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[Help Needed] Suggest new members for this villain team: The Free Radicals


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This group of young metahumans (some think of them as heroes, some as criminals) is based around the concept of militant Social Justice. They have politically and social agendas that some (many) would consider radical and rebellious but are generally well intentioned from their perspective and actually have a good deal of popularity among with other passionate devotees of social causes, mostly like them: Young passionate and idealistic but not tempered by wisdom and experience. They've saved people and found injustice as much as the flouted the law, destroyed property and harassed the forces they consider part of society's problems: corporations, the wealthy, corrupt politicians and other figures that the found counter to their agenda or more accurately their agendas. It's amazing they get along as well as they do).


But to get to the point, I need one more member for this team and I'd run dry on idea. The members are all based around certain aspect of "counter culture" taken to extremes. While not outright villains they're militant and willing to enforce their idealism through destructive means but restrict violent to "authority" figures and the corrupt though that label might not fit the general public's conception.


The current members are:


American Punk: The bastard son of the ultra patriotic hero American Citizen, he's inherited his father formidable physical abilities, charisma and tactical mind. He's also developed a loathing for him and the system he stands for, seeing the US as a corrupt, hypocritical corporate run by the wealthy and an entrenched police state that enforces their will and a social system that keeps the population so dumbed down they don't realize how oppressed and screwed they are. Bitter and angry, he is surprisingly well spoken and a natural leader and what holds such tempestuous personalities together.


Brother Power: He's probably the most level headed and thoughtful member of the team, a young black man with a fine mind and insightful mind. He is driven to right the wrong he sees in US society, especially racial inequality, inequality he blames on Caucasians to the point of being just as prejudiced as he sees them. Its a terrible blind spot created by a lifetime's worth of hardship and detriment, his own and the people around him. When he discovered his mutant powers, Brother Power saw it as not only an opportunity but practically a divine mandate to even the scales as he saw them.



Gorgon: A young woman of fiery temperament and deadly skill, Gorgon takes her name from the legendary Medusa, a woman wrongly punished and persecuted by men. She is a from an isolated society composed solely of women based on the most militant and radical ideas of feminism, enhanced though eugenics and bio engineering then trained in military and covert operations for most of her life. She, among others, has been sent into the "Patriarchy" to gather intelligent and weaken its hold as well as spread the message to those who would listen. She takes her mission very seriously but being outside her home culture has changed her. She is beginning to question some of the things she'd assumed to be holy truths even see some men as salvageable, even allies of a sort though, as a whole she views them through misanydronistic lens of her upbringing.


Captain Trips: The newest member of the group he's also the less militant. Coming from effectively a hippie upbringing torn right out of the 60s, Trips as like to be called isn't really into violent reformation. He prefers to present examples of the joys of living in harmony with others of the value of "expanded consciousness", free love, environmental awareness and other philosophies of the "love children". No is quite sure of where he comes from, but from his comments it seems like some highly isolated commune, perhaps even another world as he's referred to historical events that never happened. Or these might be a product of his usually somewhat altered state. Ironically, Trips is probably the most powerful member of the group so far. His powers to create and exude chemical agents with wide ranging and long lasting and seemingly endlessly varied effects are incredibly useful and dangerous though he's never applied them in directly destructive fashion.


Does anyone have ideas for a fifth or even a sixth member? I was thinking it should be a female but aside from that nothing coming to me.



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Vagabond. She's a stateless person, her family having fled racial persecution and genocidal attacks in their homeland in Africa. With them, and hundreds of thousands of others, she has spent most of her life living in giant shanty camps, constantly fearing attack from guerrillas and government forces. Fighting with neighbours for food scraps, spending nights listening to the sounds of violence and terror. Her family tried to migrate to a safe, first world nation, but were never lucky enough to make the quota. Eventually they got so desperate that they tried to slip into the US on an illegal ship. Within sight of the US coast a violent storm struck and the ship sank. In the terror and stress of the ship sinking her mutant powers were triggered. She awoke on the shore several hours alter, the soul survivor of the wreck. It was only later that she discovered she had teleported to shore as the ship sank. Alone she had to make her way in a foreign land. She was able to use her powers to get by and eventually heard about the Free Radicals and approached American Punk.


Her interests lie in the Third World's (she refuses to use the phrase"Developing World", it's not developing she says) enslavement to the economies of the First World. Forget the Debt! is her catch cry. Her preferred MO is to steal from the rich, the very very rich. After all they've done the most stealing themselves.

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No is quite sure of where he comes from, but from his comments it seems like some highly isolated commune, perhaps even another world as he's referred to historical events that never happened.


Portland. :)




Really, you could add pretty much any hard-line left wing character and they would fit fine. You've already got your "Rage Against the Machine" listener, angry black guy, and man-hating les, err, feminist. How about a militant atheist who thinks that religion is the source of all conflict in the world? Or a hacker who believes that all information should be free to everyone?

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I would go with a technical genius/hacker type; a super-powered or super-competent version of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden. That would round out your team both ideologically and ability-wise.
I like this. Maybe this hacker is code-named Kolobok (a Russian analog of the Gingerbread Man), and has an interest in unrestricted exchange of data and goods. In the latter case, this may involve medicinal drug treatments that are legal in the country she obtains them from, but not approved (yet?) in the country she sends/brings them to.
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Also consider Ghost Dancer, who works to return land to Native Americans, enforcing violated treaties. She is well equipped to defend herself and others, with her coup stick, medicine bag, Ghost Shirt and other arcane gear.


I see what you mean by "Ghost Shirt". It hardly looks like she's wearing a top at all...



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