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Guest Worldmaker

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Guest Worldmaker

Anyone got any suggestions for names of the members of a throwaway Golden Age team, the Liberty Legion, made up of heroes from various allied countries and operating in Europe?


Its a throwaway reference, but I know someone is going to be asking for names.

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Défi- A superhuman member of the French Resistance. Ironically, he comes from a line of French noblemen who were lucky to excape the executions during the French Revolution...but there is no greater lover of freedom on the team! He is a master of both fencing, and Savate'.


Bulldog- British Brick, super strong, ESPECIALLY once he gets his hands on you. It's very hard to shake him loose. The name wasn't his choice, but the UK government asked him to take it on and act as role model for the people. He's gotten quite good at just that; his oratory skills rival those of Churchill himself.


Dough Boy- Not the name he would have chosen, Private K Reynolds had the dubious honor of being one of the first captured Americans. Taken prisoner by Nazi scientists; The experiments went...very wrong. Granting him the super powers he needed to escape, but also making him freakishly doughy in consistancy. Very little can do permanent harm to this stretching super hero, but holding his exact shape is getting harder and harder.


Lesidhe- A mystical being sent by Russia. She seems to detest technology, and is elf like in appearance. She's also a formidible sorceress. Lesidhe doesn't seem to care much for Stalin or the communist party, but when asked why she fights on their side, she merely states that the Nazis would mechanize everything, she loves the Russian Land, not it's rulers....and lastly, "grandmother said so."

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Guest Worldmaker
Originally posted by Hermit

Défi- A superhuman member of the French Resistance. Ironically, he comes from a line of French noblemen who were lucky to excape the executions during the French Revolution...but there is no greater lover of freedom on the team! He is a master of both fencing, and Savate'.


Bulldog- British Brick, super strong, ESPECIALLY once he gets his hands on you. It's very hard to shake him loose. The name wasn't his choice, but the UK government asked him to take it on and act as role model for the people. He's gotten quite good at just that; his oratory skills rival those of Churchill himself.


Dough Boy- Not the name he would have chosen, Private K Reynolds had the dubious honor of being one of the first captured Americans. Taken prisoner by Nazi scientists; The experiments went...very wrong. Granting him the super powers he needed to escape, but also making him freakishly doughy in consistancy. Very little can do permanent harm to this stretching super hero, but holding his exact shape is getting harder and harder.


Lesidhe- A mystical being sent by Russia. She seems to detest technology, and is elf like in appearance. She's also a formidible sorceress. Lesidhe doesn't seem to care much for Stalin or the communist party, but when asked why she fights on their side, she merely states that the Nazis would mechanize everything, she loves the Russian Land, not it's rulers....and lastly, "grandmother said so."




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  • Prototype (Supersoldier type)
  • Shootist (An American old style western hero, ala John Wayne)
  • Libertine (French woman dressed like the statue of liberty, able to manipulate flame, as long as there is a source for it--such as the torch she carries)
  • Hyde (British scientist with elixers that give him super abilities with often ugly side effects for the duration)
  • Miracolo (Italian, manipulates probability)

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Defender of the Realm (British) - Given that title by the King himself - Leader of the superheroes. Think Captain America type for Britain


Union Jack (British) - Martial Artist, Two-fisted type


Dunkirk (British) - Aquatic hero, aided the escape at Dunkirk and earned his name there


American Eagle (American) - Winged hero


Big Ben (British) - Growth powers




and then there's always Hyperion

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Originally posted by Hermit

The only problem with this is Italy is part of the Axis, and thus not an "allied country".


He could be:

1) an Italian opponent of the regime. Remember those guys who hung Mussolini?


2) Italian descent in an allied country (eg US) trying to show that "not all Italians are Fascists!" Besides, unless he's really obvious about being Italian, most people would take the name as just that - heck, sounds like a laundry detergent! :P


3) After Italy surrendered, they switched sides in 1943 - maybe their supers who weren't hardcore Fascists did too.

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My thinking:


Since Russia is bearing the greatest military burden of the war and wields the largest army, they should be supplying the brick.


The French are not actually Allies, but French Resistance is a fave of the fans, so they should be supplying the skill-master/stealth specialist.


The English are bearing the second greatest burden, but are taking on the greatest leadership burden, thus they should be supplying the charismatic, flying brick/Superman clone.


The Chinese are bearing the worst brunt in the Pacific theater being Japan's chew toy. This is a Golden Age game so, though martial arts is alive and well in the 40s American comics have yet to catch on (if someone knows differently, please tell me I'm eager to learn) thus they should be supplying the mystic (with emphasis on alchemy).


Countries being overlooked here are Australia, most of the African nations, and Norway (?).


Unfortunately, I can't think of a single good name right now.

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Originally posted by Supreme

Countries being overlooked here are Australia, most of the African nations, and Norway (?).


Norway got stomped in 1940. However, heroes from any of the occupied nations are possible.


"Most of the African nations" includes Abyssinia/Ethiopia (occupied by Italy in the early years of the war), South Africa, Egypt (under British "protection"), and a whole bunch of colonies. Probably not many candidates there.


Australia had about 7 million people in WWII. Probably very few supers if any, and those would be busy facing off the Japanese. New Zealand would be in a similar situation, with an even smaller population.


The real missing link is probably Canada. Of course, Johnny Canuck is probably still trying to find his way home from the Libyan Jungles. :) (Try a search to find out what I am referring to.)


So: add a Canadian or someone from an occupied country if you feel the need. Of course, to be "realistic" you should probably pack the team with Americans. :)



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Nationalities depend heavily on the time period. Much of the War in China remains undocumented, even today. IMC, the Japanese were fighting the last Chinese dragons during the war...


For some others from strange places...


~Abdul: Claims Egyptian. Powerful sorceror originally from India, but displaced by the British occupation there. Is tapping into ancient egyptian sorcery, to combat the Axis forces in North Africa. Can change shape, manipulate the weather, and see across vast distances.

Note: is actually the Hindu god, Gnesha, IMC.


~Batman: :) British. Mutant from the first world war, expert scientist, physician, and Inventor. While the Supreme command wanted him to work on more superweapons, he refused, as he still bears the memory of inventing nerve gas in WWI. Bat-Winged Brick with a demonic-like appearance.


~Bonny Lass: Another Scott, and a rival to Cateran. Minor brick who can fly by means of magic. Agent for whoever-is-the-Sorceror-Supreme

NOTE: Mother of a PC Superhero, IMC


~Cateran: The Highlander lass has descneded from the hills of Scotland to defend her friends and home. Can anyone stand against her? NOTE: Member of the Cateran-for-World-Conqueror Club. (CWCC)


~Chaplain: American. Catholic Priest assigned to General Patton's staff. Can control the weather. Believes powers come from God.


~Cousteau: Free French aquatic inventor who plants explosives to destroy German ships.


~Lieutenant X: Unknown, suspected American. Claims Canadian. Sent over secretly by President Roosevelt before the war started, to judge the accuracy of the government process used. Can fire an energy blast from his left hand. Above normal strength, commando trained. Not allowed to give out his real name until the war starts. Speaks with a Texas drawl, signs all documents with an X. :)

Note: PC IMC


~Major Fright: American. Powerful psionic with fear projection, and mental illusions. Works for OSS (American intelligence) to combat and fight German/Italian forces in North Africa.

Note: Becomes a supervillain much later, IMC


~Mama Bear: Russia. Once whe was the governess of the Romanov princesses. Then she was sentanced to a gulag for 25 years. Now released, and under guard, she strikes fear into the hearts of Russia's enemies. Can turn into a werebear, at will.


~Red Wing: South Africa. White South African, with red wings. Tactical Genius, also has enhanced vision. As right wing and fascist as the people he fights...


~Saint Penita: Romania. Brick with a giant hammer. Although Romania fights for the Axis, she fights to liberate it from their grip, and restore the King to the thrown. Stalin himself supports her. The title of Saint Penita comes from a warrior woman who fought the invading Turks three centuries earlier. Current bearer of the name is using the title to get Stalin influence in post war Romania.


~Sarge: American. Burly brick from Georgia, claims to have fought in every American war since the Civil War. Prefers to use his M1 Rifle over his super-strength. "It be more sportin' for those dang huns!"


~Yeoman: Unknown. Amnesiac who posseses the body of whoever kills him, then forgets his previous life. (and reawakens with amnesia). Other than that, powers depend on form inhabited.

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(Damn I still haven't worked out how to post a link to another thread!)


There was a thread a few months ago entitled "Golden Age British Supers" which churned up quite a few WWII heroes (mainly British, but you can pick & choose) which could provide some inspiration. If you do a search on "Iron Duke" you should find it.

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In my campaign world, the Paladins were an alliance of WW2 superheroes fighting the AXIS. They consisted of:


Guardsman (English brick)

Howitzer (female English brick)

Kid Dynamo (English energy-blaster)

White Dragon (Danish)

Pax (Greek "Wonder Woman" clone)

Claymore (Scottish)

Aurora (Canada)

Major Flag (USA)

Greenstar (Ireland)

Innominato (Italian master of invisibility)

Gammadian (French descendent of Marie Curie)

Windjammer (Dutch hero with wind powers)

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European Supers


I see that no one has suggested my favorite British archetype, John Bull. I see him as super-strong (though not horrendously so) but virtually invulnerable. A symbol of all that's imperturbable about the British spirit. The sort of fellow that bails out of an aircraft without a chute and then picks himself up out of the crater, dusts himself off, and gets to it.


Some other very good names have already been suggested.

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Re: European Supers


Originally posted by Captain Liberty

The sort of fellow that bails out of an aircraft without a chute and then picks himself up out of the crater, dusts himself off, and gets to it.




That's one of Assault's favourite hobbies.


It collects the best looks from other players (& GMs) who don't know what to expect from him. That's why I keep playing him in different campaigns.


Of course, he _has_ become a bit more subtle over time. The "Mutant Question" has had a bit of a politicising effect on him, pushing to the Left in opposition to the far Right flavour of mutie-baiters.


He uses his brain more often, but he's still as subtle as a train crash.


To get back to` the Golden Age: In my CU, Australia had few if any true supers during WWII. Instead it relied on "X" Special Unit - an "agent" group built as much as possible from pulp adventurer types. (Most of the comics published in Real World Australia in this period tended to feature non-costumed adventurers rather than superheroes. There were, however, a few.)


A disproportionate amount of the 21st Century Australian supers in my game have some connection or other to former members of "X", for reasons that should be obvious. Even Assault does, in one of his several different origin stories. :(


"X" is a tribute to the Real World "Z" and "M" Special Units. "Z" was an ultra-secret raiding group, while "M" was the Army component of the Coastwatcher network.


I suppose that it's possible that someone could be delegated to serve with Allied forces outside the Pacific theatre, particularly if they were stationed there before Japan entered the war. They would probably be non-powered, probably wouldn't wear a costume, and certainly wouldn't mention "X", even if they were aware it existed.


So, yeah, use an Australian super if you see fit... If they were in a costumed group they might even adopt one. The result could be any travesty you care to think of. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Canadian Shield- personal forcefield or nigh-invulnerable hero from the North

Nissei- A japanese-american who managed to stay out of the internment camps due to his use as a civilian contractor in the field of chemical engineering. An experiment in the lab results in flight and solar based powers. I know Rising Sun would also make sense but his name reflects the fact that while he defends his home country he would be interned if he weren't valuable to the government.

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Lion and Unicorn? Two soldiers, one English and one Scottish, mystically empowered as champions of their respective countries. Lion is strong and fast, Unicorn is agile and skilful.


Of course, there is nothing to stop the heroes having just about any name or powers. I've always thought it was a little cliched that every African character (for example) would have the powers of an African animal or be a witch-doctor.


For example, while Uncle Sam is clearly a patriotic character, there's also Shining Knight, the Phantom Lady, Dollman, the Human Bomb, etc.


I think it might be better to go that way, especially for countries like Canada where the wolverine has already been taken! I'm ropey on the history, but I don't think even the maple leaf was Canada's emblem at the time of WWII.


In "Zenith", the first superhero was a British soldier who is transformed into Maximan. Basically very strong and tough, but strictly minor-league by modern superhero standards. Roughly comparable to the original Hourman, at a guess.

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One character I made for the Centurians that I am extremly proud of was Crownguard:


Crownguard is the last name and Heroic Name of a Public Hero from England.


Essentialy the original Crownguard, had a magic spell cast on him that as long as "The thrown of england thrives You will have great Strength" (Not exactly how I wrote it, but to lazy to look up the story right now)


So his powers are tied to the thrown of england, will get into that in a minute. The powers go to his Heir upon death (Eldest son), actualy they can retire as well.


Okay so here is how the powers work, for the most part he is a simple brick, but while in England controled land his defenses gain Hardening, his Str gains Red End, and IIRC I gave him some Regen while in england

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The American Dream

She’s a 23 year old, sweet as honey, Georgia peach that can get any mechanical device to dance to her tune! She has a flying armored car that transforms into a powerful battle suit with grenade launchers, flamethrowers, and machineguns. In or out of her armor, she’s a favorite pin-up!



The Cossack hails from the fertile plains on the west bank of the Volga. Not much is known about his origins, other then he first appeared when the Germans marched through his homeland on their way to Stalingrad. He wears traditional Cossack clothing and fights only with a saber. He can run like the wind and when he whirls with his saber men fall before him like wheat before the scythe.



Hiver (French for ‘Winter’) hails from Quebec and is the Canadian contribution to the team. His mastery of the wind and his ability to freeze anything he touches is rumored to have been taught to him by the Inuit, while others believe he is the living incarnation of the Wendigo.


The ‘49er

This gold-toothed mountain man from the Sierra Nevadas is as tough as nails and stronger then can be believed. He also has an uncanny control over rock, making it change shape or move as he wishes.



Couverture hails from the French Resistance. She has complete control over her body. She can change her shape as easy as one changes hats. She used her powers to great effect while with the Resistance, but now the Free French government has asked her to represent her people with the other Allied heros! She is also a master of demolitions and an expert shot.



Originally a member of the British 6th Airborne, Spitfire discovered his power of flight on a training jump when his parachute malfunctioned and failed to open. He stopped falling a few feet from the ground to the amazement of his comrades. Taken in by the British government he began to test his newfound powers. He discovered that he has incredible telekinetic abilities. He can fly faster than the ME-109 and turn on a dime, he can fire force bolts from his hands, he can protect himself and others with force-fields, and he can tear the wings off German bombers with just a thought!

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