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The Twelve most Wanted


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It has happened. Your team's twelve most dangerous enemies have allied against the world (even the master villains who don't like working with others). You and the rest of the world's super heroes have faced them off, and kept them limited to a flying high tech castle. You and your team enter the room they had barricaded and are stunned by what you see.


A huge machine, similar in design to a Stargate glowing a mix of purple lightning and green Fire. The villains see you, swear before entering the gate as one. After the last one enters the gate begins to shake violently. You somehow enter the gate after them before it closes down (whether pulled in by the gravity or to chase after them) and find yourself in a strange new world.


You are in a world which, until the year 1989 had no super heroes or villains of their own, and was a spitting image of our world. And then the twelve villains appeared in a flash of light and proceeded to conquer the world. The militaries of the world couldn't match the indestructible power of these super villains. It's now the year 2009 and for 20 years the Twelve villains have ruled this dimension.


The world is a combination of Old Man Logan and Wanted. The buildings are decrepit, people run in fear of the glowing eyes on the screen ('Dr Destroyer is watching you') and the various minions the villains send against the world for routine attacks. The Twelve have cut up the world into 6 parts, each region ruled by 2 villains.


You find yourself alone and no heroes have come after you. You were the only hero to make it through the portal before it closed. What are you going to do? Wait for the other heroes to arrive? It could take months or years, if they don't decide to just leave the villains not knowing where they are.


Stage a rebellion? Try and take out the villains one by one? Try to contact your home dimension?


What would your lone hero do?

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


First question/information to track down while initially keeping a low profile: does a version of "me" exist in this dimension in some way?

goood piont my hero would try to contact his world to get reinforcements

lets faceit my hero's just i wrestling match reject in comparison he'll needall the help he can get

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


Hellfire: Attack minions when she sees them abusing people. Fade back into a secret I.D. afterward.


Riptide: Think. Why two villains per zone? Why not give each villain his own zone? Why doesn't this world have any native superhumans when obviously the local laws of nature support them? Why haven't the villains turned on each other with no other respectable opposition? He'll check to see whether any form of Atlantis existed here. And then...offer his services to the villains one by one, offering to help them take out their confreres.


The Wizard of Oz Incorporated: Although it's hardly likely he'd be involved with something this big, if he was, he'd figure that in a world that lacks heroes, it's easy enough to make some. He'll organize a resistance, outfit them with gear that can make them pass for superheroes.

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


Starguard: :eek: She's very new to this heroing thing, and has been relying on her teammates' guidance to help make the tough decisions. On the other hand, she's hardly stupid, merely inexperienced.


Knowing that her only advantage is surprise, she'd restrain her usual impulses to help people and immediately get the heck out to some deserted wilderness where she could think. Having both full life support and various enhanced awarenesses, she wouldn't have to worry about day-to-day survival, and would start gathering information.


Her best strategy is to use her magical powers to try and re-open a portal back home, something she might very well be capable of doing. Failing that, she needs to get in touch with whatever powers of Light exist in this dimension... and learn from them the proper methods of using her own nature as a conduit of vast mystic/holy power to empower others as champions of Light.


This world has no native heroes? Well, it's about to get some.


Edit: Had a very secret ID -- even she didn't know who she was until well in the game. So, own self would be unmolested.


Dr. Pain: Is utterly, completely out of his depth here. He goes looking for whatever local Resistance might exist around here, and lends his muscle to it.


Edit: Had a Public ID, thus his counterpart is almost certainly dead.


Baron von Darien: This scenario is quite possibly the only thing that could achieve the otherwise impossible: actually making the Baron consider "turning" other people into vampires. However, even he'd have to be direly desperate to consider that. On the other hand, its not like a master vampire with centuries of experience as a secret monster hunter of the world's hidden places is inexperienced with shadow wars.


Edit: Without superpowers, his counterpart would have been dead of old age in the early Middle Ages.


Kaian, aka Striker-One, aka etc, etc, etc.: This world had actually better hope the rest of his super-team gets here, as with Vanguard on his side things can go much less painfully. Kaian tries to be as decent and merciful a person as circumstances allow, but the key words are, "as circumstances allow". When he gets excessively desperate, bad things happen.


The villains are really kinda hosed here. Kaian is immortal, has millenia of experience, ninja and strategic and combat and espionage skills of every description, and absolutely cannot die. Unless they use extra-dimensional banishment of their own to make him go somewhere else, the overlords of this Earth have now acquired a John Connor of their very own that can't be bargained with. Can't be reasoned with. Doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear... ok, I'm kidding, he can entire feel pity and remorse.


But he absolutely will not stop, ever, until the villains are all dead.


And no matter how thoroughly they've entrenched themselves... even if its to the point where the villains have warped the very soul of man, the structure of civilization is absolutely corrupted forever, and nothing short of blowing the whole damn thing back to the stone age, wiping out the entire history and letting mankind re-civilize from scratch will work... he can do that. Prince Kaian remembers being the usurper king whose wars ended up destroying the Golden Age of Atlantis. (In his timeline Kaian dates from the first Atlantis, not the undersea civilization commonly recognized as "Atlantis", actually a bunch of Poseidon-worshipping ancient Greeks who had discovered remnants of the original Golden Age and reverse-engineered some of its magitech and tried to rebuild on it. Yes, Kaian may have deliberately futzed with the historical record at the time and afterwards to help take advantage of this confusion and thus further bury his true origins.) He has seen entire cycles of civilization rise and fall. As much as it would kill a piece of his soul permanently to do it again, if all other options fail, he would.


When you're cursed to never die, its amazing what you end up living through.


Edit: Good Lord, where to start? If superpowered stuff and ancient civilizations never existed in this timeline, then neither did he.

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


First question/information to track down while initially keeping a low profile: does a version of "me" exist in this dimension in some way?


Depends on how well known you are. If you have a public identity in your world it's almost certain the other you will be tortured and/or killed on the off chance he might develop super powers or become a threat somehow.


If he has a secret id, it would depend on whether any of these villains know it. For example, the Green Goblin knows Peter Parker is Spider-man but the Red Skull probably doesn't. If they have a gentlemen's agreement of some sort, s/he just might leave the hero's alternate self alone and not tell the others, or perhaps try and make him an ally. If they are truly sadistic they might even try to turn you back into a hero just to have someone to play with 'aka Joker and Batman'.


If you have a completely secret ID, you will probably be left alone. Or killed by accident by a mutant raid but very unlikely.



Riptide: Think. Why two villains per zone? Why not give each villain his own zone? Why doesn't this world have any native superhumans when obviously the local laws of nature support them? Why haven't the villains turned on each other with no other respectable opposition? He'll check to see whether any form of Atlantis existed here. And then...offer his services to the villains one by one, offering to help them take out their confreres.


1. The villains realized they couldn't trust each other with a whole zone to themselves. They didn't want a villain to develop a stockhold and kill the others. So as the villains share a zone they will be hard pressed to take more of the zone's resources then allowed or stockpile weapons etc with raids being done by the other villain.


It also prevents them from getting complacent incase they are found by heroes from their dimension or a group like the Captain Britain Corps who are interdimensional. They are prepared from attack by testing each other.


2. The laws of nature do support them. But surprisingly they don't have any super powers. Maybe the Celestials never experimented on humans in this world, or there isn't enough radiation to encourage super powered mutation. Or maybe the people who were supposed to inspire generations of super humans were never born.


3. If one turned on another, the other 10 would quickly squash the attacking villain. Self preservation keeps them from trying to take on 11 of the most powerful Supervillains at once. Also see Answer 1.


4. Atlantis was never discovered by the world. The Newspapers were actually very surprised when the villains started sending submarines and aqau Zombies into the middle of the Atlantic where nothing had been found before. An investigation reveals all that is left of where Atlantis should be is a crater. Any senses you might have reveal that it is unlikely any Atlanteans survived the attack.


5. Some villains might be interrested, but the prouder ones will be insulted by you suggesting and the smarter ones will figure out your plan and probably kill you on the spot, or interrogate you for any possible allies in this dimension.

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted



5. Some villains might be interrested, but the prouder ones will be insulted by you suggesting and the smarter ones will figure out your plan and probably kill you on the spot, or interrogate you for any possible allies in this dimension.


Just because they figure out my plan doesn't mean they'd have a problem with it. After all, they'd assume that they'd be clever enough to outwit my plan to doublecross and by this time they've got to be getting bored and antsy.

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


Volt would try to find other heroes (and or resistance) and plot a lot. Eventually he would stop laying low and attack.


Olorin - Well, he'd wreck havoc on this scenario. He can time travel and dimension travel. How many heroes could he bring? As many as necessary. He could call in favors from Faerie (Doubtful he would) Or create heroes as needed (more likely -but take a while) and then attack. Could take decades, but he does not age.


Black Tiger would organize or join a rebellion. He'd use a combination of stealth and power to take out as many as he can.


Leadman would do the same as Volt, but would take longer.


Futurian "Oh this is going to be fun. Not. How do I get into these things?"

He'd build a rebellion. Of robots. And then mess up the bad guys tech. Then attack at time of most chaos. He'd actually be focused for once. He'd find a rebellion if it was easy or it contacted him. Otherwise, it'd be him and the robots (and rogue programs, malfunctioning tech, etc.)

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


My char, Silverbolt the weather mage lawyer, would do one of these things:


1) wait it out and watch what happens. nothing much he can do to stop them on his own, but they might end up eventually creating a stable and fair government by accident. after all, what happens when the villains die of old age?


2) set up an escape method, and then go and have a friendly talk with a villain or two. ask what their plans and intentions are, and if they are content with what they have.


3) slowly, slowly, and subtly, start screwing with the villains. organize a "we aren't sure we like this movement'", comprised solely of people who are not going to try and take out the villains guns-a-blazin'. then, after a few years, maybe a decade, finally have the power to forcefully overthrow the villains, one or 12 at a time.


4) one by one, make the villain's lives miserable. overcast skies with a chance of rain 24/7, or always too hot, flooding bases with 40 days and 40 nights of rain diverted from a different base (turning that one into a desert). use lightning to constantly short-circuit fuses, and make them need to be replaced every 3 hours. create wind in places it is unwanted, denying it when it is. make every villain so pissed off and edgy that they eventually either give up or kill eachother.

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


Edison Palmer wouldn't go through the gate in the first place. There's no reason to think that's a good idea. If he did find himself on the other side, he would likely assume a new identity and disappear.


Monsoon is more of an idealist and would probably become a resistance fighter. Though he, too, would spend plenty of time trying to find a way home.


Why yes, I do like the reluctant hero archetype. :)

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


Vitus would initially rant rant rant about about being shunted to yet another unbearably human-infested world, and then rant some more when he realises how low a profile he's going to have to keep. A quiet place to research the restoration of Aura would have been nice, but showing his muzzle around here would attract the attention of the Overlords, and staying in hiding would keep him from acquiring the resources and information he needs for the research, even assuming the Overlord's world is even capable of supporting that kind of research anymore.


Annoying all round, really. Using the minions as target practice wouldn't even be an option, since it would attract too much attention when they get back to base in a small bucket.


Which pantheon did Vitus piss off to earn all this distractions from the Great Work?

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


"There is no liberty without bloodshed". Uncle Slam would analyze the regions and decide which one has the resources and location he needs to stage an overtaking of the others. He'd draw the attention of all the others of course, but he'd also be an inspiration to the opressed citizens to rise up, as he has been for decades.


"There is no honor among thieves". Audra Blue would use her massive information gathering abilities to find out about operations and then engineer the factions against one another, leaking info where necessary. She could tie them up with each other for years until help arrived.


"The enemy within". Anthem would adopt a new identity. She'd use her powers to install herself as a lead thug among the villains and work her way up the hierarchy. She has no problems with hurting but not killing villains to become the #1 henchperson. Once there she'd have all sorts of information and resources to topple the leader and return it to the masses, and hopefully create a safe place for any arriving help to operate from.

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


What would your lone hero do?


Black Cat would use her personal Dimensional movement powers to get a lock on this place (to return to), go home, recruit a huge team, and they would come through and clean the place up. She would likely stay for years to help get the new government(s) going.


Terminal Velocity would gather info, and try and figure out how to use his speedster powers to move interdimensionally (hey, they do it in the comics). He'd most likely try to contact Jeopardy back home - she has the best skills for this kind of situation.


Meeb would start an underground resistance.


Sift would dim-shift back home, and repeat basically what 'Cat would do.

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Re: The Twelve most Wanted


Zalman is a mage. He started life as a Necromancer, but after things got to hot on his homeworld (evil fantasy version of the campaign world), he worked a ritual that sent him to said campaign world. Eventually he ended up reforming, mostly giving up on Necromancy in exchange for Elementalism, and is now serving out his parole on a work-release program with the Department of Probation.


While he could probably kill one or two of the weaker Master Villains through scrying followed by teleporting in when they are the most vulnerable, it wouldn't work more then once. Perhaps twice at the most. In a straight fight, he'd give his foes a beating, but wouldn't win.


As one of the, if not the, most knowledgeable men when it comes to the art of Necromancy on campaign world he could work up some form of ritual to turn the dead against the overlords. The problem is that his main rival for the title is a Lich who was involved in the fall of Atlantis, and certainly one of the Master Villains. Zalman isn't willing to kill innocent's and enslave their souls for power. Well, at least not any more. Malador will, and probably is doing so in his zone.


Zalman isn't really suited to be a leader, and so organizing a resistance movement is more or less out. Besides, if there were none able to withstand the foe before, he would doubt there would be any 'walkers of the path' on the world to make it worth his time to try. Still, if all else failed he could start finding talented youngsters and training them in the mystic arts. Eventually he'd have enough half talented mages to make a creditable strike force.


What he'd probably do would be dust off that ritual he used to get to campaign world in the first place and return there. He'd pass the details to the local top tier super teams and the Master Mage of the dimension.


If for some strange reason he couldn't convince or shame anyone into freeing the other world, he'd talk his fellow parolees into accompanying him on a jaunt the next time they got a day pass. A full team of six top tier supers should be able to free at least one zone. From there... it would get even more interesting.

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