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Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


Also' date=' if you have MA manuevers for boxing, you could use Offensive Strike as an all-in punch. Combined with the above, that takes a punch from 4-5d6 all the way to 12-13d6 - enough to KO almost anyone.[/quote']


I don't think you can Haymaker any Martial Arts manuevers, although you can buy extra DC with MA of course. And you can always push STR if you want an extra die or two.

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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


Rocky seems to have something like a triggered STR Aid when he is almost out of stun... or just STR with -2 only when at 5 stun or less... that combined with all the above makes it pretty devastating. Also, as a protagonist, he has Hero Points or whatever right?

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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


Do you have UMA for 5th? You could put AP on an offensive strike which would help knock someone out. Or for something really foolproof, buy an Iron finger type power. Its found in Ninja Hero 5th. That construct is an entangle based on Con. Perhaps even link a stun drain to represent being knockout. I am wondering though, what power level game is it for? That would also help define what type of build you are looking at.

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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


One of the problems I've always seen with this sort of thing is that the "use it as the last ditch effort" is hard to enforce. Take Voltron (I'm only familiar with the lion version) - they always go in first with the lions, get beaten, form Voltron, get beaten, form blazing sword, win. Or Star Blazers - they try fighting with conventional weapons, lose, and then fire the Wave Motion Gun. Karate Kid - fluff around for a while, get hurt, then break out the crane kick.


The problem with all of these is that if you try to run this in an RPG, the players are going to whip out that blazing sword first. Anybody else noticed that, and have any thoughts on how to change it? I mean, obviously you can try trumped up limitations like, "must be on 10 STUN or less to use" or whatever, and I suppose you can go with limited charges (but that's dangerous, since the PCs have no obvious way to tell when they've reached the climax and might use it too early before the big boss, with a TPK as the result).

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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


GAZZA you are so on the money there; the big guns always come out first. The problem is that it doesn't cost much more to use the big guns than the small ones. The solution is to put limits on it (extra END, charges, Concentration, Side Effects, etc.) so that it does not behoove the character to use his megablast or whatever at the drop of a hat. The idea of "only useable when STUN is less than 10" seems a bit artificial to me; other Limitations could dissuade use without being quite so arbitrary. Consider the Haymaker; the extra 4 DC is great, but it comes with some serious drawbacks so you don't usually open a fight with it. Model the "last ditch" powers like that so that the player isn't likely to use it unless there are no other options.

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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


GAZZA you are so on the money there; the big guns always come out first. The problem is that it doesn't cost much more to use the big guns than the small ones. The solution is to put limits on it (extra END' date=' charges, Concentration, Side Effects, etc.) so that it does not behoove the character to use his megablast or whatever at the drop of a hat. The idea of "only useable when STUN is less than 10" seems a bit artificial to me; other Limitations could dissuade use without being quite so arbitrary. Consider the Haymaker; the extra 4 DC is great, but it comes with some serious drawbacks so you don't usually open a fight with it. Model the "last ditch" powers like that so that the player isn't likely to use it unless there are no other options.[/quote']


Which is why I suggested Pushing + Haymaker to begin with.

Remember that, depending on the genre, you can allow pushing beyond 10 active points with or without a required EGO roll at GM discretion.

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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


It takes desperation to pull off, but will absolutely knock out any human (no matter how cinematic) that isn't a brick or "super soldier".




One of the problems I've always seen


Yeah, it's called genre convention.


obviously you can try trumped up limitations like' date=' "must be on 10 STUN or less to use" or whatever, [/quote']


Well, at least that's better than "silly", which gets tossed around on the Steve Jackson Games GURPS board when an idea isn't what a poster likes.


GAZZA you are so on the money there; the big guns always come out first.


Not if you,


1. Make an agreement with the player


2. Have the appropriate limitation(s) in place


The idea of "only useable when STUN is less than 10" seems a bit artificial to me; other Limitations could dissuade use without being quite so arbitrary.


Just because something doesn't sit well with you, doesn't mean it needs to get belittled.

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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


Well, in torg you build up cards an d when you have the right hand you can do amazing things. Perhaps for this kind of thing, you need to get a prop set for things like this. As things happen in an adventure the player gets cards and depending on the set you get a bonus for a one-off attack. So, when someone triggers a psych disad you get a card, when someone smacks you down, you get a card.


Some events might allow cards to be swapped.


Ultimately you get a chance to spend the cards and go for the big KO.




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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


I like Torg, if recall correctly, but it is ages since I have played it.


Here is a Hero card idea:


Every time you miss (or miss by 2 or miss by 4 or roll a 5 or less, or whatever), you get a card. You can hold no more than (say) 4 cards. In a standard 'deck' there are 52 cards.












=52 cards. Coincidence? Can't be.


You can 'spend' a card in your hand instead of making a roll. If you 'should' have another card but already hold 4, then you can discard one.



10 = Aces, Kings and red Queens

9 = Black Queens, Jacks and nonClub10s

8 = 10 of Clubs, 9s and nonClub 8s

7 = 8 of Clubs, 7s and red 6s

6 = Black 6s, 5s

5 = 4s and Diamond 3s

4 = NonDiamons 3s and Diamond 2s

3 = nonDiamond 2s

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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


Nice Sean but it is a bit too "generic for me". I think that I would be inclined to make cards a bit more genre specific (thus requiring a bit of artistic merit).


They also need some way to be made into 'working hands'. In a superhero game I think I might have something more like a happy families deck with the JLA, the Avengers, the Legion, the Fearsome Five, the Injustice League etc etc.


If you can put together a team, you get a bonus, otherwise you use the attributes of the team to get bonuses - match a brick, martial artist and a energy projector for a bonus, if they are from the same team you get extra. Match three bricks for a bonus etc etc.


It would be a job to get the right balance for these and to make sure that the card collection did not overcome the actual game but it could be an interesting addition that would provide the opportunity to do things like a KO punch but they would only be able to accomplish after some level of effort.




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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


You COULD use normal cards: you get an additional card each time you do something reward-worthy. Then you build poker hands. You can spend a power hand of any value for an automatic success or a maximum effect roll (or, if you have enough cards saved, both).


You'd need to 'spend' 5 cards, because that is a poker hand, but so long as you have at least a pair, you get the bonus...UNLESS...your opponent also has a hand that he can play that beats yours. Your attack automatically becomes a miss, or a minimum damage roll, and they can use the winning hand on their next phase against you before discarding it.


Systems like this tend to prejudice single master villains who will have a hard time accumulating enough cards t match the cards that a team of 5 or 6 heroes can amass.


You might set a maximum number of cards that can be held at one time, and you might use several packs shuffled together to make things less predictable.


Alternatively you could be awarded virtual cards and they get dealt to you when you want to spend them (I've got 8 card awards, and I need to make the hit, so I ask for all 8 - which are dealt there and then - in the hope of making a winning hand.


In this case, I'd say a villain, rather than holding cards, is ALWAYS entitled to 5 cards, to defend (they can not use them 'offensively' unless they beat your hand), and 'master villains' get a larger hand pool to defend with.


That will always make using cards a bit risky - it is likely to be a spectacular success or a spectacular failure :)

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Re: Rocky's One-Hit-KO Punch


I do not like giving villains the HERO style powers - it too often works against players and they do not appreciate it. HERO points etc are for players to get advantages. I prefer to build the villains such that the heroes need to use their HERO points to win, not balance it off against HERO points used by the villain.


As such, I would not give the villain a hand of cards. I would possibly provide the villain with a way of disrupting the accumulation of cards, or of nullifying individual cards held by the player characters.


So, the players have a hand of cards. In a combat they need to do something productive story wise to accumulate cards into their hands and other things to play cards on the table (in TORG they have approved actions each round and if you are successful at an approved action you get to put a card into your card pool on the table). It is cards on the table (in the pool) that allow you to do stuff. The villain, if he/she/it accomplishes something productive and they will do this less often than the players as he will act less often, may affect cards in players hands but not on the table. So something like discard random card to very specific stuff like 'lose a brick/ace etc'.


I would go with the poker hands for cowboy games as poker goes with cowboys. Does not go with most superheroes or sci-fi...and so becomes a generic thing rather than something that adds genre flavour.




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