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Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...

Dr Divago

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Hi all

in my low power superhero campaign, a PC got a cybernetic eye; now they will facing an upgrade (thanks to conversion from 5ER to 6E) so i'm thinking about "unlocking" some software on the eye


until now she got:

x-ray vision (penetrative w normal sight)

microvision (microscopic w normal sight)

light multipower with lightbulb, laser (rka with los) and laser cutter (rka 1 penetrative x4 continuous)


what also can i give her?

first idea was a virtual GUI with health status like on videogame, but i got no idea on what effect could have

second idea is some enhanced perception, like infrared or just a plain enhanced perception. or a flash defense (but it's only one eye, so other one would still be blinded)

other ideas? a clairsentience power (only to see throughout special build cameras)? a radar+homing beacon (detect location of special locator, plus a bunch of special gps locator)? a gps (detect exact location)?

a special link to satellites (clairsentience)?


she got also teleport powers so something she can use with their teleport powers?


it's a low powered superhero (300 point in 6E) and they are in a world where supers are not publically known; they work for a government secret agency so they could effectively afford to some benefit (like tapping into satellites)


ty for your help :)

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


If you have access to sourcebooks, Shadowrun and Cyberpunk:2020 have a lot of listings for cybereye options. Here are a few suggestions:


1) Weapon targeting. If the character has any guns or similar weapons, an OCV CSL or two could represent an internalized effect similar to a scope, helping to adjust for range, target movement, windage, etc. Shadowrun calls it a Smartgun Link.


2) Nightvision. It'd have a reduced effect, since it's only in one eye, but better than being blind, and it doesn't give you away like a flashlight.


3) Link to a database. Since they work for a government agency, this would be a good one. Build it as a Mind Link with the organization's home base, allowing access to whatever information is available. Good for looking up information on people, places, etc.

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


Most of the Stuff i can think of is part of her other stuff (like the brain/cyberware interaface), but uses the HUD of the Eye to transmit it's data:

- Full blown "Mental Radio" suite. The normal Stuff, but is not affected by loss of hearing

- Laser Range finder (Absolute Range Sense).

- Smart link (thinks like Adjacent, Weaponmaster or more generally CSL for the Weapons)


It too think that Shadowrun is a good starting point. As could be Cyberhero Kazei 5 or the equipment Guide (just guessing. Would be the place I would put Cyberware).

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


Seems to me that it might not be unreasonable for the eye to be able to record images, ect and upload them to a computer, perferably an implanted one of course.


This way she could quickly skim through documents in the field and then read them in relative safety elsewhere, or with a radio link have someone monitering whatever she is looking at to point out things she might have missed or talk her through some situation she isn't familair with.

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


i got a lot of cp2020 sourcebook (indee it was first rpg i did the GM... :_) how many memories...) and so i got also a lot of chromebook related stuff


i was just wondering what you would give to a player; i mean, something more hero system-related (most of the think on chromebook are just fancy stuff or things with too little use for a super hero campaign)

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


Clairsentience (sight and hearing groups); she teleports a camera/microphone gadget where she wants to see and hear, and gets the output through her cybernetics.


Flash attack, AOE Cone, no range, Concentration 0 DCV; she closes her other eye, overamps the cyber-eye, and FOOM!


Somebody else already mentioned Eidetic Memory.


Since the eye has the ability to project light, Images to Sight, limited range; a close-range hologram projector to, for example, show teammates a building cutaway with the locations of targets inside that she identified with her x-ray vision. Useful for planning assaults.

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


How about (flatoing) Fixed Locations for the Teleport?

She has a very good memory module and when she "views" her recordings of certain locations she can teleport there without trouble. The limited number is because of the high quality needed for the recordings to "work" for her safe teleport.


Having X-Ray is already a boon, as she can look into rooms before teleporting there (also allows her safe teleport to the other side of walls).

Depending on how much she upgrades it, should could become a really effective scout. Since teleporting is silent, she can move without detection and she can see a lot of things from the other side of a wall. Could even become to effective at that.


When she adds in a neurally linked word processor, she could read really fast.

Or maybe a Lipreading processor to use her wide field of vision to follow conversations (6E1 82).

Maybe a fast translation programm for written speech (Universal Translater, but cut out the "Meaning of speech" unless you combine it with the Lipreading).



Something from "Dark Project" and I think shadowrun has it to: Eyeball cameras.

Either she plugs out her own eye and rolls it into a room. Or it is a seperate, small drone with limited movement and weak radio. Roll it into a room or maybe place it in some point with a view. Then remotely view the video feed either in your bionic eye or on the interface of your eye (if you took it out). The drone could inlcude audio transmission.

D&D has a Spell with magically summoned, invisible, flying eyeballs (technological variant depends on how far drone/robot supertech is)

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...




Something from "Dark Project" and I think shadowrun has it to: Eyeball cameras.

Either she plugs out her own eye and rolls it into a room. Or it is a seperate, small drone with limited movement and weak radio. Roll it into a room or maybe place it in some point with a view. Then remotely view the video feed either in your bionic eye or on the interface of your eye (if you took it out). The drone could inlcude audio transmission.


This makes me think off G'Kar in Babylon 5 :)

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


cool thanks guys!

lot of ideas!!


now i did it:

i give her some cool and not-so-limited utility gadget with HUD:

1) Rangefinder:  Detect range of objects 12- (Sight Group) (3 Active Points); Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; left eye; -1/4), Unified Power (All HUD Powers; -1/4)
2) Targeting System:  +2 with Cybernetic Eye Lasers (6 Active Points); Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; left eye; -1/4), Affected by Most Sight Group Flash (-1/4), Unified Power (-1/4) 	
3) Clock:  Detect Time 12- (Unusual Group), Sense (5 Active Points); Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; left eye; -1/4), Unified Power (All HUD Powers; -1/4), Affected by Most Sight Group Flash (-1/4)
4) Visual Alarm:  Sight Group Images, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset, Trigger can expire (it has a time limit); +1/4) (12 Active Points); Only to Create Visual Reminder (-1), Self Only (-1/2), Unified Power (All HUD Powers; -1/4), Linked (Clock; Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time; Lesser Instant Power can be used in any Phase in which greater Constant Power is in use; -0)
5) Compass:  Detect Direction 12- (Unusual Group), Sense (5 Active Points); Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; left eye; -1/4), Unified Power (All HUD Powers; -1/4), Affected by Most Sight Group Flash (-1/4)
6) Video Recorder:  Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); Only to Recall Up to 30 min of Previously Recorded Visual Images (-1/2), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; left eye; -1/4), Unified Power (-1/4), Affected by Most Sight Group Flash (-1/4) 	
7) Barcode Scanner:  Cryptography 14- (7 Active Points); Only to Decode Barcode and Similar Code (-1), Affected by Sight Group Flashes and Darkness (-1/2), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; left eye; -1/4), Unified Power (-1/4)

the "Affected by Most Sight Group Flashes" is because those powers are affected by flash (if she can't see 'cause is flashed, she can't read the time on hud). BUT she's not affected by most Darkness (in the darkness you can read time on hud... just you can't read anything else :D )


not every power got the limitation: rangefinder is completely sight group (if you can't see the target you can't point it to see the range), and alarm is linked to clock so if you can't see the clock you can't see the alarm too. Barcode scanner's limitation is -1/2, 'cause you need also to see the target :)

limitation value is derivated by the "Affected as well as another sense" limitation


btw, TY for the help!!

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


Rangefinder/Clock/Compass: These Sense are Auto-Success like most Sensory Talents (what they cover is so small even for a 3 point detect, they automatically succed).


Targeting System: What is that? CSL? It most likely can't take "Affected by Most Sight Group Flash" as you already are bad at aiming when you are flashed.


Visual Alarm: Trigger already says that you need any sense the Trigger needs. Your alarm clock needs a clock so i knows when its time. So no linked here.


Barcode Scanner:

How important is Barcode in your campaign that you make it a power???

In most modern campaigns I would give it a -2 or let it be freeby/easy use of power roll. The "affected by darkness and Flashes" is not right, since cryptography asumes that you can percieve what you decode.


Video Recoder:

Again, no affected by flashes. You can't memorize when you can't see, but you could play back even in darkness/when you perception is flashed (after all most flashes don't affect Brain/Cyberware interfaces).

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


Rangefinder/Clock/Compass: These Sense are Auto-Success like most Sensory Talents (what they cover is so small even for a 3 point detect' date=' they automatically succed).[/quote']ok but HD still print the per roll...

Targeting System: What is that? CSL? It most likely can't take "Affected by Most Sight Group Flash" as you already are bad at aiming when you are flashed.
Yeah it's CSL

but i can still use attack while flashed (just i'm at 0 OCV). Ok, using CSL will be pointless 'cause i will be at 0 OCV but i can made a PER roll to find a target and still be at 1/2 OCV

Visual Alarm: Trigger already says that you need any sense the Trigger needs. Your alarm clock needs a clock so i knows when its time. So no linked here.

ok i'll remove it

Video Recoder:

Again, no affected by flashes. You can't memorize when you can't see, but you could play back even in darkness/when you perception is flashed (after all most flashes don't affect Brain/Cyberware interfaces).

ok but you can still see whatever you recorded while in darkness BUT you can't if you are flashed (by some types of flash)
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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


ok but you can still see whatever you recorded while in darkness BUT you can't if you are flashed (by some types of flash)

Or perhaps we are not at the same point here.

As I think you see it:

The additional information are projected into the view, so that the artificial sense sees it literally.


How I see it:

Just add you information to the video feed from the cybereye. that way even if the cybereye is flashed it would still work (you just add it to all white/blank screen).

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Re: Need some ideas for powers in a cyber eye...


How I see it:

Just add you information to the video feed from the cybereye. that way even if the cybereye is flashed it would still work (you just add it to all white/blank screen).

I second this design; info would feed directly into the optic nerve.


Also, another useful option for the eye would be

Light Compensation: Flash Defense for Sight Group

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