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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Sam "SEMTEX" Reilly is C4's kid brother while his brother is a walking power house Sam's power was pretty minor able to generate a tiny ball of plasma . it wasn't till he joined the Hounds as a look out and getaway driver that he realized what he could do with his power now he is the hounds secret weapon able to detonate anything explosive or flammable that he can see even detonating grenades and bullets in the hands of enemies. he performs assassinations detonating car fuel tanks or causing gas explosions with a glance or targeting military stockpiles etc. 

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OK as cosmic has suggested a new topic and the hounds seems to be a little slow i happen to have two more to close it out and start The Hollywood Blacklist.


Maureen "Red Death" Morgan is sole female member of the hounds a stunning red-head she is their Intel and infiltration specialist for the team.


her power is the ability to turn into a thick red mist passing through any gap  she can suffocate people with her power given the element of surprise or use her skills at martial arts to take out guards.


she is an irredeemable flirt which can cause friction in the team but shes definitely the team leaders girl.


finally the team leader


Phillip "Fáil Inis" Innis taking his name from the legendary Celtic hound belonging to the god Lugh Lámhfhada of the Tuatha Dé Danann like the hound he considers him self unbeatable in combat and able to capture any beast.


Phillip is a strategic ad tactical genius to the point he is border line precognitive.. Combined with his superhuman senses and reflexes he is very dangerous despite his lack of offensive powers.


he often wears a terrifying red eyed mask mimicking the Black Shuck(or Church Grim) the supernatural black dog that is a symbol of death in folk lore across Great Britain.

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I'm thinking about a Hollywood Villains team, all with SID's as celebrities of some sort who secretly have powers and use them for kicks, or to pursue villainous objectives and agendas.


Any suggestions?

How many members ?


The IRA team was for me too close to the bone. Twice I was in the vicinity of where they planted bombs that killed people.

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I'm thinking about a Hollywood Villains team, all with SID's as celebrities of some sort who secretly have powers and use them for kicks, or to pursue villainous objectives and agendas.


I'm taking Comic's notation about "celebrities" to heart, so I'm going with a real celebrity.  My apologies in advance to Mr. Walken.


Christopher Walken has known about his sonic powers ever since he was a teen, but has carefully kept them hidden.  Even as a member of the Hollywood Blacklist, he carefully disguises himself and pretends that his powers come from a souped-up smartphone.  (It's actually a prop cell phone with some sci-fi doo-dads glued onto the case to make it look impressive.)  As Cel-blow, he is one of Blacklist's ranged combatants.



In case you didn't catch it, Cel-blow is an anagram of Cow-bell.  Sorry, I couldn't resist.


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Muscle head


Mike " The motivator" Mulden, trainer to the stars the motivator is a popular day time tv guest infomercial spokesman and owner of an exclusive Beverly Hills gym/spa. He helps celebs lose weight getting amazing results with all star testimonials. But mike has a secret the reason his clients lose weight so fast is that he is an energy vampire able to absorb the bio energy from others bodies causing them to use more energy burning fat and giving them a great work out. He is being black mailed by stunt master so he works as the teams brick using drained endurance to supercharge his strength. He wears a luchador mask and Pretends to be just dumb mute muscle.

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Wow. I'm liking the Blacklist.


I propose Falling Starlette, perpetually fading flower of indeterminable age, she wields the Power Cosmetic, and bears its curse of Faddish Forgettability. You may have known her as that model from that magazine, that actress from that commercial, the one who sang that song that made the top 40 once. You know, the one who dated that famous person.. uh.. what's her name?


With time, episodic memory even of the physical manifestations of her passage vanish, so none realize she's immune to the outward manifestations of old age. This affects Starlette herself, too. She cannot remember, for example, the name she traveled under when she seduced the tyrant (or his name, or the details of her dalliances with him, his staff, his allies and his enemies, also forgotten) who taught her to fire her first fully automatic weapon, though her skills with automatic weapons remain perfectly intact all these decades later.


Falling Starlette has some.. distasteful habits, besides her attraction to bad guys and weakness for dictators and world leaders; her serial kleptonesia has led her to pilfer state treasures (and sometimes state secrets) and leave them.. she's not entirely sure where. It's the adventure and petty sin that keep her going in her long descent through the ages, unmarked by the passage she makes. She also retains the values, attitudes and beliefs of bygone ages, at their worst: superstitious, racist, sexist, a religious bigot who cannot remember the name of her own religion, imperialist, Falling Starlette can be counted on to express the most odiously outdated notions, and not shyly. She's kept alive ideas that long ago ought have fallen, by simply blurting them out with complete tone of conviction.


Falling Starlette's recuperative abilities allow her to party poisonously, enduring bouts of drink and other excesses that could kill ordinary people.. and has. She's learned, and retained skill with, virtually every weapon and combat technique of virtually every outlaw, military usurper, assassin, spy and seductress in history. She merely forgets the circumstances of when she picked them up and employed them.


For all that, Falling Starlette has no more physical strength, intellect or strength of will than any incompetently ordinary person; she does not exercise and avoids manual labor, puzzles or books of actual learning. Her beauty is of the perpetually faded variety, and her presence never outshines the truly talented, to her great frustration. Oh, and she's bitterly envious about that.


From time to time, Falling Starlette sinks onto the List of Substitute Celebrivillainy, aka the Grey List.

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Okay, for the Grey List...


Bryce (or is it Brice?  Brace?) Eborn is the Houseguest.  His one power is being able to walk into any building and have people assume he's meant to be there.  Thus, he manages to have a fairly steady living as an extra, and saves money by crashing at other people's cribs.  You're pretty sure you've met him before, but can't quite put your finger on it.  His preferred method of becoming a houseguest is simply to stay late after a party--usually the hosts were too drunk last night to remember if they actually invited him to stay.


What makes him an actual villain is casing places for robberies, and issuing invitations to vampires.  He doesn't do this often, to avoid raising his profile, but Bryce has a gambling problem and needs cash infusions every once in a while.

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Well stuntmen have to sub for actors if the scene is too dangerous so


Unknown Stuntman


Harry Kane is the Unknown Stuntman. He is an inveterate risk taker and gets a real adrenaline rush from taking risks or replacing any of the others in a high risk environment. He may take injuries but he can always recover from them. He is combat skilled but it is his ability to take a hit or roll ith it that makes him a valuable asset to the team. Albeit an expendable one.

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The fourth member goes by the name Screamplay. He is constantly trying to sell his latest screenplay. In the meanwhile, he uses his ability to bend reality by writing what he wants to happen down to help the Hollywood Grey List, if he feals like it.

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With Falling Starlette's occasional membership (when people remember her), that brings us to four and a half members on the Grey List.


I'm nominating a powerful pair of one and a half mentalists, a psychically bonded duo of Mr. Grey and Ms. Shade, neither of whom can exist without the other. When they are physically together, their conjoined mind is strong enough to remember Falling Starlette, to see past Houseguest's belongability, to know the Unknown Stuntman, pierce Graphix' illusions and bypass Screamplay's warping. Well, except for the warping he used to initially conjoin them, giving his supervillain team a core, a leader, and to bind that leader to them all slavishly.


Next.. the Brown List.

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Do we really need to do all the color lists? I think we need a new team theam.


(Might as well...) Mister Pu is a monstrous humanoid pile of crap... litterly. But he is not just any monstrous piece of walking dung. He is made up of various dung of celebritys. This, he can change its shape to impersnate the celebritys whoes crap composes of it.


To bad it is still a walking mound of poo. And how did someones colection of celebrity leavings come together and became awair? Do you REALLY want to go their?

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It has no meaning except what you give it. "Grey List" is for not so evil bad guys around Hollywood. I interpeted "Brown List" as monsters around Hollywood (and Mister Pu is my comment about the lists getting out of hand, turning into a bunch of...no offense Comic).

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