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Nightwing is Dick Grayson


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Re: Nightwing is Dick Grayson


Originally posted by Acroyear

We can finally stop calling him "Shaft Grayson" and "Rod Grayson."


Dick is finally getting the respect he deserves from the profanity filter.


This is not an invitation for everyone to turn into a bunch of Nightwings and start being rude and vulgar!


Of course, you know by revealing this, you have activated Superhero Guidebook Law #24, i.e. the Joe Chill clause.


Expect to have your memory wiped, be killed by your friends before you can reveal it, or to die some other miraculously untimely death.


There's always a slight chance that you could use that knowledge to impress Nightwing and become his protegee, but only if you don't reveal it to anyone else fir-- Oops.


Better buy some Life Insurance...


Keith "but not from me" Curtis

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Re: Rats


Originally posted by Hermit

Don't get me wrong. This is good news. It's just that when I saw the title of the thread, I thought... "A Nightwing Movie? Hopefully withOUT O'Donnel? Or maybe a TV series... ALRIGHT!"


I mean, being able to say his name is nice, but you can understand my disapointment :)


I thought the same thing except maybe they were changing his secret ID and Acroyear was going to ra...er...exspress his displeasure over this ;)

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To quote Eddie Murphy in the Distinguished Gentleman


"Dick is good! Dick is good!"


OMG, now I get it. This is some sort of double entandre."



Heh, the reason this posting is so ground breaking, Blue, is that Dick used to get caught by the profanity filter thinking it was a phallic reference instead of a name.

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Re: Rats


Originally posted by Hermit

I mean, being able to say his name is nice, but you can understand my disapointment :)


My insidious plot is working! Moowahahahaha.


I mean "heroic." My heroic plot is working.


Now to attack your funds...


I was a fanboy buying anything with him on it and I felt it was pretty damn well done (keep in mind, I know when my faves are crap, but since I was completionist... I kept buying and praying. I mean, remember when Eric Larsen got Aquaman? Oh my god... terrible, terrible...)

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Originally posted by Acroyear

My insidious plot is working! Moowahahahaha.


I mean "heroic." My heroic plot is working.


Now to attack your funds...


I was a fanboy buying anything with him on it and I felt it was pretty damn well done (keep in mind, I know when my faves are crap, but since I was completionist... I kept buying and praying. I mean, remember when Eric Larsen got Aquaman? Oh my god... terrible, terrible...)

Thanks for the reccomendation... uhm *notes maniacal laughter* I think. :)


Yeah, Dick is an interesting character, though I found some portrayals of him very young as annoying. I think I first started liking him in an old Teen Titans book I only half way remember. Details are foggy, but essentially Batman teamed up with the Teen Titans. Batman started treating them all like sidekicks, giving orders, and expecting to be obeyed.


Dick pulls Bruce aside, and informs him that while he loves him like a father never do that again. He straightened Batman out on who was better at "playing with others" , and how Dick was their leader, not him. If Bruce didn't like their way of doing things, well, there's the door.


Talk about tense moments :) It was the first I could recall Dick stepping out of Batman's shadow in something beyond mere rebellion, but acting as his own MAN.

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I started in on comics when I was kid. As such, I always liked kid sidekicks because, frankley, I suppose I identified with them more. Books like the Titans were always cool to me and it's been great fun seeing many of them come into their own. I'm particularly a big fan of Dick and Wally.

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I'm afraid even as a kid, most kid or even teen sidekicks annoyed the tick out of me. Perhaps I felt they were a distraction from the hero I was rooting for, or maybe I was jealous.. hmm.. *breaks out his Freud in a box to consult with later*


That said, has anyone made a character for Champions who's concept is 'Ex Side-kick"? :)

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Originally posted by Hermit

I'm afraid even as a kid, most kid or even teen sidekicks annoyed the tick out of me. Perhaps I felt they were a distraction from the hero I was rooting for, or maybe I was jealous.. hmm.. *breaks out his Freud in a box to consult with later*


That said, has anyone made a character for Champions who's concept is 'Ex Side-kick"? :)


Break out your Fred Wertham instead. Much more entertaining implications. :D

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Guest Champsguy
Originally posted by Hermit

I'm afraid even as a kid, most kid or even teen sidekicks annoyed the tick out of me. Perhaps I felt they were a distraction from the hero I was rooting for, or maybe I was jealous.. hmm.. *breaks out his Freud in a box to consult with later*


That said, has anyone made a character for Champions who's concept is 'Ex Side-kick"? :)


Amen. I didn't give a crap about Robin. I wanted to see Batman! Seeing Marvin and Wendy only drove home the fact that I couldn't be Superman.


"Gee, if I was on the Superfriends, I'd be as big a loser as those two...




That's an interesting idea to play a former sidekick. I might have to try that at some point.

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Originally posted by Hermit

Side Note:

I've been hearing particularly good things about the Nightwing comic book series. I don't collect (not any more) but is it worth snatching from the shelves from time to time? Or have I just run into some die hard fans who'd buy anything with him on it? :)


I gave it up shortly after the original writer, Chuck Dixon, left DC Comics to write for an alternative press. Dixon's run was excellent, but it hasn't (IMO) maintained quality since then.


On the other hand, there is a new series starting this spring/summer called THE OUTSIDERS, with Nightwing as team leader, that I plan to give a 12-issue trial.

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The Outsiders? Whoa.. nostalgia


Originally posted by Peregrine

On the other hand, there is a new series starting this spring/summer called THE OUTSIDERS, with Nightwing as team leader, that I plan to give a 12-issue trial.

Whoa, now there is a hero team name I haven't heard in awhile.

I was never a DC fan, but ...

I'm wondering if we'll be seeing the return of Black Lightning, Katana, or Halo in one incarnation or another as well...

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Re: The Outsiders? Whoa.. nostalgia


Originally posted by Hermit

Whoa, now there is a hero team name I haven't heard in awhile.

I was never a DC fan, but ...

I'm wondering if we'll be seeing the return of Black Lightning, Katana, or Halo in one incarnation or another as well...


Just a hunch but I believe Halo is now in JLA using the the name Faith. But I could be wrong.

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Re: Re: The Outsiders? Whoa.. nostalgia


Originally posted by Agent Escafarc

Just a hunch but I believe Halo is now in JLA using the the name Faith. But I could be wrong.


Hmm. That almost seems to work. It would explain her familiarity with Batman's parental feelings about Nightwing and his paternal pride. She doens't seem to be running the same power set, though. She used to be a, what was it, an aurakle or some such energy being living in a corpse. Had that incredibly visible Roy G Biv multipower and stuff. Faith hasn't got any visible powers other than feel good vibes and such, so far. I personally was hoping for Moon Maiden from that 80 pg JLA issue a few years ago. It was a fairly clever retcon storyline that had been clipped back out of continuity ansd was creeping in again. Not a single mutter of "Hypertime" in the whole thing either.

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Originally posted by Champsguy

Amen. I didn't give a crap about Robin. I wanted to see Batman! Seeing Marvin and Wendy only drove home the fact that I couldn't be Superman.


"Gee, if I was on the Superfriends, I'd be as big a loser as those two...




That's an interesting idea to play a former sidekick. I might have to try that at some point.


Well, at least you wouldn't be as bad as Aquaman.

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Originally posted by Hermit

That said, has anyone made a character for Champions who's concept is 'Ex Side-kick"? :)


You know I really haven't. It is an interesting idea though. I might have to see if I can pull this off sometime. (unlikely though, I think sometimes I really suck as an RPGer)

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Re: The Outsiders? Whoa.. nostalgia


Originally posted by Hermit

Whoa, now there is a hero team name I haven't heard in awhile.

I was never a DC fan, but ...

I'm wondering if we'll be seeing the return of Black Lightning, Katana, or Halo in one incarnation or another as well...


They had a second run (with nice art by Paul Pelletier) that I actually liked a lot.

The team was: Geo-Force (original team), Faust (the son of Felix Faust), Technocrat (Geoffrey Barrow; an inventor and business magnate), Wylde (Charlie Wylde; Geoffrey Barrow´s bodyguard; magically merged with a bear; ); Katana (original team), Halo (original team), Looker (original team). and later the Eradicator (from the death of Superman )

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Well, Wendy & Marvin did solve each and every mystery.


Robin in the comics was pretty much always competent. In the Titans, he rocked. Batman was already an adult... I wasn't an adult. So I identified with the kid more.


Kid Flash was always great, too. And he had a cooler costume.

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