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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Renard Chauvre-Souris was a good ol' Texas boy, drinking rye whiskey from morning to night and living off the proceeds of the family ranch, when he was visited by two native spirits of the land. The trickster spirit gave Renard power and told him to go raise hell, shake people up, and make the world a weirder place. The protector spirit gave him power and told him to help people, to save lives, and to do his part for society. Renard thanked Old Man Coyote and Brown Bat for their gifts, and went off to make a difference in a stagnant, corrupt world. In the big city, he suited up his mantle as the Guardian Trickster, and spent all day trying to find crime to foil. In the end, it was just much easier to mess with people than it was to save them. At the end of a week, he had accomplished very little as a hero, and had managed to annoy many people a great deal with his prankster powers. When he heard the alarms of a genuine bank robbery, he flew into action. Inside was a famous supervillain and his henchmen, too many for Renard to tackle alone. Thinking tactically, he hid in the back of their getaway vehicle to ambush them on the escape. The robbery went bad, and before the afternoon was over, the cops were shooting at Renard! (Apparently, wearing a costume nobody has seen before and coming out of the back of the Foxbatmobile makes the constabulary a bit nervous.) Running from the cops, Renard wound up back in the Foxbatmobile as Foxbat drove to safety. Over the next two days, the World's Greatest Supervillain nursed Renard back to health and helped him through the DT's. At the end, he had a new idol, and a new goal in life. Aspiring to someday join his hero as a full-time sidekick or (dare he dream it?) a partner, he started at the farm leagues, IF-HE-CAN's American branch, as Coyotebat. His powers include some flight and running, healing, a bag of tricks with hundreds of helpful little spells, and force walls. Tactically, he contributes to the team's battlefield mobility, using his flexible powerset to set opponents up for his teammates and protect their backs. As a member of the team, he contributes a whimsical spirit and a helpful hand.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The reverse of the man himself is obviously Batfox ! as serious as Foxbat is silly, he can come off as pompous or a knock off of Batman such as when he proclaims 'Quick ! To the Batfoxmobile, there is not a moment to lose !' But pity the poor fools that think that Batfox is just a nut and has no skills and his gadgets don't work. These people usually end up in the dumpsters if they are lucky, the hospital if they are not. He has not gone up against Foxbat as he states 'Without him I would not exist'. The man behind the mask obviously has money but who is he ?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


El Murcielzorro

Francisco bailador was a bit player in the Tijuana Lucha circuit until the fateful day he witnessed the exploits of the felonious fox bat. Fox bat crossed the border to in the sound of la coocaracha his ping pong gun blazing Francisco watched with fascinated interest as fox bat fought the Lucha hero and then he knew what he must become the clown prince of Lucha modeling his mask on fox bats and combined wrestling and various gimmicks into his exploits as El Murcielzorro

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Cassidy, Texas is a small town on the border. Drug violence has skyrocketed beyond the ability of local and federal law enforcement. The town council have decided to hire The Seven to protect the town and help keep the peace.



Anything regarding the theme? Cowboy perhaps? Or just 7 people who have little trouble surviving in the desert?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Well I'll popst this and revise if necessary.

Devil Eyes


The Apache gave him the name and it is now the only one he answers to. To thwart the Federal Govt or anyone else getting cute, his Social Security ID names him as D Eyes. He says the D is Dennis whch is Sinned backwards. He's an Albino with very pale skin and long white hair with red eyes. He dresses like a cowboy, wearing a ten gallon hat and a carrying a Winchester 73 rifle. Only those things could not shoot through stone or steel a foot thick. This can. Devil Eyes is a tracker and can survive in the desert for an extended period. It is claimed that at night his eyes grant him infravision or ultravision. It is also claimed that he was killed and buried in Mexico after tangling with the Cartels. Twice. He can drive but he prefers to ride a horse. He can shoot a pistol but he prefers a rifle. He carries two Saturday Night specials in ankle holsters but has used a .44 Magnum and a Browning hi power automatic. He has no problem with killing someone but woe betide you if you are a hostage taker. He annoys those Americans of a patriotic bent by pointedly refusing to pledge alliegance to the flag. That and the fact he jumps over the border between Texas and Mexico without a passport.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Butch is actually somewhat local to Cassidy, Texas, born to a drug-addicted single mother who died when Butch was only three. (Because of this, Butch has always had a very strong hatred for drug dealers.) He was raised by a local family of Pueblo Indians, with his adopted father the medicine man on the nearby reservation. Butch takes great pride in his adopted culture, training under his father despite the fact that some in the tribe refuse to fully accept him.


It's not known if Butch's powers came from some native American magic, the drugs his mother had been taking while pregnant with Butch, or perhaps just a latent mutation. Whatever the source, however, Butch can project and bend light with remarkable control. He can thus turn invisible, generate holograms, cause blinding flashes of light, project laser beams, and a number of other light-based effects. Taking the name Sundancer and creating a costume similar to a Pueblo medicine man's outfit, Butch set out to use his powers responsibly. When he heard about the drug violence in his own area, he was one of the first of the Seven to sign up.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Butch is actually somewhat local to Cassidy, Texas, born to a drug-addicted single mother who died when Butch was only three. (Because of this, Butch has always had a very strong hatred for drug dealers.) He was raised by a local family of Pueblo Indians, with his adopted father the medicine man on the nearby reservation. Butch takes great pride in his adopted culture, training under his father despite the fact that some in the tribe refuse to fully accept him.


It's not known if Butch's powers came from some native American magic, the drugs his mother had been taking while pregnant with Butch, or perhaps just a latent mutation. Whatever the source, however, Butch can project and bend light with remarkable control. He can thus turn invisible, generate holograms, cause blinding flashes of light, project laser beams, and a number of other light-based effects. Taking the name Sundancer and creating a costume similar to a Pueblo medicine man's outfit, Butch set out to use his powers responsibly. When he heard about the drug violence in his own area, he was one of the first of the Seven to sign up.


I've got to come back and reputize this later.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary could not have done better

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Anything regarding the theme? Cowboy perhaps? Or just 7 people who have little trouble surviving in the desert?


Cowboys are fine. How about one from each archetype in the Champions book. Blaster, Gadgeteer, mystic, patriot, ETC. In this case we already have a blaster and a minor mystic.



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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!



Marcus wallis former drug dealer current bounty hunter body guard and arrogant SOB. marcus used to be a skinny little runt the bottom rung in fort worth's drug trade marcus made the mistake of walking into a cop with a heafty stash of crack in his pants that promply spilled right in front of the officer. Marcus was on his way to jail 30 seconds later. His first lucky break (though that's kind of pushing it)was being cuffed to the wild eyed old guy on the prison bus. His second was being taken along when VIPER Busted the rogue scientist out not so lucky was being used as a guinuie pig for the scientists super soldier program nor was the primus raid and going back to jail. VIPER believes the experiment was a failure but the effects where just delayed and marcus developed a astounding physique in prison his skin became bullet and knife proof his reflexes and senses sharpened he was as he proudly proclaims wvry chance he gets and even has emblazoned across his chest in one if his many tattoos MAGNIFICENT after getting out of jail marcus has gone legit never wanting to go back a realising with his gifts he can make more money that way he hunts superpowered fugatives does bodyguard work and genrally freelances right now he's taking the steady pay check from the sevens benifactor to be the teams brick

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Technically Devil Eyes is not a blaster but still.


Susan Lee is what you might call a walking stereotype. She's Oriental so she knows Kung Fu right ? Yup. She actually has some of the legendary abilities which most people scoff at when they hear about Kung Fu masters. She is the group's resident martial artist and capable of taking down most opponents with a single hit or touch. She also has an extremely strong mental shield and the team have learnt that it is best to locate a mentalist who tries using illusions or mind control on her quickly before she disables them permanently. She refuses to duel other martial artists. If you are with opponents of the Seven then you are going down simple as that. She wears a Cowboy hat when off duty and simple clothing which enables her to use her abilities to their best advantage. She also tracks with Devil Eyes. Her ancestry goes back to the Chinese Migrations in the 19th Century and Susan considers herself an American.

She refuses to act as bait particularly in the old 'helpless woman' situation.

She goes by the name Fist of the Seven

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




You would think by the code name that he is a martial artist or a lycanthrope. Wrong. He is a mentalist but anyone looking into the group might make that mistake. Lawrence Hayes got his powers as a child when he was kidnapped and experimented on. After his release his powers slowly came to pass. Lawrence was very, very careful with them using his telepathy to avoid conflict and to transfer what someone was thinking into another person's head which caused conflicts he could wander away from. He graduated and went to unversity but still kept a low profile which enabled him to be written off as a studious nerd. His powers were discovered by the Seven's backer who realised he would make a good spy. So after he got his degree he went to work for them. He can use telepathy, and mental illusions convincing people that they have seen or heard something is easiest and best. He can mind blast but it leaves him fatigued. He can use mind control but it is not very effective. The telepathy is very strong and he can take a thought from one person and put it in another person's head as if they said it out loud. Very useful if one person has their back to another.

He looks innocuous and is the 'designated hostage/victim' of the group. He walks with a limp after he used telepathy on Susan and she unloaded on him before the others could stop her. He tends to wear a flak jacket to stop knife and bullet wounds which gave people the idea he was a shapechanger and so silver bulets would harm him.

He is also a peacemaker and mediator in the group which owing to the egos of the others is needed.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Sling is the team metamorph. He stretches, but is quiet and withdrawn by nature instead of the sterotypical funny guy. He hardly talks, and when he does it is in a low whisper. No one can complain about his results, however. He can sling random objects at high velocity by snapping them forward, he's able to bind up two or three goons at a time.



Unknown to most of his team, underneath that two toned, full body stocking that he wears, Sling is hideously deformed. He looks partially melted all over. He's been this way ever since his origin. He feels bad taking money for this job, he'd rather do it because it is the right thing TO do, but a specialist he met told him there might be a way to restore him to his old looks...though it might cost him his powers. However, the procedure is VERY expensive.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Oh.. .new team concept time...


Team Name: Malefactors

Number of members: 6

Concept: Heroes in villains guise...

The Malefactors appear to be a standard group of supervillains who sometimes put themselves out for hire, and other times loot and rob on their own. The truth is each one of them is a superhero who uses the bad guy facade to get close to groups like VIPER in order to deliberately bungle their plans, get intel on supervillains to tip off to the Federal Authorities annoymously, and bring to light crooked agents/cops/etc all in the name of supervillainy. Unfortunately, only three folks outside of the team know of their real mission and cannot yet tell (If anything happens to those three, the pardons the Malefactors will need will be very hard to get) so sometimes the Malefactors find themselves facing PRIMUS agents or even other superheroes! Naturally, they do their very best not to hurt said folks...after all, they're on the same side, even if not everyone knows it.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


'Kneel Pathetic Worms ! Kneel before CAPTAIN GRUESOME !'


Captain Gruesome is the founder of the Malefactors having sprung Private Army from jail before transport to Stronghold, ambushing a Federal convoy taking Punk to incarceration and leading these two on a raid into a court where Hawkeye and Detriot Spinner were on trial. Gruesome is a brick and a blowhard spending money on cocaine and alcohol as it appears he is functionally impotent due to the procedure that turned him into a brick. Although he has not yet killed anyone it is just a matter of time and why the others put up with him is unknown.

He is not bulletproof but he can regenerate quite quickly and he uses this for intimidation purposes.

This is what the police and most hero groups know about the Captain. it is quite bogus. Where to begin ?

Judy Reynolds was a recruit in the police academy when it was attacked by supervillains and she was one of several people listed as dead. Actually she had survived but as an orphan and someone who had been moved from school to school she was perfect for undercover work. The attack was mana from heaven for her employers as it was too good an excuse to pass up. Her potential for superpowers had been previously noted and so in a very experimental procedure she was subject to a booster drug and radiation therapy in order to trigger a change in her metabolism. Nothing seemed to happen at first until while being asked questions and being shown pictures of what she could change into she unconciously turned into Captain Gruesome for the first time. The voice and the posturing just came with it. For reasons that are not clear telepathy and mind control have little effect on Judy while she is the Captain. Mental blasts and Mental Illusions work but why the other two do not is a puzzle.

Judy's time as the Captain puts a serious crimp on almost anything she might otherwise like to do such as date so she exaggerates his defects.

'Puny Women cannot satisfy ME ! I need alcohol ! I need Cocaine !'

She has also made a point of dousing herself with cocaine as the Captain and also alcohol which one hero took advantage of by setting her on fire.

Although Judy is a rookie as far as the others go, the fact that telepathy does not work well on her makes her the ideal leader as the Captain.

Judy is fiercely loyal to the others but worries about what will happen when some villain works it all out.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


For anyone that wants to hire a private army, you could always just hire Private Army. His military records show him constantly in trouble after leaving basic training. Though he was in a nice, quiet quartermaster's unit in garrison, he still continued to antagonize. Eavesdropping, gossip-mongering, challenging authority, avoiding duty, and numerous small infractions. Finally, the last straw: an experimental shipment for the research agency turned up missing. A quick investigation conclusively proved that the troublemaker had attempted to steal it, and had accidentally destroyed it. Booted from the Army, he soon manifested powers, and joined up with the Malefactors. His ability to duplicate himself an infinite number of times, along with his natural skill with firearms, makes him ideal for a number of functions.


That's the official record, anyway. Private Brett Amy was a top-notch soldier assigned to a company of lazy, corrupt gold-brickers. He reported his fellow soldiers to the company commander, and found that the commander was the worst of the lot. After his attempted whistle-blowing, his good record was tarnished, and nobody in the chain of command would listen as he tried to file reports about the cut corners, safety violations, embezzlement, and theft. For years he suffered as the only goood soldier in the unit, constantly harassed and persecuted. Eventually, he found out that the others were planning a big score. To preserve the shipment, he snuck in at night and tried to move the canister from its spot to another shelf, hidden behind some boxes. But it was too heavy to handle by himself, and he wound up dropping it all over himself. He didn't get a good look, but he would later describe it as "liquid algebra".


Now, he can multiply himself three times over, and they can each multiply, ad infinitum. However, he does not know this. For some reason, he can no longer do any degree of math, not even counting accurately. As a member of the Malefactors, he is an ideal spy. It is impossible to keep track of all of him, and he is a natural snoop and eavesdropper. He can move information in and out of nearly anywhere, and many a grand scheme was foiled by a mysterious tip-off. In a fight, he is limited to normal firearms, but with armor-piercing bullets and find weakness, a lot is possible. Also, he is great for taking hostages, driving getaway vehicles, and hundreds of other tasks. All at the same time.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Often power corrupts. But sometimes the one we have to fear most is our true self...


Wan Kwaj-Mun was a good martial artist, but overall a small fish working the Hong Kong Triads as Thug and "Executioner". He was know for unvaivering determination, his rigid training and that he never got distracted on the job by women, booze or somethign else. At some point his bosses decided to give him a mystical "upgrade". It worked not really well. He got nearly no powerboost, despite all his additional training to harness his increased powers.

What he never told anyone, is that the process had formed a "Demon" inside him that was wrestling him for controll. First he wasn't a chalange but after a year he took controll - and hasn't left it yet. The effect is primarily personality and powerlevel. The first is the opposite, the second "fully superpowered and still growing".

The Demon, calling himself Punk (at least right now; he changes that quite often and always usses a dress style as name he likes right now) just does whatever comes into his mind: Drinking, Loud Music, Women, Cigars. And especially fighting. Following the Triads was definetly not his interest so he ditched them, wandered the globe a little (he felt like it for a while) and finally joined the Malefactors. He is the teams Martial Artist, when he is not busy with something else (though he usually let's everything fall for a fight).


The truth is:

He is not a demon. In order for Wan to be that loyal and determined, he had to supress his desires, passions and even emotions like compassion. Punk are Wans supressed instincts who have formed a seperate Personality. And since compassion was among Wan's disdained emotions, Punk has it in abundance too. Yes, he totally does what comes in his mind but that makes him by no means easy to (mind) read, manipulate or a bad lyer/actor. He doesn't follows his whims blindly and has in fact complete controll over them. He just choose to follow them anyway, because only in following his instincts (without being controlled by them) he archieves the mental strenght needed to keep the body (he has literally the peak human level of mental strenght). And he really hates it when people tell him what to do or try to manipulate his mind.

Wan is still in there and they regulary have mental contact and later tries to get his body back in order to re-join the triads. But with all the emotions he does not follow he has no chance of beating Punk in the foreseable future.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Black Mage


When you expect muttering curses, sellign your soul, consorting with demons and other stuff when hearing this name then this Super is the pure counter stereotype. He calls himself a true Black Mage: A mystic that uses all forms of magic. Unlike his contemporaries who just use the label as excuse for a short path to power, he uses magic from both sides.

His ultimate goal is true independence. He will not use short paths to power that have the risk of eslaving him or controlling his actions. And he will certainly not sell his soul (and Talisman is still somewhat pissed of that she is constantly unable to manipulate him).


From his personality he is a true neutral too. He normally works for villians (never being the true beign behidn a plan), but als worked with heroes when some villian or group seemed him like getting to powerfull (wich would allow them to controll or manipulate him, something he disdains). He neither gives services for free, nor does he uses unessesary violence. He often set's himself limtiations before going into a conflict that would be to easy without it. Things like "not using direct attacks", "not killing anybody", "only resorting to planning and support". I doesn't works out always and he will definetly not fail the job, be incarcerated* or die over it, but it is almost always there.


*but sometimes being incarcerated is part of his plan!


Tactically he is more of a planner and observer. He aims to find the the perfect way to disable an enemy with minimum of effort using the environment or by placing the right ally against them (often using flight, desolidification or blocking spells to be safe until he found a way). He also tries to know everything about his allies and enemies, especially weaknesses.


The truth is:

Exactly what is written above. He really is a true neutral mystic, always was and always will. And he basically invited himself into the team. He somehow found out about it and said: "I am in, or blow the whistle". He has a reputation of never backstabbing anybody during a job (unless they betray him first) and that he sticks with a job until it's is done so this was not a unreaseonable offer. As reasons he only gave "the specific limitations of your current operation seem like they would allow me to grow".

He is the master planner behind most of the teams public actions. He gives them things they can do best and the posibility to "show off" their fake personalities (or real ones), sometimes without them knowign it. And he is scaringly good at it. Considering that he will be one day at the other side again (he clearly says it), the others are reluctant to reveal him to much of their weaknesses.

He always was hard to affect with Mental Powers, as he ususally has at least two defense spells active (at least one a mental damage shield). He often switches the details and spells, just to frustrate enemy mentalists who think "they now know how to get through" after failing or succeding a sinlge time. Long term manipualtion (Mental Transforms) seems to simply "fall off" him after a day or two.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Detroit Spinner


The only girl in the group is the psychotic Detroit Spinner. This twisted child is infamous for first maiming chldren in a playground with compact discs she set to high speed. Her power revolves around taking an object and throwing it at someone at high speed usually something like a frizbee as it does not seem to work with blades or knives. Unless they are rotary saws of course. She has no qualms about sending her destructive powers against civilians so police and heroes are advised to watch out.


The truth is much different. Irene Fisher was in a playground when a battle between Supervillains and at first the police boiled over and over ran the area. One of the villains seeing civilians and thinking 'Collateral Damage, why not ?' went to attack her. Irene screamed 'No !' as she fell backward and her power activated for the first time. This was a form of telekinesis which used latched onto the debris around her which included compact discs. Unfortunately these bounced off the villain but injured a number of the other people around particularly children. From being a potential victim she became a monster in the eyes of the other people present in less than a second. Irene fled as the villain still wanted to play and the police looked like shooting her. What she did not know was that the people behind the Malefactors had seen everything. And so she was ideal for their purposes. They took her in and trained her and got her ready for the role of her life. Supervillain but undercover hero. She has had a mental block put in to stop her mindlessly killing someone or even maiming them.

They teamed her up with Hawkeye and she was then 'released' with him by Captain Gruesome. Irene has never seen the Captain outside his villain ID and as such does not know that he is a she.

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