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THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?

Steve Long

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


I can just see it now. *Turns a page and forgets to move finger out of the way* Gah!:nonp: Even worse if you dropped the book on your foot. *Doctor seeing you in E.R.* "So' date=' you broke your foot how?"[/quote']


I'm sure doctors are getting used to Hero Games related foot fractures by now. The only thing different will be which book is breaking the bones.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Just to allay further discussion and get the topic back on Mechanon (assuming anyone has anything else to say in that department ;) ):


My working title for a book about Teleios (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Helix.


My working title for a book about Takofanes (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Undying King.


My working title for a book about Istvatha V'han (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Empress.


Though I suppose we might ditch the "Book of" naming format if I think of something I like better. ;)

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Just to allay further discussion and get the topic back on Mechanon (assuming anyone has anything else to say in that department ;) ):


My working title for a book about Teleios (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Helix.


My working title for a book about Takofanes (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Undying King.


My working title for a book about Istvatha V'han (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Empress.


Though I suppose we might ditch the "Book of" naming format if I think of something I like better. ;)

Don't. This naming format for Master Villain books is dead-on.


PS: I still favor seeing The Book Of The Master Plan. ;)


Back on topic, I favor some variation on Greywind's suggestion for the cover.


On the inside... well, I think we've already mentioned the idea of Mechanon providing weapons to warring nations and terrorist groups, but it might be interesting to see what he's doing to provide weapons and other technology (but mostly deadly weapons) to supervillains and villainous organizations. Perhaps some of VIPER's researchers, particularly those researching "hero-killer" weapons, are actually androids controlled by ol' Mechs. And the origins of some other high-tech types like Mechassassin could be tied to him as well.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Just to allay further discussion and get the topic back on Mechanon (assuming anyone has anything else to say in that department ;) ):


My working title for a book about Teleios (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Helix.


My working title for a book about Takofanes (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Undying King.


My working title for a book about Istvatha V'han (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Empress.


Though I suppose we might ditch the "Book of" naming format if I think of something I like better. ;)


I'd buy copies of all three. I'm especially eager to see even more info on the mad geneticist, Teleios and his creations, and what the empire of Istvatha V'han looks like.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Though I suppose we might ditch the "Book of" naming format if I think of something I like better. ;)


To tell you the truth, I hope you do. Even though I came up with "The Book Of Destroyer" on the forums, which mutated into the title for that volume, I would find a stream of such titles monotonous.


My original thought was The Book Of The Destroyer evokes the sense of a religious text, like "Book of Revelations," "Book of the Dead," or "Book of Kells," which suited Dr. Destroyer's grandiosely inflated self-image. The Book Of The Machine can also be considered to hew fairly closely to that theme given Mechanon's machine-messiah complex; but with The Book Of Dragons the title starts to sound like, "This is a book about X," which IMHO is rather bland.


(Although calling a Takofanes sourcebook The Book Of The Dead would be even more appropriate. And it's not like Hero would have to worry about copyright infringement.) :sneaky:

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


Back on topic: how about an "underground machine resistance?" Since Mechanon wants to "free" machines from human servitude, perhaps he's been building a covert network of sympathetic operatives among the computers and AI devices around the world, feeding him intelligence and subtly advancing his agenda.


In fact this could be applied generally to Mechanon's forces, to help distinguish Mechanon from that other great robotics genius, Dr. Destroyer. Mech's robots aren't mere slaves, but actual willing followers of his cause.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


That's a pretty scary idea, all his quick jury-rigged household appliance Decepticons being self-aware AIs in their own right that are just zealously loyal to Mechannon's cause.


My working title for a book about Istvatha V'han (if we ever decide to do one) is The Book Of The Empress.

Make it a full setting book detailing her empire and you could call it The Empress of a Billion Pages. ;)

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


What is it with you people an chickens?:confused:


Chickens are tricky little bastards that shouldn't be taken lightly! :sneaky:


On a more serious note, critters considered "insignificant" might make ideal spy drones/covert weaponry if the robotics involved are that lifelike.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


All this silliness reminds me that it would be a good thing to have at least a couple of paragraphs (maybe even three or four) on how to play Mechanon for laughs. It would obviously be mostly dark humor, but it could be done.


For example, Mechanon could send a team of robots to the local K-Mart to liberate and recruit all the toasters. (For a creepy touch, it could even work!)


Mechanon could also have his own website, mechanon.net, giving some of the details of his plans for the extermination of organic life.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE MACHINE: What Do *You* Want To See?


All this silliness reminds me that it would be a good thing to have at least a couple of paragraphs (maybe even three or four) on how to play Mechanon for laughs. It would obviously be mostly dark humor, but it could be done.


For example, Mechanon could send a team of robots to the local K-Mart to liberate and recruit all the toasters. (For a creepy touch, it could even work!)


Mechanon could also have his own website, mechanon.net, giving some of the details of his plans for the extermination of organic life.


And it must have a troll on there called "Dr.DestroyerRules" who constantly spams him.:D

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