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Omlevex Universe


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We've posted a full color map of Metazon on the Universe section of the official Omlevex website.


Metazon is a cluster of islands 465 miles off of America's east coast. This was where a large asteroid slammed into the earth millions of years ago, spreading around a green crystaline mineral called Omlevex. This substance is capable of turning normal humans into superhumans. Needless to say, Metazon is where most of the action in the Omlevex Universe takes place.

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I had pictured the Islands in the Pacific for some reason, though I suppose Ueeba should have posited it in the Caribean or Atlantic. Do you have a shipping date? I'd like to have my comic store order and pull it for me.



PS ignore this as your schedule dictates but in a previous post you reccomended some of Jim Starlin's 70s, "Cosmic" work. I went to my local store to look for some but the clerks are younger than me and had no idea what I was talking about. Any suggestions on a title to start with? I s Dreadstar in this cannon?

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Originally posted by Redmenace

I had pictured the Islands in the Pacific for some reason, though I suppose Ueeba should have posited it in the Caribean or Atlantic.


Actually, Ueeba originates from the netherworld, but you'll learn more about all that soon enough. :)


Do you have a shipping date? I'd like to have my comic store order and pull it for me.


I don't have that info just yet. I'll post it to this thread the very minute I get word from Zev, my publisher.


PS ignore this as your schedule dictates but in a previous post you reccomended some of Jim Starlin's 70s, "Cosmic" work. I went to my local store to look for some but the clerks are younger than me and had no idea what I was talking about. Any suggestions on a title to start with?


You can't go wrong with checking out issues of Warlock (aka Strange Tales featuring Warlock) and Captain Marvel (not the Fawcett/DC version). These represent the classic Starlin sci-fi style better than anything else, in my opinion. Just be prepared for some thought provoking, heady reading. :)


I s Dreadstar in this cannon?


Dreadstar was a really good comic, judging by the little bit of it I read, but it was a very different style of sci-fi than the stuff he did a bit earlier in his career. Very entertaining nonetheless. Somehow, it always reminded me of a hybrid between Star Wars and Masters of the Universe.

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Originally posted by CynthiaCM

You can't go wrong with checking out issues of Warlock (aka Strange Tales featuring Warlock) and Captain Marvel (not the Fawcett/DC version). These represent the classic Starlin sci-fi style better than anything else, in my opinion. Just be prepared for some thought provoking, heady reading. :)

And I might add that Starlin is still working now. You might consider the graphic novel compilations of "Thanos: Infinity Abyss" and "Thanos: The End". I bought that last one about two weeks ago and read it straight through. Currently Starlin is on the THANOS limited series which is on issue 4 of 6. I think (but am not sure) that someone else is working the Captain Marvel series right now. Too bad... Starlin is THE MAN for CM.
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Do you have a shipping date? I'd like to have my comic store order and pull it for me.


If your comic store doesn't do a lot of roleplaying, and relies on Diamond/Previews for thier orders, you need to get in and tell them now. Omlevex was solicited in the Dec previews, and the "normal" order closing for that was last week (I do the comic ordering for the FLG/CS I'm at, and I ordered 4 of 'em).


Diamond doesn't do a whole lot on holding on to RPGs, just initial orders (real RPG distributors keep backstock), so if it isn't ordered pretty much by the cut off date, they generally cannot fill the order (I've had that happen). If they do have another RPG distributor (Alliance and Diamond are owned by the same company so that is likely), then no worries.


Oh and Cynthia, 4 is huge for us, we are a small little hole in the wall shop, that other than D&D doesn't have a whole lot for RPGs... because I am a HEROite we carry that stuff, and as it is a comic shop, I push Superhero roleplaying; I've been pimping Omleves and got 3 preorders for it (besides my copy). Three to HERO people and one for an SAS player. :D

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Originally posted by Lord Mhoram

If your comic store doesn't do a lot of roleplaying, and relies on Diamond/Previews for thier orders, you need to get in and tell them now. Omlevex was solicited in the Dec previews, and the "normal" order closing for that was last week (I do the comic ordering for the FLG/CS I'm at, and I ordered 4 of 'em).


Diamond doesn't do a whole lot on holding on to RPGs, just initial orders (real RPG distributors keep backstock), so if it isn't ordered pretty much by the cut off date, they generally cannot fill the order (I've had that happen). If they do have another RPG distributor (Alliance and Diamond are owned by the same company so that is likely), then no worries.[/Quote]


I emailed my publisher to make him aware of the situation. Here's what he said:


"Yes, Diamond ordered their Omlevex yesterday and chances are they will not reorder. But Alliance does carry me. If a store does NOT go through other game distributors, only Diamond, and they want this product, they can email me and buy it direct. Or I'll point them to some other distribs to try out."


Oh and Cynthia, 4 is huge for us, we are a small little hole in the wall shop, that other than D&D doesn't have a whole lot for RPGs... because I am a HEROite we carry that stuff, and as it is a comic shop, I push Superhero roleplaying; I've been pimping Omleves and got 3 preorders for it (besides my copy). Three to HERO people and one for an SAS player. :D


Thank you very, very much for pimping Omlevex. You'd be surprised at how much that helps. When you're a relatively small company that can't afford a lot of expensive advertising, folks like you are a godsend. Again, thank you. :)

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Originally posted by Ben Seeman

Shameless plug...


I did the conversions to the Hero System for this book, and I just want to say that this book is waaaaaaaaaaaaay cool. The characters are awesome, ranging from serious hardcore baddies to funny, outrageous heroes and villains. I can't wait to see it in print!


Yep, Ben here did a fantastic job with the conversions. Very accurate portrayals of the characters. I was most pleased.


And, Ben, I'm stupendously glad you liked the book. I'm hoping everyone else will feel the same. :)

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Originally posted by CynthiaCM

Thank you very, very much for pimping Omlevex. You'd be surprised at how much that helps. When you're a relatively small company that can't afford a lot of expensive advertising, folks like you are a godsend. Again, thank you. :)




No problem. I try and find things that my customers would like, and most of us doing superhero RPing are in the 30's and have fond memories of the sivler age, so it didn't really take a whole lot of work. :D


The fact you went from Superlink to Multistatted was a great help, for use. We have a strong HERO customer base (well two groups) and an SAS group that looks for supplements, but no M&M people. So when things like Omlevex, Dragon's gate or other multistatted books come out I can try and spread the joy further. :-)

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Originally posted by Lord Mhoram


No problem. I try and find things that my customers would like, and most of us doing superhero RPing are in the 30's and have fond memories of the sivler age, so it didn't really take a whole lot of work. :D


Glad to hear it. In the beginning, we were a bit worried that there might not be much of a demand or audience for a book dealing with Silver Age roleplaying, but I have to say, I've been pleased with the feedback we've gotten.


The fact you went from Superlink to Multistatted was a great help, for use. We have a strong HERO customer base (well two groups) and an SAS group that looks for supplements, but no M&M people. So when things like Omlevex, Dragon's gate or other multistatted books come out I can try and spread the joy further. :-)


I definitely think that it'll help us sales-wise. Plus, as a long-time Hero player/GM, having it opened up pleases me on a personal level. Thanks again for spreading the word.

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Omlevex Update


I was just informed that there's to be a slight delay for Omlevex. Our layout guru, Jeff Stephens, is hard at work on the book as we speak, but we're making certain that this product looks as good as any on the market. We could probably get truly close to the release date, though I would rather end up with a visually stunning late book than a less-than-stellar book that was rushed.


We sincerely apologize for this delay, but we feel Omlevex will be worth the wait. In any case, it should be available in stores on or before the 2nd week of February.


Thanks for your patience.

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I just looked at the initial layout for Omlevex and it's a beautiful book indeed. Jeffrey Stephens has done a magnificent job and I think everyone will be bowled over when they lay eyes on it. The book's appearance captures the essence and spirit of the Silver Age comics... down to the last, most minute detail. For example, the page numbering is done the way Marvel did theirs during the 1960s -- inside a little circle in the bottom corner of each page.


Furthermore, we were faced with a problem. You see, we simply had too much text to cram into a 128-page volume. Our choices were:


a) cut out a bunch of text.

B) increase the page count.


Z-Man Games president Zev Shlasinger graciously opted to bump the book's page count up to 144 so our customers will get the unabridged Omlevex experience. Best of all, you'll get these 16 extra pages for absolutely no additional cost! The price remains $22.95.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Redmenace

Better and better. That is a lot of book for $22.95.


I really appreciate how you've kept the peaks at the Omlevex universe coming. It's kept my interest piqued.


I'm pleased that you feel Omlevex is gonna be a good value.


The book is scheduled to hit the binders on March 1st. We had a slight delay at the printing level when the proofs came back and we noticed that the Drake Einstein logo and American Gargoyle logo were both very blurry. We fixed it, but it cost us a bit of time.


Still, I'd rather have a delayed but well done product than a timely but sloppy product.

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