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The HERO Basic Game Box


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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


I know it will likely never happen' date=' but if a box set that introduced players to HERO 6th Edition was created (much like the D&D version), what would you want in it? What should it have in it?

IMO such a set would have to be pretty genre-specific, so there might need to be a few (e.g. one for Champions, one for Fantasy Hero--or maybe even a specific Fantasy Hero setting--one for Star Hero or one of its specific settings, etc.).


For a fantasy version, I think picking a region of one of the Fantasy Hero settings, detailing out some source material like local maps, history, NPCs, and treasure would be a good start. Package that with Fantasy Hero, maybe a trimmed down version of the Beastiary (or just a few pages of appropriate write-ups for the setting/region), and a few pre-written adventures for a group of heroes to embark on, and I think you could have something really fun and inspiring to tempt folks with.


Something similar might work for Star Hero. Maybe detail out a star system, or a small cluster of star systems in an isolated region of the galaxy. Throw together some write-ups for a few local aliens and typical starships/equipment found in the area, and you'd probably have about the right mix.


I'd hesitate to suggest how to approach a similar Champions package. Maybe someone else will have some good ideas there, but I always worry how local vs. global to make things, and how to avoid assumptions about how a particular game is going to be run.

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


It would have the basic book and a setting sampler -- similar to this -- that showcases, with guidelines and examples, how to build a setting complete with archetypes and equipment. The basic book would reference those items and areas. Of course all that setting info would be done with use of only the basic book.

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


If it had the setting sampler, at least one of the settings would be tactical in scope. It would include a simple scenario with a map and paper stand-ups. But only for that setting. The others would show off how to do the theater of the mind play-style.

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


1. Basic rule set.

2. A sample setting--maybe 96 pages.

3. Starting adventure writeup--16-32 pages.

4. GM Screen

5. Two-sided map--typical city scene on one side, blank on the other--laminated; markers

6. Cardboard figures

7. A Hero Games catalog


That about covers it, I think.

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


I actually think it should have plastic minis and some dice. Remember the target audience is new players so money spent on impressive looking stuff should pay off (We all know that HERO's big draw is the rules, but slap "we got minis and dice, No experience needed! ready to play!" on the cover and it will sell better.

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


Cardboard standies look fairly nice, and you can fit a ton of them into a box. Although boxes aren't really that popular right now, and especially multiple boxes that are close to the same thing. It would probably be better to make just one set with booklets of Champions-Lite, Fantasy-Lite and Star Hero-Lite.

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


Some kind of dry-erase markers' date=' probably, for use with a laminated map of some sort.[/quote']


I would recommend waterbased pens like are used overhead projectors. Waterbased pens don't destroy vinyl battlemats. Dry erase doesn't always erase from all types of Lamination plastic nor do they erase from Vinyl mats


Though pens aren't a necessity IMHO

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


I know it will likely never happen' date=' but if a box set that introduced players to HERO 6th Edition was created (much like the D&D version), what would you want in it? What should it have in it?


If anything, it should be based on Champions Online universe. That's the biggest name product that Hero has. So it would be natural for a Hero System Basic Set featuring the Champions Online universe.


The game world would have a very cursory look at Milennium City with a set of Ready to play Hero(ines). It would also have a set of villains, 15-20 including a low power mastermind. A sample adventure. Also some adventure hooks (Like a paragraph or so each of adventure nibblets). It should include Cardboard cutouts (2 sided pls, not 3)for all of the NPCs and PreBuilt PCs and some outlines of classic character types both male and female generic enough to color in and still be customizable. Perhaps also some character art outlines like Classic Champions (ie the Mark Williams outlines).


It should also include the Easy to build Character templates from Champions and of course the whole HS basic rules book.


See if they could run some ads for Champions Online to defray some production costs. It could be perfect bound with the cardboard bits (boxes are SOooo 1980s).


Also include some online extras to entice people to visit here and perhaps an CO ingame object that can be turned in for a costume piece or an In Game action figure.

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


If anything' date=' it should be based on Champions Online universe. That's the biggest name product that Hero has. So it would be natural for a Hero System Basic Set featuring the Champions Online universe.[/quote']


I agree with this. However, if they were to make a Champions: The Super RPG Beginner's Set, I think I'd like to see:

1 Copy of the Basic Rule Book

1 Copy of the Champions Online Character Packet (includes stats for 10 heroes and 10 villains generated with the Basic Rules)

1 Copy of Champions Online Flip Map 1: Viper Base/City Block

1 Copy of Serpent's Lantern Adventure

40 Cardboard Tokens in Color of all the characters in the adventure and packet (more if needed)

10 Hero Dice (think small d6s with the pip info)

2 In-Game items for CO exclusive to the game box (maybe some kind of gaming-influenced emote and a a costume piece)

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


I agree with this. However' date=' if they were to make a [b']Champions: The Super RPG Beginner's Set[/b], I think I'd like to see:

1 Copy of the Basic Rule Book

1 Copy of the Champions Online Character Packet (includes stats for 10 heroes and 10 villains generated with the Basic Rules)

1 Copy of Champions Online Flip Map 1: Viper Base/City Block

1 Copy of Serpent's Lantern Adventure

40 Cardboard Tokens in Color of all the characters in the adventure and packet (more if needed)

10 Hero Dice (think small d6s with the pip info)

2 In-Game items for CO exclusive to the game box (maybe some kind of gaming-influenced emote and a a costume piece)


I'd buy that just to give to friends!

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


I agree with this. However' date=' if they were to make a [b']Champions: The Super RPG Beginner's Set[/b], I think I'd like to see:

1 Copy of the Basic Rule Book

1 Copy of the Champions Online Character Packet (includes stats for 10 heroes and 10 villains generated with the Basic Rules)

1 Copy of Champions Online Flip Map 1: Viper Base/City Block

1 Copy of Serpent's Lantern Adventure

40 Cardboard Tokens in Color of all the characters in the adventure and packet (more if needed)

10 Hero Dice (think small d6s with the pip info)

2 In-Game items for CO exclusive to the game box (maybe some kind of gaming-influenced emote and a a costume piece)


Yeah, I like all of that. They could use the classic City Block map that used to come with Champions second edition, and I am sure that there is a viper base map somewhere.


Generic dice would be ok.


I would change the name to "Champions: The Super RPG Quickplay boxed set" I would leave the words "basic, beginner, learners etc" off of the title. Quickplay set boils it right down.


Unfortunatly, I doubt that it would ever be made. I don't know if the costs of production would ever be made up with the profits of the set.


Perhaps bagging the dice in a ziplock like the Klutz books do and then bounding the whole thing in a spiral plastic binding (with the maps being tear out).


I really hate counters for Heroes. I would love to see a sheet that had a collection of guy and woman supers (like 4 of each) as standups, Some common street fodder like Manhole covers, Dumpsters, Mailboxes, Newspaper machines, soda machines which could be counters. Depending on the adventure included include standups of villains and counters for the "Mooks".


There would need to be a Champions lite to explain how to use the basic rules to play supers, it could also include the adventure and of course stats for the included standups and counters.


Honestly, I don't know what item that's on the production schedule I would want Steve to postpone to have time to put this together.


If there didn't need to be an adventure/Champions lite as part of this, I would recommend that they put together stuff out of the warehouse and sell it shrink-wrapped together as a test to see if people would be interested.


Perhaps an update to the old Viper's nest Adventure. Again I don't know if writing an adventure would be easier than updating an old one.

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


I agree with this. However' date=' if they were to make a [b']Champions: The Super RPG Beginner's Set[/b], I think I'd like to see:

1 Copy of the Basic Rule Book

1 Copy of the Champions Online Character Packet (includes stats for 10 heroes and 10 villains generated with the Basic Rules)

1 Copy of Champions Online Flip Map 1: Viper Base/City Block

1 Copy of Serpent's Lantern Adventure

40 Cardboard Tokens in Color of all the characters in the adventure and packet (more if needed)

10 Hero Dice (think small d6s with the pip info)

2 In-Game items for CO exclusive to the game box (maybe some kind of gaming-influenced emote and a a costume piece)


I like it overalll. I'd prefer standups to counters, which is easy to change. I'd also suggest the number of dice be sufficient for at least the typical attack power, and ideally the maximum (so if the sample characters throw around 12d6 attacks, at least 12d6 and ideally 16d6 for haymakers).

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


My idea would be:

  • Quick Start rules: Something like the Hero System in 2 pages, but expanded. Basically cover the dice rolls, how to read the dice and resolve conflict, etc. Also basic character creation, built on points, this is how many points it costs to buy stats, powers. special abilities, etc are bought with points. Don't get into the nitty gritty of building powers from scratch.
  • Setting/genre book: This book will detail the setting and genre it is written for. Provide some explanation at the beginning, this book uses ideas from genre book X (Fantasy Hero), built around the campaign idea Z (Humorous Fantasy). Book will contain setting specific packages for races, professions, cultures. Also setting specific hindrances. Spells, powers have a set point cost, with maybe 2 options, similar to how most of the "pre-built" books have been (USPD). Spells/powers will not have detailed write-up, with all the +1/4, -1/2, etc, just verbal descriptions of advantages and limitations. Spell requires verbal components to be said, a sprinkling of material, arm waving and creates a 5d6 fireball 3m in diameter, Cost: 5 points.
  • The Nitty Gritty: This book will provide all the details behind how spells are made, this will be the background for people who want to start getting into it, understanding the system. Provide detailed explanation and examples for how things are constructed, and direction to the Hero Basic rulebook and Hero Tomes.
  • Deluxe Box: 3 collectible Hero dice
  • Super Deluxe Box: One of those Chessex cubes of dice

I do like the idea of including maps and counters.

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Re: The HERO Basic Game Box


I agree with this. However' date=' if they were to make a [b']Champions: The Super RPG Beginner's Set[/b], I think I'd like to see:

1 Copy of the Basic Rule Book

1 Copy of the Champions Online Character Packet (includes stats for 10 heroes and 10 villains generated with the Basic Rules)

1 Copy of Champions Online Flip Map 1: Viper Base/City Block

1 Copy of Serpent's Lantern Adventure

40 Cardboard Tokens in Color of all the characters in the adventure and packet (more if needed)

10 Hero Dice (think small d6s with the pip info)

2 In-Game items for CO exclusive to the game box (maybe some kind of gaming-influenced emote and a a costume piece)


Thinking on this a bit more, I think I'd like to see a follow up box with Champions Online Campaign Set One: Millennium City, which would include:

1 Poster-sized map of Millennium City

1 Guide to Millennium City Campaign Book (includes what's where and who's who in the city, no stats just a key of sorts to hot spots and locations)

1 Copy of Millennium City Character Pack (10 more heroes and 10 more villains, as well as important NPC nutshell stats)

1 Copy of Champion Online Flip Map 2: Millennium City Downtown/Graveyard

1 Copy of Blood Moon Adventure

40 Cardboard Tokens/Standees of all the characters in the adventure

1 In-Game item for CO Exclusive


There could be additional campaign sets for different cities in CO, or even different campaigns using the Hero System. In addition, I would also like to see Champions Online Scenario Pack X: Attack of the Misfit Toys that comes with:

1 Attack of the Misfit Toys (with character stats in the back in the same fashion as the other characters)

1 Copy of Champions Online Flip Map 2: Toy Store/Park

40 Cardboard Tokens/Standees of all the characters in the adventure

1 In-Game Item for CO (exclusive figure)


Other such packs could follow ....

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