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What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


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To celebrate my 10th post, and that I should now be released from the newbie pool, here's a thread!


How does your CU differ from the norm? Were these differences in place before the game began, or did they come about through play? Tell us what makes your game setting unique.


In my case, I have a few differences. I'm starting a new game, set in 2010, with an updated chronology to keep the old 5E story arc (so Destroyer Day was in 2000 -- Millennium City was named later that year). This required some mucking about with the timeline, but it wasn't too difficult.


One of the most significant changes is that Dr Destroyer is actually dead. Vanguard was not killed by the asteroid, just badly injured. He returned to earth at the last moment and prevented Destroyer from activating his teleporter. Both were vaporised by the satellite laser. All his planning undone -- he never had a contingency plan for his death -- his organisation is falling apart. There's looted Destroyer-tech all over the CU, in criminal and governmental hands. Some of his agents stay loyal to the organisation, either because they're true believers (Gigaton), are afraid he's not actually dead (Rakshasa) or sense an opportunity to take control.


(Yeah, Gigaton's around already. He was too cool to let go, so I relocated his origin to the 50s atomic tests -- he was asleep for a while.)


Another difference is that I don't like referencing real people or current events in game. For one, the world is so different to the one 'outside our window' that things have gone quite differently. There are new Presidents, and no war in Iraq. Instead, I like to have analogues appropriate to the world in question. So in my CU, there's a middle-eastern nation (Qumar -- points for anyone who gets the reference) that was conquered by Gigaton, back before anyone knew he was linked to Destroyer. This eventually came out and, after Destroyer Day, the armies of the world went to war to oust him. This was a pretty hard fight but eventually they were successful. Since then, Qumar has been a bit of a mess -- various warlords keep setting up shop in parts of the country, or undermining the transitional government. VIPER effectively took it over at one point, before being chased out. The Warlord had his shot, too.


There are a few other changes too, those are just the ones that spring to mind.


So... what does YOUR Champions Universe look like?

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


My universe started out in the days of 4th edition, and has incorporated elements of 5th along the way. (For instance, the Champions in my world are the 5th edition team.) Millennium City is per 5th edition, and I did incorporate 9/11 into my world. (All but one member of a NYC hero team, the Guardians, lost their lives trying to save people when the towers fell, and the PCs' interactions with the surviving Guardian were very interesting.)


Foxbat actually has a team -- the Foxbat Five ('cuz having five members is way better than the Fantastic Four), though they don't really make him all that much more effective.


I have numerous home-grown villain teams (Vermin, the Windy City Sportsmen, the Gamesmen, the Ravagers, Alexandrian Order) and have incorporated hero and villain individuals and teams from other GMs, primarily contributors toDigital Hero, Haymaker!, and posters on these boards. For example, I've included Hermit's character Adonis and his ladies; The Choir from DH; a group I've named Tsunami from DH (Polestar, Kraken, et. al.); Project CADMUS and Steel Gauntlet from Haymaker!; and others.


My world history retains parts from 4th and 5th editions as well, in addition to real-world events. Though the current PCs haven't run across CLOWN, they know about the various mega-pranks that team has pulled. Sanctuary is still around, though the players' last few teams have never visited there. And as implied above, the destruction of Detroit took place as depicted in the MC book.


The current campaign includes a very public alien invasion, so that's a major deviation both from real life as well as the official CU.

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


My Champs Universe features the Isle of Avalon (http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/79422-The-City-of).


History-wise, I draw from previous campaigns (In KC, MO there was a Super-Hero team called Metroguard that broke-up following Mechanon's attack on an Arms Production that was producing weapons similar to the Nano-mites from the GI Joe Movie (and I had this idea BEFORE the movie came out). A large portion of KC was destroyed when the Nano-Swarm breached containment, ate Mechanon, the factory where the Nano-Swarm was being produced, and then 1/3 of KC. One of Metroguard's members (an electricity-manipulator/speedster named Ionic) jumped into the swarm-matrix and then over-loaded by tapping into the city powergrid and causing a massive EMP. Mechanon is no longer vulnerable to Nano-Swarms, needless to say.


As it turns out, The Engineer has her own version of the Nano-Swarm (she saw an episode of Stargate SG-1 and decided to build the Replicators and cross them with the Borg - so she has Replicants and Cyborg-Zombies that she can control).


Though it doesn't directly affect Avalon (which is off the coast of New Hampshire), I'm using the BP oilspill as a future event.


My players don't realize it, but the world is in great danger. :D

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


On a basic level I assume the 5e Champions Universe, but not much from NotW due to the campaign predating it. After a catastrophic encounter with a world-eating being, UNTIL expanded UNITY and now a lot of the world's superhumans now work under UNITY with China being a glaring exception what with the Tiger Squad.


It's basically like Justice League Unlimited.

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


These days I actually don't use the CU as much as I had. But, when I ran the CU, it had some of the following:

The Champions were the premiere superhero team that was formed in the '90s and had members from the 4th and 5th ed group. They had a few different bases and honorary members such as Starburst and Icicle, but the latter eventually betrayed them as part of a ploy to destroy the team (PCs came in and rescued them).

Deathstroke was a major player in the game with all of the members getting some upgrades in ability and gear. While they weren't the PC Team's nemesis, they were a thorn in their side.

Doctor Destroyer had been through a few revisions, much like Doom had seen in FF. During the last encounter, he was more machine than anything else, causing he and Mechanon to join forces.

Viper was the 4th ed version, as was Demon and Primus. I just like them better :) There was a brief Primus/UNTIL War that ran through the game and was initiated by VOICE. The aftermath of the war left VOICE disassembled, with some members joining Eurostar.


This is just stuff off the top of my head ... don't know if I still have my notes handy, but I may try and post more lately.

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


I have added an ahistorical city, Trinity City, at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers (real world Cairo, IL), and moved the Battle of Detroit to that location. Thus, instead of Millennium City, I have Trinity Island. I also have ex cathedra declared Dr. Destroyer to be most really, and sincerely, permanently dead. The Battle of Trinity City was his refusal to go gently into that good night. His "successor" as the Great Worldbeating Master Villain is an origin-revised Teleios (hint: 4th Edition Dark Champions' Gerheardt Spregen)


There are other changes, such as using the 4th Edition CU timelines for UNTIL and PRIMUS (with substantial changes in the events surrounding the former, and ignoring the Iron Age-ification of the latter from the eponymous eBook, etc.), and shuffling things around a bit inside of VIPER. (Speaking of which... Krait lied, but he wasn't entirely wrong...).


Oh, yeah. Luther Black never came back. No DEMON.


Eurostar is the official superteam of the EU. (No, I didn't say superhero team.)


More on UNTIL - in the aftermath of the V'Hanian Invasion, UNTIL reorganized, transferring Arctic operations to the Wilderness Division and space operations to the previous Oceanic/Arctic Division, the latter of which was separated out into the Oceanic and Aerospace Corps (OAC), which is moving full-speed ahead into becoming Earth's Starfleet.

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


My universe if pretty different from the CU. Yes, I have the Champions (renamed one), Doctor Destroyer, Mechanon and others, but my team is separate. The battle of Detroit has not happened yet (but will), the 9/11 destrction occurred and my heroes helped with the aftermath. (Olorin managed to point out where survivors were, as well as the bodies. It allowed others to rescue. Olorin himself was busy maintaining it.) I have several villians of my own. I called the tone of the campaign "Bronze age with wispers of Iron" - but one hero is described as "a Silver age hero in a Bronze age world." Heros have only been around about 20 years, with the earlier ones a bit underpowered compared to the newer ones. A "Super registration" law has just expired, and heroes are coming out of the woodwork. (as are some villians)

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


On a basic level I assume the 5e Champions Universe, but not much from NotW due to the campaign predating it. After a catastrophic encounter with a world-eating being, UNTIL expanded UNITY and now a lot of the world's superhumans now work under UNITY with China being a glaring exception what with the Tiger Squad.


It's basically like Justice League Unlimited.

Sounds pretty cool. I might steal some element of that for mine, if you don't mind. =) Put up tensions between various world governments and UNTIL again.


So how did the US respond to that initiative in your game? And are there rebel supers who refuse to join?

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


These days I actually don't use the CU as much as I had. But, when I ran the CU, it had some of the following:

The Champions were the premiere superhero team that was formed in the '90s and had members from the 4th and 5th ed group. They had a few different bases and honorary members such as Starburst and Icicle, but the latter eventually betrayed them as part of a ploy to destroy the team (PCs came in and rescued them).

Deathstroke was a major player in the game with all of the members getting some upgrades in ability and gear. While they weren't the PC Team's nemesis, they were a thorn in their side.

Doctor Destroyer had been through a few revisions, much like Doom had seen in FF. During the last encounter, he was more machine than anything else, causing he and Mechanon to join forces.

Viper was the 4th ed version, as was Demon and Primus. I just like them better :) There was a brief Primus/UNTIL War that ran through the game and was initiated by VOICE. The aftermath of the war left VOICE disassembled, with some members joining Eurostar.


This is just stuff off the top of my head ... don't know if I still have my notes handy, but I may try and post more lately.

Yeah, I have a few 4th ed Champions slotted in, too. Sounds like you had a very long-running game. The idea of a Destroyer/Mechanon teamup sounds frightening.


I didn't have a lot of 4e supplement material. What was different about the 4e VIPER and DEMON? (As for PRIMUS, I have the pdf available online, which looks like it was made for 4e... there seems to be little or no 5e material available. XD Am I missing something there?)

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


I have added an ahistorical city' date=' Trinity City, at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers (real world Cairo, IL), and moved the Battle of Detroit to that location. Thus, instead of Millennium City, I have Trinity Island. I also have [i']ex cathedra[/i] declared Dr. Destroyer to be most really, and sincerely, permanently dead. The Battle of Trinity City was his refusal to go gently into that good night. His "successor" as the Great Worldbeating Master Villain is an origin-revised Teleios (hint: 4th Edition Dark Champions' Gerheardt Spregen)


There are other changes, such as using the 4th Edition CU timelines for UNTIL and PRIMUS (with substantial changes in the events surrounding the former, and ignoring the Iron Age-ification of the latter from the eponymous eBook, etc.), and shuffling things around a bit inside of VIPER. (Speaking of which... Krait lied, but he wasn't entirely wrong...).


Oh, yeah. Luther Black never came back. No DEMON.


Eurostar is the official superteam of the EU. (No, I didn't say superhero team.)


More on UNTIL - in the aftermath of the V'Hanian Invasion, UNTIL reorganized, transferring Arctic operations to the Wilderness Division and space operations to the previous Oceanic/Arctic Division, the latter of which was separated out into the Oceanic and Aerospace Corps (OAC), which is moving full-speed ahead into becoming Earth's Starfleet.

Yeah, I think a dead Doctor Destroyer does remove certain plots, but introduces a whole lot more. It's a minor change, really, but results in a very different world. I'm eager to see how this ends up in play. How did it work out for you?


Hm... how did PRIMUS change in the ebook? that's really the only source for them I have. What information was around before that?


The idea of Earth's Starfleet is good, too. With all the alien tech around, it makes sense that someone would start that. ^_-

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


My universe started out in the days of 4th edition, and has incorporated elements of 5th along the way. (For instance, the Champions in my world are the 5th edition team.) Millennium City is per 5th edition, and I did incorporate 9/11 into my world. (All but one member of a NYC hero team, the Guardians, lost their lives trying to save people when the towers fell, and the PCs' interactions with the surviving Guardian were very interesting.)


Foxbat actually has a team -- the Foxbat Five ('cuz having five members is way better than the Fantastic Four), though they don't really make him all that much more effective.


I have numerous home-grown villain teams (Vermin, the Windy City Sportsmen, the Gamesmen, the Ravagers, Alexandrian Order) and have incorporated hero and villain individuals and teams from other GMs, primarily contributors toDigital Hero, Haymaker!, and posters on these boards. For example, I've included Hermit's character Adonis and his ladies; The Choir from DH; a group I've named Tsunami from DH (Polestar, Kraken, et. al.); Project CADMUS and Steel Gauntlet from Haymaker!; and others.


My world history retains parts from 4th and 5th editions as well, in addition to real-world events. Though the current PCs haven't run across CLOWN, they know about the various mega-pranks that team has pulled. Sanctuary is still around, though the players' last few teams have never visited there. And as implied above, the destruction of Detroit took place as depicted in the MC book.


The current campaign includes a very public alien invasion, so that's a major deviation both from real life as well as the official CU.

Nice. Official aliens, or homebrew species?


Did PCs take part in the Battle of Detroit? How did that turn out?

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


My Champs Universe features the Isle of Avalon (http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/79422-The-City-of).


History-wise, I draw from previous campaigns (In KC, MO there was a Super-Hero team called Metroguard that broke-up following Mechanon's attack on an Arms Production that was producing weapons similar to the Nano-mites from the GI Joe Movie (and I had this idea BEFORE the movie came out). A large portion of KC was destroyed when the Nano-Swarm breached containment, ate Mechanon, the factory where the Nano-Swarm was being produced, and then 1/3 of KC. One of Metroguard's members (an electricity-manipulator/speedster named Ionic) jumped into the swarm-matrix and then over-loaded by tapping into the city powergrid and causing a massive EMP. Mechanon is no longer vulnerable to Nano-Swarms, needless to say.


As it turns out, The Engineer has her own version of the Nano-Swarm (she saw an episode of Stargate SG-1 and decided to build the Replicators and cross them with the Borg - so she has Replicants and Cyborg-Zombies that she can control).


Though it doesn't directly affect Avalon (which is off the coast of New Hampshire), I'm using the BP oilspill as a future event.


My players don't realize it, but the world is in great danger. :D

I hate it when movies steal my plot ideas.


Oh dear, the Replicator-Borg sound nasty. Have they come up in play yet?


Using the spill as standard, or working in super elements? =)

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


My universe if pretty different from the CU. Yes' date=' I have the Champions (renamed one), Doctor Destroyer, Mechanon and others, but my team is separate. The battle of Detroit has not happened yet (but will), the 9/11 destrction occurred and my heroes helped with the aftermath. (Olorin managed to point out where survivors were, as well as the bodies. It allowed others to rescue. Olorin himself was busy maintaining it.) I have several villians of my own. I called the tone of the campaign "Bronze age with wispers of Iron" - but one hero is described as "a Silver age hero in a Bronze age world." Heros have only been around about 20 years, with the earlier ones a bit underpowered compared to the newer ones. A "Super registration" law has just expired, and heroes are coming out of the woodwork. (as are some villians)[/quote']

Interesting -- I suppose that counts as a sort of CU. =) A related dimension, perhaps. My own CU is more or less 'post Iron age'. The 80s started a trend towards villains who kill (beginning with Dr Destroyer), bigger death tolls, and through the 90s, growing public antipathy to governmetns and heroes. But with the Battle of Detroit moved to 2000, and Destroyer dead, the world's shifted radically. It's still really trying to piece together this millennial era. =) There are iron-age remnants, but a lot of heroes are reaching back to the silver. I'm very glad that one PC went for the total CvK.


Does your world have a long history of supers?

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


Sounds pretty cool. I might steal some element of that for mine, if you don't mind. =) Put up tensions between various world governments and UNTIL again.


So how did the US respond to that initiative in your game? And are there rebel supers who refuse to join?


1. It's voluntary - supers are not required to join. In fact, UNTIL has restrictions on who can join. Basically, Iron-age heroes are no-nos.


2. The US has post-Battle of Detroit relations with UNTIL and it maintains them in regards to UNITY - they are allowed on US soil, IOW.


3. The latest to happen in the game was Binder inviting the criminals of the world to unite in making UNITY look bad and ineffective so that it is forced to disband. It's an ongoing plot thread right now.


Oh, and borrow, steal, whatever you want. In fact, read my blog entry on this for more. Granted I haven't looked at it for a long while, so it may be somewhat inaccurate to its current status.

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


1. It's voluntary - supers are not required to join. In fact, UNTIL has restrictions on who can join. Basically, Iron-age heroes are no-nos.


2. The US has post-Battle of Detroit relations with UNTIL and it maintains them in regards to UNITY - they are allowed on US soil, IOW.


3. The latest to happen in the game was Binder inviting the criminals of the world to unite in making UNITY look bad and ineffective so that it is forced to disband. It's an ongoing plot thread right now.


Oh, and borrow, steal, whatever you want. In fact, read my blog entry on this for more. Granted I haven't looked at it for a long while, so it may be somewhat inaccurate to its current status.

Hehe, nice use of Binder, too. The quote from Defender in his CKC writeup makes me want to use him more. Additionally, I think the world does need more villains who organise by charisma and inspiration than by 'I am tougher, you all obey me.'


Consider your idea yoinked for future gameplay developments. =D thanks! It especially works in mine -- one of the characters has a (complicated) history with UNTIL. He's actually the fusion of two people into one mind... and one of those people once worked for Project Shiva as a deniable asset inside the US (while the ban was ongoing). He might be kindly disposed to such a development.

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


Seriously folks - fictional country mentioned in an episode of The West Wing

Good one. More than just one ep, though -- it the guy that Barlett had blown away was a Qumari minister (if I remember correctly). I always thought it was a name that sounded like an actual real nation rather than sounding like a fictional one, so stole it.

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


Nice. Official aliens, or homebrew species?


Did PCs take part in the Battle of Detroit? How did that turn out?


The aliens are a homebrew species, a relatively small empire that doesn't interfere with any existing CU races.


The PCs did not take part in the Battle of Detroit, but like in hfergus' world, they did help with the aftermath of 9/11.

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


My universe drew heavily from Marvel, less heavily from DC, cherry-picked from Champions, and added in some home-grown stuff.


Metropolis is in NJ, Gotham is not far away on the eastern side of the Chesapeake in MD. Vibora Bay is still in FL where HERO put it, but Hudson City is tilted 90 degrees and is in CT. Not using the rest of the fictional cities, and I've moved quite a few DC characters around.


Here's the latest version of the history.

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Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


Hehe, nice use of Binder, too. The quote from Defender in his CKC writeup makes me want to use him more. Additionally, I think the world does need more villains who organise by charisma and inspiration than by 'I am tougher, you all obey me.'


Consider your idea yoinked for future gameplay developments. =D thanks! It especially works in mine -- one of the characters has a (complicated) history with UNTIL. He's actually the fusion of two people into one mind... and one of those people once worked for Project Shiva as a deniable asset inside the US (while the ban was ongoing). He might be kindly disposed to such a development.


Glad I could inspire. :)


Also, in my game, I've dubbed it, the "Ultimate Initiative," but I almost went with "The Ultimatum," so take that for what you will.


I will also say that as a result of UNITY being expanded so much, I am slowly making supervillain teams and organizations grow to survive. Master villains similar recruit more, and new teams are going to form. Basically, as the heroes, unite, so do the villains.

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