could have me as his pet superpowered assassin...


No. It generally hasn't been pleasant.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?


Becase life always seemed so unfair. Noone cared about how the people in power abused it. Okay, I may have fought on the wrong side for a number of years, but that was because father dearest conned me into thinking the government was behind the murder of my mom and grandparents. The rat b*****d was smooth, I'll give him that.


At least I got out of it. This other poor kid they had, they got him a lot younger. They brainwashed him into thinking he was cursed by 'God', so the only way he could earn his way into heaven was to kill other metahumans.


Compared to him, I got off light.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?


Assuming that my cancer hadn't killed me at a very young age?



[misty-eyed] Probably still living on the farm with my family. If I didn't have powers, they'd still be alive. [/misty-eyed]


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?


Frequently. Even if I hadn't survived, at least my family would have. I wouldn't have become an outcast in junior high. I wouldn't have had to give up my identity just to stay out of jail.


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers' date=' or not? [/quote']


No. Even those of us who want to do right are too often too easily fooled. Too many who get powers use them for selfish - or just plain evil - motives.


And then there's that little issue with springing powers on innocent kids. Come on, isn't being a teenager enough of a problem without suddenly giving one the ability to hear all the cruel whispers in the background?


--Is there anything else you wish to say?


Yes. Stop giving out powers. For the sake of Mark Adams, that kid I killed when I was just thirteen. For the sake of my mother and her parents, who were killed because I had powers. For the sake of all the innocent government workers I killed because I was duped into thinking they were evil. For the sake of all those killed by those with powers who choose might over right.


For the sake of all the people whose lives have been destroyed just by having powers, or loving someone who does.


Let it stop.





(Wow, that went a lot darker than I though it would. But then, Vigil lives in a dark world where lasting victories are pretty rare.)

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Re: Bearing Witness


Pyrie's probably not the right person to ask about this, as she's got a very short temper and not-overly-controlled powers......


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

It's been a living nightmare! I can't touch anyone without hurting them, clothes burst into flames on me, I can't even use hairspray without causing a fireball! But flying is fun, as long as I don't run into a wall or something...


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

When you're being shot at, you don't think too much about how you're using them. You just do to survive. After I got away from them, I decided that they needed to burn. All of them. It's easier to do that when you're not being arrested, y'know?


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?

I'd have been killed in an explosion. Not much fun, is it?


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

Constantly. Then I see people whose lives wouldn't have been saved, and I think it's not so bad... What are you looking at!?


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?

%$%#^!!! Don't force this decision on me, shrimp! There are a lot of people out there who do the wrong thing with their powers because no one can stop them. But they'd do that even if they didn't have powers. And the people out there who fight the nutcases-not me, the real heroes-they're more than ready. I can't control my flame well enough to say I'm ready, but those guys-without them this city, and the world probably, would have been trashed a long time ago. If you look at those guys, they're ready.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?

Where do you brats get off asking me all this $#$!! about "humanity being ready for superpowers"?!? If you're not part of humanity, keep your %##%@!! noses out of our %#@*&!!! business!!!!

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Re: Bearing Witness


Radiant Avatar of the Sun


What has it been like for you to have superpowers?
For me the term "super powers" might as well be called normal life.


Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?
Ever seen the t.V. shows that earth broadcasts, everyone knows the good people win, at least that was what my younger self thought and I have decided to continue to do so.


What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?
If I didn't have super powers I would not exist.


Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?
To be honest the thought never crossed my mind. :lol:


What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?
I am unable to decide, that it is not my purpose. I think that they are quickly becoming acclimatised to superpowers and maybe in 3 or 5 generations will have fully integrated superpowers into their daily existence. but until then there will always be some difficulties.


Is there anything else you wish to say?

If I may, what is your authority to decide the fate of superpowers on earth? and why are you considering either option?

Also would you mind letting me know what you decide as it would interest my Mother (The Sun). :)

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Re: Bearing Witness


First of all, I don't have powers. But thank you for thinking that I must have to do so much good. Secondly, yes, powers would help me to do what I do, but otherwise they wouldn't much change my life. Third, no I don't regret not having them, even if I could have saved more lives with them. Yes, I think that humanity is ready for superpowers. Maybe there are more people who would use them for evil than I would like, but we won't find out till we try, now will we? Last thing to say? Well, if I've failed to dust the mirrors in the mansion before my employer wakes up, I shall be peeved. /The kids probably wet themselves round about now-huge presence attacks are great fun/.

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Re: Bearing Witness


Doc Vision:


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

I don't really have superpowers. I'm just smart and well-trained.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

To realize my full potential. Everyone is obligated to use their abilities to the limits of their potential and their wisdom.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?

Well, as I've said before, I don't really have them. If you count my natural talents, then I'd probably be an ordinary guy. I wouldn't change the world or anything.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

No. It feels good to change the world, to help it, to save it.


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?

I really don't have the wisdom to fully answer this question. And neither do you. Therefore, we should not interfere with the course of nature. People should keep their powers.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?

Who are you? How did you bring me here? What is the source of your powers? What do you plan to do with your powers, besides this? What gives you the right to interfere in such a massive-scale way with humanity? You may not have sufficient wisdom to do this correctly; it certainly seems like you don't, or you wouldn't have brought me here. Why choose me, anyway? Do you plan on interfering with other civilizations/races/species?


That's all I can think of for now.


When you are finished answering, you are thanked for your testimony and returned as promised.

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Re: Bearing Witness


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

A pain in the rump, even though I do good. Wish I didn't have 'em.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

I am disiplined and law abiding, want lawbreakers to pay, and I don't want to go to prison myself.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?

I'd be in the military. Special Ops. Maybe Dark Ops... except they don't exist... officially.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

All the time. If I could switch my powers for my memory gap, I would. Especially since that seems to be when I got my powers.


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?

$^%#! No they aren't! Not most anyway. Volt is, & I can't picture Olorin as normal. Most of the rest can't handle it well.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?

Shut the powers down, blast it! Now!

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Re: Bearing Witness




--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

Um... A bit weird. Most of what I do is normal where I come from. I'm better than average on most things though, and exceptional on one.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

Uh.. I need a place to live and money for food. I don't steal, and do this because I get to live. I can't seem to get back home so I am stuck with this.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?

Um... I'm normal back home. If I did not have these ablilites here, I'd have to earn a living somehow, and my of my other skills do not apply here. I'd be very poor.



--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

No. I don't like poor. Don't you listen?


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?


Uh... I guess so, since if I am super and everyone where I come from can do most of what I do, that makes them super. We make it work.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?

Are we done here? Can I go back?

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Re: Bearing Witness


Jaguar Pequino


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

At first a fight against them but now I am much more in tune with them and much more in control.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

My powers are those of a guardian it also part of my nature now.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?

Same thing I'm doing now getting a graduate degree in aplied materials science, just with less fighting.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

In the beginning occasionally but not for a while now.


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?

Honestly you're not the first thing to show up and make proclamations about us I'd say let things remain as they are.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?

Why do you ... whatevers always show up on Earth and do this stuff, is it some kind of place that extra dimensional entities of unusual powers hang out or something?

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Re: Bearing Witness




--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?


Wonderful. I wish everyone could feel the exilaration of unassisted flight! While I'm not a great telepath, I'm good enough that most people can't lie to me, so I have never misplaced my trust. But best of all is my healing touch.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?


I am the living incarnation of the Hero With a Thousand Faces. It is my destiny to not only fight for freedom and justice, but to inspire others to do the same, to connect with their inner hero, to believe in themselves.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?


Inspiring people as best as I can, probably self-help seminars and books.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?




--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?


Not only ready, it is our destiny.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?


Just that your mentor is as luck to have you as a student as you are to have him as a teacher -- Moonshadow!





--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?


What is is like for the fish to swim? I've never not had my powers. I suppose they have simplified my life quite a bit.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?


Why does a stone choose to sink rather than swim? I have only tried to live my life in harmony. Some who have powers have chosen not to use them correctly, and I have tried to keep them from hurting others while setting a better example.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?


What do the stars do in the daytime? I would still be a marine biologist and ecologist, but it would be more difficult if I could not breath under water without equiptment.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?


Does the sighted man ever wish to be blind? My powers are as much a part of me as my eyes and my hands.


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?


Do you wish me to choose for you? I would like to think there will be more telepaths in the future, but follow your heart and you will follow the Tao.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?


What other questions do you need to ask yourself?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Bearing Witness


Bumping this to the top with an update--




Tyler decided "Yes."


So you can all continue to create superpowered characters for PS 238.


Not that you wouldn't have, anyway. :o



Thanks once again to all who answered, and Thanks to Aaron Allston for PS 238.

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Re: Bearing Witness


NightRay, subatomic physicist, former member of Omega Force in Los Angeles, and current professor and headmaster at Ravenswood Academy.


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

"It has been both a joy and a terror. A great privilege and also a huge responsibility. It is a blessing, but also a curse. It is pleasure and pain; the highest of highs and the lowest of lows."


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?


"My parents were killed during an airline hijacking when I was young. I couldn't help them then, but when I received my powers I knew that I could help others so that they would not have to go through what I did."


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?


"I would be experiencing whatever existence awaits us after this life. I would be dead. The explosion which was the catalyst that caused my powers to manifest would have utterly destroyed me."


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

NightRay pauses for a moment in thought. In his mind's eye he sees his wife's beautiful face just as he sends a forceblast toward the RAVEN agent who's holding her... just as the agent's blaster goes off, taking her away from him forever. His eyes glitter with tears that he holds back.

"Ever day of my life, young man. Every day that I'm alive.


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?


"That is an incredibly difficult decision. Not all of humanity is ready, but not all of humanity has powers. Those who do all learn at there own pace. I would say that since we have them we should be allowed to run with them. If we stumble and fall, we'll pick ourselves up and continue on, hopefully learning something in the process."


--Is there anything else you wish to say?


"I have a few questions. Who are you, and why are you making this judgment? Why do you have the right to judge us? Finally, why do you feel that my answers should have any weight in a decision of this kind?"

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Re: Bearing Witness


The Spectre


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

I have seen humanity at it's best and at it worst. I've travelled almost all of the continents of the world, sample most of the food, culture and other delights it has to offer. Yes, there has been pain, especially in watching loved ones pass on, but there has also been joy, in watching each consecutive generation strive to improve upon what came before them.

--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

*poink* You know, I never really thought about it? I never considered any other course of action, once it became clear that I couldn't have a normal life. I guess it's just who I am.

--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?

I would be dead! And I would have died a taylor, and seen grandchildren a lot sooner than otherwise.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

Sometimes. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to have grown old alongside Sue. To have seen Felicity, Wayne and Patricia grow up and have families of their own. But, then I would never have seen the wonders that I have seen, met the people I have met. No. This is my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?

I think that humanity is ready for them. A damn site more are deserving of them, if the boy and girls of such organisations as UNTIL and PRIMUS are any indication. Yes, there are a few problems from time to time, but by-and-large humanity not only endures, but thrives.

--Is there anything else you wish to say?

Yes. Pay attention to the coathanger next time, please?

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Re: Bearing Witness


White Knite, a Green-Lantern Type

--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

lots of fun, but many responsibilities. Only about 6 items left on my bucket list.



--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

I was raised right.



--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?

I'd be the finest officer in the Sacramento SVU.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

Only when the gem bleeps on date night.


--What would you decide if you were in my place?

Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?

On the average, good triumphs over evil, so if you're happy with that ratio, then leave powers to develop.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?

Please stay fair in your interference with space-time,

even beings like you answer to a higher power.

Karma is mistress over all, she watches from highest to lowest.

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Re: Bearing Witness


SANDOR-SANN, Atlantean Magician


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?

I used to do all kinds of things, I used to expend powers willy-nilly,

for various causes from the sacred to the silly.

Nowadays I am never content, our powers exist for a reason,

In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities,

but in the expert's mind there are few.

Wisdom will visit you, but you must wait many a season.



--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?

In the past ? I was boy, on larks or a quixotic endeavor.

For today, I seek to leave the world a better place.

To do good, and be content, what could be more clever?

I hand out water to those running in life, in its race.



--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?

I'd be the best looking sleeper on the Atlantic shelf where the home city lies dreaming.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?

No. Do you respect the man who lies about his military record?

Do you respect the woman who has surgical accentuation?

I read the scrools, I studied the Nine Geometries, I copied the formulae.

Since that is how I have my powers, sought and paid for,

this avenue of discussion is moot.


--What would you decide if you were in my place?

Weigh any changes long and hard. Seek much wisdom before deciding.

Unintended consequences loom everywhere. If you are as youthful

as you seem, I question your ability to make such a burdensome decision.

Only if you become quiet, do you truly hear.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?

The things you consider seem to be along the lines of an

Alter Reality Spell, or Making a Wish, I shall relate you several tales

of wizards who made unwise choices, even though they had hearts

that wished only good. I need not mention all the cautionary tales

of those who sought to alter the world for their own ends.

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Re: Bearing Witness


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?


Revenant: Its been a never-ending crusade to punish those who prey upon the weak.


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?


Revenant: Because those who victimize others should feel the fear they instill in others. I am that fear.


--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?


Revenant: ...Id be dead. Permanently. Still.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?


Revenant: *long pause*....Not often. Moments of weakness, when I let myself feel tired of the endless hunt. But I get over it. My work isnt done.


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?


Revenant: Superpowers exist, whether we are ready for them or not. You might as well ask if Humanity is ready for walking on two legs.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?


Revenant: Only this...what makes you think you have the -right- to decide something of this magnitude, for other people? Imagine all the consequences of your decision, if you decide to "turn them off". Everyone American Eagle has ever saved, for instance....dead. Everyone helped by the advanced science and medicine created by the several super-geniuses, like Star*Guard...subjected to crippling illness or, again, dead. Yes, the victims of the power-mad would perhaps live again. But those lives are offset by the lives that the true heroes...not me, mind you, the -heroes-...have saved. The tragedies prevented. The disasters averted or lessened in severity by their aid. The simple comfort of a helping hand when youre hurt or afraid.


Since youre asking these questions, I can only assume that you somehow have the power to do what youre describing. So I trust that you will give it the consideration it deserves.


And then stay out of it.

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Re: Bearing Witness


Grijze Kat: Moment of the XDM takes cat form. Stays in that form, acting like a normal cat until they give up and send her home.


Demandra: "Who the H#*$ are you? WHAT the H#*$ are you? Where the P$&@ is this? What do you f*$&s think your doing? Most of all,WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU'VE GOT THE RIGHT TO RUN HUMANITY AS YOUR OWN LITTLE LAB RATS IN SOME $&@$&ING EXPERIMENT?!!?" Then Push her Intimidation (Mind Control, Only To Intimidate) for all she got. When they stop p*$&@*% themselves, Interogate them.


Celeritius and The Omnimorph would be more polite/politic, but they'd have the same Q's as Demandra. And none would answer Q's until they got their answers.

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Re: Bearing Witness


Demandra: "Who the H#*$ are you? WHAT the H#*$ are you? Where the P$&@ is this? What do you f*$&s think your doing? Most of all,WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU'VE GOT THE RIGHT TO RUN HUMANITY AS YOUR OWN LITTLE LAB RATS IN SOME $&@$&ING EXPERIMENT?!!?"



Umm--okay. As stated in the first post, that would get Demandra returned to when and where she left, with no memory of The Castle or Tyler and Tom.


Thank You for your input, though.

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Re: Bearing Witness


Umm--okay. As stated in the first post, that would get Demandra returned to when and where she left, with no memory of The Castle or Tyler and Tom.


Thank You for your input, though.

Hey, it still answers the most imprtant question. What would your character do? ;)
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Re: Bearing Witness


Grijze Kat: Moment of the XDM takes cat form. Stays in that form, acting like a normal cat until they give up and send her home.


Demandra: "Who the H#*$ are you? WHAT the H#*$ are you? Where the P$&@ is this? What do you f*$&s think your doing? Most of all,WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU'VE GOT THE RIGHT TO RUN HUMANITY AS YOUR OWN LITTLE LAB RATS IN SOME $&@$&ING EXPERIMENT?!!?" Then Push her Intimidation (Mind Control, Only To Intimidate) for all she got. When they stop p*$&@*% themselves, Interogate them.


Celeritius and The Omnimorph would be more polite/politic, but they'd have the same Q's as Demandra. And none would answer Q's until they got their answers.


Umm--okay. As stated in the first post, that would get Demandra returned to when and where she left, with no memory of The Castle or Tyler and Tom.


Thank You for your input, though.

Can I have conniption fit for $1000, Alex?

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Re: Bearing Witness


A girl named Dynamo replies:


--What has it been like for you to have superpowers?
They're still new to me but I liiiiike them!


--Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have?
Because I've seen the rotten things bad guys do with them and being good sure rocks!



--What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers?
Hey, I was cloned with these powers. I guess I'd be wanting a pony, or a horse, or a rabbit 'cuse they're sooo warm and fuzzy or, oooo, a kitten, yeah, a kitten or.... What? Oh, I guess I'd be doing normal kid things.


--Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers?
(folds arms in a huff) Do you ever wish you didn't have a brain?


--What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not?
I'd decide I'd stop asking 12 year old superpowered girls big questions like this. Yeah, I guess we're ready, maybe, I guess, like sorta, ya know.


--Is there anything else you wish to say?
You're stupid. (laughs and rolls off seat, thinking it's hilarious.)


When you are finished answering, you are thanked for your testimony and returned as promised.


So? What Would Your Character--Say?

Already done but I might have another character of mine take their turn. This was fun.
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