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Wolverine 6th edition


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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


The IIF looks to be on the claws only, not the skeleton. I could see that on the original bionic claws concept. Even on the current concept, the IIF could be being taken as a lesser form of Restrainable, since the sheet notes they're retractable. If they can be blocked from coming out, then they can be temporarily "taken away."


Still not sure if I'd allow the limit or not, but that may be the reasoning behind it.

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


IIF claws means a super strong and tough opponent could grab them and rip them out.

It should not have to be a super strong opponent. If it is a Focus than anyone should be able to take it away when out of combat. And if it is an Inaccessible Focus it should usually not be able to be removed (at least not easily) while in combat regardless of how "strong and tough" the opponent is, though it may be able to be targeted and damaged.

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


IIF claws means a super strong and tough opponent could grab them and rip them out.

I would think that falls under "needs surgery or special power".

An acessible focus means usually any enemy can disarm it / grab and steal it (proper relative STR asumed*). Also Entagles wil propably make using that item impossible. Guns, swords and other hand-held weapons. Most Shields.

An inaccesible focus means, everyone can take it away when out of combat in about 1 Minute of time. It's impossible to steal them just with a Grab/Disarm or Block it with an Entangle. Most forms of (power) armor.


A metal Skeleton/Claws that needs Superstrenght or Surgery to be taken away:

Never ever going to fly as a Focus with any GM.


You have some leeway to go up or down:

An easily torn robe would be an accessible focus.

You can define your Sowrd and Shield to work as OIF - you are so skilled you can't be disarmed or they teleport back to your hands immediately.

You can just take take a HKA with "looks like a sword", but no Limitations. This sword is not considered a Focus or destructible any more than Supermans fist.


His claws are the later:

They cannot be destroyed in Combat. They cannot be disarmed. You also just can't go after he is K.O. or take it away. At least not any easier then ripping out his entire arm.


*Of course a 60 STR bick with Accesible Foci is dubious at best. He propably should recieve a reduced limitation value (down to Inacessible Focus value).

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


Focus can be a tricky modifier. Some things really seem like Foci that technically aren't and even things that are dont always fall neatly into the rather broad categories of Foci. I'd call Wolverine's claws Restrainable maybe at just the -1/4 level.

It's a tough call.

Propably I would just put this under the "origin point" rule: Every attack power has a clear origin point (Eyeblast, Handblasts, Chestblaster, Codpiece...). So it might not be worth any limitation at all.

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


I have read a few Wolverine comics that seem to indicate that he was killed and then he came back from the dead. One was when he was actually gave up to Dugan from Shield who shot him multiple times in the head to "restrain" him and he came round strapped to a heart monitor that restarted when his regeneration "reebooted". As regeneration does not work when you are dead so I would think he would have low regeneration connected to resurrection but with a time delay.

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


I do like the write up' date=' however the IIF isn't legal. The rules of foci state that a metal skeleton isn't allowed as a focus. Guess Steve knew about Wolverine:)[/quote']


I'd allow it because a lot of people (Magneto for example) Can and have done very bad things to Wolverine just because of the skeleton and claws. It may not be exactly the right "type" of Limitation but it's about the right cost. One could argue with the prevalence of certain types of badguys it could be worth even more, especially if you go with the real Wolverine origin and not the crap they came up with in Origins....



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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


It's a tough call.

Propably I would just put this under the "origin point" rule: Every attack power has a clear origin point (Eyeblast, Handblasts, Chestblaster, Codpiece...). So it might not be worth any limitation at all.


The labor intensive, pedantic way to handle it would be to go over the published background of the character in question and try to eyeball how many times the suspected focus (or whatever drawback) was an issue for them and pick a Limitation value based on that frequency.

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


I would say there is a strong argument that even a -1/4 Restrainable is too strong of a Limitation. He can't stab some who pins his arms? That's covered by the point of origin rules just like someone with eye lazers can't hit someone who grabs him from behind or someone with hand blasts can't shoot in front of him when his arms are tied behind him. Wolverine uses his claws to escape from various types of entangles with some regularity, so he is no more limited in that respect. If a strong enough magnetic field can prevent him from attacking it can probably prevent him from moving or acting since his entire skeleton is metal and should probably be some kind of Physical Complication on the character, not a Limitation on a single Power. No known surgical method in the Marvel Universe could remove his claws or skeleton. Magneto ripping his metal out? That's a plot point/radiation accident in my opinion for several reasons. First, there is no way a -1/4 Limitation could justify having your skeleton ripped out and your character's schtick fundamentally changed. Secondly, he got the bone claws which screams radiation accident/change or alteration of powers, not a Limitation being enforced.

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


I would say there is a strong argument that even a -1/4 Restrainable is too strong of a Limitation. He can't stab some who pins his arms? That's covered by the point of origin rules just like someone with eye lazers can't hit someone who grabs him from behind or someone with hand blasts can't shoot in front of him when his arms are tied behind him. Wolverine uses his claws to escape from various types of entangles with some regularity, so he is no more limited in that respect. If a strong enough magnetic field can prevent him from attacking it can probably prevent him from moving or acting since his entire skeleton is metal and should probably be some kind of Physical Complication on the character, not a Limitation on a single Power. No known surgical method in the Marvel Universe could remove his claws or skeleton. Magneto ripping his metal out? That's a plot point/radiation accident in my opinion for several reasons. First, there is no way a -1/4 Limitation could justify having your skeleton ripped out and your character's schtick fundamentally changed. Secondly, he got the bone claws which screams radiation accident/change or alteration of powers, not a Limitation being enforced.


Screams Idiot Writer and Bad Marvel Idea from the Unholy Trinity to me. Besides, He did get the Adamantium Back, and that sorta follows the Focus rules there. *Shrug* I wouldn't have an issue with the -1/4 simply because over the Decades I've been reading the character, Good Writers and the Bad, that's about the "effect" having the Metal Laced Skeleton (Infused with Adamantium Beta) level in play, and the effects of said Metal upon his other powers and such could have elements of a Disadvantage to them, but a lot of it runs with Focus simply because it Can be effected separately from Wolverine Himself in a variety of ways, and his control over the claws can be effected likewise.


~Rex .... may put together a Wolverine (starting) write up when he has better then a not so smart phone to work with in about 7 hours.... if he can stay awake long enough, heh....

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


It's still never going to be a focus. A focus, even an inaccessible one, has to be removable (by anyone with a minute or two) outside of combat. Period. Power armor is a focus (or can be). Knock Iron Man out and you can eventually cut him out of that tin can. When he's at charity event you can sneak in his house and stea it. Wolverines claws are simple not a focus. Maybe Restrainable, and at the smaller -1/4 level, at best. And then it needs to be clearly defined HOW exactly it is restrainable. I don't think his clawshave consistantly show to be restrainable. I think times when they have been shown to be such is the exception rather than the rule. Either way, good or bad writing doesn't come into it. From a Hero System mechanics viewpoint it is not a Focus unless you choose to change the definition of Focus and essentially create a house rule.

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


The Magneto metal removal is a plot point and could be considered simply as a transformation. I am sure Magneto has a power pool on magnetic tricks that he can buy a transform or drain cheap. Look at the metal fillings turned into balls and then turned into plates for riding. That has to be a transformation.


If it was a focus, Wolverine should have been able to go back to the Xavier mansion and be back in the metal. Wolverine also has a regeneration that will regenerate the bone claw basis so you might even want to add the Inherent penalty cost to this power.


If someone wanted to be a rule rapist and make it a focus, I would be nailing him with the Inherent penalty or rolling for the claws falling out, everytime he picks someone up or tries to cut through something unsuccessfully with the claws. "Sorry, the wall didn't break so your claws are stuck until you pull them out, BTW the 5 energy blasts all hit you since you have no DCV as you are stuck." I have seen the rule rapist make all kinds of rules to say they can't lose their foci. Once there is a rule, it stops being a focus. You can't have it both ways. As a GM, if you make rules to lose your item, that makes it a focus, not vice versa. If the rule comes out of "origin point" rule, it still is not a focus.


It is a H2H killing attack, plain and simple. The special effect is the adamantium claws. You don't pay for special effects and you don't get points for them. Back to Superman example, if you put him under a red sun, you can take all his powers away. That doesn't make all of his powers, foci. Someone steals Spiderman's webshooters which would require him to be out cold but Spiderman just goes home and gets another set, that is a focus. If the item is irreplacable by the hero, you might get some points for the difficulty to replace but only if he has a chance to lose it in normal play.


It was a bad build. IMHO

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Re: Wolverine 6th edition


Like I said, if it were going by how often and the possibility of having the metal removed, and or controlled, or nullified, then I'm not to off put by someone wanting to snag a -1/4 kind of focus limitation for it if the removal etc is a potential part of what can happen to the character in the game. Restrainable fits for a lot of stuff that's happened to him as well and I do lean strongly in the direction of some of the disadvantage possibilities as well (where as it cuts back on his level of regen and a few other issues as pointed out after the "Attack of the Idiot Writer"....


I've also got to look at his Real Origin vs his Retconned by Idiots Origin as well and compare it to other similar things in Wolvie's Universe and what's happened to those people. Simply put, there's been a lot of Adamantium enhanced folks in the Marvel Universe, and they have all had their Adamantium taken away at one point or another and most of it have gotten it back in a relatively short time. That's pretty much a focus, since if it's not a focus by the game rules, you can't really take it away (Unless you want to start pulling the Transforms out of ones Backside). Said Occurrences happened basically out of combat 'cept for the Magneto episode and even that's debatable because the fight was pretty much done at that point. I chalk it up as a flavor thing on one hand and preference on the other. Either way, a -1/4 isn't bad and does pretty much earn that over the course of his story up to the point where the Unholy One decides to mash pieces of his various origins together into one uber stinky fanboy version....



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