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The Avengers Legacy


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I was recently asked in this thread http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75195 to give some information on my version of The Avengers Legacy game. I figured I’d give you guys a break down of my PC’s and then I’ll try to include the story arcs that we’ve done so far. The PC’s were built for 5e. We used 400 base, which included a 25 pt Avenger package, and 100 Disads. We went with 14DC’s and the appropriate amount of Defense, but we agreed on keeping the Spds low so they run 4 to 6.


Ageae is the daughter of Sersi of the Eternals. She doesn’t know who her father is and her mother has refused to give up any information on the subject. Compared to Eternal standards she’s young but she’s walked the world more than the other Avengers combined. She’s the resident EB’er and she has some psychic ability.


Armatron is Mackenzie “Mac” Jefferies whose parents were Madison and Heather Jefferies of Alpha Flight. He inherited his fathers ability to psionically manipulate metals, silicates and plastics. He’s a brilliant inventor and uses his abilities to modify his battle suit on the fly. He’s an all-purpose combatant. His parents were lost on a mission several years before the start of the campaign.


Crusader is Sarah Rodger, daughter of Captain America and Free Spirit. Due to both of her parents having the Super Soldier Serum she’s an incredibly gifted hand-to-hand fighter who uses a shield much like her father. However, what the team doesn’t know about her past will come back to haunt them all.


Marvel is Jean Summers, daughter of Scott and Jean Summers. She’s inherited a combination of both of her parents’ abilities. She’s the team psychic and in many ways the heart of the team.


Titan is Max Creel, son of Carl and Mary Creel also known as The Absorbing Man and Titania. He has his fathers’ ability to absorb the properties of whatever he touches along with some of his mothers’ strength and durability. The only thing greater than his versatility is the chip on his shoulder.


Vespi was Henry Pym the second, son of Henry and Janet Pym. He has his parents shrinking abilities and instead of seeing himself as a combatant he sets out to be the eyes and ears of the team. He was also a little obsessed with his how great his mom was. Unfortunately, real life called and he had to bow out of the last arc.

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


Just some other notes about the game.


We run the whole thing on Yahoo IM. Apparently there were some issues with some of the players with the herocentral page. I use an inverted to hit roll (total ocv + 3d6 => dcv + 10). I liked it since I saw it in Fuzion and its a lot easier to teach newer players. I also use a champions dmg chart, which is very much like this one http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/herosystem/damagetable.html. The reason for this is so that no one needs to roll more than 3d6 at any time while at the computer, since when we started not everyone has access to online die rollers. So its roll high for to hit and dmg, but low on skill rolls.


Another thing I did is that everyone had to find a picture of an actor that could play them in a movie. I wasn't worried about acting ability, I just wanted them to be able to show that "I look like this". It's a lot easier to keep other characters in mind when you know what they look like.

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


More notes...


We roughly went with the idea that the Marvel time frame ran it's course in real time up to about Avengers Disassembled. No one was fond of anything past that point and it was major enough for everyone to work backwards from.


I used some of Teh Bunneh's game as a launch point for mine. It was roughly 20 years before game start that The Avengers disbanded officially. General Katheryn Pryde ended up being in charge of SHEILD, and she's never been married or had children. There's a lot of conjecture that she never got over Colossus but shes not talking.


The given reason was that Thor had went to Asgard and never returned while at the same time Tony Stark had retired from active duty and became a recluse. Stark died several years prior to the game start. Cap being Cap continued to carry on the good fight on his own. There is an "official" reason behind all of it but that hasn't come out in game play yet.


As a group we came up with several ideas on who had died and stayed dead. Let me see if I remember right. James Hudson, Vindicator or Guardian, from the early run of Alpha Flight stayed dead. Colossus stayed dead. Alpha Flight went MIA during a mission fighting The Great Beasts around 3 years prior to game start but I'll need to double check that time frame. I'm also fairly sure Wonder Man stayed dead as well.


Spider-man retired and has a daughter who's Spider-Girl. The Fantastic Four are still running around but they're next gen with Franklin being on the team and the original four mostly retired and helping Reed with research. They're more of an exploratory adventuring group than supers. Wolverine vanished about 15 years back and no one knows what happened to him. Actually, most of us didn't care either. The Hulk has also been gone for about 10 years and no one knows where he is either. He is out there but that hasn't come up in game play yet.


If I think of any more I'll post it and questions are welcomed.

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


You mentioned Wolverine ( he's dead and there was much rejoicing. Hurray) Kitty and Colossus. What about the rest of the X team. Also have you downplayed anti mutant feeling or expanded them to include most supers?


PS speaking as a Canadian, bring back Alpha Flight.

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


Alpha Flight was written out honestly for Armatrons background. I believe that the Bunneh and his crew did or were planning an Alpha Flight game themselves so that may be something that happens down the line for us. I honestly don't know.


As far as the X-Men go....


I decided that the whole "mutant hysteria" phase was done. I'm honestly tired of years and years of them not being accepted. Being a mutant now in comics isn't enough, you need to be a gay Hispanic teen who's pregnant with day glow rocky skin. Meh to that, so we let it be. :dh:


I figured that if we can have a black president we can have heroes who are heroes. That being said the original X-Men ended up as head masters at the various Xavier schools. The schools themselves have spread out and have branches all over the world and they not only teach mutants but they teach gifted normals as well. In fact, now that I think of it, Crusader was going to the same school as Marvel. So mutants are taught Mathematics along with normals and everyone gets turns to be scheduled in the Danger Room, it's just scaled accordingly.


The X-Men are no longer officially affiliated with the schools. For the sake of the children the team doesn't stay at the schools because this way reprisals can't hurt innocents. The X-Men still deal primarily with mutant threats because that's just what they do. We didn't do much more defining of the X situation past that.


Well except for there being a school in Wakanda that virtually no one knows about. You can only get into if you're vetted by one of the other headmasters. The school is run by Storm, who's the bride of the Black Panther. I liked that and it actually got some use in one of the later arcs.

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Sarah Rogers aka Crusader


Crusader is Sarah Roger, daughter of Captain America and Free Spirit. Due to her father having the Super Soldier Serum and her mother's enhancement at the hands of Superia, she’s an incredibly gifted hand-to-hand fighter who uses a shield much like her father. However, what the team doesn’t know about her past will come back to haunt them all.


Here is her character writeup:

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


Avengers Package Deal

1 TF: Quinjet

3 Paramedics

3 Systems Operation

2 KS: Avenger Villains and Menaces

3 Fringe Benefit: Federal/National Police Powers

6 One of Earth's Mightiest Heroes: Reputation (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6

7 Contribution to Avenger's Island and Quinjet: Vehicles & Bases


If I remember right this was very close to, if not the exact same thing, that was used in Teh Bunnehs game. Also here are the rest of the PC's. Most of them reflect spent XP.

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


Our first game was an intro game that went along these lines...


Sarah Rogers and Jean Summers Jr are mentally summoned to the office at the Xavier Institute by the head mistress Jean Summers and her husband Scott. They are introduced to General Katherine Pryde who tells them she has a proposition for the two of them. Fades to...


Max Creel walking into his parents home and being yelled at to come to the kitchen by his mother. Mary Creel introduces Max to General Pryde who, after making it clear to Max that shes with SHIELD and not the military, tells Max she's got an offer for him. Fades to...


Mac Jefferies returning home to his apartment meets Agent Steve Barton. After a quick introduction Barton tells him hes got an offer that could keep any issues with Canada from finding him if he'd be willing to listen to a proposition from his boss. Fades to...


It's a week later for everyone. They all met at the SHIELD building in New York. After quick introductions all around they're joined by General Pryde and Agent Barton. The General explains why she brought everyone together. Deep space probes monitoring the space beyond The Avengers look out base found a group of ships heading for Earth. She explains that she has a way to send the 4 of them out to the base, which hasn't been used much in the last 20 years since The Avengers disbanded. The ships will run right by it and they need to know what the ships are.


They agree to sign up and become the core of a new Avengers team. They're told they'll be taken to a space station where they'll be able to be launched into deep space. As they begin to get ready the door open again and Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America, comes in the room.


He takes a minute to speak to the group. "I asked General Pryde to give me a minute of your time. As all of you know this team saved the world several times. More times than I can count and more times than most of the public know."


"The Avengers are being called on to do it again. And I'm proud to be here to see you, all of you, take up this mantle and step forth to fill the shoes of those who've come and gone and gave their all."


"Regardless of background and creed and nationality, The Avengers are family who walk the front line and deal with any and every issue. It was never the strength of arm or the power of the blast that won the day. It was the drive of the people who stepped up and gave their all that won the day and it's time for that to happen again."


"So please, permit an old man one small request and let me say something I've itched to say for almost 20 years."


"Avengers Assemble."

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


Woo hoo! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! :rockon:


BTW, I always knew that Madison and Heather would hook up at some point. Two of my favorite characters. Glad to see someone playing their legacy! :thumbup:


Glad to see some one loves those two characters as much as I do... When Hawk started this game, Mac was the only character I truly wanted to create and run.

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


It was pretty funny. I was after an Avengers Legacy group and the first couple of chars that were pitched at me were Alpha Flight' date=' Masters of Evil, and X Men related. So much for having an "Avengers" team but its been a lot of fun none the less. :rofl:[/quote']


MEH.. Mackie may not be an Avengers Legacy, of course he could be following in uncle Logans footsteps.. :P

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Re: The Avengers Legacy


You have room for one more? had an idea for a character...might be a bit to powerful...I will give rep if anyone can guess what the theme of the character is




Desolidfication (turns into gas)

Shinking/Density Increase

Barrior (Hard Air)

Drain Body/Aid END Reserve, self only (no range)

Energy blast (Uses END Reserve)

Change Enviroment (Creates light)

Gravity Control (makes things lighter and heavier)




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Re: The Avengers Legacy


Avengers Package Deal

1 TF: Quinjet

3 Paramedics

3 Systems Operation

2 KS: Avenger Villains and Menaces

3 Fringe Benefit: Federal/National Police Powers

6 One of Earth's Mightiest Heroes: Reputation (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6

7 Contribution to Avenger's Island and Quinjet: Vehicles & Bases


If I remember right this was very close to, if not the exact same thing, that was used in Teh Bunnehs game. Also here are the rest of the PC's. Most of them reflect spent XP.









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Re: The Avengers Legacy


You have room for one more? had an idea for a character...might be a bit to powerful...I will give rep if anyone can guess what the theme of the character is




Desolidfication (turns into gas)

Shinking/Density Increase

Barrior (Hard Air)

Drain Body/Aid END Reserve, self only (no range)

Energy blast (Uses END Reserve)

Change Enviroment (Creates light)

Gravity Control (makes things lighter and heavier)





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Re: The Avengers Legacy




Desolidfication (turns into gas)

Shinking/Density Increase

Barrior (Hard Air)

Drain Body/Aid END Reserve, self only (no range)

Energy blast (Uses END Reserve)

Change Enviroment (Creates light)

Gravity Control (makes things lighter and heavier)





The healing throws me off, but with the other powers I'd guess Power Pack.

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