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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Carol Anders was vctimised and bullied all through school including junior high and high school. It continued through college where as a result of a particular cruel prank she was expelled for cheating on the final exams. It was in the depths of despair that she then made the wish and found everything was better for the people who had harmed her. That broke her spirit completely. Now as Harpy she goes after bullies and others and makes them suffer. The first ones to suffer were the ones who had made her life a misery. She has yet to explain to the others where exactly she got her new powers but they have ideas. Not many people can grant you wings. And know who you are and who you were.

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Ryan Thorensen has the distinction of being the only person to seek out the Dream Stealers and willingly ask them to do their thing on him.  As the disgraced chief scientist of Prime Technologies, Thorensen was revealed to have been supplying Dr. Nymax! with materials and information for years, including the details of several top secret contracts Prime Tech had with the government.  He thought that turning state's evidence would help him, but he didn't count on Nymax!'s responses to his duplicity, nor did he anticipate a federal judge tossing the plea bargain out the window.  Caught between a rock and a hard place, Thorensen figured the best thing to do would be to disappear as completely as possible.  He thought he could hide some of his money from the Dream Stealers and retire in luxury with his new face and complete non-identity, but he didn't realize how thorough the Thief of Everything could be.


Thankfully, Thorensen (now calling himself Ernie Gower) still has extensive science skills and a penchant for inventing.  He built himself plenty of gadgets to help him in his quest to trash the government (and if possible, get a few shots in on Dr. Nymax! along the way).  Everybody thinks he calls himself the Examiner, but only he knows it's spelled Xamyn-er (a subtle dig at the bad doctor, using his name spelled backwards).

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The last member is Rodger Ebineser Scrooge, decendent of the infamous miser. Not quite enjoying his family wealth, he was gunned down by "Big" Tim Cratchet, whom family were fighting the Scrooge family since Victorian Times. He made his wish, and the events which became A Christmas Carol happened, ruins the family fourtion, but leaving him alive. Now he calls himself Want, and seaks his lost family fourtion.

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I forgot a sometimes member, Golden Swordsman. That bumps the maximum to 11.


Now the 411 for thoes who don't know. "Backworld" is another Earth dimension much like the Champions Universe (and introduced in Champions In 3-D) where our universe heros are that universe villians, and vica-versa. The Guardians should have Backworld counterparts. Enjoy.

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Fee Fi Fo Fum


There are giants and then there are giants. 4F as he is sometimes known remains in giant form and thus causes all sorts of problems for people as he has a gargantuan appetite and thirst. His teammates tend to drug him so that they can do things that do not require a giant. However posions or gasses don't have a greater adverse effect other thin putting him to sleep. It has been claimed that he was a wimp and that some magic or whatever made him this way which would make the 4F name relevant. He often threatens to eat children just to upset people.

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"Dugan, you ready?"

"Sure, Sharpshooter.  Ready as I'll ever be."  Jimmy Dugan grimaced.  Bad enough the Eliminators had kidnapped him and his camera crew, but now he had to interview Stoneface.  Dugan clutched the stump of his left forearm, remembering the last time he had put a microphone in the living gargoyle's face.  Damned supers.  Someone should wipe every last one of 'em off the face of the earth.


Stoneface stepped forward and grinned, his wings spread wide and his sharp gray teeth prominent.  "Heya, Jimmy.  How's the hand?"


"You tell me.  I'm just sorry you didn't choke on a bone."


"Awww... and here I thought we were pals, Jimmy.  What with you always talking 'bout us on your newscast."


"About what a menace you freaks are?  Yeah, favorite topic of mine."  Dugan ignored the panicked look on his cameraman's face.  He'd be damned if he'd pussy-foot and softshoe around any super, whether cape or criminal.  He put an obvious fake smile on his face and handed the microphone to the living gargoyle.  "Maybe you'd prefer holding the microphone this time.  Remember, this is going out live, so if you want to spend a few minutes stringing a thought or two together before answering my questions, I'll understand."


Stoneface's grin slipped.  "You're lucky I'm the forgiving sort, Dugan.  And you're forgetting, this isn't about you asking questions.  It's about us Eliminators telling Professor Protector what a loser he is, and how we're going to kick his armored can back to Germany."


"Hmmm... last time, the Eliminators just barely escaped the good Professor's attempt to bring them in for justice.  Do you really think you have a chance against a man who is arguably the most powerful caped vigilante alive?"


"When he sees what we have waiting for him, he won't be alive for long."


Dugan smiled.  These superpowered fools, always ready to brag and boast.  Should be easy to get him to spill enough details for Professor Protector to kick the Eliminators' butts once and for all.  Not that the crusading reporter was any fan of the caped vigilante; he just hated the Eliminators more.  And Stoneface most of all.

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You herd about the seventh sister of the seventh sister? Well, Corpse Flower did. She is the one. Possessing strong necromantic ppwers, she killed her other sisters and absorbed their mystic powers. Extremely beautiful, she was cursed to smell like a rotting corpse in a locked room without air conditioning.

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She has energy powers and what passes for a costume although how on earth she keeps it on is anyone's guess. She can be impetuous but follows Sharpshooter's orders. She enjoys blinding her opponents which allows the rest of the team to inflict major damage on them.


New Team: The Anti-Disney Society.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it. Take a Disney character and villainise the name as in the example that follows. What links the team is that they all hate the Disney corporation. Please confine yourself to purely Disney characters from cartoons and films i.e. Marvel was purchased by Disney.

Minimum 7 members.


Sheer Carnage


From India comes the martial artist, Sheer Carnage. He hates the way India was portrayed in the Jungle Book by Disney and vowed revenge. He is feared by fellow Indians as he turns into a Weretiger and Rakshasas are also Tiger shaped and they are greatly feared. He has attacked shops that sell Disney merchandise. But worse is the attack he made on people dressed as Disney characters.

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David Lister Redmon refuses to admit that his real beef is with the physics concept of Conservation of Mass, and not with the Disney Conservation.


When Redmon was a teenager, he discovered he was a duplicator.  He could make six duplicates of himself (no more, no less); however, the mass of all seven of him was the same as that of his original non-duplicated (and admittedly very overweight) self.  As Dave Redmon, he is a tall and rather, um, "stout" man with bright red hair.  As the Red Dwarfs, he becomes seven very short people.  After the tenth time people sang, "Hi ho, Hi ho, It's off to work I go" or "It's a Small World" to him, he snapped. 


When he heard about the ADS forming, he jumped at the chance to join.

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Drum-bo was always a big kid.  Bigger than everyone else at school.

With ears just a bit to big for his head.  The amount of kidding he got only drove him to hate the character whose name his tormentors attached to him.  When his mutant genes expressed themself, he found himself strong as a pachyderm, and capable of flying with the large projections from the sides of his head, or creating thuderous & deafening noise.  He now uses his abilities to bring down the corporation responsible for ruining his childhood. 

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The evil whale Monster wants revenge on the Disney corporation for the portrayal of Monstro in Pinocchio. He says that it lead to more whaling and the identification of whales as being evil. He provides water support for the team and although a baleen rather than toothed whale such as the sperm whale which Monstro was based on, he insists that Disney had it in for him and all whales.

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The only child of wealthy parents, Ella d'Ville was in elementary school when 101 Dalmatians came out, so of course she was tagged as Cruella and taunted mercilessly by jealous classmates.  A once gregarious young girl who loved animals, she soon grew to hate her name, hate other children, and even to hate animals -- especially dogs.  By the time she reached adulthood, Ella had become much like the Cruella from Disney's animated classic.  She now trains dogs to help her perform crimes, particularly against the Disney corporation.


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New Team:  Yellow Journalism

Members:  5-6


Yellow Journalism's goal is to use their superpowers and talents to root out and reveal the corruption, injustices, and hypocrisy in politicians, corporations, government agencies, and (their favorite target) superheroes.  They feel that their ends justify any means necessary, including revealing national secrets, breaking personal privacy, and putting innocents in danger either indirectly or directly.


The members of this team represent the "five W's" that are basic to reporting:  Who, What, Where, When, and Why.  Since some include "How", a poster may create a character to cover that if he or she wishes.  However, the five W's must be represented to make this group complete. 

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The first member is Incognito (who repersents "who"). A mutant who can manipulate his body on a cellular level, he specilises in manipulating his body to impersonate others. Also, he can have limited control over the bodies of others by touch (given time, he can make others look like almost anyone else).

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Killfile represents the "What".  Little is known about this sniper specializing in character assassination (and real assassination if needed), even his/her gender.  Rumour has it "he" was a failed journalist prior to joining the group, accused of rigging and manipulating stories for his own self-promotion.  Following the protocol of "If it bleeds, it leads", Killfile's sense of tracking is uncanny -- be it physical or electronic.

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Motive was Ernestine Yokcor, a criminal profiler, before getting fired for planting evidence on an "obviously guilty" suspect and getting caught at it.  Her specialty is figuring out from a person's profile what sort of crimes they might have committed in the past, in order to dig up dirt on them--but more disturbingly, what sort of crimes they might be willing to commit, and setting up scenarios that tempt them into those crimes.  She's responsible for at least three murder-suicides, without ever going anywhere near the sites of the crimes.


Motive covers "why."

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I'm assuming Wire is "where", so that leaves "when" and "how."  I'll take the latter, leaving "when" for somebody to post and then name the next team.


Footsteps echoed in the dusty offices of the defunct Daily Tribune newspaper.  Incognito thought it might be an ironic but appropriate place to call the team's new home, and Motive and Wire were checking it out in plainclothes.


"Doc Yok, what's your take on Psychom?"  Monty brushed some dust off an old office chair and tested it carefully before sitting down.  "Don't you think it's odd he can't see anybody's faces or hear voices when he does his psychometry stuff?"


The former criminal profiler shrugged as she looked around the room.  "I suspect that's a mental block leading back to his father's stabbing death.  Perhaps with some work and time, I can help him get past it."


Monty looked puzzled.  "What's his dad's death have to do with it?  Howie said that cape, Vigilance, did it.  His mom saw it and everything."


Dr. Yokcor smiled without humor.  "Yes, and we all know eyewitnesses are utterly reliable, now, don't we?"  She pushed aside some old file folders and papers to clear a space for her to sit on the corner of a desk.  "Our friend Howard also said he found the murder weapon, a steak knife, buried in their garden.  That was his first experience with psychometric visions, as he relived his father's death.  He said he couldn't see the face or any details about the murderer, just a gray form that could well have been Vigilance... or perhaps another person."  Her expression was totally serious as she looked in Monty's eyes.  "But why would a caped vigilante break into a home to stab an abusive man to death, using a common household steak knife?  And then bury it in the garden?"


She got up and walked around the office some more.  "I believe our friend Mr. Dunlop saw something that he didn't want to see, perhaps involving his mother.  He may have even heard things, which he also didn't want to hear.  And so he blocked it out, and continues to subconsciously block out individual identities and mutes the voices in his visions.  He can see how something happened, but not see specifically who did it or hear why they're doing it."  She tested a window, which opened with a screech of protest.  "As I said, I think with work I can help him get past those blocks, but it will be tricky and take time.  For now, his visions help you identify locations where you can use your powers, or methods that help me exercise my talents."


Monty blinked.  "Wow.  You think his mom did it, and blamed the cape?  So, Vigilance is innocent?"


"Of that crime, perhaps.  But his illegal and antisocial acts are legion, so why quibble over one potentially false accusation when there are so many other true crimes he's committed."  Ernestine brushed some dust off her hands and turned to Monty.  "I think this place will be suitable for our needs.  Let's go tell the others and we can get things moving.  Talking this over has given me an idea for a way to get Vigilance captured and convicted for the murder of James Dunlop."

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"When" is Temploss. His touch puts people in a state in which the person simply detaches his consous mind from his body. He has no recolection of what happened durring the missing time, just that that time is missing. (Durring that state, the body can be moved by others, and if he concentrates he can control the target's actions...the only defence against his power is having the talent Absulut Time Sence). Temploss works to put his target into trouble where he has no knolage of doing, then 'awakens' the target and has him try to figure out what happened himself.


Next Team: Clatter

Numbers: About 4-7 members.

Theam: Sound. But not one of them has 'sonic' powers themselves. They have other powers related to sound.

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Everybody always told Spike Devlin that listening to his music that loud would make him deaf. So he turned it up louder. Then came the accident, and all those years of people predicting his music would effect his health cam true. Now he gains superspeed and some superstrength the louder it is around him. So turning up his music as loud as he can he shows the world the power of rock as Amped.

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