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Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


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Credit where it's due:

1. None of the art is mine, I don't know where it came from (my rpg pics folder) but at least one of the pictures looks like a copyrighted WotC image from D&D 3.5

2. The condensed rules are not my work either, there is some slight modification on my part. For the original work see this thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/77944-Hero-In-Two-Pages-Complete

3. Derived sources are D&D 3.5 + D&D 4E (the bits I liked), adapted for HERO



1. Design intent was to divide packages into bits and let players pick and mix between them.

2. There's scope for more backgrounds but I want some time out for backslapping before I think about adding them in...

3. Not all the spell points costs calculate perfectly. Not all spells from 3.5 are present - I went for a representative scope rather than an exhaustive reference. There are still over 360 spells!

4. The packages are a little light on skills... but hey, I can live with that. But I am contemplating adding in a skill package segment too. Maybe I can replace the base class selection with skill package selections... hmmm...

5. A note on formating - I laid it out to be printed on A4 paper (letter is close enough for all y'all Americans out there :) ) - 2 pages printed to a sheet. Hence there are a couple of blank pages in what appear to be odd places in the document. This was just done to help me keep things in order.


Ultimately this document was written to bridge my players into HERO. They're very familiar with D&D, hence why I chose this format. It's going to be flawed, but for what it's worth, take a look :)

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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion




I apologize; I cannot for the life of me remember how to embed a darn thing. But. That was never my strong suit. That link goes to one of my old projects, where I wrote up the d20 3.5 base spell list and converted it wholesale into HERO. I'm not saying 'use mine itz teh b3stz' (although it is) but if it gives you some assistance, clarifies how others did things, or what, you may find it useful. All five files are there, along with pages of notes from my brain storming with the help of my good friend, and long time HEROite, Hyperman, and many others, although he was instrumental in making it all "go."


Have at, y'all.

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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion




I apologize; I cannot for the life of me remember how to embed a darn thing. But. That was never my strong suit. That link goes to one of my old projects, where I wrote up the d20 3.5 base spell list and converted it wholesale into HERO. I'm not saying 'use mine itz teh b3stz' (although it is) but if it gives you some assistance, clarifies how others did things, or what, you may find it useful. All five files are there, along with pages of notes from my brain storming with the help of my good friend, and long time HEROite, Hyperman, and many others, although he was instrumental in making it all "go."


Have at, y'all.


The link doesn't work... :weep:


You don't happen to still have the files available do you? :bounce:

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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


Just cut/paste it. Worked both times I tried it that way, although I agree it arbitrarily doesn't take you where it should. Nevertheless, slapping into the URL finder should fix the issue. And I'm sure I do, but as they are posted there (and on the HDv3 download thingy) I would hate to re-re-re-post them. ;)

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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion




I apologize; I cannot for the life of me remember how to embed a darn thing. But. That was never my strong suit. That link goes to one of my old projects, where I wrote up the d20 3.5 base spell list and converted it wholesale into HERO. I'm not saying 'use mine itz teh b3stz' (although it is) but if it gives you some assistance, clarifies how others did things, or what, you may find it useful. All five files are there, along with pages of notes from my brain storming with the help of my good friend, and long time HEROite, Hyperman, and many others, although he was instrumental in making it all "go."


Have at, y'all.


here's a link to a viewable output for the wizard spells:



and here's a better link to the thread:


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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


And there you go. Told you he was instrumental. Even if you don't have HDv3 (which, really, you don't? What are you, mad?) the thread is good reading. It gives a lot of insight to differing philosophies and approaches and is excellent mental kick starting.

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  • 8 months later...

Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


You have put a great deal of work into this. It will be a valuable resource for many. I would make one observation, however. You say spell lists are Power Pools set at 45 points. This makes it sound like a Variable Power Pool. If that is the case, and you are not house-ruling the cost structure, the cost is not correct. A Variable Power Pool's modifiers are applied to its control cost, not the pool itself. I presume, therefore, that you mean that spell lists are Multipower Frameworks with a 45 pt Reserve.

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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


Very interesting, it reminds me of Dungeon Hero, but is a much simpler approach. I was toying with updating Dungeon Hero from 4e to 6e but... egad! :nonp:


I really like how magic is distilled down into a simplified description. It is much easier to read and understand at a glance, and I think it would encourage creativity while discouraging rules lawyering. There is still enough information to reconstruct a stat block, if that is needed, but one rarely needs it. The playable simplicity here is brilliant, much better than the D&D source material.


One glitch I noticed, the Cleric and Wizard characterse get the 'Universal' spell list, and 10 pts of spells... but neither of these spell lists contains 10 pts worth of spells!

Also as Vondy pointed out this evidently uses a MP, not a VPP.

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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


The only downside to the PDF was that it could benefit from page numbering. I had to print it out in two batches because my plan to do two-sided printing backfired on me, and I'm hopelessly jumbled on the page sequence.


Definitely a multipower, which is not a bad thing at all.


Is this meant only to generate PCs or can it be used for NPCs as well?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


Finally got my copy bound (cost me about $5 at the Depot) and this will be useful no doubt as I prepare to run a Fantasy Hero game (if I can figure out what to run).


Sorted out the pages that were out of sequence by doing them in alphabetical order within each section. Could still use page numbers for easy reference.


I wonder if you are going to be revising this further or adding to it.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


I have a question about building character under your supplement.


I have a wizard built from your:

Half Elf race package ,

Defensive attribute package,

Wizard Class package,

Commoner background package,

No specialty package.


I noticed that inside backgrounds there is a package called ARCANE background but not for wizards... Who would use that?

Same thing for divine calling.


Does any one else have any supplements like this? (aside from killer shrike<-honorable mention :)

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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion




I'd be keen to work on an updated document with a bit more flair.


I originally wrote this document to bring an entire group of HERO novices into the game by simplifying character generation (as you know, once your character is made the game is actually rather simple to play). It did work in that regard, although the errors in the document have always irked me. Still, it was a success for the purpose I made it for.


Give me a few weeks and I'll see what I can put together with regards to an updated one (yep Michael, with page numbers).


Rune: to answer your questions.

Arcane background is essentially the equivalent of a Wizard multi-class for my HERO conversion. It's intended to be overlaid over any non-Wizard template to produce a fighter/mage, rogue/mage, etc. Divine calling is the same concept, but for Clerics.





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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


well im glad to see you are still here.


I made up a half elf, criminal, rogue, and something else, and came up with 7 contacts :D


Can you fix that one, also?


There is a 'PR' listed as an attribute on one of your pages. Im sure you meant either PD or PRE.


I made up some more characters, and I must say even though Im a long time fantasy hero I really liked your creation book. Its not JUST for novices.


I have some serious beefs with 'hero' experts making up characters because some, not all, tend to max out characters rather than just build good working characters.


Sixth edition has taken care of most of the point shaving problems.

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Re: Yet another D&D to Fantasy HERO conversion


I like this, and I believe I will pilfer a bit from it. But as a way to introduce people to HERO, maybe it's just me, but the reason I like HERO is that you're not limited to the Class and Race constructions of other systems, so I think I'll do what I've been doing with any new players that come my way, and have them tell me the concept they want, as I walk them through how to build that concept. Kudos though, I think I might borrow some of this for NPCs, or even use the attribute packages as a quick stat-generation guide for my players.

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