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Need An Archnemesis


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Re: Need An Archnemesis


Okay, throw down a demi-Titan son of Kronos, Zeus's father. Remember Zeus supposedly killed his dad. (Although comic myth has the Titans all hanging around in eternal jails etc.) So you or the GM can create anything you want at demi-god power levels.


Oooh! Don't forget your half-brother rivals, like Hercules. Great for some decent Disads.


Hmm, Uranus was father of Kronos... you know, you could extend this quite some way. A half son of Uranus working against Kronos' unknown quantity of demi-Titan offspring who are themselves in conflict with the demi-god children of Zeus.


Give the GM a "war in mythological heaven" plot thread and let him run with it.

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Re: Need An Archnemesis


You could potentially go the DC Universe route and have the ever popular Ares, god of war, as your nemesis. Especially if you spin the hero as an agent of order (on the side of Zeus after all) versus the chaos agents such as Ares, his half-sister (as I recall) Eris (aka Discord), etc.....


On an unrelated note, been looking into Discord/Eris as a possible villain concept myself, so IF you end up with anything "good" related to her please let me know/post it.....Thanks. :D




P.S. And BTW, welcome to the Hero-sphere ! Hope to hear more about the campaign/character as time goes along.

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Re: Need An Archnemesis


Halia: Halia was a "nymph" of the island of Rhodes, either the sister or the same person as Himalia, who was seduced by Zeus when he came to Rhodes to conquer the "Gigantes", probably equivalent to the Telchines, who were the native gods of Rhodes, killed or imprisoned by Zeus in mythology to represent the takeover of the locals by Greek invaders. Which means essentially that Halia was stripped of her official goddess-hood, had all her brothers killed or imprisoned by Zeus, and then was either knocked up or had her sister knocked up by the invader. Then after Aphrodite caused her sons to rape her, she tried to commit suicide. She may or may not have been reborn as a goddess named Leukothea (The White Goddess)


I'd say she's got a reason for a grudge. There is some reason to think that she would have storm powers.

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Re: Need An Archnemesis


You don't mention your hero's personality. Remember the perfect archnemisis also effects the hero on a personal level. The Joker isn't Batman's archfoe because of the ancient bat clown fued. It's because Batman tries to mantain order, and the Joker is a nut who tries to drag everyone down to his level. With this in mind have you tried....



Shelly Kraos


Shelly was always one of the little people. Pushed around by people bigger and more powerful than her she could never quite accept the menial place life put her in. Then the Gods returned. She didn't know it at the Time./ Zues was too busy tryist with your hero's mother to notice her. But the blood she inherited as a direct decendant of Nemisis didn't. She gained the powers of a demigod, and now she is the powerful one. But she has no interest in keeping down nobodies. She wants to take out the people who kept her down. Your charecter might talk to her about divine destiny and the responsibility to help others. You would. Son of a King trying to tell others how to live. Well no ones going to tell her what to do anymore. And if people get hurt? Well awasn't hurting people the very jonb your daddy gave her great whatever grandmother?

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Re: Need An Archnemesis


Okay, throw down a demi-Titan son of Kronos, Zeus's father. Remember Zeus supposedly killed his dad. (Although comic myth has the Titans all hanging around in eternal jails etc.) So you or the GM can create anything you want at demi-god power levels.


Oooh! Don't forget your half-brother rivals, like Hercules. Great for some decent Disads.


Hmm, Uranus was father of Kronos... you know, you could extend this quite some way. A half son of Uranus working against Kronos' unknown quantity of demi-Titan offspring who are themselves in conflict with the demi-god children of Zeus.


Give the GM a "war in mythological heaven" plot thread and let him run with it.

or a mortal thats the REINCARNATION of hercules
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Re: Need An Archnemesis


there's always Hera. mastermind never get her own hands dirty' date=' but and assortment of hydras and other monsters[/quote']


And as Zeus's wife she has a serious hate on for the offspring of any of his affairs, always trying to kill them, or torment them by harming the ones they love. A natural choice for your character.

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Re: Need An Archnemesis


Hi' date='I`ve just began playing Champions.My GM wants us to have an archenemisis so can anybody give me ideas?My character is called Demigod,a demigod born from Zeus and a mortal woman.He serves Earth as a superhero for Zeus(Please make the archnemisis a monster,titan or god from Greek mythology)[/quote']


Can you provide a build so that people can get an idea of what would work well for a nemesis?

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Re: Need An Archnemesis


If you want a somewhat different tack: An Immortal from the actual Greek Era. One that remembers what utter bastards the Gods were and wants to ensure they DON'T make a comeback.


The switch? He has no powers, except longevity. Of course, he's had 6000 years to gather wealth and resources. Demigod may be able to handle the Son of a Titan in hand-to-hand combat, but what's he going to do when someone with the resources of a small multinational starts doing such things as media blitzes against the team, corporate mercenaries and legal actions designed to tie him up in court for years?

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Re: Need An Archnemesis


If conflict with other offspring of Zeus (whether heroes, demigods, or full-blown Olympian Gods) is in the works for your campaign, you might bring up the prospect of the Erinyes/Furies as long-term nemeses should you end up killing another member of your family. It'd be a dark turn for the story to take (the Kindly Ones didn't tend to stop until their victims were dead or insane), but it could make for a powerful role-playing experience.

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Re: Need An Archnemesis


I usually like to take a "What If" approach when designing Archnemeses.

Why not try making a character who is another offspring of Zeus, and was the apple of Zeus' eye until your character came along to replace him. If you want build up slow, you can make an adventure around him trying to kill your character, and then we they do the big reveal, he can be banished to Earth as a punishment. And of course, then you have Zeus do something incredibly prickish (since the Greek Gods were incredibly petty) and say put a curse on your rival.

Oh, and if I were running things, I'd let you (the player) choose between blinding, making him utterly hideous, and the good old-fashioned castration. Of course, they wouldn't take away his immortality. What would be the fun in that?




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